Raw File
TYPES: #games-1 VideoGame


<h1> Super Game</h1>
<link href="http://example.com/supergame1">
<img alt="Super Game logo" src="/images/screenshots/supergame/cover.jpg"/>
<div> Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive</div>
  <p>Language Russian </p>
  <p> Localizer TranslateStudio Inc.</p>
  <p>Language Chinese</p>
  <p> Localizer Fānyì zhě Inc.</p>
<div>Game rating: <b>5</b></div>
<p> Author<a href="http://gds.com">GameDevelopmentStudio</a></p>
<p> Publisher: RL Russia</p>
<div>Game Specific
  <p>Genre Action (Shooter / Robot) / 3D / 1st Person</p>
<div>System Requirements
  <p>Processor requirements 4 GHz</p>
  <p>Memory requirements 8 Gb</p>
  <p>Storage requirements 64 Gb</p>
  <li> PC game </li>
  <li> Xbox One </li>
  <li> PlayStation 3</li>
  <h2> New colour of sky<link href="http://example.com/supergamedlc1"></h2>
<h2>Video: Super Game review</h2>
<object ...>
  <param ...>
  <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...>
  <h2>Hints, Secrets, Glitches &amp; Easter Eggs</h2>
  <p>Easy Credits <span>To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you </span></p>
  <p><a href="http://example.com/strategy/super-game/victory.php">Victory Strategy Guides</a></p>

<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoGame">
  <h1 itemprop="name"> Super Game </h1>
  <link href="http://example.com/supergame1" itemprop="url">
  <img alt="Super Game logo" itemprop="image" src="/images/screenshots/supergame/cover.jpg"/>
  <div itemprop="description">Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive</div>
    <p>Language<span itemprop="inLanguage">Russian</span></p>
    <p> Localizer <span itemprop="translator">TranslateStudio Inc.</span></p>
    <p>Language<span itemprop="inLanguage">Chinese</span></p>
    <p> Localizer <span itemprop="translator ">Fānyì zhě Inc.</span></p>
  <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating" itemprop="aggregateRating">
    <div>Game rating: <b itemprop="ratingValue">5</b></div>
  <div itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">
    <p> Author<span itemprop="name"><a itemprop="url" href="http://gds.com">GameDevelopmentStudio</a></span></p>
  <p> Publisher <span itemprop="publisher">RL Russia</span></p>
  <div>Game Specific
    <meta itemprop="playMode" content=" SinglePlayer" >
    <p>Genre <span itemprop="genre">Action (Shooter / Robot) / 3D / 1st Person</span></p>
  <div>System Requirements
    <p>Processor requirements<span itemprop="processorRequirements">4 GHz</span></p>
    <p>Memory requirements<span itemprop="memoryRequirements">8 Gb</span></p>
    <p>Storage requirements<span itemprop="storageRequirements">64 Gb</span></p>
    <li itemprop="gamePlatform"> PC game </li>
    <li itemprop="gamePlatform"> Xbox One </li>
    <li itemprop="gamePlatform"> PlayStation 3</li>
  <div itemprop="softwareAddOn" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoGame">DLC
  <h2 itemprop="name"> New colour of sky<link href="http://example.com/supergamedlc1" itemprop="url"></h2>
  <div itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
    <h2>Video: <span itemprop="name">Super Game review</span></h2>
    <meta itemprop="duration" content="T1M33S" />
    <meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="super-game.jpg" />
    <object ...>
      <param ...>
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...>
    <h2>Hints, Secrets, Glitches &amp; Easter Eggs</h2>
    <p>Easy Credits <span itemprop="cheatCode">To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you </span></p>
    <p><a href="http://example.com/strategy/super-game/victory.php">Victory Strategy Guides</a></p>

<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="VideoGame">
  <h1 property="name"> Super Game </h1>
  <link property="url" href="http://example.com/supergame1">
  <img alt="Super Game logo" property="image" src="/images/screenshots/supergame/cover.jpg"/>
  <div property="description">Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive</div>
    <p>Language <span property="inLanguage">Russian </span> </p>
    <p> Localizer <span property="translator"> TranslateStudio Inc.</span></p>
    <p>Language <span property="inLanguage">Chinese</span> </p>
    <p> Localizer <span property="translator"> Fānyì zhě Inc.</span></p>
  <div  property="aggregateRating"  typeof="AggregateRating">Game rating: <b property="ratingValue">5</b></div>
  <div property="author" typeof="Organization" >
    <p> Author<a property="url" href="http://gds.com"><span property="name">GameDevelopmentStudio</span></a></p>
  <p> Publisher <span property="publisher">RL Russia</span></p>
  <div>Game Specific
    <p>Genre <span property="genre">Action (Shooter / Robot) </span>/ <span property="genre">3D </span>/ <span property="genre">1st Person</span></p>
  <div>System Requirements
    <p>Processor requirements <span property="processorRequirements">4 GHz</span></p>
    <p>Memory requirements <span property="memoryRequirements">8 Gb</span></p>
    <p>Storage requirements <span property="storageRequirements">64 Gb</span></p>
<li property="gamePlatform"> PC game </li>
<li property="gamePlatform"> Xbox One </li>
<li property="gamePlatform"> PlayStation 3</li>
<div property="softwareAddOn" typeof="SoftwareApplication">DLC
<h2 property="name"> New colour of sky<link property="url" href="http://example.com/supergamedlc1">
<div property="associatedMedia" typeof="VideoObject">
    <h2>Video: <span property="name">Super Game review</span></h2>
     <meta property="duration" content="T1M33S" />
     <meta property="thumbnail" content="super-game.jpg" />
    <object ...>
      <param ...>
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ...>
  <h2>Hints, Secrets, Glitches &amp; Easter Eggs</h2>
  <p>Easy Credits <span property="cheatCode">To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you </span></p>
  <p><a href="http://example.com/strategy/super-game/victory.php">Victory Strategy Guides</a></p>


<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGame",
  "name": "Super Game",
  "url": "http://example.com/supergame1",
  "image": "/images/screenshots/supergame/cover.jpg",
  "description": "Ultra interesting. Super impressive. Mega attractive",
  "translator":[" TranslateStudio Inc.","Fānyì zhě Inc."],
  "publisher":"RL Russia",
  "genre":["Action (Shooter / Robot)","3D","1st Person"],
  "processorRequirements":"4 GHz",
  "memoryRequirements":"8 Gb",
  "storageRequirements":"64 Gb",
  "gamePlatform":["PC game ", "Xbox One","PlayStation 3"],
    "name":"New colour of sky",
    "name":"Super Game review",
  "cheatCode":"To get infinite credits you must first have at least 1 or 2 companions with you"

TYPES: #games-2 VideoGame


<h1><a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim">The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: Single-player</p>
  <div><b><a href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Oghma_Infinium_(Skyrim)">Oghma Infinium</a></b>
    <img alt="An old book" src="http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209152336/elderscrolls/images/thumb/b/b0/Oghma.jpg/180px-Oghma.jpg">
    The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.
  <div><b><a href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Unbound">Unbound</a></b>
    <img alt="An action screenshot" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120234225/elderscrolls/images/thumb/a/a3/Unbound.png/256px-Unbound.png">
    It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.
   <div><b><a href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Before_the_Storm">Before the Storm</a></b>
    <img alt="A blacksmith called Alvor" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120928235929/elderscrolls/images/thumb/1/1d/Alvor.png/256px-Alvor.png">
    Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.
  <div><b>Deathbrand Instinct</b>
    Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor
    <li>"Beitild's House"</li>
    <li>"Brina's House"</li>
    <li>"Dawnstar Barracks"</li>
    <li>"Fruki's House"</li>
    <li>"Irgnir's House"</li>


<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoGame">
<h1 itemprop="name"><a itemprop="url" href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim">The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: <span itemprop="playMode">SinglePlayer</span></p>
<div ><h2>Items</h2>
  <div itemprop="gameItem" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name"><a itemprop="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Oghma_Infinium_(Skyrim)">Oghma Infinium</a></b>
    <img alt="An old book" itemprop="image" src="http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209152336/elderscrolls/images/thumb/b/b0/Oghma.jpg/180px-Oghma.jpg">
    <p itemprop="description"> The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.</p>
  <div itemprop="quest" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name"><a itemprop="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Unbound">Unbound</a></b>
    <img alt="An action screenshot" itemprop="image" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120234225/elderscrolls/images/thumb/a/a3/Unbound.png/256px-Unbound.png">
    <p itemprop="description">It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.</p>
   <div itemprop="quest" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name"><a  itemprop="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Before_the_Storm">Before the Storm</a></b>
    <img itemprop="image" alt="A blacksmith called Alvor" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120928235929/elderscrolls/images/thumb/1/1d/Alvor.png/256px-Alvor.png">
    <p itemprop="description">Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.</p>
  <div itemprop="characterAttribute" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name">Deathbrand Instinct</b>
  <meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Ability">
    <p itemprop="description">Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor</p>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Beitild's House"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Brina's House"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Dawnstar Barracks"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Fruki's House"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Irgnir's House"</li>


<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="VideoGame">
<h1 property="name"><a property="url" href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim">The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: <span property="playMode">SinglePlayer</span></p>
<div ><h2>Items</h2>
  <div property="gameItem" typeof="Thing"><b property="name"><a property="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Oghma_Infinium_(Skyrim)">Oghma Infinium</a></b>
    <img property="image" alt="An old book" src="http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120209152336/elderscrolls/images/thumb/b/b0/Oghma.jpg/180px-Oghma.jpg">
    <p property="description"> The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.</p>
  <div property="quest" typeof="Thing"><b property="name"><a property="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Unbound">Unbound</a></b>
    <img property="image" alt="An action screenshot" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120234225/elderscrolls/images/thumb/a/a3/Unbound.png/256px-Unbound.png">
    <p property="description">It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.</p>
   <div property="quest" typeof="Thing"><b property="name"><a  property="url" href="http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Before_the_Storm">Before the Storm</a></b>
    <img property="image"  alt="A blacksmith called Alvor" src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120928235929/elderscrolls/images/thumb/1/1d/Alvor.png/256px-Alvor.png">
    <p property="description">Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.</p>
  <div property="characterAttribute" typeof="Thing"><b property="name">Deathbrand Instinct</b>
  <meta property="alternateName" content="Ability">
    <p property="description">Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor</p>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Beitild's House"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Brina's House"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Dawnstar Barracks"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Fruki's House"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Irgnir's House"</li>


<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGame",
  "name": "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim",
  "url": "http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim",
  "playMode": "SinglePlayer",
  "gameItem": {
    "@type": "Thing",
    "name":"Oghma Infinium",
    "description":"The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.",
  "quest": [{
    "@type": "Thing",
    "name":" Unbound",
    "description":" It serves as the tutorial mission where the player learns the basics about the game.",
    "image":" http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121120234225/elderscrolls/images/thumb/a/a3/Unbound.png/256px-Unbound.png"
    "@type": "Thing",
    "name":"Before the Storm",
    "url": "http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Before_the_Storm",
    "description":" Before the Storm is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After escaping from the dragon attack at Helgen, it's necessary to follow the advice received that leads to Riverwood. It is possible to gather supplies and prepare for a trip to Whiterun to report the recent events to Jarl Balgruuf.",
    "image":" http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120928235929/elderscrolls/images/thumb/1/1d/Alvor.png/256px-Alvor.png"
  "characterAttribute": {
    "@type": "Thing",
    "name":" Deathbrand Instinct",
    "description":"Increases armor rating by 100 points if wearing all Deathbrand Armor"
  "gameLocation":["Beitild's House", "Brina's House", "Dawnstar Barracks", "Fruki's House", "Irgnir's House"]

TYPES: #games-3 VideoGame


<h1><a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim">Fallout 3</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: Single-player</p>
    <p> Author<a href="http://www.bethsoft.com/"><span>Bethesda Game Studios</span></a></p>
    <p>Founded in 1986</p>
    <P> Person</p>
      <li>Founder: Christopher Weaver</li>
      <li>Vlatko Andonov</li>
      <li>Todd Howard</li>
      <li>Ashley Cheng</li>
 <p> Publishers: Bethesda Softworks, Ubisoft</p>
  <div>Game Specific
    <p>Genre: Action Role-playing game</p>
<li> Microsoft Windows X </li>
<li> Windows 7 </li>
<li> Xbox 360 </li>
<li> PlayStation 3 </li>
  <div><link href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_items"/>
    The Oghma Infinium (Plural: Oghmae Infinium[OOG 1]) is a very powerful Daedric artifact belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. It is an ancient tome of knowledge written by Xarxes, the wizard sage and scribe also known as The Ageless One.The Oghma Infinium is given to Hermaeus Mora's champion upon completion of a specific task or quest. Once read, it disappears, returning to Hermaeus Mora's realm in Oblivion.
    Proficiency at trading and haggling
<div><b>Black Widow/Lady Killer</b>
    +10% damage to the opposite sex, and unique dialogue options with certain characters

    <li>"Rivet City"</li>
    <li>"Canterbury Commons"</li>
    <li>"Big Town"</li>
<a href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_Manual">Manual</a>


<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoGame">
<h1 itemprop="name"><a itemprop="url" href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim">Fallout 3</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: <span itemprop="playMode"> SinglePlayer </span></p>
<div itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Organization">
    <p> Author<a itemprop="url" href="http://www.bethsoft.com/"><span itemprop="name">Bethesda Game Studios</span></a></p>
    <p>Founded in <span itemprop="foundingDate">1986</span></p>
    <P> Persons</p>
      <li>Founder: <span itemprop="founder">Christopher Weaver</span></li>
      <li itemprop="employee">Vlatko Andonov</li>
      <li itemprop="employee">Todd Howard</li>
      <li itemprop="employee">Ashley Cheng</li>
 <p> Published by:<span itemprop="publisher">Bethesda Softworks</span>, <span itemprop="publisher">Ubisoft</span></p>
 <p>Genre: <span itemprop="genre">Action Role-playing game</span></p>
<li itemprop="gamePlatform"> Microsoft Windows X </li>
<li itemprop="gamePlatform"> Windows 7 </li>
<li itemprop="gamePlatform"> Xbox 360 </li>
<li itemprop="gamePlatform"> PlayStation 3 </li>
<div ><h2>Items</h2>
  <div itemprop="gameItem" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing">
    <link itemprop="url" href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_items"/>
    <p itemprop="description"> A dynamic facet of gameplay is that firearms wear out over time of use. As a weapon degenerates, its damage is reduced and it loses accuracy. However, worn out firearms of the same type can be combined to make more reliable and powerful weapons. Weapon schematics can also be found and used to create various devices such as the Rock-It Launcher that can fire various items such as lunchboxes and stuffed animals, or the bottlecap mine, made out of a Vault-Tec lunchbox, cherry bombs, sensor module and bottle caps. Along with equipping various weapons, the player can also utilize different armors and clothing that may have effects that can alter various skills</p>
  <div itemprop="characterAttribute" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name">Barter</b>
  <meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Skill">
    <p itemprop="description"> Proficiency at trading and haggling </p>
<div  itemprop="characterAttribute" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Thing"><b itemprop="name">Black Widow/Lady Killer</b>
  <meta itemprop="alternateName" content="Perk">
    <p itemprop="description">+10% damage to the opposite sex, and unique dialogue options with certain characters</p>

    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Rivet City"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Megaton"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Canterbury Commons"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Big Town"</li>
    <li itemprop="gameLocation">"Arefu"</li>
<a itemprop="gameTip" href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_Manual">Manual</a>


<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="VideoGame">
<h1 property="name"><a property="url" href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3">Fallout 3</a></h1>
<p>Play mode: <span property="playMode"> SinglePlayer </span></p>
<div property="author" typeof="Organization">
    <p> Author<a property="url" href="http://www.bethsoft.com/"><span property="name">Bethesda Game Studios</span></a></p>
    <p>Founded in <span property="foundingDate">1986</span></p>
    <P> Persons</p>
      <li>Founder: <span property="founder">Christopher Weaver</span></li>
      <li property="employee">Vlatko Andonov</li>
      <li property="employee">Todd Howard</li>
      <li property="employee">Ashley Cheng</li>
 <p> Published by:<span property="publisher">Bethesda Softworks</span>, <span property="publisher">Ubisoft</span></p>
 <p>Genre: <span property="genre">Action Role-playing game</span></p>
<li property="gamePlatform"> Microsoft Windows X </li>
<li property="gamePlatform"> Windows 7 </li>
<li property="gamePlatform"> Xbox 360 </li>
<li property="gamePlatform"> PlayStation 3 </li>
<div ><h2>Items</h2>
  <div property="gameItem" typeof="Thing">
    <link property="url" href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_items"/>
    <p property="description"> A dynamic facet of gameplay is that firearms wear out over time of use. As a weapon degenerates, its damage is reduced and it loses accuracy. However, worn out firearms of the same type can be combined to make more reliable and powerful weapons. Weapon schematics can also be found and used to create various devices such as the Rock-It Launcher that can fire various items such as lunchboxes and stuffed animals, or the bottlecap mine, made out of a Vault-Tec lunchbox, cherry bombs, sensor module and bottle caps. Along with equipping various weapons, the player can also utilize different armors and clothing that may have effects that can alter various skills</p>
  <div property="characterAttribute" typeof="Thing"><b property="name">Barter</b>
  <meta property="alternateName" content="Skill">
    <p property="description"> Proficiency at trading and haggling </p>
<div  property="characterAttribute" typeof="Thing"><b property="name">Black Widow/Lady Killer</b>
  <meta property="alternateName" content="Perk">
    <p property="description">+10% damage to the opposite sex, and unique dialogue options with certain characters</p>

    <li property="gameLocation">"Rivet City"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Megaton"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Canterbury Commons"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Big Town"</li>
    <li property="gameLocation">"Arefu"</li>
<a property="gameTip" href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_Manual">Manual</a>


<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGame",
  "name": "Fallout 3",
  "url": "http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3",
  "playMode": "SinglePlayer",
  "author": {
    "name":"Bethesda Game Studios",
    "founder":"Christopher Weaver",
    "employee":"Vlatko Andonov",
    "employee":"Todd Howard",
    "employee":"Ashley Cheng"
  "publisher":["Bethesda Softworks","Ubisoft"],
  "genre":"Action Role-playing game",
  "gamePlatform":["Microsoft Windows X", "Windows 7","Xbox 360","PlayStation 3"],
  "contentRating":"ESRB M",
  "gameItem": {
    "@type": "Thing",
    "description":"A dynamic facet of gameplay is that firearms wear out over time of use. As a weapon degenerates, its damage is reduced and it loses accuracy. However, worn out firearms of the same type can be combined to make more reliable and powerful weapons. Weapon schematics can also be found and used to create various devices such as the Rock-It Launcher that can fire various items such as lunchboxes and stuffed animals, or the bottlecap mine, made out of a Vault-Tec lunchbox, cherry bombs, sensor module and bottle caps. Along with equipping various weapons, the player can also utilize different armors and clothing that may have effects that can alter various skills"
  "characterAttribute": [{
    "@type": "Thing",
    "description":"Proficiency at trading and haggling"
    "@type": "Thing",
    "name":"Black Widow/Lady Killer",
    "description":"+10% damage to the opposite sex, and unique dialogue options with certain characters"
  "gameLocation":["Rivet City", "Megaton", "Canterbury Commons", "Big Town", "Arefu"],

TYPES: #games-4 VideoGame



<img alt="Picture of monopoly board game." src="http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/56/85/9b/56859be5-c5fa-9cc2-9277-276891ad070e/screen568x568.jpeg"/>
by <span>Electronic Arts</span>
**YOU VOTED &amp; THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG** Thanks to the votes from YOU and thousands of loyal MONOPOLY Facebook fans from 185 different countries, the CAT mover is now available to play with in this latest update as well as in the classic board game version of MONOPOLY!</span>
  <span>4</span> stars -
  <span>33</span> reviews
  Price: <span>1</span> In Stock
  Updated: 09.11.2013


<body itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoGame http://schema.org/MobileApplication">
<span itemprop="gamePlatform">iOS</span>

<img itemprop="image" alt="Picture of monopoly board game." src="http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/56/85/9b/56859be5-c5fa-9cc2-9277-276891ad070e/screen568x568.jpeg"/>
<span itemprop="name">MONOPOLY</span>
by <span itemprop="author">Electronic Arts</span>
<span itemprop="description">
**YOU VOTED &amp; THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG** Thanks to the votes from YOU and thousands of loyal MONOPOLY Facebook fans from 185 different countries, the CAT mover is now available to play with in this latest update as well as in the classic board game version of MONOPOLY!</span>
<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating">
  <span itemprop="ratingValue">4</span> stars -
  <span itemprop="reviewCount">33</span> reviews
<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
  Price: <span itemprop="price">1</span>
  <meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
  <link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock">In Stock
  Version:<span itemprop="softwareVersion">1.2.50</span>
  Updated:<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2013-11-09"> 09.11.2013
<div itemprop="audience" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PeopleAudience">
  Age<span itemprop="requiredMinAge">4</span>+


<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="VideoGame MobileApplication">
<span property="gamePlatform">iOS</span>

<img property="image" alt="Picture of monopoly board game." src="http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/56/85/9b/56859be5-c5fa-9cc2-9277-276891ad070e/screen568x568.jpeg"/>
<span property="name">MONOPOLY</span>
by <span property="author">Electronic Arts</span>
<span property="description">
**YOU VOTED &amp; THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG** Thanks to the votes from YOU and thousands of loyal MONOPOLY Facebook fans from 185 different countries, the CAT mover is now available to play with in this latest update as well as in the classic board game version of MONOPOLY!</span>
<div property="aggregateRating" typeof="AggregateRating">
  <span property="ratingValue">4</span> stars -
  <span property="reviewCount">33</span> reviews
<div property="offers" typeof="Offer">
  Price: <span property="price">1</span>
  <meta property="priceCurrency" content="USD" />
  <link property="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock">In Stock
  Version:<span property="softwareVersion">1.2.50</span>
  Updated:<meta property="dateModified" content="2013-11-09"> 09.11.2013
<div property="audience" typeof="PeopleAudience">
  Age<span property="requiredMinAge">4</span>+


<script type="application/ld+json">
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  "@type": ["VideoGame","MobileApplication"],
  "author":"Electronic Arts",
  "description":"**YOU VOTED &amp; THE CAT’S OUT OF THE BAG** Thanks to the votes from YOU and thousands of loyal MONOPOLY Facebook fans from 185 different countries, the CAT mover is now available to play with in this latest update as well as in the classic board game version of MONOPOLY!",

TYPES: #games-5 VideoGame


This example is JSON only.


This example is JSON only.


This example is JSON only.

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGame",
  "name": "Minecraft",
  "url": "http://www.mineplex.com/",
  "playMode": "MultiPlayer",
  "gamePlatform": " Online_gaming_services",
  "gameServer": {
    "name": "mineplex",
    "playersOnline": "5361",
    "serverStatus": "Online"
"video": {
  "@type" : "http://schema.org/VideoObject",
  "caption" : "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! #6 [Hot Pepper Challenge!]",
  "description" : "How many Jalapeno can I eat without crying? ZERO. Today's challenge is for every chest I open, I have to eat a Jalapeno and... I HAVE TO WIN. This video was painful",
  "url" : "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q6a9aFk3XY"

TYPES: #games-6 Game


      <span>Approx. Retail:</span>
      <a href="/monopoly-2/en_US/shop/where-to-buy.cfm?brand_guid=DAD28866-1C43-11DD-BD0B-0800200C9A66&prodName=Monopoly%20Game">Where To Buy</a>
      Ages: <span>8</span> YEARS &amp; UP
    <h4>Game Description:</h4>
    <p>Own it all as a high-flying trader in the fast-paced world of real estate. Tour the city for the hottest properties: sites, stations and utilities are all up for grabs. Invest in houses and hotels, then watch the rent come pouring in! Make deals with other players and look out for bargains at auction. There are many ways to get what you want. For really speedy dealers, use the speed die for a quick and intense game of Monopoly. So get on Go and trade your way to success!<br/><br/>Includes <span>gameboard</span>, <span>8 tokens</span>, <span>28 Title Deed cards</span>, <span>16 Chance cards</span>, <span>16 Community Chest cards</span>, <span>money pack</span>,<span> 32 houses</span>, <span>12 hotels</span>, 2 dice and instructions<br/><br/>•Features a speed die for a faster, more intense game<br/>•Includes the new token that was voted No. 1: the cat<br/><br/>
    <div>For 3 to 5 players.</div><br/><br/>Ages 8 and up.<br/><br/>Monopoly and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.


<section itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Game">
    <section itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
      <span>Approx. Retail:</span>
      <span itemprop="priceCurrency">$</span><span itemprop="price">17.99</span>
      <a href="/monopoly-2/en_US/shop/where-to-buy.cfm?brand_guid=DAD28866-1C43-11DD-BD0B-0800200C9A66&prodName=Monopoly%20Game" itemprop="availableAtOrFrom">Where To Buy</a>
    <span itemprop="audience" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PeopleAudience">
      Ages: <span itemprop="suggestedMinAge">8</span> YEARS &amp; UP
    <h4>Game Description:</h4>
    <p itemprop="description">Own it all as a high-flying trader in the fast-paced world of real estate. Tour the city for the hottest properties: sites, stations and utilities are all up for grabs. Invest in houses and hotels, then watch the rent come pouring in! Make deals with other players and look out for bargains at auction. There are many ways to get what you want. For really speedy dealers, use the speed die for a quick and intense game of Monopoly. So get on Go and trade your way to success!<br/><br/>Includes <span itemprop="gameItem">gameboard</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">8 tokens</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">28 Title Deed cards</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">16 Chance cards</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">16 Community Chest cards</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">money pack</span>,<span itemprop="gameItem"> 32 houses</span>, <span itemprop="gameItem">12 hotels</span>, 2 dice and instructions<br/><br/>•Features a speed die for a faster, more intense game<br/>•Includes the new token that was voted No. 1: the cat<br/><br/>
    <div itemprop="numberOfPlayers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/QuantitativeValue">For <span itemprop="minValue">3</span> to <span itemprop="maxValue">5</span> players.</div><br/><br/>Ages 8 and up.<br/><br/>Monopoly and all related characters are trademarks of <span itemprop="copyrightHolder">Hasbro</span>.


<section vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Game">
    <section property="offers" typeof="Offer">
      <span>Approx. Retail:</span>
      <span property="priceCurrency">$</span><span property="price">17.99</span>
      <a href="/monopoly-2/en_US/shop/where-to-buy.cfm?brand_guid=DAD28866-1C43-11DD-BD0B-0800200C9A66&prodName=Monopoly%20Game" property="availableAtOrFrom">Where To Buy</a>
    <span property="audience" typeof="PeopleAudience">
      Ages: <span property="suggestedMinAge">8</span> YEARS &amp; UP
    <h4>Game Description:</h4>
    <p property="description">Own it all as a high-flying trader in the fast-paced world of real estate. Tour the city for the hottest properties: sites, stations and utilities are all up for grabs. Invest in houses and hotels, then watch the rent come pouring in! Make deals with other players and look out for bargains at auction. There are many ways to get what you want. For really speedy dealers, use the speed die for a quick and intense game of Monopoly. So get on Go and trade your way to success!<br/><br/>Includes <span property="gameItem">gameboard</span>, <span property="gameItem">8 tokens</span>, <span property="gameItem">28 Title Deed cards</span>, <span property="gameItem">16 Chance cards</span>, <span property="gameItem">16 Community Chest cards</span>, <span property="gameItem">money pack</span>,<span property="gameItem"> 32 houses</span>, <span property="gameItem">12 hotels</span>, 2 dice and instructions<br/><br/>•Features a speed die for a faster, more intense game<br/>•Includes the new token that was voted No. 1: the cat<br/><br/>
    <div property="numberOfPlayers" typeof="QuantitativeValue">For <span property="minValue">3</span> to <span property="maxValue">5</span> players.</div><br/><br/>Ages 8 and up.<br/><br/>Monopoly and all related characters are trademarks of <span property="copyrightHolder">Hasbro</span>.

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "Game",
  "description":"Own it all as a high-flying trader in the fast-paced world of real estate. Tour the city for the hottest properties: sites, stations and utilities are all up for grabs. Invest in houses and hotels, then watch the rent come pouring in! Make deals with other players and look out for bargains at auction. There are many ways to get what you want. For really speedy dealers, use the speed die for a quick and intense game of Monopoly. So get on Go and trade your way to success!",
  "gameItem":["gameboard","8 tokens","Title Deed cards","16 Chance cards", "16 Community Chest cards","money pack","32 houses","12 hotels"],

TYPES: #games-7 VideoGame


This example is JSON only.


This example is JSON only.


This example is JSON only.


<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGameSeries",
  "name":"Mass Effect",
  "genre":["ARPG", "third-person shooter"],
  "description":"Supposedly constructed by the long-extinct Protheans, this colossal deep-space station serves as the capital of the Citadel Council. Gravity is simulated through rotation, and is a comfortable 1.02 standard G's on the Wards and a light 0.3 standard G's on the Presidium Ring"
   "@context": "http://schema.org",
   "@type": "VideoGame",
   "name":"Mass Effect 1",
   "gamePlatform":["PlayStation 3", "Xbox 360", "Windows"],
    "name":"Saren Arterius",
    "description":"Saren Arterius, born 2139, is the longest serving turian member of the Spectres, the elite operatives answering directly to the Citadel Council. For 24 years, he has been an agent of the Council's will, a zealous defender of galactic stability in the unsettled border region of the Skyllian Verge"
   "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "VideoGame",
  "name":"Mass Effect Galaxy",

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