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        <title>pointerType conservation</title>
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        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pointerevent_styles.css">
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    <body onload="run()">
        <h1>pointerType conservation</h1>
        <h4>Test Description: This test checks if pointerType attribute defined properly.</h4>
        <div id="instructions">
            Press and release a mouse button, touch contact or pen contact on the black rectangle. Only use one device per test run.
        <p>Note: This test may be run with different pointer devices, however only one device should be used per test run.
        <div id="target0"></div>
            var eventTested = false;
            var pointerTypeGot = false;
            var pointerdown_event;
            var detected_pointertypes = {};

            setup({ explicit_done: true });


            function run() {
                var target0 = document.getElementById("target0");

                on_event(target0, "pointerover", function(event) {
                    detected_pointertypes[ event.pointerType ] = true;

                // The pointerType attribute of a pointerup event must have the same value as the pointerType attribute of the last pointerdown event with the same pointerId attribute.
                // TA: 3.1
                on_event(target0, "pointerdown", function (event) {
                    pointerdown_event = event;
                    pointerTypeGot = true;

                on_event(target0, "pointerup", function (event) {
                    if(pointerTypeGot == true) {
                        if(!eventTested) {
                            test(function() {
                                assert_equals(event.pointerId, pointerdown_event.pointerId, "pointer IDs are equal: ");
                                assert_equals(event.pointerType, pointerdown_event.pointerType, "pointerType of pointerup event matches pointerdown event: ");
                            }, "pointerType is dispatched properly");
        <h1>Pointer Events pointerType conservation tests</h1>
        <div id="complete-notice">
            <p>The following pointer types were detected: <span id="pointertype-log"></span>.</p>
            <p>Refresh the page to run the tests again with a different pointer type.</p>
        <div id="log"></div>
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