Raw File
# Copyright 2016 James Hensman, Valentine Svensson, alexggmatthews
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from functools import reduce
import warnings

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from gpflow import transforms

from gpflow.params import Parameter, Parameterized
from gpflow.decors import params_as_tensors, autoflow, templateflow
from gpflow.quadrature import mvnquad

from gpflow import settings

class Kern(Parameterized):
    The basic kernel class. Handles input_dim and active dims, and provides a
    generic '_slice' function to implement them.

    def __init__(self, input_dim, active_dims=None, name=None):
        input dim is an integer
        active dims is either an iterable of integers or None.

        Input dim is the number of input dimensions to the kernel. If the
        kernel is computed on a matrix X which has more columns than input_dim,
        then by default, only the first input_dim columns are used. If
        different columns are required, then they may be specified by

        If active dims is None, it effectively defaults to range(input_dim),
        but we store it as a slice for efficiency.
        super(Kern, self).__init__(name=name)
        self.input_dim = int(input_dim)
        if active_dims is None:
            self.active_dims = slice(input_dim)
        elif isinstance(active_dims, slice):
            self.active_dims = active_dims
            if active_dims.start is not None and active_dims.stop is not None and active_dims.step is not None:
                assert len(range(*active_dims)) == input_dim  # pragma: no cover
            self.active_dims = np.array(active_dims, dtype=np.int32)
            assert len(active_dims) == input_dim

        self.num_gauss_hermite_points = 20

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
              (settings.tf_float, [None, None]))
    def compute_K(self, X, Z):
        return self.K(X, Z)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]))
    def compute_K_symm(self, X):
        return self.K(X)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]))
    def compute_Kdiag(self, X):
        return self.Kdiag(X)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
    def compute_eKdiag(self, X, Xcov=None):
        return self.eKdiag(X, Xcov)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
              (settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
    def compute_eKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        return self.eKxz(Z, Xmu, Xcov)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
              (settings.tf_float, [None, None]),
              (settings.tf_float, [None, None, None, None]))
    def compute_exKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        return self.exKxz(Z, Xmu, Xcov)

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]), (settings.tf_float, [None, None]), (settings.tf_float,))
    def compute_eKzxKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        return self.eKzxKxz(Z, Xmu, Xcov)

    def eKdiag(self, Xmu, Xcov):
        Computes <K_xx>_q(x).
        :param Xmu: Mean (NxD)
        :param Xcov: Covariance (NxDxD or NxD)
        :return: (N)
        Xmu, _ = self._slice(Xmu, None)
        Xcov = self._slice_cov(Xcov)
        return mvnquad(lambda x: self.Kdiag(x, presliced=True),
                       Xmu, Xcov,
                       self.num_gauss_hermite_points, self.input_dim)  # N

    def eKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        Computes <K_xz>_q(x) using quadrature.
        :param Z: Fixed inputs (MxD).
        :param Xmu: X means (NxD).
        :param Xcov: X covariances (NxDxD or NxD).
        :return: (NxM)
        Xmu, Z = self._slice(Xmu, Z)
        Xcov = self._slice_cov(Xcov)
        M = tf.shape(Z)[0]
        return mvnquad(lambda x: self.K(x, Z, presliced=True), Xmu, Xcov, self.num_gauss_hermite_points,
                       self.input_dim, Dout=(M,))  # (H**DxNxD, H**D)

    def exKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        Computes <x_{t-1} K_{x_t z}>_q(x) for each pair of consecutive X's in
        Xmu & Xcov.
        :param Z: Fixed inputs (MxD).
        :param Xmu: X means (T+1xD).
        :param Xcov: 2xT+1xDxD. [0, t, :, :] contains covariances for x_t. [1, t, :, :] contains the cross covariances
        for t and t+1.
        :return: (TxMxD).
        # Slicing is NOT needed here. The desired behaviour is to *still* return an NxMxD matrix. As even when the
        # kernel does not depend on certain inputs, the output matrix will still contain the outer product between the
        # mean of x_{t-1} and K_{x_t Z}. The code here will do this correctly automatically, since the quadrature will
        # still be done over the distribution x_{t-1, t}, only now the kernel will not depend on certain inputs.
        # However, this does mean that at the time of running this function we need to know the input *size* of Xmu, not
        # just `input_dim`.
        M = tf.shape(Z)[0]
        D = self.input_size if hasattr(self, 'input_size') else self.input_dim  # Number of actual input dimensions

        with tf.control_dependencies([
            tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(Xmu)[1], tf.constant(D, dtype=settings.tf_int),
                            message="Numerical quadrature needs to know correct shape of Xmu.")
            Xmu = tf.identity(Xmu)

        # First, transform the compact representation of Xmu and Xcov into a
        # list of full distributions.
        fXmu = tf.concat((Xmu[:-1, :], Xmu[1:, :]), 1)  # Nx2D
        fXcovt = tf.concat((Xcov[0, :-1, :, :], Xcov[1, :-1, :, :]), 2)  # NxDx2D
        fXcovb = tf.concat((tf.transpose(Xcov[1, :-1, :, :], (0, 2, 1)), Xcov[0, 1:, :, :]), 2)
        fXcov = tf.concat((fXcovt, fXcovb), 1)
        return mvnquad(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(self.K(x[:, :D], Z), 2) *
                                 tf.expand_dims(x[:, D:], 1),
                       fXmu, fXcov, self.num_gauss_hermite_points,
                       2 * D, Dout=(M, D))

    def eKzxKxz(self, Z, Xmu, Xcov):
        Computes <K_zx Kxz>_q(x).
        :param Z: Fixed inputs MxD.
        :param Xmu: X means (NxD).
        :param Xcov: X covariances (NxDxD or NxD).
        :return: NxMxM
        Xmu, Z = self._slice(Xmu, Z)
        Xcov = self._slice_cov(Xcov)
        M = tf.shape(Z)[0]

        def KzxKxz(x):
            Kxz = self.K(x, Z, presliced=True)
            return tf.expand_dims(Kxz, 2) * tf.expand_dims(Kxz, 1)

        return mvnquad(KzxKxz,
                       Xmu, Xcov, self.num_gauss_hermite_points,
                       self.input_dim, Dout=(M, M))

    def _check_quadrature(self):
        if settings.numerics.ekern_quadrature == "warn":
            warnings.warn("Using numerical quadrature for kernel expectation of %s. Use gpflow.ekernels instead." %
        if settings.numerics.ekern_quadrature == "error" or self.num_gauss_hermite_points == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Settings indicate that quadrature may not be used.")

    def _slice(self, X, X2):
        Slice the correct dimensions for use in the kernel, as indicated by
        :param X: Input 1 (NxD).
        :param X2: Input 2 (MxD), may be None.
        :return: Sliced X, X2, (Nxself.input_dim).
        if isinstance(self.active_dims, slice):
            X = X[:, self.active_dims]
            if X2 is not None:
                X2 = X2[:, self.active_dims]
            X = tf.transpose(tf.gather(tf.transpose(X), self.active_dims))
            if X2 is not None:
                X2 = tf.transpose(tf.gather(tf.transpose(X2), self.active_dims))
        with tf.control_dependencies([
                                            tf.constant(self.input_dim, dtype=settings.tf_int))]):
            X = tf.identity(X)

        return X, X2

    def _slice_cov(self, cov):
        Slice the correct dimensions for use in the kernel, as indicated by
        `self.active_dims` for covariance matrices. This requires slicing the
        rows *and* columns. This will also turn flattened diagonal
        matrices into a tensor of full diagonal matrices.
        :param cov: Tensor of covariance matrices (NxDxD or NxD).
        :return: N x self.input_dim x self.input_dim.
        cov = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.rank(cov), 2), lambda: tf.matrix_diag(cov), lambda: cov)

        if isinstance(self.active_dims, slice):
            cov = cov[..., self.active_dims, self.active_dims]
            cov_shape = tf.shape(cov)
            covr = tf.reshape(cov, [-1, cov_shape[-1], cov_shape[-1]])
            gather1 = tf.gather(tf.transpose(covr, [2, 1, 0]), self.active_dims)
            gather2 = tf.gather(tf.transpose(gather1, [1, 0, 2]), self.active_dims)
            cov = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(gather2, [2, 0, 1]),
                             tf.concat([cov_shape[:-2], [len(self.active_dims), len(self.active_dims)]], 0))
        return cov

    def _feature_map(self, X):
        Takes in tensors X and returns the feature map that is equivalent
        to the kernel. Some kernels do not have a finite representation. However, for stationary
        kernels we can approximate these using random features. Therefore this function takes in
        a number of features argument that approximates these kernels with that number of features.

        The key reference for stationary kernels is therefore:
        Rahimi, A. and Recht, B., 2008.
        Random features for large-scale kernel machines.
        In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 1177-1184).
        raise NotImplementedError

    @autoflow((settings.tf_float, [None, None]))
    def feature_map(self, X):
        return self._feature_map(X)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Add([self, other])

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return Prod([self, other])

class Static(Kern):
    Kernels who don't depend on the value of the inputs are 'Static'.  The only
    parameter is a variance.

    def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1.0, active_dims=None, name=None):
        super(Static, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name=name)
        self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)

    def Kdiag(self, X):
        return tf.fill(tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0]]), tf.squeeze(self.variance))

class White(Static):
    The White kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if X2 is None:
            d = tf.fill(tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0]]), tf.squeeze(self.variance))
            return tf.matrix_diag(d)
            shape = tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0], tf.shape(X2)[0]])
            return tf.zeros(shape, settings.tf_float)

class Constant(Static):
    The Constant (aka Bias) kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if X2 is None:
            shape = tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0], tf.shape(X)[0]])
            shape = tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0], tf.shape(X2)[0]])
        return tf.fill(shape, tf.squeeze(self.variance))

    def _feature_map(self, X):
        feats = tf.ones((tf.shape(X)[0], 1), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                * tf.sqrt(tf.squeeze(self.variance))
        return feats

class Bias(Constant):
    Another name for the Constant kernel, included for convenience.

class Stationary(Kern):
    Base class for kernels that are stationary, that is, they only depend on

        r = || x - x' ||

    This class handles 'ARD' behaviour, which stands for 'Automatic Relevance
    Determination'. This means that the kernel has one lengthscale per
    dimension, otherwise the kernel is isotropic (has a single lengthscale).

    def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1.0, lengthscales=None,
                 active_dims=None, ARD=False, name=None, num_features_to_approx=1000,
        - input_dim is the dimension of the input to the kernel
        - variance is the (initial) value for the variance parameter
        - lengthscales is the initial value for the lengthscales parameter
          defaults to 1.0 (ARD=False) or np.ones(input_dim) (ARD=True).
        - active_dims is a list of length input_dim which controls which
          columns of X are used.
        - ARD specifies whether the kernel has one lengthscale per dimension
          (ARD=True) or a single lengthscale (ARD=False).
        - num_features_to_approx is the number of features to use as an approximation in the random
        features approximation.
        - random seed is an int to set TF Random variables.
        super(Stationary, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name=name)
        self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)
        if ARD:
            if lengthscales is None:
                lengthscales = np.ones(input_dim, settings.np_float)
                # accepts float or array:
                lengthscales = lengthscales * np.ones(input_dim, settings.np_float)
            self.lengthscales = Parameter(lengthscales, transform=transforms.positive)
            self.ARD = True
            if lengthscales is None:
                lengthscales = 1.0
            self.lengthscales = Parameter(lengthscales, transform=transforms.positive)
            self.ARD = False
        self._num_features_to_approx = num_features_to_approx
        self._random_seed = random_seed

    def square_dist(self, X, X2):
        X = X / self.lengthscales
        Xs = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(X), axis=1)

        if X2 is None:
            dist = -2 * tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_b=True)
            dist += tf.reshape(Xs, (-1, 1))  + tf.reshape(Xs, (1, -1))
            return dist

        X2 = X2 / self.lengthscales
        X2s = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(X2), axis=1)
        dist = -2 * tf.matmul(X, X2, transpose_b=True)
        dist += tf.reshape(Xs, (-1, 1)) + tf.reshape(X2s, (1, -1))
        return dist

    def euclid_dist(self, X, X2):
        r2 = self.square_dist(X, X2)
        return tf.sqrt(r2 + 1e-12)

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        return tf.fill(tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0]]), tf.squeeze(self.variance))

    def _feature_map(self, X):
        # we transform the random seed for the spectral density samples as we find that
        # this gives us better performance! I assume this is down to getting some correlated
        # examples between the omega random samples and the b's.
        omegas, alphas = self._sample_from_spectral_density(random_seed=self._random_seed + 12)

        bs = tf.get_variable("bs",
                settings.np_float(0.), settings.np_float(2 * np.pi), seed=self._random_seed + 45,
        ), dtype=settings.tf_float, shape=(1, self._num_features_to_approx), trainable=False)

        X_sliced, _ = self._slice(X, None)
        projected_feats = tf.matmul(X_sliced, omegas, transpose_b=True) + bs
        feats = tf.sqrt(2. * alphas / self._num_features_to_approx) * tf.cos(projected_feats)
        return feats

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        raise NotImplementedError

class RBF(Stationary):
    The radial basis function (RBF) or squared exponential kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-0.5 * self.square_dist(X, X2))

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        # RBF kernel also has a Gaussian form in the spectral domain.
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
        init = lambda shape, dtype, partition_info: rng.randn(*shape).astype(settings.np_float)
        samples = tf.get_variable("random_normal_samples_for_omegas",
                                  shape=(self._num_features_to_approx, self.input_dim),
                                  dtype=settings.tf_float, initializer=init, trainable=False)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                                   + self.lengthscales
        omegas = samples / broadcasted_lengthscales
        alpha = self.variance
        return omegas, alpha

class Linear(Kern):
    The linear kernel

    def __init__(self, input_dim, variance=1.0, active_dims=None, ARD=False, name=None):
        - input_dim is the dimension of the input to the kernel
        - variance is the (initial) value for the variance parameter(s)
          if ARD=True, there is one variance per input
        - active_dims is a list of length input_dim which controls
          which columns of X are used.
        Kern.__init__(self, input_dim, active_dims, name=name)
        self.ARD = ARD
        if ARD:
            # accept float or array:
            variance = np.ones(self.input_dim) * variance
            self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)
            self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        if X2 is None:
            return tf.matmul(X * self.variance, X, transpose_b=True)
            return tf.matmul(X * self.variance, X2, transpose_b=True)

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, _ = self._slice(X, None)
        return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(X) * self.variance, 1)

    def _feature_map(self, X):
        X_sliced, _ = self._slice(X, None)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) + \
        return X_sliced * broadcasted_lengthscales

class Polynomial(Linear):
    The Polynomial kernel. Samples are polynomials of degree `d`.

    def __init__(self, input_dim,
        :param input_dim: the dimension of the input to the kernel
        :param variance: the (initial) value for the variance parameter(s)
                         if ARD=True, there is one variance per input
        :param degree: the degree of the polynomial
        :param active_dims: a list of length input_dim which controls
          which columns of X are used.
        :param ARD: use variance as described
        super(Polynomial, self).__init__(input_dim, variance, active_dims, ARD, name=name)
        self.degree = degree
        self.offset = Parameter(offset, transform=transforms.positive)

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        return (Linear.K(self, X, X2, presliced=presliced) + self.offset) ** self.degree

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        return (Linear.Kdiag(self, X, presliced=presliced) + self.offset) ** self.degree

    def _feature_map(self, X):
        # This has an exact form. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial_kernel
        # Just not been implemented.
        raise NotImplementedError

class Exponential(Stationary):
    The Exponential kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        r = self.euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-0.5 * r)

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        # Exponential kernel is the same as Matern 1/2. Just lengthscale is scaled.
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        def init(shape, dtype, partition_info):
            return rng.standard_t(1, size=shape).astype(settings.np_float)

        samples = tf.get_variable("random_cauchy_samples_for_omegas",
                                  shape=(self._num_features_to_approx, self.input_dim),
                                  dtype=settings.tf_float, initializer=init, trainable=False)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                                   + self.lengthscales
        omegas = samples / (2.*broadcasted_lengthscales)
        alpha = self.variance
        return omegas, alpha

class Matern12(Stationary):
    The Matern 1/2 kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        r = self.euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.variance * tf.exp(-r)

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        def init(shape, dtype, partition_info):
            return rng.standard_t(1, size=shape).astype(settings.np_float)

        samples = tf.get_variable("random_cauchy_samples_for_omegas",
                                  shape=(self._num_features_to_approx, self.input_dim),
                                  dtype=settings.tf_float, initializer=init, trainable=False)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                                   + self.lengthscales
        omegas = samples / broadcasted_lengthscales
        alpha = self.variance
        return omegas, alpha

class Matern32(Stationary):
    The Matern 3/2 kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        r = self.euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.variance * (1. + np.sqrt(3.) * r) * \
               tf.exp(-np.sqrt(3.) * r)

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        def init(shape, dtype, partition_info):
            return rng.standard_t(2, size=shape).astype(settings.np_float)

        samples = tf.get_variable("random_t_samples_for_omegas",
                                  shape=(self._num_features_to_approx, self.input_dim),
                                  dtype=settings.tf_float, initializer=init, trainable=False)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                                   + self.lengthscales
        omegas = samples / broadcasted_lengthscales
        alpha = self.variance
        return omegas, alpha

class Matern52(Stationary):
    The Matern 5/2 kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        r = self.euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.variance * (1.0 + np.sqrt(5.) * r + 5. / 3. * tf.square(r)) \
               * tf.exp(-np.sqrt(5.) * r)

    def _sample_from_spectral_density(self, random_seed):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        def init(shape, dtype, partition_info):
            return rng.standard_t(3, size=shape).astype(settings.np_float)

        samples = tf.get_variable("random_t_samples_for_omegas",
                                  shape=(self._num_features_to_approx, self.input_dim),
                                  dtype=settings.tf_float, initializer=init, trainable=False)
        broadcasted_lengthscales = tf.zeros((1, self.input_dim), dtype=settings.tf_float) \
                                   + self.lengthscales
        omegas = samples / broadcasted_lengthscales
        alpha = self.variance
        return omegas, alpha

class Cosine(Stationary):
    The Cosine kernel

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        r = self.euclid_dist(X, X2)
        return self.variance * tf.cos(r)

class ArcCosine(Kern):
    The Arc-cosine family of kernels which mimics the computation in neural
    networks. The order parameter specifies the assumed activation function.
    The Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) kernel is closely related to the ArcCosine
    kernel of order 0. The key reference is


            title = {Kernel Methods for Deep Learning},
            author = {Youngmin Cho and Lawrence K. Saul},
            booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22},
            year = {2009},
            url = {http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3628-kernel-methods-for-deep-learning.pdf}

    implemented_orders = {0, 1, 2}
    def __init__(self, input_dim,
                 variance=1.0, weight_variances=1., bias_variance=1.,
                 active_dims=None, ARD=False, name=None):
        - input_dim is the dimension of the input to the kernel
        - order specifies the activation function of the neural network
          the function is a rectified monomial of the chosen order.
        - variance is the initial value for the variance parameter
        - weight_variances is the initial value for the weight_variances parameter
          defaults to 1.0 (ARD=False) or np.ones(input_dim) (ARD=True).
        - bias_variance is the initial value for the bias_variance parameter
          defaults to 1.0.
        - active_dims is a list of length input_dim which controls which
          columns of X are used.
        - ARD specifies whether the kernel has one weight_variance per dimension
          (ARD=True) or a single weight_variance (ARD=False).
        super(ArcCosine, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name=name)

        if order not in self.implemented_orders:
            raise ValueError('Requested kernel order is not implemented.')
        self.order = order

        self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)
        self.bias_variance = Parameter(bias_variance, transform=transforms.positive)
        if ARD:
            if weight_variances is None:
                weight_variances = np.ones(input_dim, settings.np_float)
                # accepts float or array:
                weight_variances = weight_variances * np.ones(input_dim, settings.np_float)
            self.weight_variances = Parameter(weight_variances, transform=transforms.positive)
            self.ARD = True
            if weight_variances is None:
                weight_variances = 1.0
            self.weight_variances = Parameter(weight_variances, transform=transforms.positive)
            self.ARD = False

    def _weighted_product(self, X, X2=None):
        if X2 is None:
            return tf.reduce_sum(self.weight_variances * tf.square(X), axis=1) + self.bias_variance
        return tf.matmul((self.weight_variances * X), X2, transpose_b=True) + self.bias_variance

    def _J(self, theta):
        Implements the order dependent family of functions defined in equations
        4 to 7 in the reference paper.
        if self.order == 0:
            return np.pi - theta
        elif self.order == 1:
            return tf.sin(theta) + (np.pi - theta) * tf.cos(theta)
        elif self.order == 2:
            return 3. * tf.sin(theta) * tf.cos(theta) + \
                   (np.pi - theta) * (1. + 2. * tf.cos(theta) ** 2)

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)

        X_denominator = tf.sqrt(self._weighted_product(X))
        if X2 is None:
            X2 = X
            X2_denominator = X_denominator
            X2_denominator = tf.sqrt(self._weighted_product(X2))

        numerator = self._weighted_product(X, X2)
        cos_theta = numerator / X_denominator[:, None] / X2_denominator[None, :]
        jitter = 1e-15
        theta = tf.acos(jitter + (1 - 2 * jitter) * cos_theta)

        return self.variance * (1. / np.pi) * self._J(theta) * \
               X_denominator[:, None] ** self.order * \
               X2_denominator[None, :] ** self.order

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, _ = self._slice(X, None)

        X_product = self._weighted_product(X)
        theta = tf.constant(0., settings.tf_float)
        return self.variance * (1. / np.pi) * self._J(theta) * X_product ** self.order

class PeriodicKernel(Kern):
    The periodic kernel. Defined in  Equation (47) of

    D.J.C.MacKay. Introduction to Gaussian processes. In C.M.Bishop, editor,
    Neural Networks and Machine Learning, pages 133--165. Springer, 1998.

    Derived using an RBF kernel once mapped the original inputs through
    the mapping u=(cos(x), sin(x)).

    The resulting kernel can be expressed as:
    k_per(x, x') = variance * exp( -0.5 Sum_i sin^2((x_i-x'_i) * pi /period)/ell^2)
    (note that usually we have a factor of 4 instead of 0.5 in front but this is absorbed into ell

    def __init__(self, input_dim, period=1.0, variance=1.0,
                 lengthscales=1.0, active_dims=None, name=None,  num_features_to_approx=1000):
        # No ARD support for lengthscale or period yet
        # this is very important -- as also assumed this for the random features too.
        super(PeriodicKernel, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name=name)
        self.variance = Parameter(variance, transform=transforms.positive)
        self.lengthscales = Parameter(lengthscales, transform=transforms.positive)
        self.ARD = False
        self.period = Parameter(period, transform=transforms.positive)
        self.num_features_to_approx = num_features_to_approx

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        return tf.fill(tf.stack([tf.shape(X)[0]]), tf.squeeze(self.variance))

    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        if not presliced:
            X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        if X2 is None:
            X2 = X

        # Introduce dummy dimension so we can use broadcasting
        f = tf.expand_dims(X, 1)  # now N x 1 x D
        f2 = tf.expand_dims(X2, 0)  # now 1 x M x D

        r = np.pi * (f - f2) / self.period
        r = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.sin(r) / self.lengthscales), 2)

        return self.variance * tf.exp(-0.5 * r)

class Coregion(Kern):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, rank, active_dims=None, name=None):
        A Coregionalization kernel. The inputs to this kernel are _integers_
        (we cast them from floats as needed) which usually specify the
        *outputs* of a Coregionalization model.

        The parameters of this kernel, W, kappa, specify a positive-definite
        matrix B.

          B = W W^T + diag(kappa) .

        The kernel function is then an indexing of this matrix, so

          K(x, y) = B[x, y] .

        We refer to the size of B as "num_outputs x num_outputs", since this is
        the number of outputs in a coregionalization model. We refer to the
        number of columns on W as 'rank': it is the number of degrees of
        correlation between the outputs.

        NB. There is a symmetry between the elements of W, which creates a
        local minimum at W=0. To avoid this, it's recommended to initialize the
        optimization (or MCMC chain) using a random W.
        assert input_dim == 1, "Coregion kernel in 1D only"
        super(Coregion, self).__init__(input_dim, active_dims, name=name)

        self.output_dim = output_dim
        self.rank = rank
        self.W = Parameter(np.zeros((self.output_dim, self.rank)))
        self.kappa = Parameter(np.ones(self.output_dim), transform=transforms.positive)

    def K(self, X, X2=None):
        X, X2 = self._slice(X, X2)
        X = tf.cast(X[:, 0], tf.int32)
        if X2 is None:
            X2 = X
            X2 = tf.cast(X2[:, 0], tf.int32)
        B = tf.matmul(self.W, self.W, transpose_b=True) + tf.matrix_diag(self.kappa)
        return tf.gather(tf.transpose(tf.gather(B, X2)), X)

    def Kdiag(self, X):
        X, _ = self._slice(X, None)
        X = tf.cast(X[:, 0], tf.int32)
        Bdiag = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.W), 1) + self.kappa
        return tf.gather(Bdiag, X)

def make_kernel_names(kern_list):
    Take a list of kernels and return a list of strings, giving each kernel a
    unique name.

    Each name is made from the lower-case version of the kernel's class name.

    Duplicate kernels are given trailing numbers.
    names = []
    counting_dict = {}
    for k in kern_list:
        inner_name = k.__class__.__name__.lower()

        # check for duplicates: start numbering if needed
        if inner_name in counting_dict:
            if counting_dict[inner_name] == 1:
                names[names.index(inner_name)] = inner_name + '_1'
            counting_dict[inner_name] += 1
            name = inner_name + '_' + str(counting_dict[inner_name])
            counting_dict[inner_name] = 1
            name = inner_name
    return names

class Combination(Kern):
    Combine  a list of kernels, e.g. by adding or multiplying (see inheriting

    The names of the kernels to be combined are generated from their class

    def __init__(self, kern_list, name=None):
        for k in kern_list:
            assert isinstance(k, Kern), "can only add Kern instances"

        input_dim = np.max([k.input_dim
                            if type(k.active_dims) is slice else
                            np.max(k.active_dims) + 1
                            for k in kern_list])
        super(Combination, self).__init__(input_dim=input_dim, name=name)

        # add kernels to a list, flattening out instances of this class therein
        self.kern_list = []
        for k in kern_list:
            if isinstance(k, self.__class__):

        # generate a set of suitable names and add the kernels as attributes
        names = make_kernel_names(self.kern_list)
        [setattr(self, name, k) for name, k in zip(names, self.kern_list)]

    def on_separate_dimensions(self):
        Checks whether the kernels in the combination act on disjoint subsets
        of dimensions. Currently, it is hard to asses whether two slice objects
        will overlap, so this will always return False.
        :return: Boolean indicator.
        if np.any([isinstance(k.active_dims, slice) for k in self.kern_list]):
            # Be conservative in the case of a slice object
            return False
            dimlist = [k.active_dims for k in self.kern_list]
            overlapping = False
            for i, dims_i in enumerate(dimlist):
                for dims_j in dimlist[i + 1:]:
                    if np.any(dims_i.reshape(-1, 1) == dims_j.reshape(1, -1)):
                        overlapping = True
            return not overlapping

class Add(Combination):
    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        return reduce(tf.add, [k.K(X, X2) for k in self.kern_list])

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        return reduce(tf.add, [k.Kdiag(X) for k in self.kern_list])

class Prod(Combination):
    def K(self, X, X2=None, presliced=False):
        return reduce(tf.multiply, [k.K(X, X2) for k in self.kern_list])

    def Kdiag(self, X, presliced=False):
        return reduce(tf.multiply, [k.Kdiag(X) for k in self.kern_list])
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