Raw File
#    dgs.R
#    $Revision: 1.8 $	$Date: 2015/10/21 09:06:57 $
#    Diggle-Gates-Stibbard process
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

DiggleGatesStibbard <- local({

  # .......... auxiliary functions ................
  dgsTerms <- function(X, Y, idX, idY, rho) {
    # sort in increasing order of x coordinate
    oX <- fave.order(X$x)
    oY <- fave.order(Y$x)
    Xsort <- X[oX]
    Ysort <- Y[oY]
    idXsort <- idX[oX]
    idYsort <- idY[oY]
    nX <- npoints(X)
    nY <- npoints(Y)
    # call C routine
    out <- .C("Ediggatsti",
            nnsource = as.integer(nX),
            xsource  = as.double(Xsort$x),
            ysource  = as.double(Xsort$y),
            idsource = as.integer(idXsort),
            nntarget = as.integer(nY),
            xtarget  = as.double(Ysort$x),
            ytarget  = as.double(Ysort$y),
            idtarget = as.integer(idYsort),
            rrho     = as.double(rho),
            values   = as.double(double(nX)))
    answer <- integer(nX)
    answer[oX] <- out$values

  # ...... template object ......................
  BlankDGS <- 
         name   = "Diggle-Gates-Stibbard process",
         creator = "DiggleGatesStibbard",
         family  = "pairwise.family",  # evaluated later
         pot    = function(d, par) {
           rho <- par$rho
           v <- log(sin((pi/2) * d/rho)^2)
           v[ d > par$rho ] <- 0
           attr(v, "IsOffset") <- TRUE
         par    = list(rho = NULL),  # to be filled in later
         parnames = "interaction range", 
         init   = function(self) {
           rho <- self$par$rho
           if(!is.numeric(rho) || length(rho) != 1 || rho <= 0)
             stop("interaction range rho must be a positive number")
         update = NULL,       # default OK
         print = NULL,        # default OK
         interpret =  function(coeffs, self) {
         valid = function(coeffs, self) {
         project = function(coeffs, self) {
         irange = function(self, coeffs=NA, epsilon=0, ...) {
           rho <- self$par$rho
         version=NULL, # evaluated later
         # fast evaluation is available for the border correction only
         can.do.fast=function(X,correction,par) {
           return(all(correction %in% c("border", "none")))
         fasteval=function(X,U,EqualPairs,pairpot,potpars,correction, ...) {
           # fast evaluator for DiggleGatesStibbard interaction
           if(!all(correction %in% c("border", "none")))
           if(spatstat.options("fasteval") == "test")
             message("Using fast eval for DiggleGatesStibbard")
           rho <- potpars$rho
           idX <- seq_len(npoints(X))
           idU <- rep.int(-1, npoints(U))
           idU[EqualPairs[,2]] <- EqualPairs[,1]
           v <- dgsTerms(U, X, idU, idX, rho)
           v <- matrix(v, ncol=1)
           attr(v, "IsOffset") <- TRUE
         Mayer=function(coeffs, self) {
           # second Mayer cluster integral
           rho   <- self$par$rho
           return((pi/2 - 2/pi) * rho^2)
  class(BlankDGS) <- "interact"

  DiggleGatesStibbard <- function(rho) {
    instantiate.interact(BlankDGS, list(rho = rho))

  DiggleGatesStibbard <- intermaker(DiggleGatesStibbard, BlankDGS)

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