Raw File
##  n e w t o n . R  Newton Root finding

newtonRaphson <- function(fun, x0, dfun = NULL, ...,
	               maxiter = 100, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
	# Newton method for finding function zeros
	if  (is.null(dfun)) {
		dfun <- function(x, ...) { h <- tol^(2/3)
			(fun(x+h, ...) - fun(x-h, ...)) / (2*h)
	x   <- x0
	fx  <- fun(x, ...)
	dfx <- dfun(x, ...)
	niter <- 0
	diff  <- tol + 1
	while (diff >= tol && niter <= maxiter) {
		niter <- niter + 1
		diff  <- - fx/dfx
		x <- x + diff
		diff <- abs(diff)
		fx  <- fun(x, ...)
		dfx <- dfun(x, ...)
	if (niter > maxiter) {
		warning("Maximum number of iterations 'maxiter' was reached.")
	return(list(root=x, f.root=fx, niter=niter, estim.prec=diff))

newtonHorner <- function(p, x0, 
                         maxiter = 50, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
    n <- length(p) - 1
    niter <- 0
    x <- x0
    diff <- 1 + tol

    while (niter <= maxiter && diff >= tol) {
        H <- horner(p, x)
        if (abs(H$dy) <= tol) {
            warning("Newton's method encountered a slope almost zero.")
            return(list(root = NULL, f.root = NULL, deflate = NULL,
                        iters = niter, estim.prec = Inf))
        xnew <- x - H$y / H$dy
        diff <- abs(x - xnew)
        niter <- niter + 1
        x <- xnew

    if (niter > maxiter) {
        warning("Maximum number of iterations exceeded.")
    defl <- hornerdefl(p, x)

    return(list(root = x, f.root = defl$y, deflate = defl$q,
                iters = niter, estim.prec = diff))

secant <- function(fun, a, b, ...,
                   maxiter = 100, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
# Secant search for zero of a univariate function
    fun <- match.fun(fun)
    f <- function(x) fun(x, ...)

	x1 <- a; x2 <- b
	f1 <- f(x1); if (abs(f1) <= tol) return(x1)
	f2 <- f(x2); if (abs(f2) <= tol) return(x1)
	n <- 0
	while (n <= maxiter && abs(x2 - x1) > tol) {
		n <- n+1
		slope <- (f2 - f1)/(x2 - x1)
		if (slope == 0) return(root=NA, f.root=NA, iter=n, estim.prec=NA)
		x3 <- x2 - f2/slope
		f3 <- f(x3); if (abs(f3) <= tol) break
		x1 <- x2; f1 <- f2
		x2 <- x3; f2 <- f3
	if (n > maxiter) {
		warning("Maximum number of iterations 'maxiter' was reached.")
	return(list(root=x3, f.root=f3, iter=n, estim.prec=2*abs(x3-x2)))
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