Raw File

\title{State Space Models}
\description{Construct a }
          description=NULL, names=NULL, input.names=NULL, output.names=NULL)
    \item{F.}{(nxn) state transition matrix.}
    \item{H}{(pxn) output matrix.}
    \item{Q}{(nxn) matrix specifying the system noise distribution.}
    \item{R}{(pxp) matrix specifying the output (measurement) noise distribution.}
    \item{G}{(nxp) input (control) matrix. G should be NULL if there is no input.}
    \item{K}{(nxp) matrix specifying the Kalman gain.}
    \item{z0}{vector indicating estimate of the state at time 0.
       Set to zero if not supplied.}
    \item{rootP0}{matrix indicating a square root of the initial tracking 
       error (e.g. chol(P0)).}
    \item{P0}{matrix indicating initial tracking error P(t=1|t=0).
       Set to I if rootP0 or P0 are not supplied.}
    \item{constants}{NULL or a list of logical matrices with the same names as 
          matices above, indicating which elements should be considered constants.}
    \item{description}{String. An arbitrary description.}
    \item{names}{A list with elements input and output, each a vector of 
       strings. Arguments input.names and output.names should not be used if
       argument names is used.}
      A vector of character strings indicating input variable names.
      A vector of character strings indicating output variable names.
    \item{obj}{an object.}
\value{An SS TSmodel}
State space models have a
further sub-class: innov or non-innov, indicating an innovations form
or a non-innovations form.  

The state space (SS) model is defined by:

      z(t) =Fz(t-1) + Gu(t) + Qe(t)
      y(t) = Hz(t)  + Rw(t)

or the innovations model:

       z(t) =Fz(t-1) + Gu(t) + Kw(t-1)
       y(t) = Hz(t)  + w(t)

Matrices are as specified above in the arguments, and 
    \item{y}{is the p dimensional output data.}
    \item{u}{is the m dimensional exogenous (input) data.}
    \item{z}{is the n dimensional (estimated) state at time t,  
       E[z(t)|y(t-1), u(t)] denoted E[z(t)|t-1]. Note: In the case where 
       there is no input u this corresponds to what
       would usually be called the predicted state - not the filtered state.
       An initial value for z can 
       be specified as z0 and an initial one step ahead state tracking 
       error (for non-innovations models) as P0. In the object returned 
       by \code{l.ss}, \code{state} is a time series matrix corresponding to z.}
    \item{z0}{An initial value for z can be specified as z0.}
    \item{P0}{An initial one step ahead state tracking error (for 
    non-innovations models) can be specified as P0.}  
    \item{rootP0}{Alternatively, a square root of P0 can be specified. This can
    be an upper triangular matrix so that only the required number of parameters
    are used.}  
    \item{K, Q, R}{
    For sub-class \code{innov} the Kalman gain K is specified but not Q and R.
    For sub-class \code{non-innov} Q and R are specified but not the Kalman gain K.}
    \item{e and w}{are typically assumed to be white noise in the 
    non-innovations form, in which case
    the covariance of the system noise is QQ' and the covariance of 
    the measurement noise is RR'. The covariance of e and w  can be specified 
    otherwise in the simulate 
    method \code{simulate.SS} for this class of model, but the assumption is
    usually maintained when estimating models of this form (although, not by all
    Typically, an non-innovations form is harder to identify than an innovations
    form. Non-innovations form would typically be choosen when there is
    considerable theoretical or physical knowledge of the system (e.g. the
    system was built from known components with measured physical values).
    By default, elements in parameter matrices are treated as constants if they
    are exactly 1.0 or 0.0, and as parameters otherwise. A value of 1.001 would
    be treated as a parameter, and this is the easiest way to initialize an
    element which is not to be treated as a constant of value 1.0. Any matrix
    elements can be fixed to constants by specifying the list \code{constants}.
    Matrices which are not specified in the list will be treated in the default 
    way. An alternative for fixing constants is the function \code{fixConstants}.

Anderson, B. D. O. and Moore, J. B. (1979) \emph{Optimal Filtering}. 
   Prentice-Hall. (note p.39,44.)

    f <- array(c(.5,.3,.2,.4),c(2,2))
    h <- array(c(1,0,0,1),c(2,2))
    k <- array(c(.5,.3,.2,.4),c(2,2))
    ss <- SS(F=f,G=NULL,H=h,K=k)


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