Raw File

* ask MM about mismatch between confint (approx) and profile plot (backspline) ... ?
* DISABLE boundary warning when profiling ...
* try to do something about rescaling when hessian is problematic?
* add ginv for problematic hessians?
* implement 'subset' argument
* check problems with optimizer="optimize" in tests/parscale.R
* allow ICtab etc. to recognize optim(), optimize() fits
  (ASSUMING that the function was a NLL)
* add optimizer() as alternative optimizer [DONE]
* fix par mfrow resetting glitch on plotting profile
* prettier profile plots (with lattice)?  xyplot for profiles?
* make sure numeric deriv modifications are working

* incorporate optimx?  minpack.lm?

* proper initialization of intercept-less parameter()

* plot methods/fortify, a la ggplot2?

* add deviance() method [need S3-to-S4 conversion]

* make sure subset arg is really working!

* spurious error on mismatched parameter names

* spurious warnings in 1-parameter conf int: [FIXED]

   m1 <- mle2(10~dbinom(prob=p,size=15),start=list(p=0.67))
   c1 <- confint(m1)

* do one-parameter profiles with optimize??

* use numDeriv library hessian() function instead of nlme::fdHess?
(or use nlme::fdHess to avoid loading whole package?)

* turn off Hessian calculation for profile fits??
  [maybe DONE by virtue of previous fix]

* should print warning immediately if convergence fails

* some weird stuff with returned fit from found-better-fit profile --
treating profiled value as fixed ...

* replace approx() in confint() with backspline?
  general solution for non-monotonic profiles?

BUG:   order of parameters matters for L-BFGS-B

  adjusting parameter vectors for lower, upper, parscale, ...
    when some params are fixed ...

  sort out names BS -- when can we safely remove names?



more documentation -- especially S4 methods!
     plot profile

catch/interpret more error messages?
  (try to filter last.warning?)

add DIC to IC tabs?

start as FUNCTION (i.e., self-start)
analytic derivatives
drop1, add1, etc.
link functions ("identity","log", "logit", etc.)
delta method standard error calcs
tranformations on LHS of formula (i.e. use
  link rather than inverse-link function?  only
  possible if link is known and invertible:

   logit  (qlogis)
   probit (qnorm)


clean up/argue about data handling: closures etc. etc. etc...

document argument handling:

  start must be a named vector or a named list
       [OR?? inherit from parnames(minuslogl)?]
  if start is not a list (i.e. a numeric vector)
  set vecpar TRUE
  convert start to a list

  if missing and default.start is TRUE use formals(minuslogl) 

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