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## Contributing to DGL

Contribution is always welcomed. A good starting place is the roadmap issue, where
you can find our current milestones. All contributions must go through pull requests
and be reviewed by the committers. See our [contribution
guide](https://docs.dgl.ai/contribute.html) for more details.

Once your contribution is accepted and merged, congratulations, you are now a
contributor to the DGL project.  We will put your name in the list below.

* [Sheng Zha](https://github.com/szha): tree-lstm in MXNet
* [Yifei Ma](https://github.com/yifeim): GCN in MXNet
* [Yizhi Liu](https://github.com/yzhliu): RGCN in MXNet
* [@hbsun2113](https://github.com/hbsun2113): GraphSAGE in PyTorch
* [Tianyi Zhang](https://github.com/Tiiiger): SGC in PyTorch
* [Jun Chen](https://github.com/kitaev-chen): GIN in PyTorch
* [Aymen Waheb](https://github.com/aymenwah): APPNP in PyTorch
* [Chengqiang Lu](https://github.com/geekinglcq): MGCN, SchNet and MPNN in PyTorch
* [Gongze Cao](https://github.com/Zardinality): Cluster GCN
* [Yicheng Wu](https://github.com/MilkshakeForReal): RotatE in PyTorch
* [Hao Xiong](https://github.com/ShawXh): DeepWalk in PyTorch

Other improvement
* [Brett Koonce](https://github.com/brettkoonce)
* [@giuseppefutia](https://github.com/giuseppefutia)
* [@mori97](https://github.com/mori97)
* Hao Jin
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