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Owen's function
Evaluates funtion T(h,a) studied by D.B.Owen
T.Owen(h, a, jmax=50, cut.point=6)
a numerical vector. Missing values (\code{NA}s) and \code{Inf} are allowed.
a numerical scalar. \code{Inf} is allowed.
an integer scalar value which regulates the accuracy of the result.
See DETAILS below for explanation.
a scalar value which regulates the behaviour of the algorithm.
See DETAILS below for explanation.
a numerical vector
If \code{a>1} and \code{0<h<=cut.point}, a series expansion is used,
truncated after \code{jmax} terms.
If \code{a>1} and \code{h>cut.point}, an asymptotic approximation is used.
In the other cases, various reflection properties of the function
are exploited. See the reference below for more information.
The function T(h,a) is useful for the computation of the bivariate
normal distribution function and related quantities.
See the reference below for more information.
Owen, D. B. (1956).
Tables for computing bivariate normal probabilities.
\emph{Ann. Math. Statist.}
\bold{27}, 1075-1090.
\code{\link{pnorm2}}, \code{\link{psn}}
owen <- T.Owen(1:10, 2)
% Converted by Sd2Rd version 0.3-3.
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