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<title>IDBCursor.update() - objectstore - modify a record in the object store </title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
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    var db,
      t = async_test(),
      records = [ { pKey: "primaryKey_0" },
                  { pKey: "primaryKey_1" } ];

    var open_rq = createdb(t);
    open_rq.onupgradeneeded = function(e) {
        db = e.target.result;
        var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test", { keyPath: "pKey" });

        for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++)

        // XXX: Gecko doesn't like this
        //e.target.transaction.oncomplete = t.step_func(CursorUpdateRecord);

    open_rq.onsuccess = CursorUpdateRecord;

    function CursorUpdateRecord(e) {
        var txn = db.transaction("test", "readwrite"),
          cursor_rq = txn.objectStore("test")
        cursor_rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
            var cursor = e.target.result;

            cursor.value.data = "New information!";

        txn.oncomplete = t.step_func(VerifyRecordWasUpdated);

    function VerifyRecordWasUpdated(e) {
        var cursor_rq = db.transaction("test")

        cursor_rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
            var cursor = e.target.result;

            assert_equals(cursor.value.data, "New information!");


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