Raw File

de Bruijn CompAction in Low Memory

Possible use :

launch a test ( for now it does not work and say corrupted double linked list)

./bcalm input.dot
detect k and do the compaction with m=10 in compacted.dot

./bcalm input.dot output.dot
detect k and do the compaction with m=10 in output.dot

./bcalm input.dot output.dot 8
detect k and do the compaction with m=8 in output.dot

./bcalm input.dot output.dot 8 50
do the compaction with m=8  and k=50 in output.dot

Nota Bene :   
Higher m mean lower memory but the algorithm will NOT work with m>10.   
Also note that to use m>=8 you have to allow 260 open files (`ulimit -n 260`)
and 1110 for m=10 (`ulimit -n 1100`).
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