Raw File
\title{A Trellis Plot Object}

  This class of objects is returned by high level lattice display
  functions, and is usually plotted by default by its `print' method.

  A trellis object, as returned by high level lattice functions like
  \code{\link{xyplot}}, is a list with the ``class'' attribute set to
  ``trellis''.  Many of the components of this list are simply the
  arguments to the high level function that produced the object.  Among
  them are: \code{as.table}, \code{layout}, \code{page}, \code{panel},
  \code{prepanel}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{par.settings},
  \code{par.strip.text}, \code{strip}, \code{skip}, \code{xlab} and
  \code{ylab}.  Some other typical components are: 

      list with index for each of the conditioning variables
      permutation of the order of the conditioning variables
      logical, whether \code{aspect} is ``fill''
      numeric, aspect ratio to be used if \code{aspect.fill} is
    \item{\code{call}}{ call that generated the object. }
      list with levels of the conditioning variables
      list describing the legend(s) to be drawn
      a list as long as the number of panels, each element being a list
      itself, containing the arguments in named form to be passed to the
      panel function in that panel.
      a list containing the arguments common to all the panel functions
      in \code{name=value} form
      list describing x-scale, can consist of several other lists,
      paralleling panel.args, if x-relation is not ``same''
      list describing y-scale, similar to \code{x.scales}
    \item{\code{x.between}}{ numeric vector of interpanel x-space }
    \item{\code{y.between}}{ numeric vector of interpanel y-space }
      numeric vector of length 2 or list, giving x-axis limits
    \item{\code{y.limits}}{ similar to \code{x.limits} }

  \code{\link{Lattice}}, \code{\link{xyplot}},

\author{Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}}


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