Raw File
  Belgian school childrens' math efficacy and measured ability in the PISA study.
  Data from the OECD's 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Belgium. 

 Also included are 80 so-called "replicate weights" calculated by Westat which must be accounted for using complex survey procedures.
  A data frame with 8796 observations of 102 variables.
    \item{\code{PV1MATH1}}{"Plausible values" for child's overall math ability (imputation 1).}
    \item{\code{PV1MATH2}}{"Plausible values" for child's overall math ability (imputation 2).}
    \item{\code{PV1MATH3}}{"Plausible values" for child's overall math ability (imputation 3).}
    \item{\code{PV1MATH4}}{"Plausible values" for child's overall math ability (imputation 4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q01}}{Feel confident doing task: "timetable" 1 (very) - 4 (not at all).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q02}}{Feel confident doing task: "discount" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q03}}{Feel confident doing task: "area" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q04}}{Feel confident doing task: "graphs" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q05}}{Feel confident doing task: "linear" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q06}}{Feel confident doing task: "distance" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q07}}{Feel confident doing task: "quadratics" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST31Q08}}{Feel confident doing task: "rate" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST32Q02}}{"I am just not good at Mathematics" 1 (strongly agree) - 4 (strongly disagree).}
    \item{\code{ST32Q04}}{"I get good marks in Mathematics" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST32Q06}}{"I learn Mathematics quickly" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST32Q07}}{"I have always believed that Mathematics is one of my best subjects" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ST32Q09}}{"In my Mathematics class, I understand even the most difficult work" (1-4).}
    \item{\code{ESCS}}{Index of Socio-Economic and Cultural Status.}
    \item{\code{male}}{Gender (1=Female, 2=male).}
    \item{\code{school.type}}{Difficulty level of secondary studies (1-3).}
    \item{\code{W_FSTUWT}}{Overall survey weight for students.}
    \item{\code{W_FSTR1}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR2}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR3}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR4}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR5}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR6}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR7}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR8}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR9}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR10}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR11}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR12}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR13}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR14}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR15}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR16}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR17}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR18}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR19}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR20}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR21}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR22}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR23}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR24}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR25}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR26}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR27}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR28}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR29}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR30}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR31}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR32}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR33}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR34}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR35}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR36}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR37}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR38}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR39}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR40}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR41}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR42}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR43}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR44}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR45}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR46}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR47}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR48}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR49}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR50}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR51}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR52}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR53}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR54}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR55}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR56}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR57}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR58}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR59}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR60}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR61}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR62}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR63}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR64}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR65}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR66}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR67}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR68}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR69}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR70}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR71}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR72}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR73}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR74}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR75}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR76}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR77}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR78}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR79}}{BRR replicate.}
\item{\code{W_FSTR80}}{BRR replicate.}
    \item{\code{WVARSTRR}}{Randomized final variance stratum (1-80).}
\source{This dataset was retrieved from \url{http://www.oecd.org/pisa/} and converted to an R dataset.

For more information regarding the variables and the model estimated below, please see Ferla et al. (2009) and/or the PISA manual (OECD, 2009). 
Ferla J, Valcke M, Cai Y (2009). "Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Self-
  Concept: Reconsidering Structural Relationships." Learning and Individual 
  Differences, 19(4), 499-505.

Oberski, D.L. (2014). lavaan.survey: An R Package for Complex Survey Analysis
  of Structural Equation Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 57(1), 1-27.

OECD (2009). PISA Data Analysis Manual: SPSS and SAS. 2nd edition. OECD.

  # Simplified version of Ferla et al. (2009) model.
  model.pisa <- "
      math =~ PV1MATH1 + PV1MATH2 + PV1MATH3 + PV1MATH4
      neg.efficacy =~ ST31Q01 + ST31Q02 + ST31Q03 + ST31Q04 + 
                      ST31Q05 + ST31Q06 + ST31Q07 + ST31Q08
      neg.selfconcept =~ ST32Q02 + ST32Q04 + ST32Q06 + ST32Q07 + ST32Q09
      neg.selfconcept ~ neg.efficacy + ESCS + male
      neg.efficacy ~ neg.selfconcept + school.type + ESCS + male
      math ~ neg.selfconcept + neg.efficacy + school.type + ESCS + male
  # Fit the model using lavaan
  fit <- lavaan(model.pisa, data = pisa.be.2003, auto.var = TRUE, std.lv = TRUE,
    meanstructure = TRUE, int.ov.free = TRUE, estimator = "MLM")
  ## Not run due to CRAN policies, 
  ##    uncomment below to account for replicate weights:
  ## Define the survey design using the BRR replicate weights provided by PISA
  ##   Note that these settings will work for _any_ analysis of PISA data...
  #des.rep <- svrepdesign(ids = ~1, weights = ~W_FSTUWT, data = pisa.be.2003, 
  #  repweights = "W_FSTR[0-9]+", type = "Fay", rho = 0.5)
  ## Fit the SEM model accounting for replicate weights
  #fit.surv <- lavaan.survey(lavaan.fit = fit, survey.design =  des.rep)
  #fit # Show fitmeasures results
  #fit.surv # Show fitmeasures results
  Daniel Oberski - \url{http://daob.nl/} - \email{daniel.oberski@gmail.com}
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