Raw File


<h2><font color="#0000cc">
   Declare (DisLog Developers Kit, DDK)


Declare is a general purpose Prolog software package;
its functionality ranges from (non-monotonic) reasoning
in disjunctive deductive databases (the original DisLog system)
to querying XML databases,
software engineering support for Prolog and Java (program
analysis and visualization),
and to applications such as the management of stock information.

Declare has been implemented in SWI/XPCE-Prolog,
and it can be loaded into any application written in

The subsystem DisLog for disjunctive deductive databases seeks to
combine features of disjunctive logic programming and non-monotonic
reasoning, such as the support for uncertain and incomplete
information, with those of deductive databases, such as all-result
inference capabilities.

<h3>How to obtain Declare</h3>

Declare can be obtained by World Wide Web as a tgz-file (of about
14MB) at the following address:
   <a href="https://www1.pub.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/databases/Declare.tgz">https://www1.pub.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/databases/Declare.tgz</a>

<h3>The Parts of Declare</h3>
Extracting the tgz-file <tt>Declare.tgz</tt> creates a directory
<tt>Declare</tt> including the following 5 subdirectories:
   <li> <tt>sources</tt> contains the Prolog sources of DisLog.
   <li> <tt>library</tt> contains some common Prolog libraries.
   <li> <tt>examples</tt> contains several examples of disjunctive logic programs.
   <li> <tt>manuals</tt> contains the DisLog library manual in the files <tt>library.*</tt>.
   <li> <tt>results</tt> is used as a directory for temporary data.
The Prolog sources of Declare include the following units:
<tt>projects</tt>, and

<h3>How to run Declare</h3>

Declare should be called within the current working directory
which contains the 5 subdirectories mentioned above.
Under Linux, <tt>Declare</tt> must be a subdirectory of the user's
home directory,
and under Windows <tt>Declare</tt> must be a subdirectory of
This configuration could be changed in the file

To start Declare, Prolog is started and the file
<tt>sources/declare</tt> is consulted.
E.g. the following command consults Declare on startup of Prolog:
   <tt>% swipl --traditional -f sources/declare</tt>


For further questions please contact

June 2022 <br>
Dietmar Seipel


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