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# REDMAX: Efficient & Flexible Approach for Articulated Dynamics

### ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38 (4) 104:1-104:10 (SIGGRAPH), 2019.

[Ying Wang](http://www.yingwang.io/), [Nicholas J. Weidner](http://weidnern.github.io/), [Margaret A. Baxter](https://www.linkedin.com/in/baxter-margareta/), [Yura Hwang](http://yurahwang.com/), [Danny M. Kaufman](http://dannykaufman.io), [Shinjiro Sueda](http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/sueda/)

- `c++`: C++ implementation including Projected Block Jacobi Preconditioner
- `matlab-simple`: Simpler object-oriented MATLAB implementation for getting started
- `matlab`: Object-oriented MATLAB implementation with many features, including:
  - Recursive hybrid dynamics (Featherstone's algorithm) for comparison
  - Time integration using `ode45` or `euler`
  - Frictional dynamics with Bilateral Staggered Projections
  - Spline curve and surface joints [Lee and Terzopoulos 2008]
- `notes.pdf`: An extensive writeup with details on maximal and reduced coordinates. The sample code is in `matlab-simple`.
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