Raw File
/* plfit_mt.h
 * Mersenne Twister random number generator, based on the implementation of
 * Michael Brundage (which has been placed in the public domain).
 * Author: Tamas Nepusz (original by Michael Brundage)
 * See the following URL for the original implementation:
 * http://www.qbrundage.com/michaelb/pubs/essays/random_number_generation.html
 * This file has been placed in the public domain.

#ifndef __PLFIT_MT_H__
#define __PLFIT_MT_H__

/* VS 2010, i.e. _MSC_VER == 1600, already has stdint.h */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1600
#  define uint32_t unsigned __int32
#  include <stdint.h>

#undef __BEGIN_DECLS
#undef __END_DECLS
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
# define __END_DECLS }
# define __BEGIN_DECLS /* empty */
# define __END_DECLS /* empty */


#define PLFIT_MT_LEN       624

 * The maximum random number that \c plfit_mt_random() can generate.

 * Struct that stores the internal state of a Mersenne Twister random number
 * generator.
typedef struct {
    int mt_index;
    uint32_t mt_buffer[PLFIT_MT_LEN];
} plfit_mt_rng_t;

 * \brief Initializes a Mersenne Twister random number generator.
 * The random number generator is seeded with random 32-bit numbers obtained
 * from the \em built-in random number generator using consecutive calls to
 * \c rand().
 * \param  rng  the random number generator to initialize
void plfit_mt_init(plfit_mt_rng_t* rng);

 * \brief Initializes a Mersenne Twister random number generator, seeding it
 *        from another one.
 * The random number generator is seeded with random 32-bit numbers obtained
 * from another, initialized Mersenne Twister random number generator.
 * \param  rng     the random number generator to initialize
 * \param  seeder  the random number generator that will seed the one being
 *                 initialized. When null, the random number generator will
 *                 be initialized from the built-in RNG as if \ref plfit_mt_init()
 *                 was called.
void plfit_mt_init_from_rng(plfit_mt_rng_t* rng, plfit_mt_rng_t* seeder);

 * \brief Returns the next 32-bit random number from the given Mersenne Twister
 * random number generator.
 * \param  rng  the random number generator to use
 * \return the next 32-bit random number from the generator
uint32_t plfit_mt_random(plfit_mt_rng_t* rng);

 * \brief Returns a uniformly distributed double from the interval [0;1)
 * based on the next value of the given Mersenne Twister random number
 * generator.
 * \param  rng  the random number generator to use
 * \return a uniformly distributed random number from the interval [0;1)
double plfit_mt_uniform_01(plfit_mt_rng_t* rng);


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