Raw File
# On Windows it is important to keep unix-style line endings in all egs/ files.
egs/**             eol=lf

# Windows build files fare better when stored in native Windows CR-LF line
# ending format.
msbuild/*.*proj    eol=crlf
msbuild/*.targets  eol=crlf
msbuild/*.props    eol=crlf
msbuild/*.ps1      eol=crlf

# Windows props
windows/*.props    eol=crlf
windows/generate_solution.pl  eol=native
windows/INSTALL*   eol=native
windows/NewGuidCmd.exe.config text eol=crlf
windows/NewGuidCmd.exe binary

# Prevent git changing CR-LF to LF when archiving (patch requires CR-LF on Windows).
**/*.patch            -text

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