Raw File
//===--- TypeCheckStmt.cpp - Type Checking for Statements -----------------===//
// This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See https://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information
// See https://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements semantic analysis for statements.

#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "TypeCheckAvailability.h"
#include "TypeCheckConcurrency.h"
#include "TypeCheckDistributed.h"
#include "TypeCheckType.h"
#include "MiscDiagnostics.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTScope.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticSuppression.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/TopCollection.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeChecking.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include <iterator>

using namespace swift;

#define DEBUG_TYPE "TypeCheckStmt"

namespace {
  class ContextualizeClosuresAndMacros : public ASTWalker {
    DeclContext *ParentDC;
    ContextualizeClosuresAndMacros(DeclContext *parent) : ParentDC(parent) {}

    MacroWalking getMacroWalkingBehavior() const override {
      return MacroWalking::ArgumentsAndExpansion;

    PreWalkResult<Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
      // Autoclosures need to be numbered and potentially reparented.
      // Reparenting is required with:
      //   - nested autoclosures, because the inner autoclosure will be
      //     parented to the outer context, not the outer autoclosure
      //   - non-local initializers
      if (auto CE = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(E)) {

        // Recurse into the autoclosure body using the same sequence,
        // but parenting to the autoclosure instead of the outer closure.
        auto oldParentDC = ParentDC;
        ParentDC = CE;
        ParentDC = oldParentDC;

        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      if (auto CapE = dyn_cast<CaptureListExpr>(E)) {
        // Capture lists need to be reparented to enclosing autoclosures
        // and/or initializers of property wrapper backing properties
        // (because they subsume initializers associated with wrapped
        // properties).
        if (isa<AutoClosureExpr>(ParentDC) ||
            isPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInitContext(ParentDC)) {
          for (auto &Cap : CapE->getCaptureList()) {

      // Explicit closures start their own sequence.
      if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E)) {

        // If the closure was type checked within its enclosing context,
        // we need to walk into it with a new sequence.
        // Otherwise, it'll have been separately type-checked.
        if (!CE->isSeparatelyTypeChecked())

        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      // Caller-side default arguments need their @autoclosures checked.
      if (auto *DAE = dyn_cast<DefaultArgumentExpr>(E))
        if (DAE->isCallerSide() && DAE->getParamDecl()->isAutoClosure())

      // Macro expansion expressions require a DeclContext as well.
      if (auto macroExpansion = dyn_cast<MacroExpansionExpr>(E)) {

      return Action::Continue(E);

    /// We don't want to recurse into most local declarations.
    PreWalkAction walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
      // But we do want to walk into the initializers of local
      // variables.
      return Action::VisitChildrenIf(isa<PatternBindingDecl>(D));

    static bool isPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInitContext(DeclContext *DC) {
      auto *init = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(DC);
      if (!init)
        return false;

      if (auto *PB = init->getBinding()) {
        auto *var = PB->getSingleVar();
        return var && var->getOriginalWrappedProperty(

      return false;

  static DeclName getDescriptiveName(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD) {
    DeclName name = AFD->getName();
    if (!name) {
      if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(AFD)) {
        name = accessor->getStorage()->getName();
    return name;

  /// Used for debugging which parts of the code are taking a long time to
  /// compile.
  class FunctionBodyTimer {
    AnyFunctionRef Function;
    llvm::TimeRecord StartTime = llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime();

    FunctionBodyTimer(AnyFunctionRef Fn) : Function(Fn) {}

    ~FunctionBodyTimer() {
      llvm::TimeRecord endTime = llvm::TimeRecord::getCurrentTime(false);

      auto elapsed = endTime.getProcessTime() - StartTime.getProcessTime();
      unsigned elapsedMS = static_cast<unsigned>(elapsed * 1000);

      ASTContext &ctx = Function.getAsDeclContext()->getASTContext();
      auto *AFD = Function.getAbstractFunctionDecl();

      if (ctx.TypeCheckerOpts.DebugTimeFunctionBodies) {
        // Round up to the nearest 100th of a millisecond.
        llvm::errs() << llvm::format("%0.2f", ceil(elapsed * 100000) / 100) << "ms\t";
        Function.getLoc().print(llvm::errs(), ctx.SourceMgr);

        if (AFD) {
            << "\t" << Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(AFD->getDescriptiveKind())
            << " " << getDescriptiveName(AFD);
        } else {
          llvm::errs() << "\t(closure)";
        llvm::errs() << "\n";

      const auto WarnLimit = ctx.TypeCheckerOpts.WarnLongFunctionBodies;
      if (WarnLimit != 0 && elapsedMS >= WarnLimit) {
        if (AFD) {
          ctx.Diags.diagnose(AFD, diag::debug_long_function_body,
                             AFD->getDescriptiveKind(), getDescriptiveName(AFD),
                             elapsedMS, WarnLimit);
        } else {
          ctx.Diags.diagnose(Function.getLoc(), diag::debug_long_closure_body,
                             elapsedMS, WarnLimit);
} // end anonymous namespace

void TypeChecker::contextualizeInitializer(Initializer *DC, Expr *E) {
  ContextualizeClosuresAndMacros CC(DC);

void TypeChecker::contextualizeTopLevelCode(TopLevelCodeDecl *TLCD) {
  ContextualizeClosuresAndMacros CC(TLCD);
  if (auto *body = TLCD->getBody())

namespace {
  /// Visitor that assigns local discriminators through whatever it walks.
  class SetLocalDiscriminators : public ASTWalker {
    /// The initial discriminator that everything starts with.
    unsigned InitialDiscriminator;

    // Next (explicit) closure discriminator.
    unsigned NextClosureDiscriminator;

    // Next autoclosure discriminator.
    unsigned NextAutoclosureDiscriminator;

    /// Local declaration discriminators.
    llvm::SmallDenseMap<Identifier, unsigned> DeclDiscriminators;

        unsigned initialDiscriminator = 0
    ) : InitialDiscriminator(initialDiscriminator),
        NextAutoclosureDiscriminator(initialDiscriminator) { }

    /// Determine the maximum discriminator assigned to any local.
    unsigned maxAssignedDiscriminator() const {
      unsigned result = std::max(
          NextClosureDiscriminator, NextAutoclosureDiscriminator);

      for (const auto &decl : DeclDiscriminators) {
        result = std::max(result, decl.second);

      return result;

    MacroWalking getMacroWalkingBehavior() const override {
      return MacroWalking::ArgumentsAndExpansion;

    PreWalkResult<Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
      // Autoclosures need to be numbered and potentially reparented.
      // Reparenting is required with:
      //   - nested autoclosures, because the inner autoclosure will be
      //     parented to the outer context, not the outer autoclosure
      //   - non-local initializers
      if (auto CE = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(E)) {
        if (CE->getRawDiscriminator() != AutoClosureExpr::InvalidDiscriminator)
          return Action::SkipChildren(E);

            CE->getRawDiscriminator() == AutoClosureExpr::InvalidDiscriminator);

        // Recurse into the autoclosure body using the same sequence,
        // but parenting to the autoclosure instead of the outer closure.

        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      // Explicit closures start their own sequence.
      if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E)) {
        if(CE->getRawDiscriminator() == ClosureExpr::InvalidDiscriminator)

        // If the closure was type checked within its enclosing context,
        // we need to walk into it with a new sequence.
        // Otherwise, it'll have been separately type-checked.
        if (!CE->isSeparatelyTypeChecked()) {
          SetLocalDiscriminators innerVisitor;
          if (auto params = CE->getParameters()) {
            for (auto *param : *params) {

        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      // Caller-side default arguments need their @autoclosures checked.
      if (auto *DAE = dyn_cast<DefaultArgumentExpr>(E))
        if (DAE->isCallerSide() && DAE->getParamDecl()->isAutoClosure())

      // Tap expression bodies have an $interpolation variable that doesn't
      // normally get visited. Visit it specifically.
      if (auto tap = dyn_cast<TapExpr>(E)) {
        if (auto body = tap->getBody()) {
          if (!body->empty()) {
            if (auto decl = body->getFirstElement().dyn_cast<Decl *>()) {
              if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(decl))
                if (var->getName() ==

      return Action::Continue(E);

    /// We don't want to recurse into most local declarations.
    PreWalkAction walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
      // If we have a local declaration, assign a local discriminator to it.
      if (auto valueDecl = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D)) {

      // But we do want to walk into the initializers of local
      // variables.
      return Action::VisitChildrenIf(isa<PatternBindingDecl>(D));

    PreWalkResult<Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
      if (auto caseStmt = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(S)) {
        for (auto var : caseStmt->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray())
      return Action::Continue(S);

    /// Set the local discriminator for a named declaration.
    void setLocalDiscriminator(ValueDecl *valueDecl) {
      if (valueDecl->hasLocalDiscriminator()) {
        if (valueDecl->getRawLocalDiscriminator() ==
            ValueDecl::InvalidDiscriminator) {
          // Assign the next discriminator.
          Identifier name = valueDecl->getBaseIdentifier();
          auto &discriminator = DeclDiscriminators[name];
          if (discriminator < InitialDiscriminator)
            discriminator = InitialDiscriminator;

        } else {
          // Assign the next discriminator.
          Identifier name = valueDecl->getBaseIdentifier();
          auto &discriminator = DeclDiscriminators[name];
          discriminator = std::max(discriminator, std::max(InitialDiscriminator, valueDecl->getLocalDiscriminator() + 1));

      // If this is a property wrapper, check for projected storage.
      if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(valueDecl)) {
        if (auto auxVars = var->getPropertyWrapperAuxiliaryVariables()) {
          if (auxVars.backingVar && auxVars.backingVar != var)

          // If there is a projection variable, give it a local discriminator.
          if (auxVars.projectionVar && auxVars.projectionVar != var) {
            if (var->hasLocalDiscriminator() &&
                var->getName() == auxVars.projectionVar->getName()) {
            } else {

          // For the wrapped local variable, adopt the same discriminator as
          // the parameter. For all intents and purposes, these are the same.
          if (auxVars.localWrappedValueVar &&
              auxVars.localWrappedValueVar != var) {
            if (var->hasLocalDiscriminator() &&
                var->getName() == auxVars.localWrappedValueVar->getName()) {
            } else {

unsigned LocalDiscriminatorsRequest::evaluate(
    Evaluator &evaluator, DeclContext *dc
) const {
  ASTContext &ctx = dc->getASTContext();

  // Autoclosures aren't their own contexts; look to the parent instead.
  if (auto autoclosure = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(dc)) {
    return evaluateOrDefault(evaluator,
                             LocalDiscriminatorsRequest{dc->getParent()}, 0);

  Optional<unsigned> expectedNextAutoclosureDiscriminator = None;
  ASTNode node;
  ParameterList *params = nullptr;
  ParamDecl *selfParam = nullptr;
  if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(dc)) {
    node = func->getBody();
    selfParam = func->getImplicitSelfDecl();
    params = func->getParameters();

    // Accessors for lazy properties should be walked as part of the property's
    // pattern.
    if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(func)) {
      if (accessor->isImplicit() &&
          accessor->getStorage()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<LazyAttr>()) {
        if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(accessor->getStorage())) {
          if (auto binding = var->getParentPatternBinding()) {
            node = binding;
  } else if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(dc)) {
    node = closure->getBody();
    params = closure->getParameters();
  } else if (auto topLevel = dyn_cast<TopLevelCodeDecl>(dc)) {
    node = topLevel->getBody();
    expectedNextAutoclosureDiscriminator = ctx.NextAutoClosureDiscriminator;
  } else if (auto patternBindingInit = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(dc)){
    auto patternBinding = patternBindingInit->getBinding();
    node = patternBinding->getInit(patternBindingInit->getBindingIndex());
  } else if (auto defaultArgInit = dyn_cast<DefaultArgumentInitializer>(dc)) {
    auto param = getParameterAt(
    if (!param)
      return 0;

    node = param->getTypeCheckedDefaultExpr();
  } else if (auto propertyWrapperInit =
                 dyn_cast<PropertyWrapperInitializer>(dc)) {
    auto var = propertyWrapperInit->getWrappedVar();
    auto initInfo = var->getPropertyWrapperInitializerInfo();
    switch (propertyWrapperInit->getKind()) {
    case PropertyWrapperInitializer::Kind::WrappedValue:
      node = initInfo.getInitFromWrappedValue();

    case PropertyWrapperInitializer::Kind::ProjectedValue:
      node = initInfo.getInitFromProjectedValue();
  } else if (auto *runtimeAttrInit =
                 dyn_cast<RuntimeAttributeInitializer>(dc)) {
    auto *attachedTo = runtimeAttrInit->getAttachedToDecl();
    auto generator = attachedTo->getRuntimeDiscoverableAttributeGenerator(
    if (generator.second)
      node = generator.first;
  } else {
    params = getParameterList(dc);

  if (!node && !params && !selfParam)
    return 0;

  SetLocalDiscriminators visitor(

  // Set local discriminator for the 'self' parameter.
  if (selfParam)

  // Set local discriminators for the parameters, which might have property
  // wrappers that need it.
  if (params) {
    for (auto *param : *params)

  if (node)

  unsigned nextDiscriminator = visitor.maxAssignedDiscriminator();
  if (expectedNextAutoclosureDiscriminator) {
    ctx.NextAutoClosureDiscriminator = nextDiscriminator;

  // Return the next discriminator.
  return nextDiscriminator;

/// Emits an error with a fixit for the case of unnecessary cast over a
/// OptionSet value. The primary motivation is to help with SDK changes.
/// Example:
/// \code
///   func supported() -> MyMask {
///     return Int(MyMask.Bingo.rawValue)
///   }
/// \endcode
static void tryDiagnoseUnnecessaryCastOverOptionSet(ASTContext &Ctx,
                                                    Expr *E,
                                                    Type ResultType,
                                                    ModuleDecl *module) {
  auto *NTD = ResultType->getAnyNominal();
  if (!NTD)
  auto optionSetType = dyn_cast_or_null<ProtocolDecl>(Ctx.getOptionSetDecl());
  if (!optionSetType)
  if (!module->lookupConformance(ResultType, optionSetType))

  auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E);
  if (!CE)
  if (!isa<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(CE->getFn()))
  auto *unaryArg = CE->getArgs()->getUnlabeledUnaryExpr();
  if (!unaryArg)
  auto *ME = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(unaryArg);
  if (!ME)
  ValueDecl *VD = ME->getMember().getDecl();
  if (!VD || VD->getBaseName() != Ctx.Id_rawValue)
  auto *BME = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(ME->getBase());
  if (!BME)
  if (!BME->getType()->isEqual(ResultType))

  Ctx.Diags.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unnecessary_cast_over_optionset,
    .fixItRemoveChars(E->getLoc(), ME->getStartLoc())
    .fixItRemove(SourceRange(ME->getDotLoc(), E->getEndLoc()));

/// Whether the given enclosing context is a "defer" body.
static bool isDefer(DeclContext *dc) {
  if (auto *func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(dc))
    return func->isDeferBody();

  return false;

/// Climb the context to find the method or accessor we're within. We do not
/// look past local functions or closures, since those cannot contain a
/// forget statement.
/// \param dc the inner decl context containing the forget statement
/// \return either the type member we reside in, or the offending context that
///         stopped the search for the type member (e.g. closure).
static DeclContext *climbContextForForgetStmt(DeclContext *dc) {
  do {
    if (auto decl = dc->getAsDecl()) {
      auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl);
      // If we found a non-func decl, we're done.
      if (func == nullptr)

      // If this function's parent is the type context, our search is done.
      if (func->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext())

      // Only continue if we're in a defer. We want to stop at the first local
      // function or closure.
      if (!isDefer(dc))
  } while ((dc = dc->getParent()));

  return dc;

/// Check that a labeled statement doesn't shadow another statement with the
/// same label.
static void checkLabeledStmtShadowing(
    ASTContext &ctx, SourceFile *sourceFile, LabeledStmt *ls) {
  auto name = ls->getLabelInfo().Name;
  if (name.empty() || !sourceFile || ls->getStartLoc().isInvalid())

  auto activeLabeledStmtsVec = ASTScope::lookupLabeledStmts(
      sourceFile, ls->getStartLoc());
  auto activeLabeledStmts = llvm::makeArrayRef(activeLabeledStmtsVec);
  for (auto prevLS : activeLabeledStmts.slice(1)) {
    if (prevLS->getLabelInfo().Name == name) {
          ls->getLabelInfo().Loc, diag::label_shadowed, name);
          prevLS->getLabelInfo().Loc, diag::invalid_redecl_prev, name);

static void
emitUnresolvedLabelDiagnostics(DiagnosticEngine &DE,
                               SourceLoc targetLoc, Identifier targetName,
                               TopCollection<unsigned, LabeledStmt *> corrections) {
  // If an unresolved label was used, but we have a single correction,
  // produce the specific diagnostic and fixit.
  if (corrections.size() == 1) {
    DE.diagnose(targetLoc, diag::unresolved_label_corrected,
                targetName, corrections.begin()->Value->getLabelInfo().Name)
  } else {
    // If we have multiple corrections or none, produce a generic diagnostic
    // and all corrections available.
    DE.diagnose(targetLoc, diag::unresolved_label, targetName)
    for (auto &entry : corrections)
      DE.diagnose(entry.Value->getLabelInfo().Loc, diag::note_typo_candidate,

/// Find the target of a break or continue statement without a label.
/// \returns the target, if one was found, or \c nullptr if no such target
/// exists.
static LabeledStmt *findUnlabeledBreakOrContinueStmtTarget(
    ASTContext &ctx, SourceFile *sourceFile, SourceLoc loc,
    bool isContinue, DeclContext *dc,
    ArrayRef<LabeledStmt *> activeLabeledStmts) {
  for (auto labeledStmt : activeLabeledStmts) {
    // 'break' with no label looks through non-loop structures
    // except 'switch'.
    // 'continue' ignores non-loop structures.
    if (!labeledStmt->requiresLabelOnJump() &&
        (!isContinue || labeledStmt->isPossibleContinueTarget())) {
      return labeledStmt;

  // If we're in a defer, produce a tailored diagnostic.
  if (isDefer(dc)) {
        loc, diag::jump_out_of_defer, isContinue ? "continue": "break");
    return nullptr;

  // If we're dealing with an unlabeled break inside of an 'if' or 'do'
  // statement, produce a more specific error.
  if (!isContinue &&
                   [&](Stmt *S) -> bool {
                     return isa<IfStmt>(S) || isa<DoStmt>(S);
                   })) {
        loc, diag::unlabeled_break_outside_loop);
    return nullptr;

  // Otherwise produce a generic error.
      isContinue ? diag::continue_outside_loop : diag::break_outside_loop);
  return nullptr;

/// Find the target of a break or continue statement.
/// \returns the target, if one was found, or \c nullptr if no such target
/// exists.
LabeledStmt *swift::findBreakOrContinueStmtTarget(
    ASTContext &ctx, SourceFile *sourceFile,
    SourceLoc loc, Identifier targetName, SourceLoc targetLoc,
    bool isContinue, DeclContext *dc) {

  // Retrieve the active set of labeled statements.
  SmallVector<LabeledStmt *, 4> activeLabeledStmts;
  activeLabeledStmts = ASTScope::lookupLabeledStmts(sourceFile, loc);

  // Handle an unlabeled break separately; that's the easy case.
  if (targetName.empty()) {
    return findUnlabeledBreakOrContinueStmtTarget(
        ctx, sourceFile, loc, isContinue, dc, activeLabeledStmts);

  // Scan inside out until we find something with the right label.
  TopCollection<unsigned, LabeledStmt *> labelCorrections(3);
  for (auto labeledStmt : activeLabeledStmts) {
    if (targetName == labeledStmt->getLabelInfo().Name) {
      // Continue cannot be used to repeat switches, use fallthrough instead.
      if (isContinue && !labeledStmt->isPossibleContinueTarget()) {
            loc, diag::continue_not_in_this_stmt,
            isa<SwitchStmt>(labeledStmt) ? "switch" : "if");
        return nullptr;

      return labeledStmt;

    unsigned distance =
    if (distance < TypeChecker::UnreasonableCallEditDistance)
      labelCorrections.insert(distance, std::move(labeledStmt));

  // If we're in a defer, produce a tailored diagnostic.
  if (isDefer(dc)) {
        loc, diag::jump_out_of_defer, isContinue ? "continue": "break");
    return nullptr;

  // Provide potential corrections for an incorrect label.
      ctx.Diags, targetLoc, targetName, labelCorrections);
  return nullptr;

LabeledStmt *
BreakTargetRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator, const BreakStmt *BS) const {
  auto *DC = BS->getDeclContext();
  return findBreakOrContinueStmtTarget(
      DC->getASTContext(), DC->getParentSourceFile(), BS->getLoc(),
      BS->getTargetName(), BS->getTargetLoc(), /*isContinue*/ false, DC);

LabeledStmt *
ContinueTargetRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator,
                                const ContinueStmt *CS) const {
  auto *DC = CS->getDeclContext();
  return findBreakOrContinueStmtTarget(
      DC->getASTContext(), DC->getParentSourceFile(), CS->getLoc(),
      CS->getTargetName(), CS->getTargetLoc(), /*isContinue*/ true, DC);

static Expr *getDeclRefProvidingExpressionForHasSymbol(Expr *E) {
  // Strip coercions, which are necessary in source to disambiguate overloaded
  // functions or generic functions, e.g.
  //   if #_hasSymbol(foo as () -> ()) { ... }
  if (auto CE = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(E))
    return getDeclRefProvidingExpressionForHasSymbol(CE->getSubExpr());

  // Unwrap curry thunks which are injected into the AST to wrap some forms of
  // unapplied method references, e.g.
  //   if #_hasSymbol(SomeStruct.foo(_:)) { ... }
  if (auto ACE = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(E))
    return getDeclRefProvidingExpressionForHasSymbol(

  // Drill into the function expression for a DotSyntaxCallExpr. These sometimes
  // wrap or are wrapped by an AutoClosureExpr.
  //   if #_hasSymbol(someStruct.foo(_:)) { ... }
  if (auto DSCE = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(E))
    return getDeclRefProvidingExpressionForHasSymbol(DSCE->getFn());

  return E;

ConcreteDeclRef TypeChecker::getReferencedDeclForHasSymbolCondition(Expr *E) {
  // Match DotSelfExprs (e.g. `SomeStruct.self`) when the type is static.
  if (auto DSE = dyn_cast<DotSelfExpr>(E)) {
    if (DSE->isStaticallyDerivedMetatype())
      return DSE->getType()->getMetatypeInstanceType()->getAnyNominal();

  if (auto declRefExpr = getDeclRefProvidingExpressionForHasSymbol(E)) {
    if (auto CDR = declRefExpr->getReferencedDecl())
      return CDR;

  return ConcreteDeclRef();

bool TypeChecker::typeCheckStmtConditionElement(StmtConditionElement &elt,
                                                bool &isFalsable,
                                                DeclContext *dc) {
  auto &Context = dc->getASTContext();

  // Typecheck a #available or #unavailable condition.
  if (elt.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_Availability) {
    isFalsable = true;
    return false;

  // Typecheck a #_hasSymbol condition.
  if (elt.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_HasSymbol) {
    isFalsable = true;

    auto Info = elt.getHasSymbolInfo();
    auto E = Info->getSymbolExpr();
    if (!E)
      return false;

    auto exprTy = TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(E, dc);

    if (!exprTy) {
      return true;

    return false;

  if (auto E = elt.getBooleanOrNull()) {
    assert(!E->getType() && "the bool condition is already type checked");
    bool hadError = TypeChecker::typeCheckCondition(E, dc);
    isFalsable = true;
    return hadError;
  assert(elt.getKind() != StmtConditionElement::CK_Boolean);

  // This is cleanup goop run on the various paths where type checking of the
  // pattern binding fails.
  auto typeCheckPatternFailed = [&] {

    elt.getPattern()->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *var) {
      // Don't change the type of a variable that we've been able to
      // compute a type for.
      if (var->hasInterfaceType() && !var->isInvalid())

  // Resolve the pattern.
  assert(!elt.getPattern()->hasType() &&
         "the pattern binding condition is already type checked");
  auto *pattern = TypeChecker::resolvePattern(elt.getPattern(), dc,
                                              /*isStmtCondition*/ true);
  if (!pattern) {
    return true;

  // Check the pattern, it allows unspecified types because the pattern can
  // provide type information.
  auto contextualPattern = ContextualPattern::forRawPattern(pattern, dc);
  Type patternType = TypeChecker::typeCheckPattern(contextualPattern);
  if (patternType->hasError()) {
    return true;

  // If the pattern didn't get a type, it's because we ran into some
  // unknown types along the way. We'll need to check the initializer.
  auto init = elt.getInitializer();
  bool hadError = TypeChecker::typeCheckBinding(pattern, init, dc, patternType);
  isFalsable |= pattern->isRefutablePattern();
  return hadError;

/// Type check the given 'if', 'while', or 'guard' statement condition.
/// \param stmt The conditional statement to type-check, which will be modified
/// in place.
/// \returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
static bool typeCheckConditionForStatement(LabeledConditionalStmt *stmt,
                                           DeclContext *dc) {
  bool hadError = false;
  bool hadAnyFalsable = false;
  auto cond = stmt->getCond();
  for (auto &elt : cond) {
    hadError |=
        TypeChecker::typeCheckStmtConditionElement(elt, hadAnyFalsable, dc);

  // If the binding is not refutable, and there *is* an else, reject it as
  // unreachable.
  if (!hadAnyFalsable && !hadError) {
    auto &diags = dc->getASTContext().Diags;
    Diag<> msg = diag::invalid_diagnostic;
    switch (stmt->getKind()) {
    case StmtKind::If:
      msg = diag::if_always_true;
    case StmtKind::While:
      msg = diag::while_always_true;
    case StmtKind::Guard:
      msg = diag::guard_always_succeeds;
      llvm_unreachable("unknown LabeledConditionalStmt kind");
    diags.diagnose(cond[0].getStartLoc(), msg);

  return false;

/// Verify that the pattern bindings for the cases that we're falling through
/// from and to are equivalent.
static void checkFallthroughPatternBindingsAndTypes(
    ASTContext &ctx,
    CaseStmt *caseBlock, CaseStmt *previousBlock,
    FallthroughStmt *fallthrough) {
  auto firstPattern = caseBlock->getCaseLabelItems()[0].getPattern();
  SmallVector<VarDecl *, 4> vars;

  // We know that the typechecker has already guaranteed that all of
  // the case label items in the fallthrough have the same var
  // decls. So if we match against the case body var decls,
  // transitively we will match all of the other case label items in
  // the fallthrough destination as well.
  auto previousVars = previousBlock->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray();
  for (auto *expected : vars) {
    bool matched = false;
    if (!expected->hasName())

    for (auto *previous : previousVars) {
      if (!previous->hasName() ||
          expected->getName() != previous->getName()) {

      if (!previous->getType()->isEqual(expected->getType())) {
            previous->getLoc(), diag::type_mismatch_fallthrough_pattern_list,
            previous->getType(), expected->getType());

      // Ok, we found our match. Make the previous fallthrough statement var
      // decl our parent var decl.
      matched = true;

    if (!matched) {
          fallthrough->getLoc(), diag::fallthrough_into_case_with_var_binding,

/// Check the correctness of a 'fallthrough' statement.
/// \returns true if an error occurred.
bool swift::checkFallthroughStmt(DeclContext *dc, FallthroughStmt *stmt) {
  CaseStmt *fallthroughSource;
  CaseStmt *fallthroughDest;
  ASTContext &ctx = dc->getASTContext();
  auto sourceFile = dc->getParentSourceFile();
  std::tie(fallthroughSource, fallthroughDest) =
      ASTScope::lookupFallthroughSourceAndDest(sourceFile, stmt->getLoc());

  if (!fallthroughSource) {
    ctx.Diags.diagnose(stmt->getLoc(), diag::fallthrough_outside_switch);
    return true;
  if (!fallthroughDest) {
    ctx.Diags.diagnose(stmt->getLoc(), diag::fallthrough_from_last_case);
    return true;

      ctx, fallthroughDest, fallthroughSource, stmt);
  return false;

namespace {
class StmtChecker : public StmtVisitor<StmtChecker, Stmt*> {
  ASTContext &Ctx;

  /// DC - This is the current DeclContext.
  DeclContext *DC;

  /// Skip type checking any elements inside 'BraceStmt', also this is
  /// propagated to ConstraintSystem.
  bool LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked = false;

  ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return Ctx; };

  StmtChecker(DeclContext *DC) : Ctx(DC->getASTContext()), DC(DC) { }

  // Helper Functions.
  bool isInDefer() const {
    return isDefer(DC);
  template<typename StmtTy>
  bool typeCheckStmt(StmtTy *&S) {
    FrontendStatsTracer StatsTracer(getASTContext().Stats,
                                    "typecheck-stmt", S);
    PrettyStackTraceStmt trace(getASTContext(), "type-checking", S);
    StmtTy *S2 = cast_or_null<StmtTy>(visit(S));
    if (S2 == nullptr)
      return true;
    S = S2;
    performStmtDiagnostics(S, DC);
    return false;

  /// Type-check an entire function body.
  bool typeCheckBody(BraceStmt *&S) {
    bool HadError = typeCheckStmt(S);
    return HadError;

  void typeCheckASTNode(ASTNode &node);
  // Visit Methods.

  Stmt *visitBraceStmt(BraceStmt *BS);

  Stmt *visitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *RS) {
    // First, let's do a pre-check, and bail if the return is completely
    // invalid.
    auto &eval = getASTContext().evaluator;
    auto *S =
        evaluateOrDefault(eval, PreCheckReturnStmtRequest{RS, DC}, nullptr);

    // We do a cast here as it may have been turned into a FailStmt. We should
    // return that without doing anything else.
    RS = dyn_cast_or_null<ReturnStmt>(S);
    if (!RS)
      return S;

    auto TheFunc = AnyFunctionRef::fromDeclContext(DC);
    assert(TheFunc && "Should have bailed from pre-check if this is None");

    Type ResultTy = TheFunc->getBodyResultType();
    if (!ResultTy || ResultTy->hasError())
      return nullptr;

    if (!RS->hasResult()) {
      if (!ResultTy->isVoid())
      return RS;

    // If the body consisted of a single return without a result
    //   func foo() -> Int {
    //     return
    //   }
    // in parseAbstractFunctionBody the return is given an empty, implicit tuple
    // as its result
    //   func foo() -> Int {
    //     return ()
    //   }
    // Look for that case and diagnose it as missing return expression.
    if (!ResultTy->isVoid() && TheFunc->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
      auto expr = TheFunc->getSingleExpressionBody();
      if (expr->isImplicit() && isa<TupleExpr>(expr) &&
          cast<TupleExpr>(expr)->getNumElements() == 0) {
        return RS;

    Expr *E = RS->getResult();
    TypeCheckExprOptions options = {};
    if (LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked) {
      assert(DiagnosticSuppression::isEnabled(getASTContext().Diags) &&
             "Diagnosing and AllowUnresolvedTypeVariables don't seem to mix");
      options |= TypeCheckExprFlags::LeaveClosureBodyUnchecked;

    ContextualTypePurpose ctp = CTP_ReturnStmt;
    if (auto func =
            dyn_cast_or_null<FuncDecl>(TheFunc->getAbstractFunctionDecl())) {
      if (func->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
        ctp = CTP_ReturnSingleExpr;

    auto exprTy =
        TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(E, DC, {ResultTy, ctp}, options);

    if (!exprTy) {
      tryDiagnoseUnnecessaryCastOverOptionSet(getASTContext(), E, ResultTy,

    return RS;

  Stmt *visitYieldStmt(YieldStmt *YS) {
    // If the yield is in a defer, then it isn't valid.
    if (isInDefer()) {
                                     diag::jump_out_of_defer, "yield");
      return YS;

    SmallVector<AnyFunctionType::Yield, 4> buffer;
    auto TheFunc = AnyFunctionRef::fromDeclContext(DC);
    auto yieldResults = TheFunc->getBodyYieldResults(buffer);

    auto yieldExprs = YS->getMutableYields();
    if (yieldExprs.size() != yieldResults.size()) {
      getASTContext().Diags.diagnose(YS->getYieldLoc(), diag::bad_yield_count,
      return YS;

    for (auto i : indices(yieldExprs)) {
      Type yieldType = yieldResults[i].getType();
      auto exprToCheck = yieldExprs[i];

      InOutExpr *inout = nullptr;

      // Classify whether we're yielding by reference or by value.
      ContextualTypePurpose contextTypePurpose;
      Type contextType = yieldType;
      if (yieldResults[i].isInOut()) {
        contextTypePurpose = CTP_YieldByReference;
        contextType = LValueType::get(contextType);

        // Check that the yielded expression is a &.
        if ((inout = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(exprToCheck))) {
          // Strip the & off so that the constraint system doesn't complain
          // about the unparented &.
          exprToCheck = inout->getSubExpr();
        } else {
                      diag::missing_address_of_yield, yieldType)
          inout = new (getASTContext()) InOutExpr(exprToCheck->getStartLoc(),
                                             Type(), /*implicit*/ true);
      } else {
        contextTypePurpose = CTP_YieldByValue;

      TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(exprToCheck, DC,
                                       {contextType, contextTypePurpose});

      // Propagate the change into the inout expression we stripped before.
      if (inout) {
        exprToCheck = inout;

      // Note that this modifies the statement's expression list in-place.
      yieldExprs[i] = exprToCheck;
    return YS;
  Stmt *visitThrowStmt(ThrowStmt *TS) {
    // Coerce the operand to the exception type.
    auto E = TS->getSubExpr();

    if (!getASTContext().getErrorDecl())
      return TS;

    Type errorType = getASTContext().getErrorExistentialType();
    TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(E, DC, {errorType, CTP_ThrowStmt});

    return TS;

  Stmt *visitForgetStmt(ForgetStmt *FS) {
    // There are a lot of rules about whether a forget statement is even valid.
    // The order of the checks below roughly reflects a sort of funneling from
    // least correct to most correct usage, while aiming to not emit more than
    // one diagnostic for misuse, since there are so many ways you can write it
    // in the wrong place.

    constraints::ContextualTypeInfo contextualInfo;
    auto &ctx = getASTContext();
    bool diagnosed = false;

    auto *outerDC = climbContextForForgetStmt(DC);
    AbstractFunctionDecl *fn = nullptr; // the type member we reside in.
    if (outerDC->getParent()->isTypeContext()) {
      fn = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(outerDC);

    // The forget statement must be in some type's member.
    if (!fn) {
      // Then we're not in some type's member function; emit diagnostics.
      if (auto decl = outerDC->getAsDecl()) {
        ctx.Diags.diagnose(FS->getForgetLoc(), diag::forget_wrong_context_decl,
      } else if (auto clos = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(outerDC)) {
      } else {
        ctx.Diags.diagnose(FS->getForgetLoc(), diag::forget_wrong_context_misc);
      diagnosed = true;

    // Member function-like-thing must have a 'self' and not be a destructor.
    if (!diagnosed) {
      // Save this for SILGen, since Stmt's don't know their decl context.

      if (fn->isStatic() || isa<DestructorDecl>(fn)) {
        ctx.Diags.diagnose(FS->getForgetLoc(), diag::forget_wrong_context_decl,
        diagnosed = true;

    // This member function/accessor/etc has to be within a noncopyable type.
    if (!diagnosed) {
      Type nominalType =
      if (!nominalType->isPureMoveOnly()) {
        diagnosed = true;
      } else {
        // Set the contextual type for the sub-expression before we typecheck.
        contextualInfo = {nominalType, CTP_ForgetStmt};

        // Now verify that we're not forgetting a type from another module.
        // NOTE: We could do a proper resilience check instead of just asking
        // if the modules differ, so that you can forget a @frozen type from a
        // resilient module. But for now the proposal simply says that it has to
        // be the same module, which is probably better for everyone.
        auto *typeDecl = nominalType->getAnyNominal();
        auto *fnModule = fn->getModuleContext();
        auto *typeModule = typeDecl->getModuleContext();
        if (fnModule != typeModule) {
          ctx.Diags.diagnose(FS->getForgetLoc(), diag::forget_wrong_module,
          diagnosed = true;
        } else {
              !typeDecl->isResilient(fnModule, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal) &&
              "trying to forget a type resilient to us!");

      // Typecheck the sub expression unconditionally.
      auto E = FS->getSubExpr();
      TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(E, DC, contextualInfo);

    // Can only 'forget self'. This check must happen after typechecking.
    if (!diagnosed) {
      bool isSelf = false;
      auto *checkE = FS->getSubExpr();

      // Look through a load. Only expected if we're in an init.
      if (auto *load = dyn_cast<LoadExpr>(checkE))
          checkE = load->getSubExpr();

      if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(checkE))
        isSelf = DRE->getDecl()->getName().isSimpleName("self");

      if (!isSelf) {
            .diagnose(FS->getStartLoc(), diag::forget_wrong_not_self)
            .fixItReplace(FS->getSubExpr()->getSourceRange(), "self");
        diagnosed = true;

    // The 'self' parameter must be owned (aka "consuming").
    if (!diagnosed) {
      bool isConsuming = false;
      if (auto *funcDecl = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(fn)) {
        switch (funcDecl->getSelfAccessKind()) {
        case SelfAccessKind::LegacyConsuming:
        case SelfAccessKind::Consuming:
          isConsuming = true;
        case SelfAccessKind::Borrowing:
        case SelfAccessKind::NonMutating:
        case SelfAccessKind::Mutating:
          isConsuming = false;
      } else if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(fn)) {
        // constructors are implicitly "consuming" of the self instance.
        isConsuming = true;

      if (!isConsuming) {
        diagnosed = true;

    return FS;

  Stmt *visitPoundAssertStmt(PoundAssertStmt *PA) {
    Expr *C = PA->getCondition();
    TypeChecker::typeCheckCondition(C, DC);
    return PA;
  Stmt *visitDeferStmt(DeferStmt *DS) {

    Expr *theCall = DS->getCallExpr();
    TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(theCall, DC);

    return DS;
  Stmt *visitIfStmt(IfStmt *IS) {
    typeCheckConditionForStatement(IS, DC);

    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, IS);

    Stmt *S = IS->getThenStmt();

    if ((S = IS->getElseStmt())) {
    return IS;
  Stmt *visitGuardStmt(GuardStmt *GS) {
    typeCheckConditionForStatement(GS, DC);

    BraceStmt *S = GS->getBody();
    return GS;

  Stmt *visitDoStmt(DoStmt *DS) {
    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, DS);

    BraceStmt *S = DS->getBody();
    return DS;
  Stmt *visitWhileStmt(WhileStmt *WS) {
    typeCheckConditionForStatement(WS, DC);

    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, WS);

    Stmt *S = WS->getBody();
    return WS;
  Stmt *visitRepeatWhileStmt(RepeatWhileStmt *RWS) {
    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, RWS);

    Stmt *S = RWS->getBody();

    Expr *E = RWS->getCond();
    TypeChecker::typeCheckCondition(E, DC);
    return RWS;
  Stmt *visitForEachStmt(ForEachStmt *S) {
    if (TypeChecker::typeCheckForEachBinding(DC, S))
      return nullptr;

    // Type-check the body of the loop.
    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, S);

    BraceStmt *Body = S->getBody();
    return S;

  Stmt *visitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *S) {
    // Force the target to be computed in case it produces diagnostics.
    return S;

  Stmt *visitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *S) {
    // Force the target to be computed in case it produces diagnostics.
    return S;

  Stmt *visitFallthroughStmt(FallthroughStmt *S) {
    if (checkFallthroughStmt(DC, S))
      return nullptr;

    return S;

  void checkCaseLabelItemPattern(CaseStmt *caseBlock, CaseLabelItem &labelItem,
                                 bool &limitExhaustivityChecks,
                                 Type subjectType) {
    Pattern *pattern = labelItem.getPattern();
    if (!labelItem.isPatternResolved()) {
      pattern = TypeChecker::resolvePattern(
          pattern, DC, /*isStmtCondition*/ false);
      if (!pattern) {

    // Coerce the pattern to the subject's type.
    bool coercionError = false;
    if (subjectType) {
      auto contextualPattern = ContextualPattern::forRawPattern(pattern, DC);
      TypeResolutionOptions patternOptions(TypeResolverContext::InExpression);
      auto coercedPattern = TypeChecker::coercePatternToType(
          contextualPattern, subjectType, patternOptions);
      if (coercedPattern)
        pattern = coercedPattern;
        coercionError = true;

    if (!subjectType || coercionError) {
      limitExhaustivityChecks = true;

      // If that failed, mark any variables binding pieces of the pattern
      // as invalid to silence follow-on errors.
      pattern->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
    labelItem.setPattern(pattern, /*resolved=*/true);

    // Otherwise for each variable in the pattern, make sure its type is
    // identical to the initial case decl and stash the previous case decl as
    // the parent of the decl.
    pattern->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *vd) {
      if (!vd->hasName() || vd->isInvalid())

      // We know that prev var decls matches the initial var decl. So if we can
      // match prevVarDecls, we can also match initial var decl... So for each
      // decl in prevVarDecls...
      auto expected = vd->getParentVarDecl();
      if (!expected)

      // Then we check for errors.
      // NOTE: We emit the diagnostics against the initial case label item var
      // decl associated with expected to ensure that we always emit
      // diagnostics against a single reference var decl. If we used expected
      // instead, we would emit confusing diagnostics since a correct var decl
      // after an incorrect var decl will be marked as incorrect. For instance
      // given the following case statement.
      //   case .a(let x), .b(var x), .c(let x):
      // if we use expected, we will emit errors saying that .b(var x) needs
      // to be a let and .c(let x) needs to be a var. Thus if one
      // automatically applied both fix-its, one would still get an error
      // producing program:
      //   case .a(let x), .b(let x), .c(var x):
      // More complex case label item lists could cause even longer fixup
      // sequences. Thus, we emit errors against the VarDecl associated with
      // expected in the initial case label item list.
      // Luckily, it is easy for us to compute this since we only change the
      // parent field of the initial case label item's VarDecls /after/ we
      // finish updating the parent pointers of the VarDecls associated with
      // all other CaseLabelItems. So that initial group of VarDecls are
      // guaranteed to still have a parent pointer pointing at our
      // CaseStmt. Since we have setup the parent pointer VarDecl linked list
      // for all other CaseLabelItem var decls that we have already processed,
      // we can use our VarDecl linked list to find that initial case label
      // item VarDecl.
      auto *initialCaseVarDecl = expected;
      while (auto *prev = initialCaseVarDecl->getParentVarDecl()) {
        initialCaseVarDecl = prev;

      if (!initialCaseVarDecl->isInvalid() &&
          !vd->getType()->isEqual(initialCaseVarDecl->getType())) {
            vd->getLoc(), diag::type_mismatch_multiple_pattern_list,
            vd->getType(), initialCaseVarDecl->getType());

  template <typename Iterator>
  void checkSiblingCaseStmts(Iterator casesBegin, Iterator casesEnd,
                             CaseParentKind parentKind,
                             bool &limitExhaustivityChecks, Type subjectType) {
        std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type,
                     CaseStmt *>::value,
        "Expected an iterator over CaseStmt *");

    // First pass: check all of the bindings.
    for (auto *caseBlock : make_range(casesBegin, casesEnd)) {
      // Bind all of the pattern variables together so we can follow the
      // "parent" pointers later on.
      bindSwitchCasePatternVars(DC, caseBlock);

      auto caseLabelItemArray = caseBlock->getMutableCaseLabelItems();
      for (auto &labelItem : caseLabelItemArray) {
        // Resolve the pattern in our case label if it has not been resolved and
        // check that our var decls follow invariants.
        checkCaseLabelItemPattern(caseBlock, labelItem, limitExhaustivityChecks,

        // Check the guard expression, if present.
        if (auto *guard = labelItem.getGuardExpr()) {
          limitExhaustivityChecks |= TypeChecker::typeCheckCondition(guard, DC);

      // Setup the types of our case body var decls.
      for (auto *expected : caseBlock->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray()) {
        auto prev = expected->getParentVarDecl();
        if (prev->hasInterfaceType())

    // Second pass: type-check the body statements.
    for (auto i = casesBegin; i != casesEnd; ++i) {
      auto *caseBlock = *i;

      // Check restrictions on '@unknown'.
      if (caseBlock->hasUnknownAttr()) {
        assert(parentKind == CaseParentKind::Switch &&
               "'@unknown' can only appear on switch cases");
            getASTContext(), caseBlock, limitExhaustivityChecks);

      BraceStmt *body = caseBlock->getBody();
      limitExhaustivityChecks |= typeCheckStmt(body);

  Stmt *visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *switchStmt) {
    // Type-check the subject expression.
    Expr *subjectExpr = switchStmt->getSubjectExpr();
    auto resultTy = TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(subjectExpr, DC);
    auto limitExhaustivityChecks = !resultTy;
    if (Expr *newSubjectExpr =
            TypeChecker::coerceToRValue(getASTContext(), subjectExpr))
      subjectExpr = newSubjectExpr;
    Type subjectType = switchStmt->getSubjectExpr()->getType();

    // Type-check the case blocks.
    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, switchStmt);

    // Preemptively visit all Decls (#if/#warning/#error) that still exist in
    // the list of raw cases.
    for (auto &node : switchStmt->getRawCases()) {
      if (!node.is<Decl *>())
      TypeChecker::typeCheckDecl(node.get<Decl *>());

    auto cases = switchStmt->getCases();
    checkSiblingCaseStmts(cases.begin(), cases.end(), CaseParentKind::Switch,
                          limitExhaustivityChecks, subjectType);

    if (!switchStmt->isImplicit()) {
      TypeChecker::checkSwitchExhaustiveness(switchStmt, DC,

    return switchStmt;

  Stmt *visitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *S) {
    // Cases are handled in visitSwitchStmt.
    llvm_unreachable("case stmt outside of switch?!");

  Stmt *visitDoCatchStmt(DoCatchStmt *S) {
    // The labels are in scope for both the 'do' and all of the catch
    // clauses.  This allows the user to break out of (or restart) the
    // entire construct.
    auto sourceFile = DC->getParentSourceFile();
    checkLabeledStmtShadowing(getASTContext(), sourceFile, S);

    // Type-check the 'do' body.  Type failures in here will generally
    // not cause type failures in the 'catch' clauses.
    Stmt *newBody = S->getBody();

    // Do-catch statements always limit exhaustivity checks.
    bool limitExhaustivityChecks = true;

    auto catches = S->getCatches();
    checkSiblingCaseStmts(catches.begin(), catches.end(),
                          CaseParentKind::DoCatch, limitExhaustivityChecks,

    return S;

  Stmt *visitFailStmt(FailStmt *S) {
    // These are created as part of type-checking "return" in an initializer.
    // There is nothing more to do.
    return S;

} // end anonymous namespace

Stmt *PreCheckReturnStmtRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator, ReturnStmt *RS,
                                          DeclContext *DC) const {
  auto &ctx = DC->getASTContext();
  auto fn = AnyFunctionRef::fromDeclContext(DC);

  // Not valid outside of a function.
  if (!fn) {
    ctx.Diags.diagnose(RS->getReturnLoc(), diag::return_invalid_outside_func);
    return nullptr;

  // If the return is in a defer, then it isn't valid either.
  if (isDefer(DC)) {
    ctx.Diags.diagnose(RS->getReturnLoc(), diag::jump_out_of_defer, "return");
    return nullptr;

  // The rest of the checks only concern return statements with results.
  if (!RS->hasResult())
    return RS;

  auto *E = RS->getResult();

  // In an initializer, the only expression allowed is "nil", which indicates
  // failure from a failable initializer.
  if (auto *ctor =
          dyn_cast_or_null<ConstructorDecl>(fn->getAbstractFunctionDecl())) {

    // The only valid return expression in an initializer is the literal
    // 'nil'.
    auto *nilExpr = dyn_cast<NilLiteralExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr());
    if (!nilExpr) {
      ctx.Diags.diagnose(RS->getReturnLoc(), diag::return_init_non_nil)
      return RS;

    // "return nil" is only permitted in a failable initializer.
    if (!ctor->isFailable()) {
      ctx.Diags.diagnose(RS->getReturnLoc(), diag::return_non_failable_init)
          .diagnose(ctor->getLoc(), diag::make_init_failable, ctor->getName())
          .fixItInsertAfter(ctor->getLoc(), "?");
      return RS;

    // Replace the "return nil" with a new 'fail' statement.
    return new (ctx)
        FailStmt(RS->getReturnLoc(), nilExpr->getLoc(), RS->isImplicit());
  return RS;

static bool isDiscardableType(Type type) {
  return (type->hasError() ||
          type->isUninhabited() ||

static void diagnoseIgnoredLiteral(ASTContext &Ctx, LiteralExpr *LE) {
  Ctx.Diags.diagnose(LE->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_literal,

void TypeChecker::checkIgnoredExpr(Expr *E) {
  // Skip checking if there is no type, which presumably means there was a
  // type error.
  if (!E->getType()) {

  // Complain about l-values that are neither loaded nor stored.
  auto &Context = E->getType()->getASTContext();
  auto &DE = Context.Diags;
  if (E->getType()->hasLValueType()) {
    // This must stay in sync with diag::expression_unused_lvalue.
    enum {
        SK_Variable = 0,
    } storageKind = SK_Variable;
    if (auto declRef = E->getReferencedDecl()) {
      auto decl = declRef.getDecl();
      if (isa<SubscriptDecl>(decl))
        storageKind = SK_Subscript;
      else if (decl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext())
        storageKind = SK_Property;
    DE.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_lvalue, storageKind)

  // Stash the type of the original expression for display: the precise
  // expression we're looking for might have an intermediary, non-user-facing
  // type, such as an opened archetype.
  const Type TypeForDiag = E->getType();

  // Drill through expressions we don't care about.
  auto valueE = E;
  while (1) {
    valueE = valueE->getValueProvidingExpr();
    if (auto *OEE = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(valueE))
      valueE = OEE->getSubExpr();
    else if (auto *CRCE = dyn_cast<CovariantReturnConversionExpr>(valueE))
      valueE = CRCE->getSubExpr();
    else if (auto *EE = dyn_cast<ErasureExpr>(valueE))
      valueE = EE->getSubExpr();
    else if (auto *BOE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(valueE))
      valueE = BOE->getSubExpr();
    else {
      // If we have an OptionalEvaluationExpr at the top level, then someone is
      // "optional chaining" and ignoring the result. Keep drilling if it
      // doesn't make sense to ignore it.
      if (auto *OEE = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(valueE)) {
        if (auto *IIO = dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(OEE->getSubExpr())) {
          valueE = IIO->getSubExpr();
        } else if (auto *C = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(OEE->getSubExpr())) {
          valueE = C;
        } else if (auto *OE =
                       dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(OEE->getSubExpr())) {
          valueE = OE;
        } else {
      } else {

  // Check for macro expressions whose macros are marked as
  // @discardableResult.
  if (auto expansion = dyn_cast<MacroExpansionExpr>(valueE)) {
    if (auto macro = expansion->getMacroRef().getDecl()) {
      if (macro->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DiscardableResultAttr>()) {

  // Complain about functions that aren't called.
  // TODO: What about tuples which contain functions by-value that are
  // dead?
  if (valueE->getType()->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
    bool isDiscardable = false;

    // The called function could be wrapped inside a `dot_syntax_call_expr`
    // node, for example:
    // class Bar {
    //   @discardableResult
    //   func foo() -> Int { return 0 }
    //   func baz() {
    //     self.foo
    //     foo
    //   }
    // }
    // So look through the DSCE and get the function being called.
    auto expr = isa<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(valueE)
                    ? cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(valueE)->getFn()
                    : valueE;

    if (auto *Fn = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(expr)) {
      if (auto *calledValue = Fn->getCalledValue()) {
        if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(calledValue)) {
          if (FD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DiscardableResultAttr>()) {
            isDiscardable = true;

    if (!isDiscardable) {
      DE.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_function)

  // If the result of this expression is of type "Never" or "()"
  // (the latter potentially wrapped in optionals) then it is
  // safe to ignore.
  if (isDiscardableType(valueE->getType()))
  // Complain about '#selector'.
  if (auto *ObjCSE = dyn_cast<ObjCSelectorExpr>(valueE)) {
    DE.diagnose(ObjCSE->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_selector_result)

  // Complain about '#keyPath'.
  if (isa<KeyPathExpr>(valueE)) {
    DE.diagnose(valueE->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_keypath_result)
  // Always complain about 'try?'.
  if (auto *OTE = dyn_cast<OptionalTryExpr>(valueE)) {
    DE.diagnose(OTE->getTryLoc(), diag::expression_unused_optional_try)

  if (auto *LE = dyn_cast<LiteralExpr>(valueE)) {
    diagnoseIgnoredLiteral(Context, LE);

  // Check if we have a call to a function not marked with
  // '@discardableResult'.
  if (auto call = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(valueE)) {
    // Dig through all levels of calls.
    Expr *fn = call->getFn();
    while (true) {
      fn = fn->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
      if (auto applyFn = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(fn)) {
        fn = applyFn->getFn();
      } else if (auto FVE = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(fn)) {
        fn = FVE->getSubExpr();
      } else if (auto dotSyntaxRef = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(fn)) {
        fn = dotSyntaxRef->getRHS();
      } else if (auto fnConvExpr = dyn_cast<FunctionConversionExpr>(fn)) {
        fn = fnConvExpr->getSubExpr();
      } else {

    // Find the callee.
    AbstractFunctionDecl *callee = nullptr;
    if (auto declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(fn))
      callee = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(declRef->getDecl());
    else if (auto ctorRef = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(fn))
      callee = ctorRef->getDecl();
    else if (auto memberRef = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(fn))
      callee = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(memberRef->getMember().getDecl());
    else if (auto dynMemberRef = dyn_cast<DynamicMemberRefExpr>(fn))
      callee = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(
    // If the callee explicitly allows its result to be ignored, then don't
    // complain.
    if (callee && callee->getAttrs().getAttribute<DiscardableResultAttr>())

    // Otherwise, complain.  Start with more specific diagnostics.

    // Diagnose unused constructor calls.
    if (isa_and_nonnull<ConstructorDecl>(callee) && !call->isImplicit()) {
      DE.diagnose(fn->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_init_result,
    SourceRange SR1 = call->getArgs()->getSourceRange(), SR2;
    if (auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(call)) {
      SR1 = BO->getLHS()->getSourceRange();
      SR2 = BO->getRHS()->getSourceRange();
    // Otherwise, produce a generic diagnostic.
    if (callee) {
      auto &ctx = callee->getASTContext();
      if (callee->isImplicit()) {
        // Translate calls to implicit functions to their user-facing names
        if (callee->getBaseName() == ctx.Id_derived_enum_equals ||
            callee->getBaseName() == ctx.Id_derived_struct_equals) {
          DE.diagnose(fn->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_result_operator,

      auto diagID = diag::expression_unused_result_call;
      if (callee->getName().isOperator())
        diagID = diag::expression_unused_result_operator;
      DE.diagnose(fn->getLoc(), diagID, callee->getName())
    } else
      DE.diagnose(fn->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_result_unknown,
                  isa<ClosureExpr>(fn), TypeForDiag)


  // Produce a generic diagnostic.
  DE.diagnose(valueE->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_result, TypeForDiag)

void StmtChecker::typeCheckASTNode(ASTNode &node) {
  // Type check the expression
  if (auto *E = node.dyn_cast<Expr *>()) {
    auto &ctx = DC->getASTContext();

    TypeCheckExprOptions options = TypeCheckExprFlags::IsExprStmt;
    bool isDiscarded =
        (!ctx.LangOpts.Playground && !ctx.LangOpts.DebuggerSupport);
    if (isDiscarded)
      options |= TypeCheckExprFlags::IsDiscarded;
    if (LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked) {
      options |= TypeCheckExprFlags::LeaveClosureBodyUnchecked;

    auto resultTy =
        TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(E, DC, /*contextualInfo=*/{}, options);

    // If a closure expression is unused, the user might have intended to write
    // "do { ... }".
    auto *CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E);
    if (CE || isa<CaptureListExpr>(E)) {
      ctx.Diags.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::expression_unused_closure);

      if (CE && CE->hasAnonymousClosureVars() &&
          CE->getParameters()->size() == 0) {
        ctx.Diags.diagnose(CE->getStartLoc(), diag::brace_stmt_suggest_do)
            .fixItInsert(CE->getStartLoc(), "do ");
    } else if (isDiscarded && resultTy) {

    node = E;

  // Type check the statement.
  if (auto *S = node.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
    node = S;

  // Type check the declaration.
  if (auto *D = node.dyn_cast<Decl *>()) {
    TypeChecker::typeCheckDecl(D, LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked);

  if (auto *Cond = node.dyn_cast<StmtConditionElement *>()) {
    bool IsFalsable; // ignored
    TypeChecker::typeCheckStmtConditionElement(*Cond, IsFalsable, DC);

  llvm_unreachable("Type checking null ASTNode");

Stmt *StmtChecker::visitBraceStmt(BraceStmt *BS) {
  if (LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked)
    return BS;

  // Diagnose defer statement being last one in block (only if
  // BraceStmt does not start a TopLevelDecl).
  if (!BS->empty()) {
    if (auto stmt =
            BS->getLastElement().dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
      if (auto deferStmt = dyn_cast<DeferStmt>(stmt)) {
        if (!isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(DC) ||
            cast<TopLevelCodeDecl>(DC)->getBody() != BS) {
              .fixItReplace(deferStmt->getStartLoc(), "do");

  for (auto &elem : BS->getElements())

  return BS;

void TypeChecker::typeCheckASTNode(ASTNode &node, DeclContext *DC,
                                   bool LeaveBodyUnchecked) {
  StmtChecker stmtChecker(DC);
  // FIXME: 'ActiveLabeledStmts', etc. in StmtChecker are not
  // populated. Since they don't affect "type checking", it's doesn't cause
  // any issue for now. But it should be populated nonetheless.
  stmtChecker.LeaveBraceStmtBodyUnchecked = LeaveBodyUnchecked;

static Type getResultBuilderType(FuncDecl *FD) {
  Type builderType = FD->getResultBuilderType();

  // For getters, fall back on looking on the attribute on the storage.
  if (!builderType) {
    auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(FD);
    if (accessor && accessor->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Get) {
      builderType = accessor->getStorage()->getResultBuilderType();

  return builderType;

/// Attempts to build an implicit call within the provided constructor
/// to the provided class's zero-argument super initializer.
/// @returns nullptr if there was an error and a diagnostic was emitted.
static Expr* constructCallToSuperInit(ConstructorDecl *ctor,
                                      ClassDecl *ClDecl) {
  ASTContext &Context = ctor->getASTContext();
  Expr *superRef = new (Context) SuperRefExpr(ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl(),
                                              SourceLoc(), /*Implicit=*/true);
  Expr *r = UnresolvedDotExpr::createImplicit(
      Context, superRef, DeclBaseName::createConstructor());
  r = CallExpr::createImplicitEmpty(Context, r);

  if (ctor->hasThrows())
    r = new (Context) TryExpr(SourceLoc(), r, Type(), /*implicit=*/true);

  DiagnosticSuppression suppression(ctor->getASTContext().Diags);
  auto resultTy = TypeChecker::typeCheckExpression(
      r, ctor, /*contextualInfo=*/{}, TypeCheckExprFlags::IsDiscarded);
  if (!resultTy)
    return nullptr;
  return r;

/// Check a super.init call.
/// \returns true if an error occurred.
static bool checkSuperInit(ConstructorDecl *fromCtor,
                           ApplyExpr *apply, bool implicitlyGenerated) {
  // Make sure we are referring to a designated initializer.
  auto otherCtorRef = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(
  if (!otherCtorRef)
    return false;
  auto ctor = otherCtorRef->getDecl();
  if (!ctor->isDesignatedInit()) {
    if (!implicitlyGenerated) {
      auto selfTy = fromCtor->getDeclContext()->getSelfInterfaceType();
      if (auto classTy = selfTy->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
        auto &Diags = fromCtor->getASTContext().Diags;
        Diags.diagnose(apply->getArgs()->getLoc(), diag::chain_convenience_init,
    return true;

  // For an implicitly generated super.init() call, make sure there's
  // only one designated initializer.
  if (implicitlyGenerated) {
    auto *dc = ctor->getDeclContext();
    auto *superclassDecl = dc->getSelfClassDecl();


    NLOptions subOptions = NL_QualifiedDefault;

    SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 4> lookupResults;
                              subOptions, lookupResults);

    for (auto decl : lookupResults) {
      auto superclassCtor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(decl);
      if (!superclassCtor || !superclassCtor->isDesignatedInit() ||
          superclassCtor == ctor)

      // Found another designated initializer in the superclass. Don't add the
      // super.init() call.
      return true;

    // Make sure we can reference the designated initializer correctly.
    auto loc = fromCtor->getLoc();
    const bool didDiagnose = diagnoseDeclAvailability(
        ctor, loc, nullptr,
        ExportContext::forFunctionBody(fromCtor, loc));
    if (didDiagnose) {
                         ctor->getDescriptiveKind(), ctor->getName(),

    // Not allowed to implicitly generate a super.init() call if the init
    // is async; that would hide the 'await' from the programmer.
    if (ctor->hasAsync()) {
      return true; // considered an error

  return false;

static bool isKnownEndOfConstructor(ASTNode N) {
  auto *S = N.dyn_cast<Stmt*>();
  if (!S) return false;

  return isa<ReturnStmt>(S) || isa<FailStmt>(S);

/// Check for problems specific to the body of a constructor within a
/// class, involving (e.g.) implicit calls to the superclass initializer and
/// issues related to designated/convenience initializers.
static void checkClassConstructorBody(ClassDecl *classDecl,
                                      ConstructorDecl *ctor,
                                      BraceStmt *body) {
  ASTContext &ctx = classDecl->getASTContext();
  bool wantSuperInitCall = false;
  bool isDelegating = false;

  auto initKindAndExpr = ctor->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind();
  switch (initKindAndExpr.initKind) {
  case BodyInitKind::Delegating:
    isDelegating = true;
    wantSuperInitCall = false;

  case BodyInitKind::Chained:
    checkSuperInit(ctor, initKindAndExpr.initExpr, false);

    /// A convenience initializer cannot chain to a superclass constructor.
    if (ctor->isConvenienceInit()) {


  case BodyInitKind::None:
    wantSuperInitCall = false;

  case BodyInitKind::ImplicitChained:
    wantSuperInitCall = true;

  // A class designated initializer must never be delegating.
  if (ctor->isDesignatedInit() && isDelegating) {
    if (classDecl->getForeignClassKind() == ClassDecl::ForeignKind::CFType) {
    } else {
          .fixItInsert(ctor->getLoc(), "convenience ");

    ctx.Diags.diagnose(initKindAndExpr.initExpr->getLoc(), diag::delegation_here);

  // An inlinable constructor in a class must always be delegating,
  // unless the class is '@_fixed_layout'.
  // Note: This is specifically not using isFormallyResilient. We relax this
  // rule for classes in non-resilient modules so that they can have inlinable
  // constructors, as long as those constructors don't reference private
  // declarations.
  if (!isDelegating && classDecl->isResilient()) {
    auto kind = ctor->getFragileFunctionKind();
    if (kind.kind != FragileFunctionKind::None) {
                     classDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType(), kind.getSelector());

  // If we don't want a super.init call, we're done.
  if (!wantSuperInitCall)

  // Find a default initializer in the superclass.
  Expr *SuperInitCall = constructCallToSuperInit(ctor, classDecl);
  if (!SuperInitCall)

  // If the initializer we found is a designated initializer, we're okay.
  class FindOtherConstructorRef : public ASTWalker {
    ApplyExpr *Found = nullptr;

    MacroWalking getMacroWalkingBehavior() const override {
      return MacroWalking::Expansion;

    PreWalkResult<Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
      if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(E)) {
        if (isa<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(apply->getSemanticFn())) {
          Found = apply;
          return Action::Stop();
      return Action::Continue(E);

  FindOtherConstructorRef finder;
  if (!checkSuperInit(ctor, finder.Found, true)) {
    // Store the super.init expression within the constructor declaration
    // to be emitted during SILGen.

void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
                           const TypeCheckASTNodeAtLocContext &ctx) {
  if (ctx.isForUnattachedNode()) {
    llvm::errs() << "(unattached_node: ";
    simple_display(out, ctx.getUnattachedNode());
    llvm::errs() << " decl_context: ";
    simple_display(out, ctx.getDeclContext());
    llvm::errs() << ")";
  } else {
    llvm::errs() << "(decl_context: ";
    simple_display(out, ctx.getDeclContext());
    llvm::errs() << ")";

bool TypeCheckASTNodeAtLocRequest::evaluate(
    Evaluator &evaluator, TypeCheckASTNodeAtLocContext typeCheckCtx,
    SourceLoc Loc) const {
  auto &ctx = typeCheckCtx.getDeclContext()->getASTContext();
  assert(DiagnosticSuppression::isEnabled(ctx.Diags) &&
         "Diagnosing and Single ASTNode type checking don't mix");

  if (!typeCheckCtx.isForUnattachedNode()) {
    auto DC = typeCheckCtx.getDeclContext();
    // Initializers aren't walked by ASTWalker and thus we don't find the
    // context to type check using ASTNodeFinder. Also, initializers aren't
    // representable by ASTNodes that can be type checked using
    // typeCheckASTNode. Handle them specifically here.
    if (auto *patternInit = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(DC)) {
      if (auto *PBD = patternInit->getBinding()) {
        auto i = patternInit->getBindingIndex();
            [](VarDecl *VD) { (void)VD->getInterfaceType(); });
        if (auto Init = PBD->getInit(i)) {
          if (!PBD->isInitializerChecked(i)) {
            typeCheckPatternBinding(PBD, i,
            // Retrieve the accessor's body to trigger RecontextualizeClosures
            // This is important to get the correct USR of variables defined
            // in closures initializing lazy variables.
            PBD->getPattern(i)->forEachVariable([](VarDecl *VD) {
                  [&](AccessorDecl *accessor) { (void)accessor->getBody(); });
            return false;
    } else if (auto *defaultArg = dyn_cast<DefaultArgumentInitializer>(DC)) {
      if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(defaultArg->getParent())) {
        auto *Param = AFD->getParameters()->get(defaultArg->getIndex());
        return false;
      if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(defaultArg->getParent())) {
        auto *Param = SD->getIndices()->get(defaultArg->getIndex());
        return false;

  // Find innermost ASTNode at Loc from DC. Results the reference to the found
  // ASTNode and the decl context of it.
  class ASTNodeFinder : public ASTWalker {
    SourceManager &SM;
    SourceLoc Loc;

    /// When the \c ASTNode that we want to check was found inside a brace
    /// statement, we need to store a *reference* to the element in the
    /// \c BraceStmt. When the brace statement gets type checked for result
    /// builders its elements will be updated in-place, which makes
    /// \c FoundNodeRef now point to the type-checked replacement node. We need
    /// this behavior.
    /// But for all other cases, we just want to store a plain \c ASTNode. To
    /// make sure we free the \c ASTNode again, we store it in
    /// \c FoundNodeStorage and set \c FoundNodeRef to point to
    /// \c FoundNodeStorage.
    ASTNode FoundNodeStorage;
    ASTNode *FoundNode = nullptr;

    /// The innermost DeclContext that contains \c FoundNode.
    DeclContext *DC = nullptr;

    ASTNodeFinder(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) : SM(SM), Loc(Loc) {}

    /// Set an \c ASTNode and \c DeclContext to type check if we don't find a
    /// more nested node.
    void setInitialFind(ASTNode &FoundNode, DeclContext *DC) {
      this->FoundNode = &FoundNode;
      this->DC = DC;

    bool isNull() const { return !FoundNode; }
    ASTNode &getRef() const {
      return *FoundNode;
    DeclContext *getDeclContext() const { return DC; }

    MacroWalking getMacroWalkingBehavior() const override {
      return MacroWalking::ArgumentsAndExpansion;

    PreWalkResult<Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
      if (auto *brace = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(S)) {
        auto braceCharRange = Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(
            SM, brace->getSourceRange());
        // Unless this brace contains the loc, there's nothing to do.
        if (!braceCharRange.contains(Loc))
          return Action::SkipChildren(S);

        // Reset the node found in a parent context if it's not part of this
        // brace statement.
        // We must not reset FoundNode if it's inside thei BraceStmt's source
        // range because the found node could be inside a capture list, which is
        // syntactically part of the brace stmt's range but won't be walked as
        // a child of the brace stmt.
        if (!brace->isImplicit() && FoundNode) {
          auto foundNodeCharRange = Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(
              SM, FoundNode->getSourceRange());
          if (!braceCharRange.contains(foundNodeCharRange)) {
            FoundNode = nullptr;

        for (ASTNode &node : brace->getElements()) {
          if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, node.getStartLoc()))

          // NOTE: We need to check the character loc here because the target
          // loc can be inside the last token of the node. i.e. interpolated
          // string.
          SourceLoc endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, node.getEndLoc());
          if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(endLoc, Loc) || endLoc == Loc)

          // 'node' may be the target node, except 'CaseStmt' which cannot be
          // type checked alone.
          if (!node.isStmt(StmtKind::Case))
            FoundNode = &node;

          // Walk into the node to narrow down.

        // Already walked into.
        return Action::Stop();
      } else if (auto Conditional = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(S)) {
        for (StmtConditionElement &Cond : Conditional->getCond()) {
          if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, Cond.getStartLoc())) {
          SourceLoc endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, Cond.getEndLoc());
          if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(endLoc, Loc) || endLoc == Loc) {

          FoundNodeStorage = ASTNode(&Cond);
          FoundNode = &FoundNodeStorage;
          return Action::Stop();

      return Action::Continue(S);

    PreWalkResult<Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
      if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, E->getStartLoc()))
        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      SourceLoc endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, E->getEndLoc());
      if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(endLoc, Loc))
        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      // Don't walk into 'TapExpr'. They should be type checked with parent
      // 'InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr'.
      if (isa<TapExpr>(E))
        return Action::SkipChildren(E);

      if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E)) {
        // NOTE: When a client wants to type check a closure signature, it
        // requests with closure's 'getLoc()' location.
        if (Loc == closure->getLoc())
          return Action::SkipChildren(E);

        DC = closure;
      return Action::Continue(E);

    PreWalkAction walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
      if (auto *newDC = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(D))
        DC = newDC;

      if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, D->getStartLoc())) {
        // NOTE: We need to check the character loc here because the target
        // loc can be inside the last token of the node. i.e. interpolated
        // string.
        SourceLoc endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, D->getEndLoc());
        if (!(SM.isBeforeInBuffer(endLoc, Loc) || endLoc == Loc)) {
          if (!isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(D)) {
            FoundNodeStorage = ASTNode(D);
            FoundNode = &FoundNodeStorage;
      return Action::Continue();

  } finder(ctx.SourceMgr, Loc);
  if (typeCheckCtx.isForUnattachedNode()) {
  } else {

  // Nothing found at the location, or the decl context does not own the 'Loc'.
  if (finder.isNull() || !finder.getDeclContext())
    return true;

  DeclContext *DC = finder.getDeclContext();

  if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC)) {
    if (AFD->isBodyTypeChecked())
      return false;


  // Function builder function doesn't support partial type checking.
  if (auto *func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(DC)) {
    if (Type builderType = getResultBuilderType(func)) {
      auto optBody = TypeChecker::applyResultBuilderBodyTransform(
          func, builderType,
              ctx.CompletionCallback == nullptr && ctx.SolutionCallback == nullptr);
      if (optBody && *optBody) {
        // Wire up the function body now.
        func->setBody(*optBody, AbstractFunctionDecl::BodyKind::TypeChecked);
        return false;
      // FIXME: We failed to apply the result builder transform. Fall back to
      // just type checking the node that contains the code completion token.
      // This may be missing some context from the result builder but in
      // practice it often contains sufficient information to provide a decent
      // level of code completion that's better than providing nothing at all.
      // The proper solution would be to only partially type check the result
      // builder so that this fall back would not be necessary.
    } else if (func->hasSingleExpressionBody() &&
                func->getResultInterfaceType()->isVoid()) {
       // The function returns void.  We don't need an explicit return, no matter
       // what the type of the expression is.  Take the inserted return back out.

  // The enclosing closure might be a single expression closure or a function
  // builder closure. In such cases, the body elements are type checked with
  // the closure itself. So we need to try type checking the enclosing closure
  // signature first unless it has already been type checked.
  if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(DC)) {
    if (CE->getBodyState() == ClosureExpr::BodyState::Parsed) {
      // We need the actor isolation of the closure to be set so that we can
      // annotate results that are on the same global actor.
      // Since we are evaluating TypeCheckASTNodeAtLocRequest for every closure
      // from outermost to innermost, we don't want to call checkActorIsolation,
      // because that would cause actor isolation to be checked multiple times
      // for nested closures. Instead, call determineClosureActorIsolation
      // directly and set the closure's actor isolation manually. We can
      // guarantee of that the actor isolation of enclosing closures have their
      // isolation checked before nested ones are being checked by the way
      // TypeCheckASTNodeAtLocRequest is called multiple times, as described
      // above.
      auto ActorIsolation = determineClosureActorIsolation(
          CE, __Expr_getType, __AbstractClosureExpr_getActorIsolation);
      // Type checking the parent closure also type checked this node.
      // Nothing to do anymore.
      return false;

  TypeChecker::typeCheckASTNode(finder.getRef(), DC, /*LeaveBodyUnchecked=*/false);
  return false;

BraceStmt *
TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator,
                                       AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD) const {
  ASTContext &ctx = AFD->getASTContext();

  Optional<FunctionBodyTimer> timer;
  const auto &tyOpts = ctx.TypeCheckerOpts;
  if (tyOpts.DebugTimeFunctionBodies || tyOpts.WarnLongFunctionBodies)

  auto SF = AFD->getParentSourceFile();
  if (SF)
    TypeChecker::buildTypeRefinementContextHierarchyDelayed(*SF, AFD);

  BraceStmt *body = AFD->getBody();
  assert(body && "Expected body to type-check");

  // It's possible we synthesized an already type-checked body, in which case
  // we're done.
  if (AFD->isBodyTypeChecked())
    return body;

  auto errorBody = [&]() {
    // If we had an error, return an ErrorExpr body instead of returning the
    // un-type-checked body.
    // FIXME: This should be handled by typeCheckExpression.
    auto range = AFD->getBodySourceRange();
    return BraceStmt::create(ctx, range.Start,
                             {new (ctx) ErrorExpr(range, ErrorType::get(ctx))},

  bool alreadyTypeChecked = false;
  if (auto *func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(AFD)) {
    if (Type builderType = getResultBuilderType(func)) {
      if (auto optBody =
                func, builderType)) {
        if (!*optBody)
          return errorBody();

        body = *optBody;
        alreadyTypeChecked = true;

    } else if (func->hasSingleExpressionBody() &&
               func->getResultInterfaceType()->isVoid()) {
      // The function returns void.  We don't need an explicit return, no matter
      // what the type of the expression is. Take the inserted return back out.
    } else if (func->getBody()->getNumElements() == 1 &&
               !func->getResultInterfaceType()->isVoid()) {
      // If there is a single statement in the body that can be turned into a
      // single expression return, do so now.
      if (auto *S = func->getBody()->getLastElement().dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
        if (S->mayProduceSingleValue(evaluator)) {
          auto *SVE = SingleValueStmtExpr::createWithWrappedBranches(
              ctx, S, /*DC*/ func, /*mustBeExpr*/ false);
          auto *RS = new (ctx) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), SVE);
  } else if (auto *ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(AFD)) {
    if (body->empty() ||
        !isKnownEndOfConstructor(body->getLastElement())) {
      // For constructors, we make sure that the body ends with a "return" stmt,
      // which we either implicitly synthesize, or the user can write.  This
      // simplifies SILGen.
      SmallVector<ASTNode, 8> Elts(body->getElements().begin(),
      Elts.push_back(new (ctx) ReturnStmt(body->getRBraceLoc(),
      body = BraceStmt::create(ctx, body->getLBraceLoc(), Elts,
                               body->getRBraceLoc(), body->isImplicit());

  // Typechecking, in particular ApplySolution is going to replace closures
  // with OpaqueValueExprs and then try to do lookups into the closures.
  // So, build out the body now.

  // Type check the function body if needed.
  bool hadError = false;
  if (!alreadyTypeChecked) {
    StmtChecker SC(AFD);
    hadError = SC.typeCheckBody(body);

  // If this was a function with a single expression body, let's see
  // if implicit return statement came out to be `Never` which means
  // that we have eagerly converted something like `{ fatalError() }`
  // into `{ return fatalError() }` that has to be corrected here.
  if (isa<FuncDecl>(AFD) && cast<FuncDecl>(AFD)->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
    if (auto *stmt = body->getLastElement().dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
      if (auto *retStmt = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(stmt)) {
        if (retStmt->isImplicit() && retStmt->hasResult()) {
          auto returnType = retStmt->getResult()->getType();
          if (returnType && returnType->isUninhabited())

  // Class constructor checking.
  if (auto *ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(AFD)) {
    if (auto classDecl = ctor->getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl()) {
      checkClassConstructorBody(classDecl, ctor, body);

  // Temporarily wire up the function body for some extra checks.
  // FIXME: Eliminate this.
  AFD->setBody(body, AbstractFunctionDecl::BodyKind::TypeChecked);

  // If nothing went wrong yet, perform extra checking.
  if (!hadError)

  if (!AFD->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext()) {

  return hadError ? errorBody() : body;

bool TypeChecker::typeCheckClosureBody(ClosureExpr *closure) {
  TypeChecker::checkParameterList(closure->getParameters(), closure);

  BraceStmt *body = closure->getBody();

  Optional<FunctionBodyTimer> timer;
  const auto &tyOpts = closure->getASTContext().TypeCheckerOpts;
  if (tyOpts.DebugTimeFunctionBodies || tyOpts.WarnLongFunctionBodies)

  bool HadError = StmtChecker(closure).typeCheckBody(body);
  if (body) {
    closure->setBody(body, closure->hasSingleExpressionBody());
  return HadError;

bool TypeChecker::typeCheckTapBody(TapExpr *expr, DeclContext *DC) {
  // We intentionally use typeCheckStmt instead of typeCheckBody here
  // because we want to contextualize TapExprs with the body they're in.
  BraceStmt *body = expr->getBody();
  bool HadError = StmtChecker(DC).typeCheckStmt(body);
  if (body) {
  return HadError;

void TypeChecker::typeCheckTopLevelCodeDecl(TopLevelCodeDecl *TLCD) {
  // We intentionally use typeCheckStmt instead of typeCheckBody here
  // because we want to contextualize all the TopLevelCode
  // declarations simultaneously.
  BraceStmt *Body = TLCD->getBody();

/// Whether the given brace statement ends with a throw.
static bool doesBraceEndWithThrow(BraceStmt *BS) {
  auto elts = BS->getElements();
  if (elts.empty())
    return false;

  auto lastElt = elts.back();
  auto *S = lastElt.dyn_cast<Stmt *>();
  if (!S)
    return false;

  return isa<ThrowStmt>(S);

namespace {
/// An ASTWalker that searches for any break/continue/return statements that
/// jump out of the context the walker starts at.
class JumpOutOfContextFinder : public ASTWalker {
  TinyPtrVector<Stmt *> &Jumps;
  SmallPtrSet<Stmt *, 4> ParentLabeledStmts;

  JumpOutOfContextFinder(TinyPtrVector<Stmt *> &jumps) : Jumps(jumps) {}

  MacroWalking getMacroWalkingBehavior() const override {
    return MacroWalking::Expansion;

  PreWalkResult<Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
    if (auto *LS = dyn_cast<LabeledStmt>(S))

    // Cannot 'break', 'continue', or 'return' out of the statement. A jump to
    // a statement within a branch however is fine.
    if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BreakStmt>(S)) {
      if (!ParentLabeledStmts.contains(BS->getTarget()))
    if (auto *CS = dyn_cast<ContinueStmt>(S)) {
      if (!ParentLabeledStmts.contains(CS->getTarget()))
    if (isa<ReturnStmt>(S) || isa<FailStmt>(S))

    return Action::Continue(S);
  PostWalkResult<Stmt *> walkToStmtPost(Stmt *S) override {
    if (auto *LS = dyn_cast<LabeledStmt>(S)) {
      auto removed = ParentLabeledStmts.erase(LS);
    return Action::Continue(S);

  PreWalkResult<Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
    // We don't need to walk into closures, you can't jump out of them.
    return Action::SkipChildrenIf(isa<AbstractClosureExpr>(E), E);
  PreWalkAction walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
    // We don't need to walk into any nested local decls.
    return Action::VisitChildrenIf(isa<PatternBindingDecl>(D));
} // end anonymous namespace

areBranchesValidForSingleValueStmt(Evaluator &eval, ArrayRef<Stmt *> branches) {
  TinyPtrVector<Stmt *> invalidJumps;
  TinyPtrVector<Stmt *> unterminatedBranches;
  JumpOutOfContextFinder jumpFinder(invalidJumps);

  // Must have a single expression brace, and non-single-expression branches
  // must end with a throw.
  bool hadSingleExpr = false;
  for (auto *branch : branches) {
    auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(branch);
    if (!BS)
      return IsSingleValueStmtResult::unhandledStmt();

    // Check to see if there are any invalid jumps.

    if (BS->getSingleExpressionElement()) {
      hadSingleExpr = true;

    // We also allow single value statement branches, which we can wrap in
    // a SingleValueStmtExpr.
    auto elts = BS->getElements();
    if (elts.size() == 1) {
      if (auto *S = elts.back().dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
        if (S->mayProduceSingleValue(eval)) {
          hadSingleExpr = true;
    if (!doesBraceEndWithThrow(BS))

  if (!invalidJumps.empty())
    return IsSingleValueStmtResult::invalidJumps(std::move(invalidJumps));

  if (!unterminatedBranches.empty()) {
    return IsSingleValueStmtResult::unterminatedBranches(

  if (!hadSingleExpr)
    return IsSingleValueStmtResult::noExpressionBranches();

  return IsSingleValueStmtResult::valid();

IsSingleValueStmtRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &eval, const Stmt *S) const {
  if (!isa<IfStmt>(S) && !isa<SwitchStmt>(S))
    return IsSingleValueStmtResult::unhandledStmt();

  // Statements must be unlabeled.
  auto *LS = cast<LabeledStmt>(S);
  if (LS->getLabelInfo())
    return IsSingleValueStmtResult::hasLabel();

  if (auto *IS = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(S)) {
    // Must be exhaustive.
    if (!IS->isSyntacticallyExhaustive())
      return IsSingleValueStmtResult::nonExhaustiveIf();

    SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> scratch;
    return areBranchesValidForSingleValueStmt(eval, IS->getBranches(scratch));
  if (auto *SS = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(S)) {
    SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> scratch;
    return areBranchesValidForSingleValueStmt(eval, SS->getBranches(scratch));
  llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case");

void swift::checkUnknownAttrRestrictions(
    ASTContext &ctx, CaseStmt *caseBlock,
    bool &limitExhaustivityChecks) {
  CaseStmt *fallthroughDest = caseBlock->findNextCaseStmt();
  if (caseBlock->getCaseLabelItems().size() != 1) {
    assert(!caseBlock->getCaseLabelItems().empty() &&
           "parser should not produce case blocks with no items");
    limitExhaustivityChecks = true;

  if (fallthroughDest != nullptr) {
    if (!caseBlock->isDefault())
    limitExhaustivityChecks = true;

  const auto &labelItem = caseBlock->getCaseLabelItems().front();
  if (labelItem.getGuardExpr() && !labelItem.isDefault()) {

  const Pattern *pattern =
  if (!isa<AnyPattern>(pattern)) {

void swift::bindSwitchCasePatternVars(DeclContext *dc, CaseStmt *caseStmt) {
  llvm::SmallDenseMap<Identifier, std::pair<VarDecl *, bool>, 4> latestVars;
  auto recordVar = [&](Pattern *pattern, VarDecl *var) {
    if (!var->hasName())

    // If there is an existing variable with this name, set it as the
    // parent of this new variable.
    auto &entry = latestVars[var->getName()];
    if (entry.first) {
      assert(!var->getParentVarDecl() ||
             var->getParentVarDecl() == entry.first);

      // Check for a mutability mismatch.
      if (pattern && entry.second != var->isLet()) {
        // Find the original declaration.
        auto initialCaseVarDecl = entry.first;
        while (auto parentVar = initialCaseVarDecl->getParentVarDecl())
          initialCaseVarDecl = parentVar;

        auto diag = var->diagnose(diag::mutability_mismatch_multiple_pattern_list,
                                  var->isLet(), initialCaseVarDecl->isLet());

        BindingPattern *foundVP = nullptr;
        pattern->forEachNode([&](Pattern *P) {
          if (auto *VP = dyn_cast<BindingPattern>(P))
            if (VP->getSingleVar() == var)
              foundVP = VP;
        if (foundVP)
                            initialCaseVarDecl->isLet() ? "let" : "var");

    } else {
      entry.second = var->isLet();

    // Record this variable as the latest with this name.
    entry.first = var;

  // Wire up the parent var decls for each variable that occurs within
  // the patterns of each case item. in source order.
  for (auto &caseItem : caseStmt->getMutableCaseLabelItems()) {
    // Resolve the pattern.
    auto *pattern = caseItem.getPattern();
    if (!caseItem.isPatternResolved()) {
      pattern = TypeChecker::resolvePattern(
          pattern, dc, /*isStmtCondition=*/false);
      if (!pattern)

    caseItem.setPattern(pattern, /*resolved=*/true);
    pattern->forEachVariable( [&](VarDecl *var) {
      recordVar(pattern, var);

  // Wire up the case body variables to the latest patterns.
  for (auto bodyVar : caseStmt->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray()) {
    recordVar(nullptr, bodyVar);
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