Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license

# commented-out definitions are implemented in C

#abstract type Any <: Any end
#abstract type Type{T} end

#abstract type Vararg{T} end

#mutable struct Symbol
## opaque

#mutable struct TypeName
#    name::Symbol

#mutable struct DataType <: Type
#    name::TypeName
#    super::Type
#    parameters::Tuple
#    names::Tuple
#    types::Tuple
#    ctor
#    instance
#    size::Int32
#    abstract::Bool
#    mutable::Bool
#    pointerfree::Bool

#struct Union <: Type
#    a
#    b

#mutable struct TypeVar
#    name::Symbol
#    lb::Type
#    ub::Type

#struct UnionAll
#    var::TypeVar
#    body

#struct Nothing
#const nothing = Nothing()

#abstract type AbstractArray{T,N} end
#abstract type DenseArray{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} end

#primitive type AddrSpace{Backend::Module} 8 end
#const CPU = bitcast(AddrSpace{Core}, 0x00)

#struct GenericMemory{kind::Symbol, T, AS::AddrSpace}
#   length::Int
#   const data::Ptr{Cvoid} # make this GenericPtr{addrspace, Cvoid}
#   Union{ # hidden data
#       elements :: NTuple{length, T}
#       owner :: Any
#   }

#struct GenericMemoryRef{kind::Symbol, T, AS::AddrSpace}
#    mem::GenericMemory{kind, T, AS}
#    data::Ptr{Cvoid} # make this GenericPtr{addrspace, Cvoid}

#mutable struct Array{T,N} <: DenseArray{T,N}
#  ref::MemoryRef{T}
#  size::NTuple{N,Int}

#mutable struct Module
## opaque

#mutable struct SimpleVector
## opaque

#mutable struct String
## opaque

#mutable struct Method

#mutable struct MethodInstance

#mutable struct CodeInstance

#mutable struct CodeInfo

#mutable struct TypeMapLevel

#mutable struct TypeMapEntry

#abstract type Ref{T} end
#primitive type Ptr{T} <: Ref{T} {32|64} end

# types for the front end

#mutable struct Expr
#    head::Symbol
#    args::Array{Any,1}

#struct LineNumberNode
#    line::Int
#    file::Union{Symbol,Nothing}

#struct LegacyLineInfoNode end # only used internally during lowering

#struct DebugInfo
#    def::Any # (Union{Symbol, Method, MethodInstance})
#    linetable::Any # (Union{Nothing,DebugInfo})
#    edges::SimpleVector # Vector{DebugInfo}
#    codelocs::String # compressed Vector{UInt8}

#struct GotoNode
#    label::Int

#struct GotoIfNot
#    cond::Any
#    dest::Int

#struct ReturnNode
#    val::Any

#struct PiNode
#    val
#    typ

#struct PhiNode
#    edges::Vector{Int32}
#    values::Vector{Any}

#struct PhiCNode
#    values::Vector{Any}

#struct UpsilonNode
#    val

#struct QuoteNode
#    value

#struct GlobalRef
#    mod::Module
#    name::Symbol

#mutable struct Task
#    parent::Task
#    storage::Any
#    state::Symbol
#    donenotify::Any
#    result::Any
#    exception::Any
#    backtrace::Any
#    scope::Any
#    code::Any

    # key types
    Any, DataType, Vararg, NTuple,
    Tuple, Type, UnionAll, TypeVar, Union, Nothing, Cvoid,
    AbstractArray, DenseArray, NamedTuple, Pair,
    # special objects
    Function, Method, Module, Symbol, Task, UndefInitializer, undef, WeakRef, VecElement,
    Array, Memory, MemoryRef, AtomicMemory, AtomicMemoryRef, GenericMemory, GenericMemoryRef,
    # numeric types
    Number, Real, Integer, Bool, Ref, Ptr,
    AbstractFloat, Float16, Float32, Float64,
    Signed, Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128,
    Unsigned, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128,
    # string types
    AbstractChar, Char, AbstractString, String, IO,
    # errors
    ErrorException, BoundsError, DivideError, DomainError, Exception,
    InterruptException, InexactError, OutOfMemoryError, ReadOnlyMemoryError,
    OverflowError, StackOverflowError, SegmentationFault, UndefRefError, UndefVarError,
    TypeError, ArgumentError, MethodError, AssertionError, LoadError, InitError,
    UndefKeywordError, ConcurrencyViolationError, FieldError,
    # AST representation
    Expr, QuoteNode, LineNumberNode, GlobalRef,
    # object model functions
    fieldtype, getfield, setfield!, swapfield!, modifyfield!, replacefield!, setfieldonce!,
    nfields, throw, tuple, ===, isdefined, eval,
    # access to globals
    getglobal, setglobal!, swapglobal!, modifyglobal!, replaceglobal!, setglobalonce!,
    # ifelse, sizeof    # not exported, to avoid conflicting with Base
    # type reflection
    <:, typeof, isa, typeassert,
    # method reflection
    applicable, invoke,
    # constants
    nothing, Main

const getproperty = getfield # TODO: use `getglobal` for modules instead
const setproperty! = setfield!

abstract type Number end
abstract type Real     <: Number end
abstract type AbstractFloat <: Real end
abstract type Integer  <: Real end
abstract type Signed   <: Integer end
abstract type Unsigned <: Integer end

primitive type Float16 <: AbstractFloat 16 end
primitive type Float32 <: AbstractFloat 32 end
primitive type Float64 <: AbstractFloat 64 end

primitive type BFloat16 <: AbstractFloat 16 end

#primitive type Bool <: Integer 8 end
abstract type AbstractChar end
primitive type Char <: AbstractChar 32 end

primitive type Int8    <: Signed   8 end
#primitive type UInt8   <: Unsigned 8 end
primitive type Int16   <: Signed   16 end
#primitive type UInt16  <: Unsigned 16 end
#primitive type Int32   <: Signed   32 end
#primitive type UInt32  <: Unsigned 32 end
#primitive type Int64   <: Signed   64 end
#primitive type UInt64  <: Unsigned 64 end
primitive type Int128  <: Signed   128 end
primitive type UInt128 <: Unsigned 128 end

if Int === Int64
    const UInt = UInt64
    const UInt = UInt32

function iterate end
function Typeof end
ccall(:jl_toplevel_eval_in, Any, (Any, Any),
      Core, quote
      (f::typeof(Typeof))(x) = ($(_expr(:meta,:nospecialize,:x)); isa(x,Type) ? Type{x} : typeof(x))

macro nospecialize(x)
    _expr(:meta, :nospecialize, x)
Expr(@nospecialize args...) = _expr(args...)

_is_internal(__module__) = __module__ === Core
# can be used in place of `@assume_effects :foldable` (supposed to be used for bootstrapping)
macro _foldable_meta()
    return _is_internal(__module__) && Expr(:meta, Expr(:purity,

macro inline()   Expr(:meta, :inline)   end
macro noinline() Expr(:meta, :noinline) end

macro _boundscheck() Expr(:boundscheck) end

# n.b. the effects and model of these is refined in inference abstractinterpretation.jl
TypeVar(@nospecialize(n)) = _typevar(n::Symbol, Union{}, Any)
TypeVar(@nospecialize(n), @nospecialize(ub)) = _typevar(n::Symbol, Union{}, ub)
TypeVar(@nospecialize(n), @nospecialize(lb), @nospecialize(ub)) = _typevar(n::Symbol, lb, ub)
UnionAll(@nospecialize(v), @nospecialize(t)) = ccall(:jl_type_unionall, Any, (Any, Any), v::TypeVar, t)

const Memory{T} = GenericMemory{:not_atomic, T, CPU}
const MemoryRef{T} = GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic, T, CPU}

# simple convert for use by constructors of types in Core
# note that there is no actual conversion defined here,
# so the methods and ccall's in Core aren't permitted to use convert
convert(::Type{Any}, @nospecialize(x)) = x
convert(::Type{T}, x::T) where {T} = x
cconvert(::Type{T}, x) where {T} = convert(T, x)
unsafe_convert(::Type{T}, x::T) where {T} = x

# dispatch token indicating a kwarg (keyword sorter) call
function kwcall end
# deprecated internal functions:
kwfunc(@nospecialize(f)) = kwcall
kwftype(@nospecialize(t)) = typeof(kwcall)

# Let the compiler assume that calling Union{} as a constructor does not need
# to be considered ever (which comes up often as Type{<:T} inference, and
# occasionally in user code from eltype).
Union{}(a...) = throw(ArgumentError("cannot construct a value of type Union{} for return result"))
kwcall(kwargs, ::Type{Union{}}, a...) = Union{}(a...)

abstract type Exception end
struct ErrorException <: Exception

struct BoundsError <: Exception
    BoundsError() = new()
    BoundsError(@nospecialize(a)) = (@noinline; new(a))
    BoundsError(@nospecialize(a), i) = (@noinline; new(a,i))
struct DivideError         <: Exception end
struct OutOfMemoryError    <: Exception end
struct ReadOnlyMemoryError <: Exception end
struct SegmentationFault   <: Exception end
struct StackOverflowError  <: Exception end
struct UndefRefError       <: Exception end
struct UndefVarError <: Exception
    scope # a Module or Symbol or other object describing the context where this variable was looked for (e.g. Main or :local or :static_parameter)
    UndefVarError(var::Symbol) = new(var)
    UndefVarError(var::Symbol, @nospecialize scope) = new(var, scope)
struct ConcurrencyViolationError <: Exception
struct MissingCodeError <: Exception
struct InterruptException <: Exception end
struct DomainError <: Exception
    DomainError(@nospecialize(val)) = (@noinline; new(val, ""))
    DomainError(@nospecialize(val), @nospecialize(msg)) = (@noinline; new(val, msg))
struct TypeError <: Exception
    # `func` is the name of the builtin function that encountered a type error,
    # the name of the type that hit an error in its definition or application, or
    # some other brief description of where the error happened.
    # `context` optionally adds extra detail, e.g. the name of the type parameter
    # that got a bad value.
    TypeError(func, context, @nospecialize(expected::Type), @nospecialize(got)) =
        new(func, context, expected, got)
TypeError(where, @nospecialize(expected::Type), @nospecialize(got)) =
    TypeError(Symbol(where), "", expected, got)
struct InexactError <: Exception
    InexactError(f::Symbol, @nospecialize(args...)) = (@noinline; new(f, args))
struct OverflowError <: Exception

struct ArgumentError <: Exception
struct UndefKeywordError <: Exception

const typemax_UInt = Intrinsics.sext_int(UInt, 0xFF)
const typemax_Int = Core.Intrinsics.udiv_int(Core.Intrinsics.sext_int(Int, 0xFF), 2)

struct MethodError <: Exception
    MethodError(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(args), world::UInt) = new(f, args, world)
MethodError(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(args)) = MethodError(f, args, typemax_UInt)

struct AssertionError <: Exception
AssertionError() = AssertionError("")

struct FieldError <: Exception

abstract type WrappedException <: Exception end

struct LoadError <: WrappedException

struct InitError <: WrappedException

struct PrecompilableError <: Exception end

String(s::String) = s  # no constructor yet

const Cvoid = Nothing
Nothing() = nothing

# This should always be inlined
getptls() = ccall(:jl_get_ptls_states, Ptr{Cvoid}, ())

include(m::Module, fname::String) = ccall(:jl_load_, Any, (Any, Any), m, fname)

eval(m::Module, @nospecialize(e)) = ccall(:jl_toplevel_eval_in, Any, (Any, Any), m, e)

mutable struct Box
    Box(@nospecialize(x)) = new(x)
    Box() = new()

# constructors for built-in types

mutable struct WeakRef
    WeakRef() = WeakRef(nothing)
    WeakRef(@nospecialize(v)) = ccall(:jl_gc_new_weakref_th, Ref{WeakRef},
                                      (Ptr{Cvoid}, Any), getptls(), v)

Tuple{}() = ()

struct VecElement{T}
    VecElement{T}(value::T) where {T} = new(value) # disable converting constructor in Core
VecElement(arg::T) where {T} = VecElement{T}(arg)

eval(Core, quote
    GotoNode(label::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :GotoNode, :label))
    NewvarNode(slot::SlotNumber) = $(Expr(:new, :NewvarNode, :slot))
    QuoteNode(@nospecialize value) = $(Expr(:new, :QuoteNode, :value))
    SSAValue(id::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :SSAValue, :id))
    Argument(n::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :Argument, :n))
    ReturnNode(@nospecialize val) = $(Expr(:new, :ReturnNode, :val))
    ReturnNode() = $(Expr(:new, :ReturnNode)) # unassigned val indicates unreachable
    GotoIfNot(@nospecialize(cond), dest::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :GotoIfNot, :cond, :dest))
    EnterNode(dest::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :EnterNode, :dest))
    EnterNode(dest::Int, @nospecialize(scope)) = $(Expr(:new, :EnterNode, :dest, :scope))
    LineNumberNode(l::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :LineNumberNode, :l, nothing))
    function LineNumberNode(l::Int, @nospecialize(f))
        isa(f, String) && (f = Symbol(f))
        return $(Expr(:new, :LineNumberNode, :l, :f))
    DebugInfo(def::Union{Method,MethodInstance,Symbol}, linetable::Union{Nothing,DebugInfo}, edges::SimpleVector, codelocs::String) =
        $(Expr(:new, :DebugInfo, :def, :linetable, :edges, :codelocs))
    DebugInfo(def::Union{Method,MethodInstance,Symbol}) =
        $(Expr(:new, :DebugInfo, :def, nothing, Core.svec(), ""))
    SlotNumber(n::Int) = $(Expr(:new, :SlotNumber, :n))
    PhiNode(edges::Array{Int32, 1}, values::Array{Any, 1}) = $(Expr(:new, :PhiNode, :edges, :values))
    PiNode(@nospecialize(val), @nospecialize(typ)) = $(Expr(:new, :PiNode, :val, :typ))
    PhiCNode(values::Array{Any, 1}) = $(Expr(:new, :PhiCNode, :values))
    UpsilonNode(@nospecialize(val)) = $(Expr(:new, :UpsilonNode, :val))
    UpsilonNode() = $(Expr(:new, :UpsilonNode))
    Const(@nospecialize(v)) = $(Expr(:new, :Const, :v))
    # NOTE the main constructor is defined within `Core.Compiler`
    _PartialStruct(@nospecialize(typ), fields::Array{Any, 1}) = $(Expr(:new, :PartialStruct, :typ, :fields))
    PartialOpaque(@nospecialize(typ), @nospecialize(env), parent::MethodInstance, source) = $(Expr(:new, :PartialOpaque, :typ, :env, :parent, :source))
    InterConditional(slot::Int, @nospecialize(thentype), @nospecialize(elsetype)) = $(Expr(:new, :InterConditional, :slot, :thentype, :elsetype))
    MethodMatch(@nospecialize(spec_types), sparams::SimpleVector, method::Method, fully_covers::Bool) = $(Expr(:new, :MethodMatch, :spec_types, :sparams, :method, :fully_covers))

const NullDebugInfo = DebugInfo(:none)

struct LineInfoNode # legacy support for aiding Serializer.deserialize of old IR
    LineInfoNode(mod::Module, @nospecialize(method), file::Symbol, line::Int32, inlined_at::Int32) = new(mod, method, file, line, inlined_at)

function CodeInstance(
    mi::MethodInstance, owner, @nospecialize(rettype), @nospecialize(exctype), @nospecialize(inferred_const),
    @nospecialize(inferred), const_flags::Int32, min_world::UInt, max_world::UInt,
    effects::UInt32, @nospecialize(analysis_results),
    relocatability::UInt8, edges::Union{DebugInfo,Nothing})
    return ccall(:jl_new_codeinst, Ref{CodeInstance},
        (Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Int32, UInt, UInt, UInt32, Any, UInt8, Any),
        mi, owner, rettype, exctype, inferred_const, inferred, const_flags, min_world, max_world,
        effects, analysis_results, relocatability, edges)
GlobalRef(m::Module, s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_module_globalref, Ref{GlobalRef}, (Any, Any), m, s)
Module(name::Symbol=:anonymous, std_imports::Bool=true, default_names::Bool=true) = ccall(:jl_f_new_module, Ref{Module}, (Any, Bool, Bool), name, std_imports, default_names)

function _Task(@nospecialize(f), reserved_stack::Int, completion_future)
    return ccall(:jl_new_task, Ref{Task}, (Any, Any, Int), f, completion_future, reserved_stack)

const NTuple{N,T} = Tuple{Vararg{T,N}}

## primitive Array constructors
struct UndefInitializer end
const undef = UndefInitializer()

# type and dimensionality specified
(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T,addrspace,kind} =
    if isdefined(self, :instance) && m === 0
        ccall(:jl_alloc_genericmemory, Ref{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}}, (Any, Int), self, m)
(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{1,Int}) where {T,kind,addrspace} = self(undef, getfield(d,1))
# empty vector constructor
(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})() where {T,kind,addrspace} = self(undef, 0)

memoryref(mem::GenericMemory) = memoryrefnew(mem)
memoryref(mem::GenericMemory, i::Integer) = memoryrefnew(memoryrefnew(mem), Int(i), @_boundscheck)
memoryref(ref::GenericMemoryRef, i::Integer) = memoryrefnew(ref, Int(i), @_boundscheck)
GenericMemoryRef(mem::GenericMemory) = memoryref(mem)
GenericMemoryRef(mem::GenericMemory, i::Integer) = memoryref(mem, i)
GenericMemoryRef(mem::GenericMemoryRef, i::Integer) = memoryref(mem, i)

const AtomicMemory{T} = GenericMemory{:atomic, T, CPU}
const AtomicMemoryRef{T} = GenericMemoryRef{:atomic, T, CPU}

# construction helpers for Array
new_as_memoryref(self::Type{GenericMemoryRef{kind,T,addrspace}}, m::Int) where {T,kind,addrspace} = memoryref(fieldtype(self, :mem)(undef, m))

# checked-multiply intrinsic function for dimensions
_checked_mul_dims() = 1, false
_checked_mul_dims(m::Int) = m, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, m) # equivalently: (m + 1) < 1
function _checked_mul_dims(m::Int, n::Int)
    b = Intrinsics.checked_smul_int(m, n)
    a = getfield(b, 1)
    ovflw = getfield(b, 2)
    ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, m))
    ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, n))
    return a, ovflw
function _checked_mul_dims(m::Int, d::Int...)
    @_foldable_meta # the compiler needs to know this loop terminates
    a = m
    i = 1
    ovflw = false
    neg = Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, m)
    zero = false # if m==0 we won't have overflow since we go left to right
    while Intrinsics.sle_int(i, nfields(d))
        di = getfield(d, i)
        b = Intrinsics.checked_smul_int(a, di)
        zero = Intrinsics.or_int(zero, di === 0)
        ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, getfield(b, 2))
        neg = Intrinsics.or_int(neg, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, di))
        a = getfield(b, 1)
        i = Intrinsics.add_int(i, 1)
   return a, Intrinsics.or_int(neg, Intrinsics.and_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.not_int(zero)))

# convert a set of dims to a length, with overflow checking
checked_dims() = 1
checked_dims(m::Int) = m # defer this check to Memory constructor instead
function checked_dims(d::Int...)
    b = _checked_mul_dims(d...)
    getfield(b, 2) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid Array dimensions"))
    return getfield(b, 1)

# type and dimensionality specified, accepting dims as series of Ints
eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,1}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T}
    mem = fieldtype(fieldtype(self, :ref), :mem)(undef, m)
    return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(memoryref(mem)), :((m,))))
eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,2}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T}
    return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(m, n))), :((m, n))))
eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,3}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T}
    return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(m, n, o))), :((m, n, o))))
eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T, N}})(::UndefInitializer, d::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T, N}
    return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(d...))), :d))
# type and dimensionality specified, accepting dims as tuples of Ints
(self::Type{Array{T,1}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{1, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1))
(self::Type{Array{T,2}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{2, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1), getfield(d, 2))
(self::Type{Array{T,3}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{3, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1), getfield(d, 2), getfield(d, 3))
(self::Type{Array{T,N}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N} = self(undef, d...)
# type but not dimensionality specified
Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 1}(undef, m)
Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 2}(undef, m, n)
Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 3}(undef, m, n, o)
Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N} = Array{T, N}(undef, d)
# empty vector constructor
(self::Type{Array{T, 1}})() where {T} = self(undef, 0)

(Array{T, N} where T)(x::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {S, N} = Array{S, N}(x)

Array(A::AbstractArray{T, N})    where {T, N}   = Array{T, N}(A)
Array{T}(A::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {T, N, S} = Array{T, N}(A)

AbstractArray{T}(A::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {T, S, N} = AbstractArray{T, N}(A)

# primitive Symbol constructors

## Helper for proper GC rooting without unsafe_convert
eval(Core, quote
    _Symbol(ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, sz::Int, root::Any) = $(Expr(:foreigncall, QuoteNode(:jl_symbol_n),
        Ref{Symbol}, svec(Ptr{UInt8}, Int), 0, QuoteNode(:ccall), :ptr, :sz, :root))

function Symbol(s::String)
    return _Symbol(ccall(:jl_string_ptr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), s), sizeof(s), s)
function Symbol(a::Array{UInt8, 1})
    return _Symbol(bitcast(Ptr{UInt8}, a.ref.ptr_or_offset), getfield(a.size, 1), a.ref.mem)
Symbol(s::Symbol) = s

# module providing the IR object model
module IR

export CodeInfo, MethodInstance, CodeInstance, GotoNode, GotoIfNot, ReturnNode,
    NewvarNode, SSAValue, SlotNumber, Argument,
    PiNode, PhiNode, PhiCNode, UpsilonNode, DebugInfo,
    Const, PartialStruct, InterConditional, EnterNode, memoryref

using Core: CodeInfo, MethodInstance, CodeInstance, GotoNode, GotoIfNot, ReturnNode,
    NewvarNode, SSAValue, SlotNumber, Argument,
    PiNode, PhiNode, PhiCNode, UpsilonNode, DebugInfo,
    Const, PartialStruct, InterConditional, EnterNode, memoryref

end # module IR

# docsystem basics
macro doc(x...)
    docex = atdoc(__source__, __module__, x...)
    isa(docex, Expr) && docex.head === :escape && return docex
    return Expr(:escape, Expr(:var"hygienic-scope", docex, typeof(atdoc).name.module, __source__))
macro __doc__(x)
    return Expr(:escape, Expr(:block, Expr(:meta, :doc), x))

isbasicdoc(@nospecialize x) = (isa(x, Expr) && x.head === :.) || isa(x, Union{QuoteNode, Symbol})
iscallexpr(ex::Expr) = (isa(ex, Expr) && ex.head === :where) ? iscallexpr(ex.args[1]) : (isa(ex, Expr) && ex.head === :call)
iscallexpr(ex) = false
function ignoredoc(source, mod, str, expr)
    (isbasicdoc(expr) || iscallexpr(expr)) && return Expr(:escape, nothing)
    Expr(:escape, expr)

global atdoc = ignoredoc
atdoc!(λ)    = global atdoc = λ

# macros for big integer syntax
macro int128_str end
macro uint128_str end
macro big_str end

# macro for command syntax
macro cmd end

# simple stand-alone print definitions for debugging
abstract type IO end
struct CoreSTDOUT <: IO end
struct CoreSTDERR <: IO end
const stdout = CoreSTDOUT()
const stderr = CoreSTDERR()
io_pointer(::CoreSTDOUT) = Intrinsics.pointerref(Intrinsics.cglobal(:jl_uv_stdout, Ptr{Cvoid}), 1, 1)
io_pointer(::CoreSTDERR) = Intrinsics.pointerref(Intrinsics.cglobal(:jl_uv_stderr, Ptr{Cvoid}), 1, 1)

unsafe_write(io::IO, x::Ptr{UInt8}, nb::UInt) =
    (ccall(:jl_uv_puts, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt), io_pointer(io), x, nb); nb)
unsafe_write(io::IO, x::Ptr{UInt8}, nb::Int) =
    (ccall(:jl_uv_puts, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int), io_pointer(io), x, nb); nb)
write(io::IO, x::UInt8) =
    (ccall(:jl_uv_putb, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt8), io_pointer(io), x); 1)
function write(io::IO, x::String)
    nb = sizeof(x)
    unsafe_write(io, ccall(:jl_string_ptr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), x), nb)
    return nb

show(io::IO, @nospecialize x) = ccall(:jl_static_show, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Any), io_pointer(io), x)
print(io::IO, x::AbstractChar) = ccall(:jl_uv_putc, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Char), io_pointer(io), x)
print(io::IO, x::String) = (write(io, x); nothing)
print(io::IO, @nospecialize x) = show(io, x)
print(io::IO, @nospecialize(x), @nospecialize a...) = (print(io, x); print(io, a...))
println(io::IO) = (write(io, 0x0a); nothing) # 0x0a = '\n'
println(io::IO, @nospecialize x...) = (print(io, x...); println(io))

show(@nospecialize a) = show(stdout, a)
print(@nospecialize a...) = print(stdout, a...)
println(@nospecialize a...) = println(stdout, a...)

struct GeneratedFunctionStub

# invoke and wrap the results of @generated expression
function (g::GeneratedFunctionStub)(world::UInt, source::LineNumberNode, @nospecialize args...)
    # args is (spvals..., argtypes...)
    body = g.gen(args...)
    file = source.file
    file isa Symbol || (file = :none)
    lam = Expr(:lambda, Expr(:argnames, g.argnames...).args,
                         Expr(:meta, :push_loc, file, :var"@generated body"),
                         Expr(:return, body),
                         Expr(:meta, :pop_loc))))
    spnames = g.spnames
    if spnames === svec()
        return lam
        return Expr(Symbol("with-static-parameters"), lam, spnames...)

# If the generator is a subtype of this trait, inference caches the generated unoptimized
# code, sacrificing memory space to improve the performance of subsequent inferences.
# This tradeoff is not appropriate in general cases (e.g., for `GeneratedFunctionStub`s
# generated from the front end), but it can be justified for generators involving complex
# code transformations, such as a Cassette-like system.
abstract type CachedGenerator end

NamedTuple() = NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}(())

eval(Core, :(NamedTuple{names}(args::Tuple) where {names} =
             $(Expr(:splatnew, :(NamedTuple{names,typeof(args)}), :args))))

using .Intrinsics: sle_int, add_int

eval(Core, :((NT::Type{NamedTuple{names,T}})(args::T) where {names, T <: Tuple} =
             $(Expr(:splatnew, :NT, :args))))

# constructors for built-in types

import .Intrinsics: eq_int, trunc_int, lshr_int, sub_int, shl_int, bitcast, sext_int, zext_int, and_int

function is_top_bit_set(x)
    eq_int(trunc_int(UInt8, lshr_int(x, sub_int(shl_int(sizeof(x), 3), 1))), trunc_int(UInt8, 1))

function is_top_bit_set(x::Union{Int8,UInt8})
    eq_int(lshr_int(x, 7), trunc_int(typeof(x), 1))

# n.b. This function exists for CUDA to overload to configure error behavior (see #48097)
throw_inexacterror(func::Symbol, to, val) = throw(InexactError(func, to, val))

function check_sign_bit(::Type{To}, x) where {To}
    # the top bit is the sign bit of x but "sign bit" sounds better in stacktraces
    # n.b. if x is signed, then sizeof(x) === sizeof(To), otherwise sizeof(x) >= sizeof(To)
    is_top_bit_set(x) && throw_inexacterror(sizeof(x) === sizeof(To) ? :convert : :trunc, To, x)

function checked_trunc_sint(::Type{To}, x::From) where {To,From}
    y = trunc_int(To, x)
    back = sext_int(From, y)
    eq_int(x, back) || throw_inexacterror(:trunc, To, x)

function checked_trunc_uint(::Type{To}, x::From) where {To,From}
    y = trunc_int(To, x)
    back = zext_int(From, y)
    eq_int(x, back) || throw_inexacterror(:trunc, To, x)

toInt8(x::Int8)       = x
toInt8(x::Int16)      = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, x)
toInt8(x::Int32)      = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, x)
toInt8(x::Int64)      = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, x)
toInt8(x::Int128)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, x)
toInt8(x::UInt8)      = bitcast(Int8, check_sign_bit(Int8, x))
toInt8(x::UInt16)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, check_sign_bit(Int8, x))
toInt8(x::UInt32)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, check_sign_bit(Int8, x))
toInt8(x::UInt64)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, check_sign_bit(Int8, x))
toInt8(x::UInt128)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int8, check_sign_bit(Int8, x))
toInt8(x::Bool)       = and_int(bitcast(Int8, x), Int8(1))
toInt16(x::Int8)      = sext_int(Int16, x)
toInt16(x::Int16)     = x
toInt16(x::Int32)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, x)
toInt16(x::Int64)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, x)
toInt16(x::Int128)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, x)
toInt16(x::UInt8)     = zext_int(Int16, x)
toInt16(x::UInt16)    = bitcast(Int16, check_sign_bit(Int16, x))
toInt16(x::UInt32)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, check_sign_bit(Int16, x))
toInt16(x::UInt64)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, check_sign_bit(Int16, x))
toInt16(x::UInt128)   = checked_trunc_sint(Int16, check_sign_bit(Int16, x))
toInt16(x::Bool)      = and_int(zext_int(Int16, x), Int16(1))
toInt32(x::Int8)      = sext_int(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::Int16)     = sext_int(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::Int32)     = x
toInt32(x::Int64)     = checked_trunc_sint(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::Int128)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::UInt8)     = zext_int(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::UInt16)    = zext_int(Int32, x)
toInt32(x::UInt32)    = bitcast(Int32, check_sign_bit(Int32, x))
toInt32(x::UInt64)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int32, check_sign_bit(Int32, x))
toInt32(x::UInt128)   = checked_trunc_sint(Int32, check_sign_bit(Int32, x))
toInt32(x::Bool)      = and_int(zext_int(Int32, x), Int32(1))
toInt64(x::Int8)      = sext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::Int16)     = sext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::Int32)     = sext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::Int64)     = x
toInt64(x::Int128)    = checked_trunc_sint(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::UInt8)     = zext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::UInt16)    = zext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::UInt32)    = zext_int(Int64, x)
toInt64(x::UInt64)    = bitcast(Int64, check_sign_bit(Int64, x))
toInt64(x::UInt128)   = checked_trunc_sint(Int64, check_sign_bit(Int64, x))
toInt64(x::Bool)      = and_int(zext_int(Int64, x), Int64(1))
toInt128(x::Int8)     = sext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::Int16)    = sext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::Int32)    = sext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::Int64)    = sext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::Int128)   = x
toInt128(x::UInt8)    = zext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::UInt16)   = zext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::UInt32)   = zext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::UInt64)   = zext_int(Int128, x)
toInt128(x::UInt128)  = bitcast(Int128, check_sign_bit(Int128, x))
toInt128(x::Bool)     = and_int(zext_int(Int128, x), Int128(1))
toUInt8(x::Int8)      = bitcast(UInt8, check_sign_bit(UInt8, x))
toUInt8(x::Int16)     = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::Int32)     = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::Int64)     = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::Int128)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::UInt8)     = x
toUInt8(x::UInt16)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::UInt32)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::UInt64)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::UInt128)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt8, x)
toUInt8(x::Bool)      = and_int(bitcast(UInt8, x), UInt8(1))
toUInt16(x::Int8)     = sext_int(UInt16, check_sign_bit(UInt16, x))
toUInt16(x::Int16)    = bitcast(UInt16, check_sign_bit(UInt16, x))
toUInt16(x::Int32)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::Int64)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::Int128)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::UInt8)    = zext_int(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::UInt16)   = x
toUInt16(x::UInt32)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::UInt64)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::UInt128)  = checked_trunc_uint(UInt16, x)
toUInt16(x::Bool)     = and_int(zext_int(UInt16, x), UInt16(1))
toUInt32(x::Int8)     = sext_int(UInt32, check_sign_bit(UInt32, x))
toUInt32(x::Int16)    = sext_int(UInt32, check_sign_bit(UInt32, x))
toUInt32(x::Int32)    = bitcast(UInt32, check_sign_bit(UInt32, x))
toUInt32(x::Int64)    = checked_trunc_uint(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::Int128)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::UInt8)    = zext_int(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::UInt16)   = zext_int(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::UInt32)   = x
toUInt32(x::UInt64)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::UInt128)  = checked_trunc_uint(UInt32, x)
toUInt32(x::Bool)     = and_int(zext_int(UInt32, x), UInt32(1))
toUInt64(x::Int8)     = sext_int(UInt64, check_sign_bit(UInt64, x))
toUInt64(x::Int16)    = sext_int(UInt64, check_sign_bit(UInt64, x))
toUInt64(x::Int32)    = sext_int(UInt64, check_sign_bit(UInt64, x))
toUInt64(x::Int64)    = bitcast(UInt64, check_sign_bit(UInt64, x))
toUInt64(x::Int128)   = checked_trunc_uint(UInt64, x)
toUInt64(x::UInt8)    = zext_int(UInt64, x)
toUInt64(x::UInt16)   = zext_int(UInt64, x)
toUInt64(x::UInt32)   = zext_int(UInt64, x)
toUInt64(x::UInt64)   = x
toUInt64(x::UInt128)  = checked_trunc_uint(UInt64, x)
toUInt64(x::Bool)     = and_int(zext_int(UInt64, x), UInt64(1))
toUInt128(x::Int8)    = sext_int(UInt128, check_sign_bit(UInt128, x))
toUInt128(x::Int16)   = sext_int(UInt128, check_sign_bit(UInt128, x))
toUInt128(x::Int32)   = sext_int(UInt128, check_sign_bit(UInt128, x))
toUInt128(x::Int64)   = sext_int(UInt128, check_sign_bit(UInt128, x))
toUInt128(x::Int128)  = bitcast(UInt128, check_sign_bit(UInt128, x))
toUInt128(x::UInt8)   = zext_int(UInt128, x)
toUInt128(x::UInt16)  = zext_int(UInt128, x)
toUInt128(x::UInt32)  = zext_int(UInt128, x)
toUInt128(x::UInt64)  = zext_int(UInt128, x)
toUInt128(x::UInt128) = x
toUInt128(x::Bool)    = and_int(zext_int(UInt128, x), UInt128(1))

# TODO: this is here to work around the 4 method limit in inference (#23210).
const BuiltinInts = Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, Bool}
Int8(x::BuiltinInts)    = toInt8(x)::Int8
Int16(x::BuiltinInts)   = toInt16(x)::Int16
Int32(x::BuiltinInts)   = toInt32(x)::Int32
Int64(x::BuiltinInts)   = toInt64(x)::Int64
Int128(x::BuiltinInts)  = toInt128(x)::Int128
UInt8(x::BuiltinInts)   = toUInt8(x)::UInt8
UInt16(x::BuiltinInts)  = toUInt16(x)::UInt16
UInt32(x::BuiltinInts)  = toUInt32(x)::UInt32
UInt64(x::BuiltinInts)  = toUInt64(x)::UInt64
UInt128(x::BuiltinInts) = toUInt128(x)::UInt128

(::Type{T})(x::T) where {T<:Number} = x

Int(x::Ptr)  = bitcast(Int, x)
UInt(x::Ptr) = bitcast(UInt, x)
if Int === Int32
Int64(x::Ptr) = Int64(UInt32(x))
UInt64(x::Ptr) = UInt64(UInt32(x))
(PT::Type{Ptr{T}} where T)(x::Union{Int,UInt,Ptr}=0) = bitcast(PT, x)
(AS::Type{AddrSpace{Backend}} where Backend)(x::UInt8) = bitcast(AS, x)

Signed(x::UInt8)    = Int8(x)
Unsigned(x::Int8)   = UInt8(x)
Signed(x::UInt16)   = Int16(x)
Unsigned(x::Int16)  = UInt16(x)
Signed(x::UInt32)   = Int32(x)
Unsigned(x::Int32)  = UInt32(x)
Signed(x::UInt64)   = Int64(x)
Unsigned(x::Int64)  = UInt64(x)
Signed(x::UInt128)  = Int128(x)
Unsigned(x::Int128) = UInt128(x)

Signed(x::Union{Float16, Float32, Float64, Bool})   = Int(x)
Unsigned(x::Union{Float16, Float32, Float64, Bool}) = UInt(x)

Integer(x::Integer) = x
Integer(x::Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}) = Int(x)

# Binding for the julia parser, called as
#    Core._parse(text, filename, lineno, offset, options)
# Parse Julia code from the buffer `text`, starting at `offset` and attributing
# it to `filename`. `text` may be a `String` or `svec(ptr::Ptr{UInt8},
# len::Int)` for a raw unmanaged buffer. `options` should be one of `:atom`,
# `:statement` or `:all`, indicating how much the parser will consume.
# `_parse` must return an `svec` containing an `Expr` and the new offset as an
# `Int`.
# The internal jl_parse will call into Core._parse if not `nothing`.
_parse = nothing

_setparser!(parser) = setglobal!(Core, :_parse, parser)

# support for deprecated uses of internal _apply function
_apply(x...) = Core._apply_iterate(Main.Base.iterate, x...)

struct Pair{A, B}
    # if we didn't inline this, it's probably because the callsite was actually dynamic
    # to avoid potentially compiling many copies of this, we mark the arguments with `@nospecialize`
    # but also mark the whole function with `@inline` to ensure we will inline it whenever possible
    # (even if `convert(::Type{A}, a::A)` for some reason was expensive)
    Pair(a, b) = new{typeof(a), typeof(b)}(a, b)
    function Pair{A, B}(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) where {A, B}
        return new(a::A, b::B)

function _hasmethod(@nospecialize(tt)) # this function has a special tfunc
    world = ccall(:jl_get_tls_world_age, UInt, ()) # tls_world_age()
    return Intrinsics.not_int(ccall(:jl_gf_invoke_lookup, Any, (Any, Any, UInt), tt, nothing, world) === nothing)

# for backward compat
arrayref(inbounds::Bool, A::Array, i::Int...) = Main.Base.getindex(A, i...)
const_arrayref(inbounds::Bool, A::Array, i::Int...) = Main.Base.getindex(A, i...)
arrayset(inbounds::Bool, A::Array{T}, x::Any, i::Int...) where {T} = Main.Base.setindex!(A, x::T, i...)
arraysize(a::Array) = a.size
arraysize(a::Array, i::Int) = sle_int(i, nfields(a.size)) ? getfield(a.size, i) : 1
export arrayref, arrayset, arraysize, const_arrayref
const check_top_bit = check_sign_bit

# For convenience
EnterNode(old::EnterNode, new_dest::Int) = isdefined(old, :scope) ?
    EnterNode(new_dest, old.scope) : EnterNode(new_dest)

# typename(_).constprop_heuristic
const FORCE_CONST_PROP      = 0x1
const ITERATE_HEURISTIC     = 0x3

# `typename` has special tfunc support in inference to improve
# the result for `Type{Union{...}}`. It is defined here, so that the Compiler
# can look it up by value.
struct TypeNameError <: Exception
    TypeNameError(@nospecialize(a)) = new(a)

typename(a) = throw(TypeNameError(a))
typename(a::DataType) = a.name
function typename(a::Union)
    ta = typename(a.a)
    tb = typename(a.b)
    ta === tb || throw(TypeNameError(a))
    return tb
typename(union::UnionAll) = typename(union.body)

# Special inference support to avoid execess specialization of these methods.
# TODO: Replace this by a generic heuristic.
(>:)(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) = (b <: a)
(!==)(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) = Intrinsics.not_int(a === b)

include(Core, "optimized_generics.jl")

ccall(:jl_set_istopmod, Cvoid, (Any, Bool), Core, true)
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