Raw File
## ex01.cmd, ex02.cmd:
## Two variables with (initial estimates of) variograms,
## calcute sample variogram and plot fitted model

par(ask = TRUE)
x <- variogram(zinc ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse)
v <- vgm(140000, "Sph", 800, nug = 10000)
plot(x, model = v)
plot(x, model = fit.variogram(x, model = v))
x <- variogram(log(zinc) ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse)
v <- vgm(.5, "Sph", 800, nug = .1)
plot(x, model = v)
plot(x, model = fit.variogram(x, model = v))

## ex03.cmd:
## Inverse distance interpolation on a mask map
x <- krige(zinc ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, model = NULL)
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x))

## ex04.cmd 
## Local ordinary block kriging at non-gridded locations
## the gstat "classic" radius maps into the gstat "S" maxdist argument
new.locs <- data.frame(x = c(181170, 180310, 180205, 178673, 178770, 178270),
	y = c(333250, 332189, 331707, 330066, 330675, 331075))
krige(zinc ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse, newdata = new.locs, 
		model = vgm(1.34e5, "Sph", 800, nug = 2.42e4), 
		block = c(40,40), nmax = 40, nmin = 20, 
		maxdist = 1000)

## ex05.cmd 
## Local simple point kriging on a mask map
v <- vgm(0.581, "Sph", 900, nug = 0.0554)
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, model = v, 
	nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000, beta = 5.9)
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x), 
	main = "log(zinc) simple kriging prediction")
levelplot(sqrt(var1.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x), 
	main = "log(zinc) simple kriging standard errors")

## ex06.cmd 
## Unconditional Gaussian simulation on a mask
## (local neigbourhoods, simple kriging)
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ 1, ~ x + y, data = NULL, newdata = meuse.grid, 
	model = v, nmax = 20, beta = c(5.9), nsim = 5, dummy = TRUE)
levelplot(z ~ x + y | name, map.to.lev(x, z=c(3:7)), aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "five unconditional realisations of a correlated Gaussian field")

## ex07.cmd 
## Gaussian simulation, conditional upon data
## (local neighbourhoods, simple and ordinary kriging)
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, 
	model = v, nmax = 20, beta = c(5.9), nsim = 5)
levelplot(z ~ x + y | name, map.to.lev(x, z=c(3:7)), aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "five conditional realisations of a correlated Gaussian field")

## ex08.cmd 
## Change of support: local ordinary block kriging on a mask
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, 
	model = v, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000,
	block = c(40,40))
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "ordinary block kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(var1.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "ordinary block kriging prediction standard errors")

## ex09.cmd 
## Obtain map values at data() locations
## (Point-map overlay)
# we trick here by using inv.weighted distance interpolation, using the
# single nearest observation. It will not fail on points outside the grid.
# Note that we reversed meuse.grid and meuse to get these results.
x <- krige(part.a ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse.grid, meuse, model = NULL, nmax = 1)
meuse$part.a = x$var1.pred
x <- krige(part.b ~ 1, ~ x + y, meuse.grid, meuse, model = NULL, nmax = 1)
meuse$part.b = x$var1.pred

## ex10.cmd 
## Multiple kriging: prediction on more than one variable
## (ordinary kriging of two variables)
## (note that zinc_map.eas wass obtained through ex09.gst)
x <- variogram(dist~1,~x+y,meuse)
v.dist <- fit.variogram(x, model = vgm(1,"Gau",100))
plot(x, model = v.dist)
g <- gstat(id = "ln.zinc", form = log(zinc) ~ 1, loc = ~ x + y, 
	data = meuse, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000, model = v)
g <- gstat(g, id = "dist", form = dist ~ 1, loc = ~ x + y, 
	data = meuse, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000,
	model = vgm(.01, "Nug", 0, add.to = v.dist))
# the added nugget variance is necessary to avoid near-singular covariances
x <- predict(g, meuse.grid)
levelplot(ln.zinc.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "log(zinc) ordinary kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(ln.zinc.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "log(zinc) ordinary kriging prediction standard errors")
levelplot(dist.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "dist ordinary kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(dist.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "dist ordinary kriging prediction standard errors")

## ex11.cmd 
## Multivariable kriging: ordinary local cokriging of two variables
## For examples of fitting an LMC: see demo(cokriging)
g <- gstat(id = "ln.zinc", form = log(zinc) ~ 1, loc = ~ x + y, 
	data = meuse, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000,
	model = vgm(0.581, "Sph", 900, 0.0554))
g <- gstat(g, id = "sq.dist", form = sqrt(dist) ~ 1, loc = ~ x + y, 
	data = meuse, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000,
	model = vgm(0.0631, "Sph", 900, 0.0001))
g <- gstat(g, id = c("ln.zinc", "sq.dist"), 
	model = vgm(-0.156, "Sph", 900, 1e-5))
# small nugget necessary to let gstat recognize LMC
x <- predict(g, meuse.grid)
levelplot(ln.zinc.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "log(zinc) ordinary cokriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(ln.zinc.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "log(zinc) ordinary cokriging prediction standard errors")
levelplot(sq.dist.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "dist ordinary cokriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(sq.dist.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "dist ordinary cokriging prediction standard errors")

## ex12.cmd 
## Stratified ordinary kriging (within-category ordinary kriging)
## (stratified mode not implemented; this can be programmed easily in R)

## ex13.cmd 
## Local universal kriging, using one continuous variable
## the variogram should be that of the residual:
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, 
	model = vgm(.149, "Sph", 700, .0674), 
	nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000)
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "universal kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(var1.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "universal kriging prediction standard errors")

## ex14.cmd 
## Universal kriging, using one continuous and
## two binary variables.
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ -1 + sqrt(dist)+ part.a + part.b, 
	~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, 
	model = vgm(.149, "Sph", 700, .0674))
levelplot(part.a ~ x + y, meuse.grid, aspect = mapasp(meuse.grid),
	main = "the areas defining part.a (1) and part.b (0)")
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "universal kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(var1.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "universal kriging prediction standard errors")

## ex14a.cmd 
## stratified universal kriging: 
## (again: not implemented)

## ex15.cmd 
## Local linear model, using one continuous variable
x <- krige(log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), ~ x + y, meuse, meuse.grid, 
	model = NULL, nmax = 40, nmin = 20, maxdist = 1000)
levelplot(var1.pred ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "IID local linear model kriging predictions")
levelplot(sqrt(var1.var) ~ x + y, x, aspect = mapasp(x),
	main = "IID local linear model prediction standard errors")

## ex16.cmd 
## Multivariable indicator cosimulation 
## ==>> see demo(cosimulation) for an extended example how to do this

## ex17.cmd 
## global coordinate polynomial trend surfaces
## trend orders 0-3 ==>> better use lm() for this
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