Raw File
// slang-ir-witness-table-wrapper.cpp
#include "slang-ir-witness-table-wrapper.h"

#include "slang-ir-generics-lowering-context.h"
#include "slang-ir.h"
#include "slang-ir-clone.h"
#include "slang-ir-insts.h"

namespace Slang
    struct GenericsLoweringContext;

    struct GenerateWitnessTableWrapperContext
        SharedGenericsLoweringContext* sharedContext;

        // Represents a work item for packing `inout` or `out` arguments after a concrete call.
        struct ArgumentPackWorkItem
            // A `AnyValue` typed destination.
            IRInst* dstArg = nullptr;
            // A concrete value to be packed.
            IRInst* concreteArg = nullptr;

        // Unpack an `arg` of `IRAnyValue` into concrete type if necessary, to make it feedable into the parameter.
        // If `arg` represents a AnyValue typed variable passed in to a concrete `out` parameter,
        // this function indicates that it needs to be packed after the call by setting
        // `packAfterCall`.
        IRInst* maybeUnpackArg(
            IRBuilder* builder,
            IRType* paramType,
            IRInst* arg,
            ArgumentPackWorkItem& packAfterCall)
            packAfterCall.dstArg = nullptr;
            packAfterCall.concreteArg = nullptr;

            // If either paramType or argType is a pointer type
            // (because of `inout` or `out` modifiers), we extract
            // the underlying value type first.
            IRType* paramValType = paramType;
            IRType* argValType = arg->getDataType();
            IRInst* argVal = arg;
            bool isParamPointer = false;
            if (auto ptrType = as<IRPtrTypeBase>(paramType))
                isParamPointer = true;
                paramValType = ptrType->getValueType();
            bool isArgPointer = false;
            auto argType = arg->getDataType();
            if (auto argPtrType = as<IRPtrTypeBase>(argType))
                isArgPointer = true;
                argValType = argPtrType->getValueType();
                argVal = builder->emitLoad(arg);

            // Unpack `arg` if the parameter expects concrete type but
            // `arg` is an AnyValue.
            if (!as<IRAnyValueType>(paramValType) && as<IRAnyValueType>(argValType))
                auto unpackedArgVal = builder->emitUnpackAnyValue(paramValType, argVal);
                // if parameter expects an `out` pointer, store the unpacked val into a
                // variable and pass in a pointer to that variable.
                if (as<IRPtrTypeBase>(paramType))
                    auto tempVar = builder->emitVar(paramValType);
                    builder->emitStore(tempVar, unpackedArgVal);
                    // tempVar needs to be unpacked into original var after the call.
                    packAfterCall.dstArg = arg;
                    packAfterCall.concreteArg = tempVar;
                    return tempVar;
                    return unpackedArgVal;
            return arg;

        IRStringLit* _getWitnessTableWrapperFuncName(IRFunc* func)
            IRBuilder builderStorage;
            auto builder = &builderStorage;
            builder->sharedBuilder = &sharedContext->sharedBuilderStorage;
            if (auto linkageDecoration = func->findDecoration<IRLinkageDecoration>())
                return builder->getStringValue((String(linkageDecoration->getMangledName()) + "_wtwrapper").getUnownedSlice());
            if (auto namehintDecoration = func->findDecoration<IRNameHintDecoration>())
                return builder->getStringValue((String(namehintDecoration->getName()) + "_wtwrapper").getUnownedSlice());
            return nullptr;

        IRFunc* emitWitnessTableWrapper(IRFunc* func, IRInst* interfaceRequirementVal)
            auto funcTypeInInterface = cast<IRFuncType>(interfaceRequirementVal);

            IRBuilder builderStorage;
            auto builder = &builderStorage;
            builder->sharedBuilder = &sharedContext->sharedBuilderStorage;

            auto wrapperFunc = builder->createFunc();
            if (auto name = _getWitnessTableWrapperFuncName(func))
                builder->addNameHintDecoration(wrapperFunc, name);

            auto block = builder->emitBlock();

            ShortList<IRParam*> params;
            for (UInt i = 0; i < funcTypeInInterface->getParamCount(); i++)

            List<IRInst*> args;
            List<ArgumentPackWorkItem> argsToPack;

            SLANG_ASSERT(params.getCount() == (Index)func->getParamCount());
            for (UInt i = 0; i < func->getParamCount(); i++)
                auto wrapperParam = params[i];
                // Type of the parameter in the callee.
                auto funcParamType = func->getParamType(i);

                // If the implementation expects a concrete type
                // (either in the form of a pointer for `out`/`inout` parameters,
                // or in the form a value for `in` parameters, while
                // the interface exposes an AnyValue type,
                // we need to unpack the AnyValue argument to the appropriate
                // concerete type.
                ArgumentPackWorkItem packWorkItem;
                auto newArg = maybeUnpackArg(builder, funcParamType, wrapperParam, packWorkItem);
                if (packWorkItem.concreteArg)
            auto call = builder->emitCallInst(func->getResultType(), func, args);

            // Pack all `out` arguments.
            for (auto item : argsToPack)
                auto anyValType = cast<IRPtrTypeBase>(item.dstArg->getDataType())->getValueType();
                auto concreteVal = builder->emitLoad(item.concreteArg);
                auto packedVal = builder->emitPackAnyValue(anyValType, concreteVal);
                builder->emitStore(item.dstArg, packedVal);

            // Pack return value if necessary.
            if (!as<IRAnyValueType>(call->getDataType()) && as<IRAnyValueType>(funcTypeInInterface->getResultType()))
                auto pack = builder->emitPackAnyValue(funcTypeInInterface->getResultType(), call);
                if (call->getDataType()->getOp() == kIROp_VoidType)
            return wrapperFunc;

        void lowerWitnessTable(IRWitnessTable* witnessTable)
            auto interfaceType = cast<IRInterfaceType>(witnessTable->getConformanceType());
            if (isBuiltin(interfaceType))

            // We need to consider whether the concrete type that is conforming
            // in this witness table actually fits within the declared any-value
            // size for the interface.
            // If the type doesn't fit then it would be invalid to use for dynamic
            // dispatch, and the packing/unpacking operations we emit would fail
            // to generate valid code.
            // Such a type might still be useful for static specialization, so
            // we can't consider this case a hard error.
            auto concreteType = witnessTable->getConcreteType();
            if(!sharedContext->doesTypeFitInAnyValue(concreteType, interfaceType))

            for (auto child : witnessTable->getChildren())
                auto entry = as<IRWitnessTableEntry>(child);
                if (!entry)
                auto interfaceRequirementVal = sharedContext->findInterfaceRequirementVal(interfaceType, entry->getRequirementKey());
                if (auto ordinaryFunc = as<IRFunc>(entry->getSatisfyingVal()))
                    auto wrapper = emitWitnessTableWrapper(ordinaryFunc, interfaceRequirementVal);

        void processInst(IRInst* inst)
            if (auto witnessTable = as<IRWitnessTable>(inst))

        void processModule()
            // We start by initializing our shared IR building state,
            // since we will re-use that state for any code we
            // generate along the way.
            SharedIRBuilder* sharedBuilder = &sharedContext->sharedBuilderStorage;
            sharedBuilder->module = sharedContext->module;
            sharedBuilder->session = sharedContext->module->session;


            while (sharedContext->workList.getCount() != 0)
                IRInst* inst = sharedContext->workList.getLast();



                for (auto child = inst->getLastChild(); child; child = child->getPrevInst())

    void generateWitnessTableWrapperFunctions(SharedGenericsLoweringContext* sharedContext)
        GenerateWitnessTableWrapperContext context;
        context.sharedContext = sharedContext;

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