Raw File
\title{Extract the contents of a leaf XML node}
  Some types of XML nodes have no children nodes, but are leaf nodes and
  simply contain text. Examples are \code{XMLTextMode}, \code{XMLProcessingInstruction}.
  This function provides access to their raw contents.
  This has been extended to operate recursivel on arbitrary XML nodes
  that contain a single text node.
  \item{x}{the \code{XMLNode} object whose
    contents are to be  returned.}
 The object stored in the 
 \code{value} slot of the \code{XMLNode} object.
 This is typically a string.
\references{\url{http://www.w3.org/XML}, \url{http://www.jclark.com/xml},
\url{http://www.omegahat.org}  }
\author{ Duncan Temple Lang }


 node <- xmlNode("foo", "Some text")

 xmlValue(xmlTextNode("some more raw text"))
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