Raw File

/** \file
 * Provides output functions to enable writing out various build
 * objects from Halide Module objects.

#include <string>

namespace Halide {

/** A struct specifying a collection of outputs. Used as an argument
 * to Pipeline::compile_to and Func::compile_to and Module::compile. */
struct Outputs {
    /** The name of the emitted object file. Empty if no object file
     * output is desired. */
    std::string object_name;

    /** The name of the emitted text assembly file. Empty if no
     * assembly file output is desired. */
    std::string assembly_name;

    /** The name of the emitted llvm bitcode. Empty if no llvm bitcode
     * output is desired. */
    std::string bitcode_name;

    /** The name of the emitted llvm assembly. Empty if no llvm assembly
     * output is desired. */
    std::string llvm_assembly_name;

    /** The name of the emitted C header file. Empty if no C header file
     * output is desired. */
    std::string c_header_name;

    /** The name of the emitted C source file. Empty if no C source file
     * output is desired. */
    std::string c_source_name;

    /** The name of the emitted stmt file. Empty if no stmt file
     * output is desired. */
    std::string stmt_name;

    /** The name of the emitted stmt.html file. Empty if no stmt.html file
     * output is desired. */
    std::string stmt_html_name;

    /** The name of the emitted static library file. Empty if no static library
     * output is desired. */
    std::string static_library_name;

    /** The name of the emitted Python extension glue C source file. Empty if no
     * Python glue output is desired. */
    std::string python_extension_name;

    /** The name of the emitted auto-schedule output file. Empty if no auto-schedule
     * output is desired. */
    std::string schedule_name;

    /** The name of the emitted registration file. Empty if no registration
     * output is desired. */
    std::string registration_name;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also an object file with the given name. */
    Outputs object(const std::string &object_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.object_name = object_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also an assembly file with the given name. */
    Outputs assembly(const std::string &assembly_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.assembly_name = assembly_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also an llvm bitcode file with the given name. */
    Outputs bitcode(const std::string &bitcode_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.bitcode_name = bitcode_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also an llvm assembly file with the given name. */
    Outputs llvm_assembly(const std::string &llvm_assembly_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.llvm_assembly_name = llvm_assembly_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a C header file with the given name. */
    Outputs c_header(const std::string &c_header_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.c_header_name = c_header_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a C source file with the given name. */
    Outputs c_source(const std::string &c_source_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.c_source_name = c_source_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a stmt file with the given name. */
    Outputs stmt(const std::string &stmt_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.stmt_name = stmt_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a stmt.html file with the given name. */
    Outputs stmt_html(const std::string &stmt_html_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.stmt_html_name = stmt_html_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a static library file with the given name. */
    Outputs static_library(const std::string &static_library_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.static_library_name = static_library_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a Python extension glue C source with the given name. */
    Outputs python_extension(const std::string &python_extension_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.python_extension_name = python_extension_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also an auto-schedule output file with the given name. */
    Outputs schedule(const std::string &schedule_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.schedule_name = schedule_name;
        return updated;

    /** Make a new Outputs struct that emits everything this one does
     * and also a registration glue C++ source with the given name. */
    Outputs registration(const std::string &registration_name) const {
        Outputs updated = *this;
        updated.registration_name = registration_name;
        return updated;


}  // namespace Halide

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