Raw File
%  Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen
%  $Id: patent.Rd 4811 2012-05-08 15:35:52Z gruen $
\title{Patents and R\&D spending}
  Number of patents, R\&D spending and sales in millions of dollar for 70
  pharmaceutical and biomedical companies in 1976.
  A data frame with 70 observations on the following 4 variables.
    \item{Company}{Name of company.}
    \item{Patents}{Number of patents.}
    \item{RDS}{R\&D spending per sales.}
    \item{lgRD}{Logarithmized R\&D spendings (in millions of dollars).}
  The data is taken from the National Bureau of Economic Research R\&D Masterfile.
  P. Wang, I.M. Cockburn and M.L. Puterman. Analysis of Patent
  Data - A Mixed-Poisson-Regression-Model Approach.
  \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, \bold{16}(1),
  27--41, 1998.
  B.H. Hall, C. Cummins, E. Laderman and J. Mundy. The R&D Master
  File Documentation.
  Technical Working Paper 72, National Bureau of Economic
  Research, 1988. Cambridge, MA.
data("patent", package = "flexmix")
patentMix <- initFlexmix(Patents ~ lgRD, k=3,
                      nrep=5, data=patent)
plot(Patents ~ lgRD, data=patent,
ordering <- order(patent$lgRD)
apply(fitted(patentMix), 2, function(y)
      lines(sort(patent$lgRD), y[ordering]))
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