Raw File
\title{Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.}
 These provide a simplified syntax for extracting the children
of an XML node.
"[.XMLNode"(obj, ..., all = FALSE)
"[[.XMLNode"(obj, ...)
"[[.XMLDocumentContent"(obj, ...)
  \item{obj}{the XML node or the top-level document content in which the children are to be accessed.
  The \code{XMLDocumentContent} is the container for the top-level node that also contains information
  such as the URI/filename and XML version. This accessor method is merely a convenience to get 
  access to children of the top-level node.}
 \item{i}{index of the child of interest or the name of an XML element
   of interest. In this latter case, only the first matching element is
   returned, if any.}
  \item{\dots}{the identifiers for the children to be retrieved,
given as integer indices, names, etc. in the usual format for the
generic \code{link{[}} and \code{link{[[}} operators}
  \item{all}{logical value.  When \dots is a character vector, a value
    of \code{TRUE} for \code{all} means to retrieve all of the
    nodes with those names rather than just the first one.
    \code{FALSE} gives the usual result of subsetting a list by name
    which gives just the first element.
    This allows us to avoid the  idiom
       \code{node[ names(node) == "bob" ]}
       which is complicated when node is the result of an inline
       and instead we use
       \code{node["bob", all = TRUE]}.
 A list or single element containing the
children of the XML node given by \code{obj}
and identified by \dots.
\references{\url{http://www.w3.org/XML}, \url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSXML}}
\author{Duncan Temple Lang}



 f = system.file("exampleData", "gnumeric.xml", package = "XML")

 top = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(f))

  # Get the first RowInfo element.

  # Get a list containing only the first row element

  # Get all of the RowInfo elements by position

  # But more succinctly and accurately, get all of the RowInfo elements
 top[["Sheets"]][[1]][["Rows"]]["RowInfo", all = TRUE]


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