Raw File
# 3D Printing
Fomenko A, Chen KH et al. "Systematic examination of low-intensity ultrasound parameters on human motor cortex excitability and behaviour". eLife 2020

These are .STL files, originally designed on Autodesk Fusion 360, which can be freely modified and 3D printed for advancement of TUS neuromodulation research.

The first file adapts a 10mm-thick ultrasound transducer of diameter 38mm to the underside of a Magstim 70mm figure 8 TMS coil. Since transducer and TMS coil dimensions vary, the design may need to be modified accordindly. The second file is a transducer-only holder, with built-in slits for velcro straps for easy attachment to the subject's head.

3D Printing Suggestions: Black PLA filament, 0.2mm layers, Enable Supports, No raft, Infill >40%

For citation: eLife 2020;9:e54497  DOI: 10.7554/eLife.54497

For any 3D-printing or design-related questions please email fomenkoa@myumanitoba.ca

Last update: Nov 27, 2020
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