Raw File
version 1.3.7
- Small updates to conform to CRAN policies.

version 1.3-5
- Small updates to conform to CRAN policies.

version 1.3-4
- bugfix in logging of correctWithRules (factors were incorrectly logged).

version 1.3-1
- abs is now an allowed symbol in deterministic corrections (see ?correctionRules)
- small documentation updates: the DL-distance used in correctTypos is the _restricted_ DL-distance.
- bugfix in correctSigns: not all swap-options were found when edits involving <= (or >=) are involved (thanks to Sander Scholtus).
- bugfix deterministic imputation: wrong logging when multiple rules were applied to a record (thanks to Jeroen Pannekoek).

version 1.3-0
- Added deterministic imputation (correction) feature, see ?imputationRules

version 1.2-1
- Added 'round' option for deduImpute.editmatrix (defaults to true)
- bugfix in correctSigns: some correction opportunities were missed because of ignored constant vector in constraints.

version 1.2-0
- Discussion papers used to be included as vignette. Now only as pdf in inst/doc
- deducorrect object gains 'call' attribute.
- deduImpute now sets data to NA according to adapt (should be more intuitive)
- deduImpute accepts 'editset'. Imputations causing new violations are reverted afterwards
- correctRounding, correctTypos, correctSigns now S3 generic and accept 'editset'. Corrections causing new violations are reverted afterwards.
- deduImpute now accepts data.frames with more variables than specified in editset (-matrix, -array)
- bugfix: counting nr. of imputations in deduImpute.editmatrix in presence of 'adapt' argument
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated argument 'Q' from 'correctRounding'
- BREAKING CHANGE: Argument 'R' of correctRounding is renamed 'E' for consistency reasons 

version 1.1-3
- Solved problem in vignette, caused by updates in editrules.

version 1.1-2
- Discussion paper included in 'doc' directory of package
- Solved bug in deducorrect object: rownames of $corrections were sometimes duplicated

version 1.1-1
- Updates on vignette, index.html of online manual and documentation.
- Solved possible clash with plyr: both editrules and plyr publish a reduce function.

version 1.1-0
- Deductive imputation methods for categorical data: deduImpute, deductiveLevels
- Deductive imputation methods for numerical records: deduImpute, solSpace/imputess, deductiveZeros
- Solved corner case: constructing deducorrect object when nothing was corrected failed.

version 1.0-2
- correctSigns has more thorough argument checking. Variables in flip or swap, not occuring in rules are removed.
- Test for unimodularity of editmatrix in correctRounding can optionally be turned off.
- fixed a bug in correctRounding causing inequality violations in certain cases (Thanks to Kenneth Chin-A-Fat)
- passing argument Q to correctRoundings now emits error

version 1.0-1
- fixed bug in correctSigns causing inequality violations in certain cases.

version 1.0-0
- discussion paper published and added to package documentation

version 0.9-6
- Shrunk included papers with tools::compactPDF()
- Small changes to fix warnings and errors after update of editrules and R2.13-patched
- Vignette finished

version 0.9-5
- vignette nearly finished
- Package now depends on editrules version >= 0.6
- Changed getUsername so it uses Sys.info

version 0.9-4
- Fixed a bug in correctTypos: all solutions were flagged as partial.
- Fixed a bug in damerauLevenschtein distance

version 0.9-3
- vignette virtually complete
- made detection of username more robust
- correctRounding does not allow generation of new inequality violations, compatible with correctTypos.
- correctTypos now checks solution suggestions for generating new inequality violations.
- set variable Q in correctRounding to deprecated
- fixed bug in isTotallyUnimodular
- old.correctSigns now removed
- added index.html for vignettes

version 0.9-2
- some work on vignette
- deducorrect object how has "user" slot
- correctSigns has new, easier interface and can take inequalities into account.
- correctSigns now breaks of a 1e5 sign flip combinations - can be adjusted by setting "maxCombinations"
- solved bug causing correctSigns to crash if no records at all were fixed.
- correctRounding failed when running on R 2.10, is fixed.

version 0.9-1
- Fixed a bug in correctTypos: when a record was invalid but no sensible corrections could be made, the function returned an error
- Smashed a bug in correctSigns: error extracting constant for editmatrix containing equalities and inequalities

version 0.9
- initial version
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