Raw File
Plot Table of Quantile Regression Results
The function makes an array of p - plots based on an array produced
by \code{table.rq} of quantile regression results.  The plots each represent
one parameter of the model specified in the formula argument to
\code{table.rq}; the plots consist of the point estimates betahat(tau)
plotted against the taus specified in the \code{table.rq} command with
a confidence band as produced by \code{rq()}.
plot.table.rq(x,nrow=3,ncol=2, ...)
  object of class \code{table.rq} containing the array to be plotted.
  number of rows per page of plots
  number of columns per page of plots
  optional arguments to plot
\section{Side Effects}{
  plots an array of figures on the current graphics device.
  See \code{rq()} and \code{rq.fit.br()} and \code{table.rq()} for
  further details on control of data.
  Obviously, further plotting parameters could be added in a more full-blown
  version.  This version is meant just to be illustrative.
  \code{\link{rq}}, \code{\link{rq.fit.br}}, \code{\link{table.rq}}
% Converted by Sd2Rd version 0.3-3.
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