Raw File
/// <reference path="types.ts" />
/// <reference path="shared.ts" />

namespace ts.server {
    export enum LogLevel {

    export const emptyArray: SortedReadonlyArray<never> = createSortedArray<never>();

    export interface Logger {
        close(): void;
        hasLevel(level: LogLevel): boolean;
        loggingEnabled(): boolean;
        perftrc(s: string): void;
        info(s: string): void;
        startGroup(): void;
        endGroup(): void;
        msg(s: string, type?: Msg): void;
        getLogFileName(): string;

    // TODO: Use a const enum (https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/16804)
    export enum Msg {
        Err = "Err",
        Info = "Info",
        Perf = "Perf",
    export namespace Msg {
        /** @deprecated Only here for backwards-compatibility. Prefer just `Msg`. */
        export type Types = Msg;

    export function createInstallTypingsRequest(project: Project, typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition, unresolvedImports: SortedReadonlyArray<string>, cachePath?: string): DiscoverTypings {
        return {
            projectName: project.getProjectName(),
            fileNames: project.getFileNames(/*excludeFilesFromExternalLibraries*/ true, /*excludeConfigFiles*/ true).concat(project.getExcludedFiles() as NormalizedPath[]),
            compilerOptions: project.getCompilationSettings(),
            projectRootPath: project.getCurrentDirectory() as Path,
            kind: "discover"

    export namespace Errors {
        export function ThrowNoProject(): never {
            throw new Error("No Project.");
        export function ThrowProjectLanguageServiceDisabled(): never {
            throw new Error("The project's language service is disabled.");
        export function ThrowProjectDoesNotContainDocument(fileName: string, project: Project): never {
            throw new Error(`Project '${project.getProjectName()}' does not contain document '${fileName}'`);

    export function getDefaultFormatCodeSettings(host: ServerHost): FormatCodeSettings {
        return {
            indentSize: 4,
            tabSize: 4,
            newLineCharacter: host.newLine || "\n",
            convertTabsToSpaces: true,
            indentStyle: IndentStyle.Smart,
            insertSpaceAfterConstructor: false,
            insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true,
            insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true,
            insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true,
            insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true,
            insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: false,
            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false,
            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: false,
            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: true,
            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: false,
            insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: false,
            insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: false,
            placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false,
            placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false,

    export function mergeMapLikes(target: MapLike<any>, source: MapLike<any>): void {
        for (const key in source) {
            if (hasProperty(source, key)) {
                target[key] = source[key];

    export type NormalizedPath = string & { __normalizedPathTag: any };

    export function toNormalizedPath(fileName: string): NormalizedPath {
        return <NormalizedPath>normalizePath(fileName);

    export function normalizedPathToPath(normalizedPath: NormalizedPath, currentDirectory: string, getCanonicalFileName: (f: string) => string): Path {
        const f = isRootedDiskPath(normalizedPath) ? normalizedPath : getNormalizedAbsolutePath(normalizedPath, currentDirectory);
        return <Path>getCanonicalFileName(f);

    export function asNormalizedPath(fileName: string): NormalizedPath {
        return <NormalizedPath>fileName;

    export interface NormalizedPathMap<T> {
        get(path: NormalizedPath): T;
        set(path: NormalizedPath, value: T): void;
        contains(path: NormalizedPath): boolean;
        remove(path: NormalizedPath): void;

    export function createNormalizedPathMap<T>(): NormalizedPathMap<T> {
        const map = createMap<T>();
        return {
            get(path) {
                return map.get(path);
            set(path, value) {
                map.set(path, value);
            contains(path) {
                return map.has(path);
            remove(path) {

    export interface ProjectOptions {
        configHasExtendsProperty: boolean;
         * true if config file explicitly listed files
        configHasFilesProperty: boolean;
        configHasIncludeProperty: boolean;
        configHasExcludeProperty: boolean;
         * these fields can be present in the project file
        files?: string[];
        wildcardDirectories?: Map<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
        compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
        typeAcquisition?: TypeAcquisition;
        compileOnSave?: boolean;

    export function isInferredProjectName(name: string) {
        // POSIX defines /dev/null as a device - there should be no file with this prefix
        return /dev\/null\/inferredProject\d+\*/.test(name);

    export function makeInferredProjectName(counter: number) {
        return `/dev/null/inferredProject${counter}*`;

    export function createSortedArray<T>(): SortedArray<T> {
        return [] as SortedArray<T>;

/* @internal */
namespace ts.server {
    export class ThrottledOperations {
        private readonly pendingTimeouts: Map<any> = createMap<any>();
        private readonly logger?: Logger | undefined;
        constructor(private readonly host: ServerHost, logger: Logger) {
            this.logger = logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose) && logger;

         * Wait `number` milliseconds and then invoke `cb`.  If, while waiting, schedule
         * is called again with the same `operationId`, cancel this operation in favor
         * of the new one.  (Note that the amount of time the canceled operation had been
         * waiting does not affect the amount of time that the new operation waits.)
        public schedule(operationId: string, delay: number, cb: () => void) {
            const pendingTimeout = this.pendingTimeouts.get(operationId);
            if (pendingTimeout) {
                // another operation was already scheduled for this id - cancel it
            // schedule new operation, pass arguments
            this.pendingTimeouts.set(operationId, this.host.setTimeout(ThrottledOperations.run, delay, this, operationId, cb));
            if (this.logger) {
                this.logger.info(`Scheduled: ${operationId}${pendingTimeout ? ", Cancelled earlier one" : ""}`);

        private static run(self: ThrottledOperations, operationId: string, cb: () => void) {
            if (self.logger) {
                self.logger.info(`Running: ${operationId}`);

    export class GcTimer {
        private timerId: any;
        constructor(private readonly host: ServerHost, private readonly delay: number, private readonly logger: Logger) {

        public scheduleCollect() {
            if (!this.host.gc || this.timerId !== undefined) {
                // no global.gc or collection was already scheduled - skip this request
            this.timerId = this.host.setTimeout(GcTimer.run, this.delay, this);

        private static run(self: GcTimer) {
            self.timerId = undefined;

            const log = self.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.requestTime);
            const before = log && self.host.getMemoryUsage();

            if (log) {
                const after = self.host.getMemoryUsage();
                self.logger.perftrc(`GC::before ${before}, after ${after}`);

    export function getBaseConfigFileName(configFilePath: NormalizedPath): "tsconfig.json" | "jsconfig.json" | undefined {
        const base = getBaseFileName(configFilePath);
        return base === "tsconfig.json" || base === "jsconfig.json" ? base : undefined;

    export function insertSorted<T>(array: SortedArray<T>, insert: T, compare: Comparer<T>): void {
        if (array.length === 0) {

        const insertIndex = binarySearch(array, insert, identity, compare);
        if (insertIndex < 0) {
            array.splice(~insertIndex, 0, insert);

    export function removeSorted<T>(array: SortedArray<T>, remove: T, compare: Comparer<T>): void {
        if (!array || array.length === 0) {

        if (array[0] === remove) {
            array.splice(0, 1);

        const removeIndex = binarySearch(array, remove, identity, compare);
        if (removeIndex >= 0) {
            array.splice(removeIndex, 1);

    export function toSortedArray(arr: string[]): SortedArray<string>;
    export function toSortedArray<T>(arr: T[], comparer: Comparer<T>): SortedArray<T>;
    export function toSortedArray<T>(arr: T[], comparer?: Comparer<T>): SortedArray<T> {
        return arr as SortedArray<T>;

    export function toDeduplicatedSortedArray(arr: string[]): SortedArray<string> {
        filterMutate(arr, isNonDuplicateInSortedArray);
        return arr as SortedArray<string>;
    function isNonDuplicateInSortedArray<T>(value: T, index: number, array: T[]) {
        return index === 0 || value !== array[index - 1];

    export function enumerateInsertsAndDeletes<T>(newItems: SortedReadonlyArray<T>, oldItems: SortedReadonlyArray<T>, inserted: (newItem: T) => void, deleted: (oldItem: T) => void, comparer: Comparer<T>) {
        let newIndex = 0;
        let oldIndex = 0;
        const newLen = newItems.length;
        const oldLen = oldItems.length;
        while (newIndex < newLen && oldIndex < oldLen) {
            const newItem = newItems[newIndex];
            const oldItem = oldItems[oldIndex];
            const compareResult = comparer(newItem, oldItem);
            if (compareResult === Comparison.LessThan) {
            else if (compareResult === Comparison.GreaterThan) {
            else {
        while (newIndex < newLen) {
        while (oldIndex < oldLen) {

    /* @internal */
    export function indent(str: string): string {
        return "\n    " + str;

    /** Put stringified JSON on the next line, indented. */
    /* @internal */
    export function stringifyIndented(json: {}): string {
        return "\n    " + JSON.stringify(json);
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