Raw File
libWetHair is an open source project for the physical simulation of liquid and wet hairs. It has been compiled and tested on Mac OS X (with both Intel and Apple M1 chips), Ubuntu Linux, Windows, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License v. 2.0.

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It is the original implementation of paper A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions (refer to our [project page](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/liquidhair/) for more details). This code base contains the following parts:

 - A liquid simulator implementing the affine-particle-in-cell method.
 - A hair simulator implementing the elastic rods model.
 - A reduced-liquid simulator for the simulation of flow on hairs.
 - Cohesion effects between the hairs
 - Coupling between the hairs and liquid, including dragging, capturing and dripping effect.

libWetHair has several dependencies and by default it will fetch them through CMake's `FetchContent`. Please make sure your internet is smooth before the first time of configuration.

Alternatively, if preferring a package manager, one can turn on the switch `LIBWETHAIR_FIND_DEPENDENCIES`, which will have cmake to find those dependencies through a package manager.

libWetHair has been tested with AppleClang (under Mac OS X), GCC 4.8+ (under Linux), and Microsoft Visual Studio (under Windows 10).

To compile libWetHair, you'll need CMake or CMake-GUI (https://cmake.org).

For CMake:
1. make a directory, say, *build*, with *mkdir build*, enter the *build* directory, type *cmake ..*
2. Optionally, you can adjust the options with *ccmake .*
3. Optionally, you may use cmake to generate project files corresponding to different IDEs. For example, on Windows you may use `cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64` to generate a project for Visual Studio 2022 using x64 architecture.
4. type *make* to compile the code. For speeding up the compilation process you may use *make -j*.

Similar (or more convenient) configuration can be done in CMake-GUI.

In addition, to configure for the demo on Windows, you'll need to have `fxc.exe` contained in one of the directories specified through your system's `PATH` environment variable. This executable is usually under your installation directory for Windows SDK (e.g., for Windows 10, it's in a directory named with a specific SDK version under `C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin`).

Run the Demo
To run the demo of libWetHair, you may simply use the command line argument *-s [scene_file]* to specify the scene to be loaded. For example, you may type

./libWetHair -s assets/unit_tests/cylinder_2.xml

to run the simulation of the scene containing two hairs being cohesive to each other. 

All the parameters can be modified offline in the scene description XML files. Some can be changed online in the user interface provided by the demo program.


   ./libWetHair  [-j <string>] [-o <integer>] [-d <boolean>] [-g <integer>] [-p <boolean>] [-s <string>] [--] [--version] [-h]


   -j <string>,  --initfile <string>
     Binary file to load simulation state from for initialization

   -o <integer>,  --readableoutput <integer>
     readable file to save simulation state to; after getting the output here, you may do surface reconstruction and rendering with the [Houdini .HIP file](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cg/liquidhair/pseudo_dog.hipnc) by renaming the HIP file into the name of the folder storing all output files (please check the python scripts in the HIP file for details).

   -d <boolean>,  --display <boolean>
     Run the simulation with display enabled if 1, without if 0

   -g <integer>,  --generate <integer>
     Generate PNG if 1, not if 0

   -p <boolean>,  --paused <boolean>
     Begin the simulation paused if 1, running if 0

   -s <string>,  --scene <string>
     Simulation to run; an xml scene file

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

Please contact the author (yf2320@columbia.edu) for questions and bug report, or consulting for the usage of this code base.

BibTex Citation
    title={A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions},
    author={Fei, Yun (Raymond) and Maia, Henrique Teles and Batty, Christopher and Zheng, Changxi and Grinspun, Eitan},
    journal={ACM Trans. Graph.},
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