Raw File
from __future__ import with_statement, print_function
import os, subprocess, re, sys, glob, os.path, tempfile, time
from functools import cmp_to_key
from memoize import memoize
from coq_version import get_coqc_help, get_coq_accepts_o, group_coq_args_split_recognized, coq_makefile_supports_arg
from split_file import split_coq_file_contents, get_coq_statement_byte_ranges
from strip_comments import strip_comments
from custom_arguments import DEFAULT_LOG, LOG_ALWAYS
from util import cmp_compat as cmp
import util

__all__ = ["filename_of_lib", "lib_of_filename", "get_file_as_bytes", "get_file", "make_globs", "get_imports", "norm_libname", "recursively_get_imports", "IMPORT_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE", "ALL_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE", "absolutize_has_all_constants", "run_recursively_get_imports", "clear_libimport_cache", "get_byte_references_for", "sort_files_by_dependency", "get_recursive_requires", "get_recursive_require_names", "insert_references", "classify_require_kind", "REQUIRE", "REQUIRE_IMPORT", "REQUIRE_EXPORT", "EXPORT", "IMPORT", "get_references_from_globs", "split_requires_of_statements"]

file_mtimes = {}
file_contents = {}
raw_file_contents = {}
lib_imports_fast = {}
lib_imports_slow = {}

DEFAULT_LIBNAMES=(('.', 'Top'), )

ALL_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE = ('lib', 'proj', 'rec', 'ind', 'constr', 'def', 'syndef', 'class', 'thm', 'lem', 'prf', 'ax', 'inst', 'prfax', 'coind', 'scheme', 'vardef', 'mod')# , 'modtype')

IMPORT_LINE_REG = re.compile(r'^\s*(?:Require\s+Import|Require\s+Export|Require|Load\s+Verbose|Load)\s+(.*?)\.(?:\s|$)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

def warning(*objs):
    print("WARNING: ", *objs, file=sys.stderr)

def error(*objs):
    print("ERROR: ", *objs, file=sys.stderr)

def fill_kwargs(kwargs, for_makefile=False):
    rtn = {
        'libnames'              : DEFAULT_LIBNAMES,
        'non_recursive_libnames': tuple(),
        'ocaml_dirnames'        : tuple(),
        'log'                   : DEFAULT_LOG,
        'coqc'                  : 'coqc',
        'coq_makefile'          : 'coq_makefile',
        'walk_tree'             : True,
        'coqc_args'             : tuple(),
        'inline_coqlib'         : None,
    if for_makefile:
        if 'make_coqc' in rtn.keys(): # handle the case where coqc for the makefile is different
            rtn['coqc'] = rtn['make_coqc']
        if 'passing_make_coqc' in rtn.keys(): # handle the case where coqc for the makefile is different
            rtn['passing_coqc'] = rtn['passing_make_coqc']
    return rtn

def safe_kwargs(kwargs):
    for k, v in list(kwargs.items()):
        if isinstance(v, list):
            kwargs[k] = tuple(v)
    return dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if not isinstance(v, dict))

def fix_path(filename):
    return filename.replace('\\', '/')

def absolutize_has_all_constants(absolutize_tuple):
    '''Returns True if absolutizing the types of things mentioned by the tuple is enough to ensure that we only use absolute names'''
    return set(ALL_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE).issubset(set(absolutize_tuple))

def libname_with_dot(logical_name):
    if logical_name in ("", '""', "''"):
        return ""
        return logical_name + "."

def clear_libimport_cache(libname):
    if libname in lib_imports_fast.keys():
        del lib_imports_fast[libname]
    if libname in lib_imports_slow.keys():
        del lib_imports_slow[libname]

def os_walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None, followlinks=False):
    return tuple(os.walk(top, topdown=topdown, onerror=onerror, followlinks=followlinks))

def os_path_isfile(filename):
    return os.path.isfile(filename)

def filenames_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, ext):
    for physical_name, logical_name in list(libnames) + list(non_recursive_libnames):
        if lib.startswith(libname_with_dot(logical_name)):
            cur_lib = lib[len(libname_with_dot(logical_name)):]
            cur_lib = os.path.join(physical_name, cur_lib.replace('.', os.sep))
            yield fix_path(os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(cur_lib + ext), '.'))

def local_filenames_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, ext):
    # is this the right thing to do?
    lib = lib.replace('.', os.sep)
    for dirpath, dirname, filenames in os_walk('.', followlinks=True):
        filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, lib + ext)), '.')
        if os_path_isfile(filename):
            yield fix_path(filename)

def filename_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, ext):
    filenames = list(filenames_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, ext))
    local_filenames = list(local_filenames_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, ext))
    existing_filenames = [f for f in filenames if os_path_isfile(f) or os_path_isfile(os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.v')]
    if len(existing_filenames) > 0:
        retval = existing_filenames[0]
        if len(existing_filenames) == 1:
            return retval
            DEFAULT_LOG('WARNING: Multiple physical paths match logical path %s: %s.  Selecting %s.'
                        % (lib, ', '.join(existing_filenames), retval),
            return retval
    if len(filenames) != 0:
        DEFAULT_LOG('WARNING: One or more physical paths match logical path %s, but none of them exist: %s'
                    % (lib, ', '.join(filenames)),
    if len(local_filenames) > 0:
        retval = local_filenames[0]
        if len(local_filenames) == 1:
            return retval
            DEFAULT_LOG('WARNING: Multiple local physical paths match logical path %s: %s.  Selecting %s.'
                        % (lib, ', '.join(local_filenames), retval),
            return retval
    if len(filenames) > 0:
        retval = filenames[0]
        if len(filenames) == 1:
            return retval
            DEFAULT_LOG('WARNING: Multiple non-existent physical paths match logical path %s: %s.  Selecting %s.'
                        % (lib, ', '.join(filenames), retval),
            return retval
    return fix_path(os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(lib.replace('.', os.sep) + ext), '.'))

def filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    return filename_of_lib_helper(lib, libnames=tuple(kwargs['libnames']), non_recursive_libnames=tuple(kwargs['non_recursive_libnames']), ext=ext)

def lib_of_filename_helper(filename, libnames, non_recursive_libnames, exts):
    filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(filename), '.')
    for ext in exts:
        if filename.endswith(ext):
            filename = filename[:-len(ext)]
    for physical_name, logical_name in ((os.path.relpath(os.path.normpath(phys), '.'), libname_with_dot(logical)) for phys, logical in list(libnames) + list(non_recursive_libnames)):
        filename_rel = os.path.relpath(filename, physical_name)
        if not filename_rel.startswith('..' + os.sep) and not os.path.isabs(filename_rel):
            return (filename, logical_name + filename_rel.replace(os.sep, '.'))
    if filename.startswith('..' + os.sep) and not os.path.isabs(filename):
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    return (filename, filename.replace(os.sep, '.'))

def lib_of_filename(filename, exts=('.v', '.glob'), **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filename, libname = lib_of_filename_helper(filename, libnames=tuple(kwargs['libnames']), non_recursive_libnames=tuple(kwargs['non_recursive_libnames']), exts=exts)
#    if '.' in filename:
#        # TODO: Do we still need this warning?
#        kwargs['log']("WARNING: There is a dot (.) in filename %s; the library conversion probably won't work." % filename)
    return libname

def is_local_import(libname, **kwargs):
    '''Returns True if libname is an import to a local file that we can discover and include, and False otherwise'''
    return os.path.isfile(filename_of_lib(libname, **kwargs))

def get_raw_file_as_bytes(filename, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filename_extra = '' if os.path.isabs(filename) else ' (%s)' % os.path.abspath(filename)
    kwargs['log']('getting %s%s' % (filename, filename_extra))
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        contents = f.read()
    kwargs['log']('====== Contents of %s%s ======\n%s\n==================\n' % (filename, filename_extra, contents.decode('utf-8')), level=4)
    return contents

def get_raw_file(*args, **kwargs):
    return util.normalize_newlines(get_raw_file_as_bytes(*args, **kwargs).decode('utf-8'))

def list_endswith(ls, suffix):
    return len(suffix) <= len(ls) and ls[-len(suffix):] == suffix

# code, endswith is string
def constr_name_endswith(code, endswith):
    first_word = code.split(' ')[0].split('.')
    endswith = endswith.split(' ')[-1].split('.')
    return list_endswith(first_word, endswith)

# before, after are both strings
def move_strings_once(before, after, possibility, relaxed=False):
    for i in possibility:
        if before[-len(i):] == i:
            return before[:-len(i)], before[-len(i):] + after
    if relaxed: # allow no matches
        return before, after
        return None, None

# before, after are both strings
def move_strings_pre(before, after, possibility):
    while len(before) > 0:
        new_before, new_after = move_strings_once(before, after, possibility)
        if new_before is None or new_after is None:
            return before, after
        before, after = new_before, new_after
    return (before, after)

# before, after are both strings
def move_function(before, after, get_len):
    while len(before) > 0:
        n = get_len(before)
        if n is None or n <= 0:
            return before, after
        before, after = before[:-n], before[n:] + after
    return before, after

# before, after are both strings
def move_strings(before, after, *possibilities):
    for possibility in possibilities:
        before, after = move_strings_pre(before, after, possibility)
    return before, after

# before, after are both strings
def move_space(before, after):
    return move_strings(before, after, '\n\t\r ')

# uses byte locations
def remove_from_require_before(contents, location):
    """removes "From ... " from things like "From ... Require ..." """
    assert(contents is bytes(contents))
    before, after = contents[:location].decode('utf-8'), contents[location:].decode('utf-8')
    before, after = move_space(before, after)
    before, after = move_strings_once(before, after, ('Import', 'Export'), relaxed=True)
    before, after = move_space(before, after)
    before, after = move_strings_once(before, after, ('Require',), relaxed=False)
    if before is None or after is None: return contents
    before, _ = move_space(before, after)
    before, _ = move_function(before, after, (lambda b: 1 if b[-1] not in ' \t\r\n' else None))
    if before is None: return contents
    before, _ = move_space(before, after)
    before, _ = move_strings_once(before, after, ('From',), relaxed=False)
    if before is None: return contents
    return (before + after).encode('utf-8')

# returns locations as bytes
def get_references_from_globs(globs):
    all_globs = set((int(start), int(end) + 1, loc, append, ty.strip())
                    for start, end, loc, append, ty
                    in re.findall('^R([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([^ ]+) <> ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)$', globs, flags=re.MULTILINE))
    return tuple(sorted(all_globs, key=(lambda x: x[0]), reverse=True))

# contents should be bytes
def is_absolutizable_mod_reference(contents, reference):
    start, end, loc, append, ty = reference
    if ty != 'mod': return False
    cur_statement = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', ([''] + split_coq_file_contents(contents[:start].decode('utf-8')))[-1]).strip()
    return cur_statement.split(' ')[0] in ('Import', 'Export', 'Include')

# we absolutize requires, etc, without assuming that we have access to
# the statement-splitting of the file; this is required for inlining
# installed files, where we can't guarantee that we know how to run
# coqc on the file.
# contents should be bytes; globs should be string
def update_one_with_glob(contents, ref, absolutize, libname, transform_base=(lambda x: x), **kwargs):
    assert(contents is bytes(contents))
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    start, end, loc, append, ty = ref
    cur_code = contents[start:end].decode('utf-8')
    rep = transform_base(loc) + ('.' + append if append != '<>' else '')
    rep_orig = loc + ('.' + append if append != '<>' else '')
    if ty not in absolutize or loc == libname:
        kwargs['log']('Skipping %s at %d:%d (%s), location %s %s' % (ty, start, end, cur_code, loc, append), level=2)
    # sanity check for correct replacement, to skip things like record builder notation
    elif append != '<>' and not constr_name_endswith(cur_code, append):
        kwargs['log']('Skipping invalid %s at %d:%d (%s), location %s %s' % (ty, start, end, cur_code, loc, append), level=2)
    elif ty == 'mod' and not is_absolutizable_mod_reference(contents, ref):
        kwargs['log']('Skipping non-absolutizable module reference %s at %d:%d (%s), location %s %s' % (ty, start, end, cur_code, loc, append), level=2)
    elif not constr_name_endswith(rep_orig, cur_code):
        kwargs['log']('Skipping invalid %s at %d:%d (%s) (expected %s), location %s %s' % (ty, start, end, cur_code, rep_orig, loc, append), level=2)
    else: # ty in absolutize and loc != libname
        kwargs['log']('Qualifying %s %s to %s' % (ty, cur_code, rep), level=2, max_level=3)
        kwargs['log']('Qualifying %s %s to %s from R%s:%s %s <> %s %s' % (ty, cur_code, rep, start, end, loc, append, ty), level=3)
        contents = contents[:start] + rep.encode('utf-8') + contents[end:]
        contents = remove_from_require_before(contents, start)

    return contents

def update_with_glob(contents, globs, *args, **kwargs):
    assert(contents is bytes(contents))
    for ref in get_references_from_globs(globs):
        new_contents = update_one_with_glob(contents, ref, *args, **kwargs)
        if new_contents != contents:
            last_successful_ref = ref
        contents = new_contents
    return contents

def get_all_v_files(directory, exclude=tuple()):
    all_files = []
    exclude = [os.path.normpath(i) for i in exclude]
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
        all_files += [os.path.relpath(name, '.') for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirpath, '*.v'))
                      if os.path.normpath(name) not in exclude]
    return tuple(map(fix_path, all_files))

# we want to run on passing arguments if we're running in
# passing/non-passing mode, cf
# https://github.com/JasonGross/coq-tools/issues/57.  Hence we return
# the passing version iff passing_coqc is passed
def get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, key):
    if kwargs.get('passing_coqc'): return kwargs['passing_' + key]
    return kwargs[key]

def get_keep_error_reversed(mkfile, **kwargs):
    # old versions of coq_makefile reversed the meaning of KEEP_ERROR,
    # see https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/15880.  So we need to not
    # pass it if the logic is reversed, but we should pass it
    # otherwise, because we need .glob files even if coqc fails.
    return r'''ifneq (,$(KEEP_ERROR))
''' in get_raw_file(mkfile, **kwargs)

def run_coq_makefile_and_make(v_files, targets, **kwargs):
    kwargs = safe_kwargs(fill_kwargs(kwargs, for_makefile=True))
    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.coq', prefix='Makefile', dir='.', delete=False)
    mkfile = os.path.basename(f.name)
    cmds = [kwargs['coq_makefile'], 'COQC', '=', get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'coqc'), '-o', mkfile]
    for physical_name, logical_name in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'libnames'):
        cmds += ['-R', physical_name, (logical_name if logical_name not in ("", "''", '""') else '""')]
    for physical_name, logical_name in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'non_recursive_libnames'):
        cmds += ['-Q', physical_name, (logical_name if logical_name not in ("", "''", '""') else '""')]
    for dirname in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'ocaml_dirnames'):
        cmds += ['-I', dirname]
    coq_makefile_help = get_coqc_help(kwargs['coq_makefile'], **kwargs)
    grouped_args, unrecognized_args = group_coq_args_split_recognized(get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'coqc_args'), coq_makefile_help, is_coq_makefile=True)
    for args in grouped_args:
    if unrecognized_args:
        if coq_makefile_supports_arg(coq_makefile_help):
            skip_next = False
            for arg in unrecognized_args:
                # coq_makefile should never get -top{,file}; this case
                # will happen if the underlying coqc does not support
                # -top, but coqtop does, and we're running coqtop as
                # coqc
                if arg in ('-top', '-topfile'): skip_next = True
                elif skip_next: skip_next = False
                else: cmds += ['-arg', arg]
            kwargs['log']('WARNING: Unrecognized arguments to coq_makefile: %s' % repr(unrecognized_args))
    cmds += list(map(fix_path, v_files))
    kwargs['log'](' '.join(cmds))
        p_make_makefile = subprocess.Popen(cmds,
        (stdout, stderr) = p_make_makefile.communicate()
    except OSError as e:
        error("When attempting to run coq_makefile:")
        error("Failed to run coq_makefile using command line:")
        error(' '.join(cmds))
        error("Perhaps you forgot to add COQBIN to your PATH?")
        error("Try running coqc on your files to get .glob files, to work around this.")
    keep_error_fragment = [] if get_keep_error_reversed(mkfile, **kwargs) else ['KEEP_ERROR=1']
    make_cmds = ['make', '-k', '-f', mkfile] + keep_error_fragment + targets
    kwargs['log'](' '.join(make_cmds))
        p_make = subprocess.Popen(make_cmds, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stderr) #, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        return p_make.communicate()
        for filename in (mkfile, mkfile + '.conf', mkfile + '.d', '.%s.d' % mkfile, '.coqdeps.d'):
            if os.path.exists(filename):

def make_one_glob_file(v_file, **kwargs):
    kwargs = safe_kwargs(fill_kwargs(kwargs))
    coqc_prog = get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'coqc')
    cmds = [coqc_prog, '-q']
    for physical_name, logical_name in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'libnames'):
        cmds += ['-R', physical_name, (logical_name if logical_name not in ("", "''", '""') else '""')]
    for physical_name, logical_name in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'non_recursive_libnames'):
        cmds += ['-Q', physical_name, (logical_name if logical_name not in ("", "''", '""') else '""')]
    for dirname in get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'ocaml_dirnames'):
        cmds += ['-I', dirname]
    cmds += list(get_maybe_passing_arg(kwargs, 'coqc_args'))
    v_file_root, ext = os.path.splitext(fix_path(v_file))
    o_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.basename(v_file_root) + '.vo')
    if get_coq_accepts_o(coqc_prog, **kwargs):
        cmds += ['-o', o_file]
        kwargs['log']("WARNING: Clobbering '%s' because coqc does not support -o" % o_file, level=LOG_ALWAYS)
    cmds += ['-dump-glob', v_file_root + '.glob', v_file_root + ext]
    kwargs['log'](' '.join(cmds))
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        return p.communicate()
        if os.path.exists(o_file): os.remove(o_file)

def make_globs(logical_names, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    existing_logical_names = [i for i in logical_names
                              if os.path.isfile(filename_of_lib(i, ext='.v', **kwargs))]
    if len(existing_logical_names) == 0: return
    filenames_vo_v_glob = [(filename_of_lib(i, ext='.vo', **kwargs), filename_of_lib(i, ext='.v', **kwargs), filename_of_lib(i, ext='.glob', **kwargs)) for i in existing_logical_names]
    filenames_vo_v_glob = [(vo_name, v_name, glob_name) for vo_name, v_name, glob_name in filenames_vo_v_glob
                           if not (os.path.isfile(glob_name) and os.path.getmtime(glob_name) > os.path.getmtime(v_name))]
    for vo_name, v_name, glob_name in filenames_vo_v_glob:
        if os.path.isfile(glob_name) and not os.path.getmtime(glob_name) > os.path.getmtime(v_name):
        # if the .vo file already exists and is new enough, we assume
        # that all dependent .vo files also exist, and just run coqc
        # in a way that doesn't update the .vo file.  We use >= rather
        # than > because we're using .vo being new enough as a proxy
        # for the dependent .vo files existing, so we don't care as
        # much about being perfectly accurate on .vo file timing
        # (unlike .glob file timing, were we need it to be up to
        # date), and it's better to not clobber the .vo file when
        # we're unsure if it's new enough.
        if os.path.exists(vo_name) and os.path.getmtime(vo_name) >= os.path.getmtime(v_name):
            make_one_glob_file(v_name, **kwargs)
    filenames_vo_v_glob = [(vo_name, v_name, glob_name) for vo_name, v_name, glob_name in filenames_vo_v_glob
                           if not (os.path.exists(vo_name) and os.path.getmtime(vo_name) >= os.path.getmtime(v_name))]
    filenames_v    = [v_name    for vo_name, v_name, glob_name in filenames_vo_v_glob]
    filenames_glob = [glob_name for vo_name, v_name, glob_name in filenames_vo_v_glob]
    if len(filenames_vo_v_glob) == 0: return
    extra_filenames_v = (get_all_v_files('.', filenames_v) if kwargs['walk_tree'] else [])
    (stdout_make, stderr_make) = run_coq_makefile_and_make(tuple(sorted(list(filenames_v) + list(extra_filenames_v))), filenames_glob, **kwargs)

def get_glob_file_for(filename, update_globs=False, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filename = fix_path(filename)
    if filename[-2:] != '.v': filename += '.v'
    libname = lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
    globname = filename[:-2] + '.glob'
    if not os.path.exists(filename): return None
    if filename not in raw_file_contents.keys() or file_mtimes[filename] < os.stat(filename).st_mtime:
        raw_file_contents[filename] = get_raw_file_as_bytes(filename, **kwargs)
        file_contents[filename] = {}
        file_mtimes[filename] = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
    if update_globs:
        if file_mtimes[filename] > time.time():
            kwargs['log']("WARNING: The file %s comes from the future! (%d > %d)" % (filename, file_mtimes[filename], time.time()), level=LOG_ALWAYS)
        if time.time() - file_mtimes[filename] < 2:
            kwargs['log']("NOTE: The file %s is very new (%d, %d seconds old), delaying until it's a bit older" % (filename, file_mtimes[filename], time.time() - file_mtimes[filename]))
        # delay until the .v file is old enough that a .glob file will be considered newer
        # if we just wait until they're not equal, we apparently get issues like https://gitlab.com/Zimmi48/coq/-/jobs/535005442
        while time.time() - file_mtimes[filename] < 2:
        make_globs([libname], **kwargs)
    if os.path.isfile(globname):
        if os.stat(globname).st_mtime > file_mtimes[filename]:
            return get_raw_file(globname, **kwargs)
            kwargs['log']("WARNING: Assuming that %s is not a valid reflection of %s because %s is newer (%d >= %d)" % (globname, filename, filename, file_mtimes[filename], os.stat(globname).st_mtime))
    return None

def get_byte_references_for(filename, types=None, appends=None, **kwargs):
    globs = get_glob_file_for(filename, **kwargs)
    if globs is None: return None
    references = get_references_from_globs(globs)
    return tuple((start, end, loc, append, ty) for start, end, loc, append, ty in references
                 if (types is None or ty in types) and (appends is None or append in appends))

def get_file_as_bytes(filename, absolutize=('lib',), update_globs=False, mod_remap=dict(), transform_base=(lambda x: x), **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filename = fix_path(filename)
    if filename[-2:] != '.v': filename += '.v'
    libname = lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
    globname = filename[:-2] + '.glob'
    if filename not in raw_file_contents.keys() or file_mtimes[filename] < os.stat(filename).st_mtime:
        raw_file_contents[filename] = get_raw_file_as_bytes(filename, **kwargs)
        file_contents[filename] = {}
        file_mtimes[filename] = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
    if len(mod_remap.keys()) > 0: absolutize = list(set(list(absolutize) + ['mod']))
    key = (tuple(sorted(absolutize)), tuple(sorted(list(mod_remap.items()))))
    if key not in file_contents[filename].keys():
        if len(absolutize) > 0 or len(mod_remap.keys()) > 0:
            globs = get_glob_file_for(filename, update_globs=update_globs, **kwargs)
            if globs is not None:
                file_contents[filename][key] = update_with_glob(raw_file_contents[filename], globs, absolutize, libname, transform_base=(lambda x: mod_remap.get(x, transform_base(x))), **kwargs)
    return file_contents[filename].get(key, raw_file_contents[filename])

# returns string, newlines normalized
def get_file(*args, **kwargs):
    return util.normalize_newlines(get_file_as_bytes(*args, **kwargs).decode('utf-8'))

# this is used to mark which statements are tied to which requires
def insert_references(contents, ranges, references, types=('lib',), appends=('<>',), **kwargs):
    assert(contents is bytes(contents))
    ret = []
    prev = 0
    bad = [(start, end, loc, append, ty) for start, end, loc, append, ty in references
           if append not in appends or ty not in types]
    if bad:
        kwargs['log']('Invalid glob entries: %s' % '\n'.join('R%d:%d %s <> %s %s' % (start, end, loc, append, ty)
                                                             for start, end, loc, append, ty in bad))
    for start, finish in ranges:
        if prev < start:
            ret.append((contents[prev:start], tuple()))
        bad = [(rstart, rend, loc, append, ty) for rstart, rend, loc, append, ty in references
               if (start <= rstart or rend <= finish) and
               not ((start <= rstart and rend <= finish) or
                    finish <= rstart or rend <= start)]
        if bad:
            kwargs['log']('Invalid glob entries partially overlapping (%d, %d]: %s'
                          % (start, finish,
                             '\n'.join('R%d:%d %s <> %s %s' % (start, end, loc, append, ty)
                                       for start, end, loc, append, ty in bad)))

        cur_references = tuple((rstart - start, rend - start, loc, append, ty) for rstart, rend, loc, append, ty in references
                               if start <= rstart and rend <= finish)
        ret.append((contents[start:finish], cur_references))
        prev = finish
    if prev < len(contents):
        ret.append((contents[prev:], tuple()))
    return tuple(ret)

def get_file_statements_insert_references(filename, **kwargs):
    ranges = get_coq_statement_byte_ranges(filename, **kwargs)
    contents = get_file_as_bytes(filename, **kwargs)
    refs = get_byte_references_for(filename, **kwargs)
    if refs is None: return None
    return insert_references(contents, ranges, refs, **kwargs)

def remove_after_first_range(text_as_bytes, ranges):
    if ranges:
        start = min((r[0] for r in ranges))
        return text_as_bytes[:start]
        return text_as_bytes

def classify_require_kind(text_as_bytes, ranges):
    """cassifies the kind of require statement

>>> print(res[classify_require_kind(b'From Coq Require Export ZArith.ZArith.', ((24, 37, 'Coq.ZArith.ZArith'),))])
    prefix = strip_comments(re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', remove_after_first_range(text_as_bytes, ranges).decode('utf-8'))).strip() + ' '
    is_require = 'Require ' in prefix
    if 'Import ' in prefix:
        return REQUIRE_IMPORT if is_require else IMPORT
    if 'Export ' in prefix:
        return REQUIRE_EXPORT if is_require else EXPORT
    return REQUIRE if is_require else None

def split_requires_of_statements(annotated_contents, types=('lib',), appends=('<>',), **kwargs):
    already_required = set()
    prefix, postfix = '\nRequire ', '.'
    for statement, references in annotated_contents:
        statement_str = statement.decode('utf-8')
        if not references:
            yield (statement, references)
        rkind = classify_require_kind(statement, references)
        if rkind not in (REQUIRE, REQUIRE_IMPORT, REQUIRE_EXPORT) or len(references) == 1 and rkind == REQUIRE:
            yield (statement, references)
        remaining_references = []
        emitted_require = False
        for start, end, loc, append, ty in references:
            if ty in types and append in appends:
                if loc not in already_required:
                    emitted_require = True
                    yield ((prefix + loc + postfix).encode('utf-8'),
                           (len(prefix), len(prefix) - start + end, loc, append, ty))
                remaining_references.append((start - len('Require '), end - len('Require '), loc, append, ty))
        if rkind == REQUIRE: continue
        statement_str = re.sub(r'Require\s', '', statement_str, count=1)
        if emitted_require and not re.match(r'\s', statement_str[0]): yield ('\n'.encode('utf-8'), tuple()) # we need an extra newline
        yield (statement_str.encode('utf-8'), tuple(remaining_references))

def get_require_dict(lib, update_globs=True, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    lib = norm_libname(lib, **kwargs)
    v_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    if lib not in lib_imports_slow.keys():
        globs = get_byte_references_for(v_name, types=('lib',), appends=('<>',), update_globs=update_globs, **kwargs)
        if globs is not None:
            lib_imports_slow[lib] = {}
            for start, end, name, append, ty in reversed(globs):
                name = norm_libname(name, **kwargs)
                if name not in lib_imports_slow[lib].keys():
                    lib_imports_slow[lib][name] = []
                lib_imports_slow[lib][name].append((start, end))
            for name in lib_imports_slow[lib].keys():
                lib_imports_slow[lib][name] = tuple(lib_imports_slow[lib][name])
    return lib_imports_slow.get(lib, {})

def get_require_names(lib, **kwargs):
    return tuple(sorted(get_require_dict(lib, **kwargs).keys()))

def get_require_locations(lib, **kwargs):
    return sorted(set(loc for name, locs in get_require_dict(lib, **kwargs).items()
                      for loc in locs))

def transitively_close(d, make_new_value=(lambda x: tuple()), reflexive=True):
    updated = True
    while updated:
        updated = False
        for key in tuple(d.keys()):
            newv = set(d[key])
            if reflexive: newv.add(key)
            for v in tuple(newv):
                if v not in d.keys(): d[v] = make_new_value(v)
            if newv != set(d[key]):
                d[key] = newv
                updated = True
    return d

def get_recursive_requires(*libnames, **kwargs):
    requires = dict((lib, get_require_names(lib, **kwargs)) for lib in libnames)
    transitively_close(requires, make_new_value=(lambda lib: get_require_names(lib, **kwargs)), reflexive=True)
    return requires

def get_recursive_require_names(libname, **kwargs):
    return tuple(i for i in get_recursive_requires(libname, **kwargs).keys() if i != libname)

def sort_files_by_dependency(filenames, reverse=True, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filenames = map(fix_path, filenames)
    filenames = [(filename + '.v' if filename[-2:] != '.v' else filename) for filename in filenames]
    libnames = [lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs) for filename in filenames]
    requires = get_recursive_requires(*libnames, **kwargs)

    def fcmp(f1, f2):
        if f1 == f2: return cmp(f1, f2)
        l1, l2 = lib_of_filename(f1, **kwargs), lib_of_filename(f2, **kwargs)
        if l1 == l2: return cmp(f1, f2)
        # this only works correctly if the closure is *reflexive* as
        # well as transitive, because we require that if A requires B,
        # then A must have strictly more requires than B (i.e., it
        # must include itself)
        if len(requires[l1]) != len(requires[l2]): return cmp(len(requires[l1]), len(requires[l2]))
        return cmp(l1, l2)

    filenames = sorted(filenames, key=cmp_to_key(fcmp), reverse=reverse)
    return filenames

def get_imports(lib, fast=False, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    lib = norm_libname(lib, **kwargs)
    glob_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.glob', **kwargs)
    v_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    if not fast:
        get_require_dict(lib, **kwargs)
        if lib in lib_imports_slow.keys():
            return tuple(k for k, v in sorted(lib_imports_slow[lib].items(), key=(lambda kv: kv[1])))
    # making globs failed, or we want the fast way, fall back to regexp
    if lib not in lib_imports_fast.keys():
        contents = get_file(v_name, **kwargs)
        imports_string = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', ' '.join(IMPORT_LINE_REG.findall(contents))).strip()
        lib_imports_fast[lib] = tuple(sorted(set(norm_libname(i, **kwargs)
                                                 for i in imports_string.split(' ') if i != '')))
    return lib_imports_fast[lib]

def norm_libname(lib, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    filename = filename_of_lib(lib, **kwargs)
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        return lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
        return lib

def merge_imports(imports, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    rtn = []
    for import_list in imports:
        for i in import_list:
            if norm_libname(i, **kwargs) not in rtn:
                rtn.append(norm_libname(i, **kwargs))
    return rtn

# This is a bottleneck for more than around 10,000 lines of code total with many imports (around 100)
def internal_recursively_get_imports(lib, **kwargs):
    return run_recursively_get_imports(lib, recur=internal_recursively_get_imports, **kwargs)

def recursively_get_imports(lib, **kwargs):
    return internal_recursively_get_imports(lib, **safe_kwargs(kwargs))

def run_recursively_get_imports(lib, recur=recursively_get_imports, fast=False, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    lib = norm_libname(lib, **kwargs)
    glob_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.glob', **kwargs)
    v_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    if os.path.isfile(v_name):
        imports = get_imports(lib, fast=fast, **kwargs)
        if kwargs['inline_coqlib'] and 'Coq.Init.Prelude' not in imports:
            mykwargs = dict(kwargs)
            coqlib_libname = (os.path.join(kwargs['inline_coqlib'], 'theories'), 'Coq')
            if coqlib_libname not in mykwargs['libnames']:
                mykwargs['libnames'] = tuple(list(kwargs['libnames']) + [coqlib_libname])
                coqlib_imports = get_imports('Coq.Init.Prelude', fast=fast, **mykwargs)
                if imports and not any(i in imports for i in coqlib_imports):
                    imports = tuple(list(coqlib_imports) + list(imports))
            except IOError as e:
                kwargs['log']("WARNING: --inline-coqlib passed, but no Coq.Init.Prelude found on disk.\n  Searched in %s\n  (Error was: %s)\n\n" % (repr(mykwargs['libnames']), repr(e)), level=LOG_ALWAYS)
        if not fast: make_globs(imports, **kwargs)
        imports_list = [recur(k, fast=fast, **kwargs) for k in imports]
        return merge_imports(tuple(map(tuple, imports_list + [[lib]])), **kwargs)
    return [lib]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # if we're working in Python 3.3, we can test this file
        import doctest
        success = True
    except ImportError:
        print('This is not the main file to use.\nOnly run it if you have doctest (Python 3.3+) and are testing things.')
        success = False
    if success:
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