Raw File
This repository contains the Puppet code which operates the servers of the Wikimedia Foundation.
We encourage people to use, share and distribute (and welcome contributions!).

The majority of the code is licensed under the Apache 2 license. When the repository was
initially created no license was attached, but SPDX annotations were/are gradually attached
on per-file basis over time.

- Some code has been incorporated into the repository from existing sources with a license
  different than Apache-2. In this case the SPDX header uses the original license.
- A few Puppet modules are vendored in, these are found under vendor_modules or core_modules
  and retain their original license
- hieradata/ does not carry an explicit license. It contains configuration data of limited
  usefulness outside of the specific setup of the Wikimedia Foundation and it's trivial
  enough to probably not even be copyrightable at all. If you find it useful, use
  it for whatever you need it, but we're not attaching a license explicitly.

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