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% Please edit documentation in R/clustCoDa_qmode.R
\title{Q-mode cluster analysis for compositional parts}
clustCoDa_qmode(x, method = "ward.D2")
\item{x}{compositional data represented as a data.frame}

\item{method}{hclust method}
a hclust object
Clustering using the variation matrix of compositional parts
x <- expenditures
cl <- clustCoDa_qmode(x)
cl2 <- clustCoDa_qmode(x, method = "single")
Filzmoser, P., Hron, K. Templ, M. (2018)
\emph{Applied Compositional Data Analysis}, 
Springer, Cham.
Matthias Templ (accessing the basic features of hclust that 
are all written by other authors)
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