Raw File
// @(#)root/vmc:$Name:  $:$Id: TVirtualMC.h,v 1.7 2004/08/11 09:57:28 brun Exp $
// Authors: Ivana Hrivnacova, Rene Brun, Federico Carminati 13/04/2002

#ifndef ROOT_TVirtualMC
#define ROOT_TVirtualMC

//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //
//   Abstract Monte Carlo interface                                          //
//                                                                           //
//                                                                           //

#include "TMCProcess.h"
#include "TMCParticleType.h"
#include "TVirtualMCApplication.h"
#include "TVirtualMCStack.h"
#include "TVirtualMCDecayer.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TError.h"

class TLorentzVector;
class TArrayI;

class TVirtualMC : public TNamed {

    TVirtualMC(const char *name, const char *title, 
               Bool_t isRootGeometrySupported);
    virtual ~TVirtualMC();
    TVirtualMC(const TVirtualMC &mc) : TNamed(mc) {}
    // static access method
    static TVirtualMC* GetMC() { return fgMC; }

    // methods for building/management of geometry
    // ------------------------------------------------

    // functions from GCONS 
    virtual void  Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Float_t &a, Float_t &z,  
  		         Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl,
		         Float_t* ubuf, Int_t& nbuf) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gfmate(Int_t imat, char *name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z,  
  		         Double_t &dens, Double_t &radl, Double_t &absl,
		         Double_t* ubuf, Int_t& nbuf) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gckmat(Int_t imed, char* name) = 0;

    // detector composition
    virtual void  Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, 
                     Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl,
                     Float_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) = 0;
    virtual void  Material(Int_t& kmat, const char* name, Double_t a, 
                     Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl,
                     Double_t* buf, Int_t nwbuf) = 0;
    virtual void  Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, 
                     Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat) = 0;
    virtual void  Mixture(Int_t& kmat, const char *name, Double_t *a, 
                     Double_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t *wmat) = 0;
    virtual void  Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, 
                     Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, 
                     Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, 
		     Double_t stmin, Float_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) = 0;
    virtual void  Medium(Int_t& kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, 
                     Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, 
                     Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, 
		     Double_t stmin, Double_t* ubuf, Int_t nbuf) = 0;
    virtual void  Matrix(Int_t& krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX, 
                     Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ, 
		     Double_t phiZ) = 0;
    virtual void  Gstpar(Int_t itmed, const char *param, Double_t parval) = 0; 

    // functions from GGEOM 
    virtual Int_t  Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed,  
                          Float_t *upar, Int_t np) = 0; 
    virtual Int_t  Gsvolu(const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed,  
                          Double_t *upar, Int_t np) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsdvn(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, 
                         Int_t iaxis) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsdvn2(const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, 
                         Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsdvt(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, 
                         Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsdvt2(const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, 
                         Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsord(const char *name, Int_t iax) = 0; 
    virtual void  Gspos(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother,  
                         Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, 
                         const char *konly="ONLY") = 0; 
    virtual void  Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother,  
                         Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot,
                         const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np) = 0;
    virtual void  Gsposp(const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother,  
                         Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot,
                         const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np) = 0;
    virtual void  Gsbool(const char* onlyVolName, const char* manyVolName) = 0;

    virtual void  SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov,
                               Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex) = 0;
    virtual void  SetCerenkov(Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t *ppckov,
                               Double_t *absco, Double_t *effic, Double_t *rindex) = 0;
    // functions for drawing
    // to be removed with complete move to TGeo
    virtual void  DrawOneSpec(const char* name) = 0;
    virtual void  Gsatt(const char* name, const char* att, Int_t val) = 0;
    virtual void  Gdraw(const char*,Double_t theta = 30, Double_t phi = 30,
		        Double_t psi = 0, Double_t u0 = 10, Double_t v0 = 10,
		        Double_t ul = 0.01, Double_t vl = 0.01) = 0;

    // Euclid
    virtual void  WriteEuclid(const char*, const char*, Int_t, Int_t) = 0;
    // set geometry from Root (built via TGeo)
    virtual void  SetRootGeometry() {} 
    // get methods
    virtual Int_t VolId(const Text_t* volName) const = 0;
    virtual const char* VolName(Int_t id) const = 0;
    virtual Int_t NofVolumes() const = 0;
    virtual Int_t NofVolDaughters(const char* volName) const;
    virtual const char*  VolDaughterName(const char* volName, Int_t i) const;
    virtual Int_t        VolDaughterCopyNo(const char* volName, Int_t i) const;
            // New functions
	    // Make them = 0 with the next release
    virtual Int_t VolId2Mate(Int_t id) const = 0;

    // methods for physics management
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // set methods
    virtual Bool_t   SetCut(const char* cutName, Double_t cutValue) = 0;
    virtual Bool_t   SetProcess(const char* flagName, Int_t flagValue) = 0;
    virtual Bool_t   DefineParticle(Int_t pdg, const char* name, 
                        TMCParticleType pType, 
                        Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime) = 0; 
    virtual Bool_t   DefineIon(const char* name, Int_t Z, Int_t A,  
                        Int_t Q, Double_t excEnergy, Double_t mass = 0.) = 0; 
    virtual Double_t Xsec(char*, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t) = 0; 
        // particle table usage         
    virtual Int_t   IdFromPDG(Int_t id) const =0;  
    virtual Int_t   PDGFromId(Int_t pdg) const =0;
        // get methods
    virtual TString   ParticleName(Int_t pdg) const = 0;	  
    virtual Double_t  ParticleMass(Int_t pdg) const = 0;	  
    virtual Double_t  ParticleCharge(Int_t pdg) const = 0;	  
    virtual Double_t  ParticleLifeTime(Int_t pdg) const = 0;	  
    virtual TMCParticleType ParticleMCType(Int_t pdg) const = 0;
    // methods for step management
    // ------------------------------------------------

    // action methods
    virtual void StopTrack() = 0;
    virtual void StopEvent() = 0;   
    virtual void StopRun() = 0;   

    // set methods
    virtual void SetMaxStep(Double_t) = 0;
    virtual void SetMaxNStep(Int_t) = 0;
    virtual void SetUserDecay(Int_t) =0;  

    // get methods
         // tracking volume(s) 
    virtual Int_t    CurrentVolID(Int_t& copyNo) const =0;
    virtual Int_t    CurrentVolOffID(Int_t off, Int_t& copyNo) const =0;
    virtual const char* CurrentVolName() const =0;
    virtual const char* CurrentVolOffName(Int_t off) const =0;
    virtual const char* CurrentVolPath();
            // New function
	    // Make it = 0 with the next release
    virtual Int_t    CurrentMaterial(Float_t &a, Float_t &z, 
                       Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl) const =0;  
    virtual Int_t    CurrentEvent() const =0; 
    virtual void     Gmtod(Float_t* xm, Float_t* xd, Int_t iflag) = 0;
    virtual void     Gmtod(Double_t* xm, Double_t* xd, Int_t iflag) = 0;
    virtual void     Gdtom(Float_t* xd, Float_t* xm, Int_t iflag)= 0 ;
    virtual void     Gdtom(Double_t* xd, Double_t* xm, Int_t iflag)= 0 ;
    virtual Double_t MaxStep() const =0;
    virtual Int_t    GetMaxNStep() const = 0;
    virtual Int_t    GetMedium() const =0;

        // tracking particle 
        // dynamic properties
    virtual void     TrackPosition(TLorentzVector& position) const =0;
    virtual void     TrackPosition(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const =0;
    virtual void     TrackMomentum(TLorentzVector& momentum) const =0;
    virtual void     TrackMomentum(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz, Double_t &etot) const =0;
    virtual Double_t TrackStep() const =0;
    virtual Double_t TrackLength() const =0; 
    virtual Double_t TrackTime() const =0;
    virtual Double_t Edep() const =0;
        // static properties
    virtual Int_t    TrackPid() const =0;
    virtual Double_t TrackCharge() const =0;
    virtual Double_t TrackMass() const =0;
    virtual Double_t Etot() const =0;

        // track status
    virtual Bool_t   IsNewTrack() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackInside() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackEntering() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackExiting() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackOut() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackDisappeared() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackStop() const =0;
    virtual Bool_t   IsTrackAlive() const=0;

        // secondaries
    virtual Int_t    NSecondaries() const=0;
    virtual void     GetSecondary(Int_t isec, Int_t& particleId, 
                        TLorentzVector& position, TLorentzVector& momentum) =0;
    virtual TMCProcess ProdProcess(Int_t isec) const =0; 
    virtual Int_t    StepProcesses(TArrayI &proc) const = 0;
    // Information about the transport order needed by the stack
    virtual Bool_t   SecondariesAreOrdered() const = 0;
    // Geant3 specific methods
    // !!! to be removed with move to TGeo
    virtual void Gdopt(const char*,const char*) = 0;
    virtual void SetClipBox(const char*,Double_t=-9999,Double_t=0, Double_t=-9999,
                            Double_t=0,Double_t=-9999,Double_t=0) = 0;    
    virtual void DefaultRange() = 0;
    virtual void Gdhead(Int_t, const char*, Double_t=0) = 0;   
    virtual void Gdman(Double_t, Double_t, const char*) = 0;

    // Removed unused Geant3 specific methods
    //virtual void SetColors() = 0;
    //virtual void Gtreve() = 0;
    //virtual void GtreveRoot() = 0;
    //virtual void Gfpart(Int_t, char*, Int_t&, Float_t&, Float_t&, Float_t&) = 0; 

    // control methods
    // ------------------------------------------------

    virtual void Init() = 0;
    virtual void BuildPhysics() = 0;
    virtual void ProcessEvent() = 0;
    virtual Bool_t ProcessRun(Int_t nevent) = 0;
    virtual void InitLego() = 0;

    // Set methods
    virtual void SetStack(TVirtualMCStack* stack);
    virtual void SetExternalDecayer(TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer);
    virtual void SetRandom(TRandom* random);

    // Get methods
    virtual TVirtualMCStack*   GetStack() const   { return fStack; }
    virtual TVirtualMCDecayer* GetDecayer() const { return fDecayer; }
    virtual TRandom*           GetRandom() const  { return fRandom; }
    virtual Bool_t             IsRootGeometrySupported() const;

    TVirtualMCApplication* fApplication; //! User MC application

    TVirtualMC & operator=(const TVirtualMC &) {return (*this);}

    static TVirtualMC*  fgMC; // Monte Carlo singleton instance

    TVirtualMCStack*    fStack;   //! Particles stack
    TVirtualMCDecayer*  fDecayer; //! External decayer
    TRandom*            fRandom;  //! Random number generator
    Bool_t              fIsRootGeometrySupported; // Info about support for
                                  //  geometries defined directly via TGeo 

  ClassDef(TVirtualMC,1)  //Interface to Monte Carlo

// inline fuctions

// Temporary implementation of new functions
// To be removed with the next release

inline Int_t TVirtualMC::NofVolDaughters(const char* /*volName*/) const {  
  Warning("NofVolDaughters", "New function - not yet implemented.");
  return 0;

inline const char*  TVirtualMC::VolDaughterName(const char* /*volName*/, Int_t /*i*/) const {
  Warning("VolDaughterName", "New function - not yet implemented.");
  return "";

inline Int_t  TVirtualMC::VolDaughterCopyNo(const char* /*volName*/, Int_t /*i*/) const {
  Warning("VolDaughterCopyNo", "New function - not yet implemented.");
  return 0;

inline const char* TVirtualMC::CurrentVolPath() {
  Warning("CurrentVolPath", "New function - not yet implemented.");
  return "";

R__EXTERN TVirtualMC *gMC;

#endif //ROOT_TVirtualMC

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