Raw File
#include "slang-ir-loop-inversion.h"

#include "slang-ir-clone.h"
#include "slang-ir-dominators.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"
#include "slang-ir-lower-witness-lookup.h"
#include "slang-ir-reachability.h"
#include "slang-ir-ssa-simplification.h"
#include "slang-ir-util.h"
#include "slang-ir.h"

namespace Slang

static bool isSameBlockOrTrivialBranch(IRBlock* target, IRBlock* scrutinee)
    if(target == scrutinee)
        return true;
    const auto br = as<IRUnconditionalBranch>(scrutinee->getFirstOrdinaryInst());
    return br && br->getTargetBlock() == target && br->getArgCount() == 0 && !scrutinee->hasMoreThanOneUse();

static bool isSmallBlock(IRBlock* c)
    // Somewhat arbitrarily, 4 instructions, enough for:
    // - Arith
    // - Comparison
    // - Negation
    // - Terminator
    Int n = 0;
    for([[maybe_unused]] const auto i : c->getOrdinaryInsts())
        if(++n > 4)
            return false;
    return true;

static bool hasIrrelevantContinueBlock(IRLoop* loop)
    const auto c = loop->getContinueBlock();
    return c == loop->getTargetBlock() || c->getPredecessors().getCount() <= 1;

// Loops are suitable for inversion if:
// - The loop jumps to a conditional branch which has the break block as one of
//   its successors (or a trivial break block which we erase) and the other
//   successor is empty
// - The conditional block is "small", because we will be duplicating it
// - The loop's continue block is irrelevant, because we'll need to change it,
//   either by being the loop header already or by having only a single use
//   within the loop body
static bool isSuitableForInversion(IRLoop* loop)
    const auto nextBlock = loop->getTargetBlock();
    const auto breakBlock = loop->getBreakBlock();

    // The first thing a loop does must be a conditional
    const auto branch = as<IRIfElse>(nextBlock->getTerminator());
        return false;

        return false;

        return false;

    const auto t = branch->getTrueBlock();
    const auto f = branch->getFalseBlock();
    const auto a = branch->getAfterBlock();

    // In principle we could perform this simplification in the cfg simplifier,
    // however it relies on slightly more context than is simple to insert
    // there, namely that the removed trivial branching block is branching to a
    // loop break block.

    // Do we break on the 'true' side?
    if(isSameBlockOrTrivialBranch(breakBlock, t) && f == a)
        if(t != breakBlock)
        return true;

    // ... or the false side
    if(isSameBlockOrTrivialBranch(breakBlock, f) && t == a)
        if(f != breakBlock)
        return true;

    return false;

static IRParam* duplicateToParamWithDecorations(IRBuilder& builder, IRCloneEnv& cloneEnv, IRInst* i)
    const auto p = builder.emitParam(i->getFullType());
    for(const auto dec : i->getDecorations())
        cloneDecoration(&cloneEnv, dec, p, builder.getModule());
    return p;

// Given
// s: ...1 loop break=b next=c1
// c1: if x then goto b else goto d (merge at d)
// d: goto c1
// b: ...2
// Produce:
// s: ...1 goto c2
// c2: if x then goto e2 else goto l (merge at b)
// e2: goto b
// l: loop break=b next=d
// d: goto c1:
// c1: if x then goto e1 else goto e3 (merge at e3)
// e3: goto d
// e1: goto b
// b: ...2
// s is the Start block
// c1, c2 are the Condition blocks
// e1, e2, e3 are the critical Edge breakers
// l is the Loop entering block
// d is the loop boDy
// b is the Break block
static void invertLoop(IRBuilder& builder, IRLoop* loop)
    IRBuilderInsertLocScope builderScope(&builder);
    const auto s = as<IRBlock>(loop->getParent());
    auto domTree = computeDominatorTree(s->getParent());
    const auto c1 = loop->getTargetBlock();
    const auto c1Terminator = as<IRIfElse>(c1->getTerminator());
    const auto b = loop->getBreakBlock();
    auto& c1dUse = c1Terminator->getTrueBlock() == b ? c1Terminator->falseBlock : c1Terminator->trueBlock;
    auto& c1bUse = c1Terminator->getTrueBlock() == b ? c1Terminator->trueBlock : c1Terminator->falseBlock;
    const auto d = as<IRBlock>(c1dUse.get());

    IRCloneEnv cloneEnv;
    cloneEnv.squashChildrenMapping = true;

    // Since we are duplicating the loop break condition block (c1) we must
    // introduce phi values for anything in it upon which the rest of the
    // program (b onwards) uses. Lift the values fron c1 used in b (and
    // onwards) to parameters. To avoid a critical edge, pass these via a new
    // block, e1.
    List<IRInst*> c1Params;
    for(auto i : IRInstList<IRInst>(c1->getFirstInst(), c1->getLastInst()))
        IRParam* p = nullptr;
        traverseUses(i, [&](IRUse* u){
            auto userBlock = u->getUser()->getParent();
            if(domTree->dominates(b, userBlock))
                // A new parameter to replace this 'i'
                    p = duplicateToParamWithDecorations(builder, cloneEnv, i);

    // Create another break block b2 that will act as the new break block for the 
    // loop. The original break block b will become the merge point for the outer condition.
    auto b2 = builder.emitBlock();

    // Create a copy of the parameters in b. b2 will simply pass these to b.
    List<IRInst*> b2Params;
    for(auto p : b->getParams())
        auto q = duplicateToParamWithDecorations(builder, cloneEnv, p);
    builder.emitBranch(b, b2Params.getCount(), b2Params.getBuffer());

    auto e1 = builder.emitBlock();
    builder.emitBranch(b2, c1Params.getCount(), c1Params.getBuffer());

    // We create another block e4 to handle other breaks from inside the loop, and
    // rewrite existing breaks to jump to it.
    // We keep e4 and e1 distinct since after the inversion step, insts in e4 will
    // be re-written to use values from the loop entry, while e1 will use values from 
    // c1.
    auto e4 = builder.emitBlock();
    builder.emitBranch(b2, c1Params.getCount(), c1Params.getBuffer());
    traverseUses(b, [&](IRUse* u){
        auto userBlock = u->getUser()->getParent();
        // Restrict this to just those blocks within this loop
        if(userBlock != e4 && userBlock != e1 && userBlock != b2 && domTree->dominates(s, userBlock) && !domTree->dominates(b, userBlock))

    // We now have
    // s: ...1 loop break=b next=c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto d (merge at d)
    // e1: goto b2
    // d: goto c1
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

    // Duplicate c1 into c2, and using the same cloneEnv, duplicate e1 into e2
    const auto c2 = as<IRBlock>(cloneInst(&cloneEnv, &builder, c1));
    const auto e2 = as<IRBlock>(cloneInst(&cloneEnv, &builder, e1));
    const auto c2Terminator = as<IRConditionalBranch>(c2->getTerminator());
    auto& c2eUse = c2Terminator->getTrueBlock() == e1 ? c2Terminator->trueBlock : c2Terminator->falseBlock;
    const auto newC2Terminator = builder.emitIfElse(c2Terminator->getCondition(), c2Terminator->getTrueBlock(), c2Terminator->getFalseBlock(), b);
    // The cloned e2 will branch into b2 by default, rewrite it to branch to b, the correct merge point.
    SLANG_ASSERT(cast<IRUnconditionalBranch>(e2->getTerminator())->getTargetBlock() == b2);

    // We now have
    // s: ...1 loop break=b next=c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c2: if x then goto e2 else goto d (merge at b)
    // e2: goto b
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto d (merge at d)
    // e1: goto b2
    // d: goto c1
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

    // move the loop instruction to its own block, l
    const auto l = builder.emitBlock();
    // We now have
    // s: ...1 no-termiator
    // c2: if x then goto e2 else goto d (merge at b)
    // e2: goto b
    // l: loop break=b next=c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto d (merge at d)
    // e1: goto b2
    // d: goto c1
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

    // add a new terminator to s. A jump to c2, our outer conditional. retain
    // any parameters the loop instruction passed to c1
    List<IRInst*> as;
    for(UInt i = 0; i < loop->getArgCount(); ++i)
    builder.emitBranch(c2, as.getCount(), as.getBuffer());
    // We now have
    // s: ...1, goto c2
    // c2: if x then goto e2 else goto d (merge at b)
    // e2: goto b
    // l: loop break=b next=c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto d (merge at d)
    // e1: goto b2
    // d: goto c1
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

    // modify c2 to jump to the new loop
    auto& c2dUse = newC2Terminator->getTrueBlock() == e2 ? newC2Terminator->falseBlock : newC2Terminator->trueBlock;
    // We now have
    // s: ...1, goto c2
    // c2: if x then goto e2 else goto l (merge at b)
    // e2: goto b
    // l: loop break=b next=c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto d (merge at d)
    // e1: goto b2
    // d: goto c1
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

    // Now we can modify the loop to jump to the block after the first
    // conditional, d, as we know that it won't break out of the loop on the
    // first iteration
    // Since we're only here if the continue block is irrelevant (either the
    // target block already or has a single predecessor) we can set it to the
    // loop header.
    // Beyond just retargeting the loop instruction, we need to make sure any
    // parameters the loop instruction is passing to c1 are instead passed to
    // 'd', and because we've added parameters to 'd' we need to forward them
    // from c1 also which we will accomplish using a new block, e3,
    // TODO: This really upsets a few later passes, why isn't it ok to do given
    // our "irrelevant continue" condition?
    // loop->continueBlock.set(loop->getTargetBlock());
    SLANG_ASSERT(d->getFirstParam() == nullptr);
    List<IRInst*> ps;
    for(const auto p : c1->getParams())
    for(const auto p : ps)
        const auto q = duplicateToParamWithDecorations(builder, cloneEnv, p);
        // Replace all uses, except for those in c1 and e1
        List<IRUse*> uses;
        traverseUses(p, [&](IRUse* u){if(u->user->getParent() != c1 && u->user->getParent() != e1) uses.add(u);});
        for(auto u : uses)
    const auto e3 = builder.emitBlock();
    builder.emitBranch(d, ps.getCount(), ps.getBuffer());
    // We now have the desired output
    // s: ...1, goto c2
    // c2: if x then goto e2 else goto l (merge at b)
    // e2: goto b
    // l: loop break=b2 next=d
    // d: goto c1
    // e4: goto b2
    // c1: if x then goto e1 else goto e3 (merge at e3)
    // e3: goto d
    // e1: goto b2
    // b2: goto b
    // b: ...2

bool invertLoops(IRModule* module)
    IRBuilder builder(module);
    List<IRLoop*> toInvert;
    overAllBlocks(module, [&](auto b){
        if(auto loop = as<IRLoop>(b->getTerminator()))
    for(const auto loop : toInvert)
        invertLoop(builder, loop);
    return toInvert.getCount() > 0;

} // namespace Slang
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