Raw File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use Carp;
use Cwd;

sub pr_pad {
  my $str = shift;
  return ("[pre-receive] $str");

# I think there's a slicker way to do this, using output filters, but
# for now let's just do this as a subroutine.
sub pr_print {
  my $str = shift;
  chomp ($str); # in case it already had some extra whitespace at the end
  print (pr_pad ($str . "\n"));

sub pr_die {
  exit 1;

# There should be exactly one line given to this script by git.
my $first_line = <>;
my $second_line = <>;
unless (defined $first_line) {
  pr_print ('Standard input was empty!  How is that possible?');
  exit 1;
if (defined $second_line) {
  pr_print ('We currently handle pushes to only one refspec (namely, the master branch)');
  exit 1;

# Ensure that the line we've received has the right form, as specified
# in the git man page githooks:
# <old-value> SP <new-value> SP <ref-name> LF
chomp $first_line;
my ($old_sha, $new_sha, $refspec) = split (/\ /x, $first_line);
unless (defined $old_sha && defined $new_sha && defined $refspec) {
  pr_print ('The given line does not match the format specified in the githooks(5) man page');
  exit 1;

# Check for sane SHA1 values
unless ($old_sha =~ /[a-z0-9]{40}/x && $new_sha =~ /[a-z0-9]{40}/x) {
  pr_print ('Suspicious SHA1 values given');
  exit 1;

# Ensure that the new SHA1 and the old SHA1 are the names of commit
# objects.
my $old_sha_type = `git cat-file -t $old_sha`;
my $new_sha_type = `git cat-file -t $new_sha`;
chomp $old_sha_type;
chomp $new_sha_type;
unless ($old_sha_type eq 'commit') {
  pr_print ("The old object with the name,");
  pr_print ("  $old_sha");
  pr_print ("is not a commit; unable to proceed.");
  exit 1;
unless ($new_sha_type eq 'commit') {
  pr_print ("The new object with the name,");
  pr_print ("  $new_sha");
  pr_print ("is not a commit; unable to proceed.");
  exit 1;

# We permit pushes only to the refpsec "refs/heads/master".
unless ($refspec eq 'refs/heads/master') {
  pr_print ('We permit pushes only to the master branch');
  exit 1;

# Now that we know that the SHA1 object names being pushed are
# commits, find their associated trees
my $old_commit_tree = `git cat-file commit $old_sha | grep ^tree | cut -f 2 -d ' '`;
my $new_commit_tree = `git cat-file commit $new_sha | grep ^tree | cut -f 2 -d ' '`;
chomp $old_commit_tree;
chomp $new_commit_tree;

my $mizar_article_ext = 'miz';
my $coq_article_ext = 'v';
my $article_ext = $mizar_article_ext;
my $article_regexp = '\.$article_ext\$';

# Other file extensions that we have to allow.
my $mizar_special_ext = 'voc';
my $special_ext = $mizar_special_ext;
my $special_regexp = '\.$special_ext\$';

# Ensure that no non-mizar code is being pushed
my @non_lib_files 
    = `git show --pretty=oneline --name-only $new_sha | tail -n +2 | grep --invert-match '\.$article_ext\$' | grep --invert-match '\.$special_ext\$'`;
unless (scalar @non_lib_files == 0) {
    pr_print ("Only .$article_ext and .$special_ext files are permitted to be committed: \"$non_lib_files[0]\"  Sorry.");
  exit 1;

# Ensure that all .miz files satisfy these conditions:
# 1 they are under the mml subdirectory
# 2 they are actually files, i.e., blobs in git terminology
# 3 their size is less than, say, one megabyte;
# 4 they have mode 644 ("should never happen", given condition #2)
my @lib_files = `git show --name-only --pretty=oneline $new_sha | tail -n +2 | grep "\.$article_ext\$"`;
for my $lib_file (@lib_files) {
  chomp $lib_file;
  if ($lib_file !~ /\A mml \/ ([a-z0-9_]+\.miz) \z/xm) { # strip "mml/" prefix
    pr_print ("Suspicious: .$article_ext file is not under the mml subdirectory");
    pr_print ("The path is $lib_file");
    exit 1;

my @dict_files = `git show --name-only --pretty=oneline $new_sha | tail -n +2 | grep "\.$special_ext\$"`;
for my $lib_file (@dict_files) {
  chomp $lib_file;
  if ($lib_file !~ /\A dict \/ ([a-z0-9_]+\.voc) \z/xm) { # strip "mml/" prefix
    pr_print ("Suspicious: .$special_ext file is not under the dict subdirectory");
    pr_print ("The path is $lib_file");
    exit 1;

@lib_files = (@lib_files, @dict_files);

for my $lib_file (@lib_files) {
  chomp $lib_file;
  my $lib_file_size = `git cat-file -s $new_sha:$lib_file`;
  chomp $lib_file_size;
  if ($lib_file_size > 1000000) {
    pr_print ("Suspicious: the file $lib_file is bigger than one megabyte");
    exit 1;
  my $mode = `git ls-tree -r $new_commit_tree $lib_file | cut -f 1 -d ' '`;
  chomp $mode;
  unless ($mode eq '100644') {
    pr_print ("Suspicious: a file $lib_file is being commited with mode $mode; we permit only mode 100644");
    exit 1;
  my $lib_file_type = `git ls-tree -r $new_commit_tree $lib_file | cut -f 2 -d ' '`;
  chomp $lib_file_type;
  unless ($lib_file_type eq 'blob') {
    pr_print ("The file $lib_file is somehow not a git blob object");
    exit 1;

# Now let's try to commit these files to the backend repo.  First, we
# need to store them somewhere.  They are already on the server as
# objects.  I suppose we could just directly copy the files, using the
# SHA1 object names.  But just for the sake of simplicity, let's first
# use git show to do the job for us.
# How will we deal with the problem of possibly bad files?  We shall
# first copy the files in the backend repo that are supposed to be
# updated; these are known to be safe.  Then, we'll add the new .miz
# files to the backend repo, and call git add there on them.  Then
# we'll call git commit in the backend repo.  If this works, then we
# don't have anything else to do; we can delete the copies of the
# known safe .miz files that we made earlier.  IF something goes wrong
# with the pre-commit hook, then we move the known safe mizar files
# back into their original place.

my $backend_repo_path = '@@BACKEND@@';

my $wikilock;

# locking taken from ikiwiki
sub lockwiki () {
	# Take an exclusive lock on the wiki to prevent multiple concurrent
	# run issues. The lock will be dropped on program exit.
	open($wikilock, '>', $backend_repo_path . "/" . ".wikilock") ||
	    pr_die ("The wiki cannot write to the lock file $backend_repo_path/.wikilock: $!");
	if (! flock($wikilock, 2|4)) { # LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB
		pr_die("The wiki is being used for another commit, try again in a minute: failed to get lock");
	return 1;

sub unlockwiki () {
	return close($wikilock) if $wikilock;

# Separate the old miz files -- the ones that already exist in the
# backend repo -- from the new miz files -- the genuinely new
# contributions.  To determine whether something is old/already
# exists, we'll use the old SHA1 that was given to this script as
# input.  It should point to a commit object (and hence, indirectly,
# to a tree object) that already exists on in the frontend repo.

my @new_lib_files = ();
my @updated_lib_files = ();

pr_print ("Here is the list of all received files: @lib_files");

foreach my $received_lib_file (@lib_files) {
  chomp $received_lib_file; # looks like "mml/<something>"
  `git cat-file -e $old_commit_tree:$received_lib_file 2> /dev/null`;
  my $git_cat_file_exit_code = ($? >> 8);
  if ($git_cat_file_exit_code == 0) {
    push @updated_lib_files, $received_lib_file;
  } else {
    push @new_lib_files, $received_lib_file;

pr_print ("brand new files: ");
if (scalar @new_lib_files == 0) {
  pr_print ("(none)");
} else {
  pr_print ("@new_lib_files");
pr_print ("files to be updated: ");
if (scalar @updated_lib_files == 0) {
  pr_print ("(none)");
} else {
  pr_print ("@updated_lib_files");

# NOTE: this should be killed completely after testing the git reset HEAD and git checkout -- technique

# Copy the files that already exist in the backend repo to a temporary
# location.  If things work, these will simply be deleted.  Otherwise,
# they will be resurrected and put back into the backend repo.
# my $purgatory = tempdir ();
# my $purgatory_mml = $purgatory . "/" . "mml";
# mkdir $purgatory_mml;

# Move the already existing mizar files to the backend repo
# foreach my $updated_lib_file (@updated_lib_files) {
#   chomp $updated_lib_file;
#   my $article_filename = strip_initial_mml ($updated_lib_file);
#   my $purgatory_path = $purgatory_mml . "/" . $article_filename;
#   `git show $old_commit_tree:$updated_lib_file > $purgatory_path`;
# }


# Now that we've moved the files that are updated in this
# proposed commit to a safe purgatory, copy the contents of the new
# new files to the backend repo.
foreach my $received_file (@lib_files) {
  chomp $received_file;
  ($received_file =~ /^(mml|dict)\/[a-z0-9_]+[.]($article_ext|$special_ext)$/) or
    pr_die("Wrong file name: $received_file");
  my $possibly_new_dir_path = $1;
  `mkdir -p $backend_repo_path/$possibly_new_dir_path`;
  my $received_path = $backend_repo_path . "/" . $received_file;
  `git cat-file blob $new_commit_tree:$received_file > $received_path`;
  unless (-e $received_path) {
    croak ("We didn't output anything to $received_path");

sub ensure_directory {
  my $maybe_dir = shift;
  if (-d $maybe_dir) {
    return $maybe_dir;
  } else {
    croak ("The given directory, $maybe_dir, is not actually a directory");

sub move_all_files_from_to {
  my $source_dir = ensure_directory (shift);
  my $target_dir = ensure_directory (shift);
  `find $source_dir -type f -depth 0 -exec mv {} $target_dir ";"`;
  my $find_exit_status = ($? >> 8);
  if ($find_exit_status == 0) {
  } else {
    croak ("Error copying the files from $source_dir to $target_dir!");

## TODO: The current way of doing this is bad when the commit/add fails:
##    When we modify a file, and call git add, its current content is staged.
##    When the commit fails, and we copy over it the old version, the
##    modified version is still staged - this is bad. We need to undo
##    the staging too. Perhaps there is a pre-staging hook? Or it is
##    easy to undo the last staging?
##    Here is the answer: http://learn.github.com/p/undoing.html
##    we can use:
##    git reset HEAD
##    and
##    git checkout --
##    to unstage and unmodify
## NOTE: if we do things this way, we should not need the copying of
## the old files to tempdir.
## NOTE: we should also think of this in pre-commit

# All newly received mizar files are now in sitting in the backend
# repo.  Now we add them.
local $ENV{GIT_DIR} 
  = $backend_repo_path . "/" . ".git"; # GIT_DIR is set to "." by git

chdir $backend_repo_path;              # before executing this hook!
system ("git add @lib_files 2>&1");
my $git_add_exit_code = ($? >> 8);
unless ($git_add_exit_code == 0) {
  pr_print ("Error adding the new files to the backend repository:");
  pr_print ("The exit code was $git_add_exit_code");

  system ("git reset --hard 2>&1");
#  move_all_files_from_to ($purgatory_mml, $backend_repo_mml);

  exit 1;

# We've successful added new files to the repo -- let's commit!
my $git_commit_output 
  = system ("git commit -m 'Anonymous push' 2>&1");
my $git_commit_exit_code = ($? >> 8);
unless ($git_commit_exit_code == 0) {
  pr_print ("Error commiting to the backend repository:");
  pr_print ("The exit code was $git_commit_exit_code");

  system ("git reset --hard 2>&1");

  # The commit failed, so we need to resurrect the files in purgatory
#  move_all_files_from_to ($purgatory_mml, $backend_repo_mml);

  exit 1;


# If we made it this far, then we deserve a break.
exit 0;
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