Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Apr 25 14:48:00 2017

@author: ishort

import math
import Useful
import PartitionFn
import ToolBox
#import numpy
#a function to create a cubic function fit extrapolation
def cubicFit(x,y):
    coeffs = numpy.polyfit(x,y,3)
    #returns an array of coefficents for the cubic fit of the form
    #Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D as [A,B,C,D]
    return coeffs
#this will work for any number of data points!
def valueFromFit(fit,x):
    #return the value y for a given fit, at point x
    return (fit[0]*(x**3)+fit[1]*(x**2)+fit[2]*x+fit[3])

def masterMetal(numDeps, numLams, temp, lambdaScale, stagePops):
    """/* Metal b-f opacity routines taken from Moog (moogjul2014/, MOOGJUL2014.tar)
Chris Sneden (Universtiy of Texas at Austin)  and collaborators
//From Moog source file Opacitymetals.f

#//System.out.println("masterMetal called...");

#//From Moog source file Opacitymetals.f
#// From how values such as aC1[] are used in Moog file Opacit.f to compute the total opacity
#// and then the optical depth scale, I infer that they are extinction coefficients 
#// in cm^-1 
#// There does not seem to be any correction for stimulated emission 

    logE = math.log10(math.e)
    masterBF = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps) ] for j in range(numLams) ]     

    logUC1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]

    logStatWC1 = 0.0
    logStatWMg1 = 0.0
    logStatWMg2 = 0.0
    logStatWAl1 = 0.0
    logStatWSi1 = 0.0
    logStatWSi2 = 0.0
    logStatWFe1 = 0.0

    theta = 1.0
    species = ""
    logGroundPopsC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]        
    logGroundPopsMg1  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsMg2  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsAl1  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsSi1  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsSi2  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsFe1  = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

#// C I: Z=6 --> iZ=5:
    aC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Mg I: Z=12 --> iZ=11:
    aMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Mg II: Z=12 --> iZ=11:
    aMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Al I: Z=13 --> iZ=12:
    aAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Si I: Z=14 --> iZ=13:
    aSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Si II: Z=14 --> iZ =13:
    aSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#// Fe I: Z=26 --> iZ=25
    aFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] 

    species = "CI"
    logUC1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "MgI"
    logUMg1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "MgII"
    logUMg2 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "AlI"
    logUAl1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "SiI"
    logUSi1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "SiII"
    logUSi2 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "FeI"
    logUFe1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)

#//System.out.println("iD     PpC1     PpMg1      PpMg2     PpAl1     PpSi1     PpSi2     PpFe1"); 
    for iD in range(numDeps):
#//neutral stage
#//Assumes ground state stat weight, g_1, is 1.0
        #theta = 5040.0 / temp[0][iD]
#// U[0]: theta = 1.0, U[1]: theta = 0.5
        if (theta <= 0.5):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[1]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[1]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[1]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[1]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[1]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[1]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[1]
        elif ( (theta < 1.0) and (theta > 0.5) ):
            logStatWC1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUC1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUC1[1] )
            #//divide by common factor of interpolation interval of 0.5 = (1.0 - 0.5):
            logStatWC1 = 2.0 * logStatWC1 
            logStatWMg1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUMg1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUMg1[1] );
            logStatWMg1 = 2.0 * logStatWMg1; 
            logStatWMg2 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUMg2[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUMg2[1] );
            logStatWMg2 = 2.0 * logStatWMg2; 
            logStatWAl1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUAl1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUAl1[1] );
            logStatWAl1 = 2.0 * logStatWAl1; 
            logStatWSi1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUSi1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUSi1[1] );
            logStatWSi1 = 2.0 * logStatWSi1; 
            logStatWSi2 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUSi2[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUSi2[1] );
            logStatWSi2 = 2.0 * logStatWSi2; 
            logStatWFe1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUFe1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUFe1[1] );
            logStatWFe1 = 2.0 * logStatWFe1; 
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[0]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[0]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[0]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[0]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[0]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[0]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[0]

        thisTemp = temp[0][iD]
        logWC1Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUC1)
        logStatWC1 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWC1Fit,thisTemp)

        logWMg1Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUMg1)
        logStatWMg1 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWMg1Fit,thisTemp)
        logWSi1Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUSi1)
        logStatWSi1 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWSi1Fit,thisTemp)
        logWMg2Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUMg2)
        logStatWMg2 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWMg2Fit,thisTemp)
        logWSi2Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUSi2)
        logStatWSi2 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWSi2Fit,thisTemp)
        logWFe1Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUFe1)
        logStatWFe1 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWFe1Fit,thisTemp)
        logWAl1Fit = ToolBox.cubicFit(masterTemp,logUAl1)
        logStatWAl1 = ToolBox.valueFromFit(logWAl1Fit,thisTemp)
        #logStatWC1Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUC1)

        #logStatWMg1Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUMg1)

        #logStatWMg2Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUMg2)

        #logStatWAl1Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUAl1)

        #logStatWSi1Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUSi1)

        #logStatWSi2Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUSi2)

        #logStatWFe1Fun = spline(masterTemp,logUFe1)
#// NEW Interpolation involving temperature for new partition function: lburns
        thisTemp = temp[0][iD]
        if (thisTemp <= 130.0):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[0]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[0]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[0]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[0]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[0]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[0]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[0]
        if (thisTemp >= 10000.0):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[4]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[4]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[4]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[4]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[4]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[4]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[4]        
        elif (thisTemp > 130 and thisTemp <= 500):
            #// Add in interpolation here lburns
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUC1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUMg1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUMg2[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUAl1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUSi1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUSi2[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUFe1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
        elif (thisTemp > 500 and thisTemp <= 3000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUC1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUMg1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUMg2[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500) 
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUAl1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500) 
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUSi1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUSi2[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUFe1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
        elif (thisTemp > 3000 and thisTemp <= 8000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUC1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUMg1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUMg2[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000) 
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUAl1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUSi1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000) 
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUSi2[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUFe1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
        elif (thisTemp > 8000 and thisTemp < 10000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUC1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUMg1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUMg2[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUAl1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUSi1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000) 
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUSi2[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000) 
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUFe1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            #// for temperatures greater than or equal to 10000
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[4]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[4]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[4]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[4]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[4]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[4]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[4]


        logGroundPopsC1[iD] = stagePops[5][0][iD] - logStatWC1 
        logGroundPopsMg1[iD] = stagePops[11][0][iD] - logStatWMg1 
        logGroundPopsMg2[iD] = stagePops[11][1][iD] - logStatWMg2 
        logGroundPopsAl1[iD] = stagePops[12][0][iD] - logStatWAl1 
        logGroundPopsSi1[iD] = stagePops[13][0][iD] - logStatWSi1 
        logGroundPopsSi2[iD] = stagePops[13][1][iD] - logStatWSi2 
        logGroundPopsFe1[iD] = stagePops[25][0][iD] - logStatWFe1

            #// if (iD%5 == 1){ 
            #//     System.out.format("%03d, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f %n", 
            #//          iD, logE*(logGroundPopsC1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()), 
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsMg1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()), 
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsMg2[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsAl1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()), 
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsSi1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()), 
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsSi2[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
            #//              logE*(logGroundPopsFe1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()));
    #id loop// } 

         #double waveno;  //cm?? 
         #double freq, logFreq, kapBF;
         #double stimEmExp, stimEmLogExp, stimEmLogExpHelp, stimEm;
         #//System.out.println("iD    iL    lambda    stimEm    aC1     aMg1     aMg2     aAl1    aSi1    aSi2    aFe1 ");
    for iL in range(numLams):
        #print("iL ", iL)
        for i in range(numDeps):
            aC1[i] = 0.0
            aMg1[i] = 0.0
            aMg2[i] = 0.0
            aAl1[i] = 0.0
            aSi1[i] = 0.0
            aSi2[i] = 0.0
            aFe1[i] = 0.0
        waveno = 1.0 / lambdaScale[iL]  #//cm^-1??
        logFreq = Useful.logC() - math.log(lambdaScale[iL]) 
        freq = math.exp(logFreq)
        #if (iL%20 == 1):
        #    print("freq ", freq)
        stimEmLogExpHelp = Useful.logH() + logFreq - Useful.logK()   

            #//System.out.println("Calling opacC1 from masterMetal..."); 
        if (freq >= 2.0761e15): 
            aC1 = opacC1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsC1)            
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            #print("opacMg1 called")
            aMg1 = opacMg1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsMg1)            
        if (freq >= 2.564306e15):
            aMg2 = opacMg2(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsMg2)
        if (freq >= 1.443e15):
            aAl1 = opacAl1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsAl1)
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            #print("opacSi1 called")
            aSi1 = opacSi1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsSi1)
        if (freq >= 7.6869872e14):
            aSi2 = opacSi2(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsSi2)
        if (waveno >= 21000.0):
              aFe1 = opacFe1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsFe1)

        for iD in range(numDeps):

            kapBF = 1.0e-99 #minimum safe value
            stimEmLogExp = stimEmLogExpHelp - temp[1][iD]
            stimEmExp = -1.0 * math.exp(stimEmLogExp)
            stimEm = ( 1.0 - math.exp(stimEmExp) ) #//LTE correction for stimulated emission  

            kapBF = kapBF + aC1[iD] + aMg1[iD] + aMg2[iD] + aAl1[iD] + aSi1[iD] + aSi2[iD] + aFe1[iD]
            #kapBF = aC1[iD] + aMg2[iD] + aAl1[iD] + aSi2[iD] + aFe1[iD]
            #if ( (iL%20 == 1) and (iD%10 == 1) ):
                #print("iL ", iL, " iD ", iD, " stimEm ", stimEm, " kapBF ", kapBF)
            #    print("aMg1 ", aMg1[iD], " aSi1 ", aSi1[iD])
            masterBF[iL][iD] = math.log(kapBF) + math.log(stimEm)
            #//  if ( (iD%10 == 0) && (iL%10 == 0) ) {
            #//    System.out.format("%03d, %03d, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %n", 
            #//       iD, iL, lambdaScale[iL], Math.log10(stimEm), Math.log10(aC1[iD]), Math.log10(aMg1[iD]), Math.log10(aMg2[iD]), Math.log10(aAl1[iD]), Math.log10(aSi1[iD]), Math.log10(aSi2[iD]), Math.log10(aFe1[iD]));
            #//  }

        #} //iD
    #} //iL

    return masterBF

    #} //end method masterMetal
def opacC1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

#//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to C I.

#//System.out.println("opacC1 called...");
#// include 'Atmos.com'
#// include 'Kappa.com'

    sigma = 0.0
    aC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aC1[i] = 0.0

    waveno = 1.0 / lambda2  #//cm^-1?? 
    freq = Useful.c / lambda2  
    #double arg; 
    c1240 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    c1444 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    freq1 = 0.0
    #double logTkev;
    tkev = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#//  int modcount = 0;
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logTkev = temp[1][i] + Useful.logK() - Useful.logEv()
        tkev[i] = math.exp(logTkev)

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
    for i in range(numDeps):
        c1240[i] = 5.0 * math.exp(-1.264/tkev[i])
        c1444[i] = math.exp(-2.683/tkev[i])

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  Luo, D. and Pradhan, A.K. 1989, J.Phys. B, 22, 3377-3395.
#//c  Burke, P.G. and Taylor, K.T. 1979, J. Phys. B, 12, 2971-2984.
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    #double aa, bb, eeps;
    #freq1 = freq;
    ryd = 109732.298 #//Rydberg constant in cm^-1
    #//waveno = freq/2.99792458d10
    xs0 = 0.0
    xs1 = 0.0
    xd0 = 0.0
    xd1 = 0.0
    xd2 = 0.0
    x1444 = 0.0
    x1240 = 0.0
    x1100 = 0.0
#//c        P2 3P   1
    if (freq >= 2.7254e15):
        arg = -16.80 - ( (waveno-90777.000)/3.0/ryd )
        x1100 = math.pow(10.0, arg) * seaton (2.7254e15, 1.219e-17, 2.0e0, 3.317e0, freq)

#//c        P2 1D   2
    if (freq >= 2.4196e15): 
        arg = -16.80 - ( (waveno-80627.760)/3.0/ryd )
        xd0 = math.pow(10.0, arg)
        eeps = (waveno-93917.0) * 2.0/9230.0
        aa = 22.0e-18
        bb = 26.0e-18
        xd1 = ((aa*eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2)+1.0)
        eeps = (waveno-111130.0) * 2.0/2743.0
        aa = -10.5e-18
        bb = 46.0e-18
        xd2 = ( (aa*eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2)+1.0)
        x1240 = xd0 + xd1 + xd2
#//c        P2 1S   3
    if (freq >= 2.0761e15): 
        arg = -16.80 - ( (waveno-69172.400)/3.0/ryd )
        xs0 = math.pow(10.0, arg)
        eeps = (waveno-97700.0) * 2.0/2743.0
        aa = 68.0e-18
        bb = 118.0e-18
        xs1 = ( (aa*eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2)+1.0)
        x1444 = xs0 + xs1

    #//System.out.println("freq " + freq + " lambda " + lambda);
    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 2.0761e15): 
            sigma = (x1100*9.0 + x1240*c1240[i] + x1444*c1444[i]) 
            aC1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aC1 " + aC1[i]);
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " logPop " + logGroundPops[i] + " aC1 " + aC1[i]);

    return aC1

#} //end method opacC1

def seaton(freq0, xsect, power, a, freq):
#//c     This function is a general representation for b-f absorption above
#//c     a given ionization limit freq0, using cross-section xsect, 

#//include 'Kappa.com'
    freqratio = freq0/freq
    #double seaton;
    #int help;

    help = int(math.floor( (2.0*power) + 0.01 ))

    seaton = xsect * (a + freqratio*(1.0-a))*  \
              math.sqrt( math.pow(freqratio, help) )

    return seaton

#} //end method seaton

def opacMg1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Mg I.  

    #//System.out.println("opacMg1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aMg1[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2  
    #//System.out.println("opacMg1: lambda, freq " + lambda + " " + freq);
    freqlg = math.log(freq) #//base e?

#//      include 'Atmos.com'
#//      include 'Kappa.com'
#//      real*8 flog(9), freqMg(7), peach(7,15), xx(7), tlg(7)
#//      real*8 dt(100)
#//      integer nt(100)

    xx = [0.0 for i in range(7)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]

#//      data peach/
#      //double[][] peach = new double[7][15];
#//c         4000 K 
    peach0 = [ -42.474, -41.808, -41.273, -45.583, -44.324, -50.969, -50.633, -53.028, -51.785, -52.285, -52.028, -52.384, -52.363, -54.704, -54.359 ] 
#//c          5000 K  
    peach1 = [ -42.350, -41.735, -41.223, -44.008, -42.747, -48.388, -48.026, -49.643, -48.352, -48.797, -48.540, -48.876, -48.856, -50.772, -50.349 ]
#//c          6000 K  
    peach2 = [ -42.109, -41.582, -41.114, -42.957, -41.694, -46.630, -46.220, -47.367, -46.050, -46.453, -46.196, -46.513, -46.493, -48.107, -47.643 ] 
#//c         7000 K 
    peach3 = [ -41.795, -41.363, -40.951, -42.205, -40.939, -45.344, -44.859, -45.729, -44.393, -44.765, -44.507, -44.806, -44.786, -46.176, -45.685 ] 
#//c         8000 K 
    peach4 = [ -41.467, -41.115, -40.755, -41.639, -40.370, -44.355, -43.803, -44.491, -43.140, -43.486, -43.227, -43.509, -43.489, -44.707, -44.198 ] 
#//c         9000 K 
    peach5 = [ -41.159, -40.866, -40.549, -41.198, -39.925, -43.568, -42.957, -43.520, -42.157, -42.480, -42.222, -42.488, -42.467, -43.549, -43.027 ] 
#//c        10000 K 
    peach6 = [ -40.883, -40.631, -40.347, -40.841, -39.566, -42.924, -42.264, -42.736, -41.363, -41.668, -41.408, -41.660, -41.639, -42.611, -42.418 ]

    peach = [ peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5, peach6 ]

    #// double[] freqMg = new double[7];
    freqMg = [ 1.9341452e15, 1.8488510e15, 1.1925797e15,   \
                  7.9804046e14, 4.5772110e14, 4.1440977e14,  \
                  4.1113514e14 ]
    #// double[] flog = new double[9];
    flog = [ 35.23123, 35.19844, 35.15334, 34.71490, 34.31318, \
                33.75728, 33.65788, 33.64994, 33.43947 ]
    #// double[] tlg = new double[7];
    tlg = [ 8.29405, 8.51719, 8.69951, 8.85367, 8.98720, 9.10498, \
               9.21034 ] #//base e?
    freq1 = 0.0 

    #int thelp, nn;
    #double dd, dd1;
    #//double log10E = Math.log10(Math.E);

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
#//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
#//         modcount = modelnum
#     //System.out.println("opacMg1 call, lambda " + lambda);
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor((temp[0][i]/1000.0))) - 3
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " temp[0] " + temp[0][i] + " thelp " + thelp);
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(6, thelp-3), 1 );
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nn = max( min(6, thelp), 1 ) - 1 #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i]-tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn+1]-tlg[nn]) #//base e?
        #//System.out.println(" nn " + nn + " temp[1] " + temp[1][i] + " tlg[nn+1] " + tlg[nn+1] + " tlg[nn] " + tlg[nn] + " dt[i] " + dt[i]);

#//      endif
#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
      #//if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
       #//  do n=1,7
       #//     if (freq .gt. freqMg(n)) go to 23
       #//  enddo
       #//n = 7;
       #//  n = 0;
       #//  while ( (freq <= freqMg[n]) && (n < 6) ) {
       #//     n++;
       #//  }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(7):
        #//System.out.println("freq " + freq + " n " + n + " freqMg[n] " + freqMg[n]);
        if (freq > freqMg[n]):   
    if (freq <= freqMg[6]):
        nn = 7 
    #//System.out.println("nn " + nn + " flog[nn+1] " + flog[nn+1] + " flog[nn] " + flog[nn]);
    dd = (freqlg-flog[nn]) / (flog[nn+1]-flog[nn])
    #//System.out.println("dd " + dd + " freqlg " + freqlg);
    #//if (n .gt. 2) n = 2*n -2
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2){
    if (nn > 1):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 2*n - 2 - 1;
        nn = 2*nn - 2 #// - 1;
    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    #//do it=1,7
    #//System.out.println("nn " + nn + " dd1 " + dd1);
    for it in range(7):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn+1]*dd + peach[it][nn]*dd1
        #//System.out.println("it " + it + " peach[it][nn+1] " + peach[it][nn+1] + "  peach[it][nn] " +  peach[it][nn] + " xx[it] " + xx[it]);

      #//do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        #//if (freq .ge. 2.997925d+14) then
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = math.exp( (xx[nn]*(1.0e0-dt[i])) + (xx[nn+1]*dt[i]) ) 
            aMg1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aMg1 " + aMg1[i]);

    return aMg1;

 #} //end method opacMg1

def opacMg2(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Mg II.  

#//System.out.println("opacMg2 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aMg2[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c / lambda2  

      #double logTkev;
    tkev = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

#//      include 'Atmos.com'
#//      include 'Kappa.com'
    c1169 = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    freq1 = 0.0
    x824 = 0.0
    x1169 = 0.0
#//data modcount/0/

#//  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
#//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
#//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logTkev = temp[1][i] + Useful.logK() - Useful.logEv()
        tkev[i] = math.exp(logTkev);
    #//do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        c1169[i] = 6.0 * math.exp(-4.43e+0/tkev[i])
#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  there are two edges, one at 824 A and the other at 1169 A
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    #freq1 = freq;
    if (freq >= 3.635492e15):
        x824 = seaton(3.635492e15, 1.40e-19, 4.0e0, 6.7e0, freq)
        x824 = 1.0e-99
    if (freq >= 2.564306e15):
        x1169 = 5.11e-19 * math.pow( (2.564306e15/freq), 3.0)
        x1169 = 1.0e-99
#//      endif
    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (x1169 >= 1.0e-90):
            sigma = (x824*2.0 + x1169*c1169[i])
            aMg2[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aMg2 " + aMg2[i]);

    return aMg2

#} //end method opacMg2

def opacAl1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

    """ //c******************************************************************************
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Al I.

#//System.out.println("opacAl1 called...");
    sigma = 0.0
    aAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] 
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aAl1[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c / lambda2  

#//      include 'Atmos.com'
#//      include 'Kappa.com'
#      //do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        #//if (freq .ge. 1.443d15) then
        if (freq >= 1.443e15):
            sigma = 6.0 * 6.5e-17 * math.pow((1.443e15/freq), 5.0)
            aAl1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aAl1 " + aAl1[i]);

    return aAl1
    #} //end method opacAl1

def opacSi1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Si I.  

#//System.out.println("opacSi1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0;
    aSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] 
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aSi1[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2  
    freqlg = math.log(freq) #//base e?

  #//    include 'Atmos.com'
  #//    include 'Kappa.com'
    xx = [0.0 for i in range(9)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]      
#//      save
#//c       4000  
    peach0 = [ 38.136, 37.834, 37.898, 40.737, 40.581, 45.521, 45.520, 55.068, 53.868, 54.133, 54.051, 54.442, 54.320, 55.691, 55.661, 55.973, 55.922, 56.828, 56.657 ]
#//c       5000  
    peach1 = [ 38.138, 37.839, 37.898, 40.319, 40.164, 44.456, 44.455, 51.783, 50.369, 50.597, 50.514, 50.854, 50.722, 51.965, 51.933, 52.193, 52.141, 52.821, 52.653 ]
#//c       6000  
    peach2 = [ 38.140, 37.843, 37.897, 40.047, 39.893, 43.753, 43.752, 49.553, 48.031, 48.233, 48.150, 48.455, 48.313, 49.444, 49.412, 49.630, 49.577, 50.110, 49.944 ]
#//c       7000  
    peach3 = [ 38.141, 37.847, 37.897, 39.855, 39.702, 43.254, 43.251, 47.942, 46.355, 46.539, 46.454, 46.733, 46.583, 47.615, 47.582, 47.769, 47.715, 48.146, 47.983 ]
#//c       8000   
    peach4 = [ 38.143, 37.850, 37.897, 39.714, 39.561, 42.878, 42.871, 46.723, 45.092, 45.261, 45.176, 45.433, 45.277, 46.221, 46.188, 46.349, 46.295, 46.654, 46.491 ]
#//c       9000  
    peach5 = [ 38.144, 37.853, 37.896, 39.604, 39.452, 42.580, 42.569, 45.768, 44.104, 44.262, 44.175, 44.415, 44.251, 45.119, 45.085, 45.226, 45.172, 45.477, 45.315 ]
#//c       10000 
    peach6 = [ 38.144, 37.855, 37.895, 39.517, 39.366, 42.332, 42.315, 44.997, 43.308, 43.456, 43.368, 43.592, 43.423, 44.223, 44.189, 44.314, 44.259, 44.522, 44.360 ]
#//c       11000 
    peach7 = [ 38.145, 37.857, 37.895, 39.445, 39.295, 42.119, 42.094, 44.360, 42.652, 42.790, 42.702, 42.912, 42.738, 43.478, 43.445, 43.555, 43.500, 43.730, 43.569 ]
#//c       12000 
    peach8 = [ 38.145, 37.858, 37.894, 39.385, 39.235, 41.930, 41.896, 43.823, 42.100, 42.230, 42.141, 42.340, 42.160, 42.848, 42.813, 42.913, 42.858, 43.061, 42.901 ]
#//      real*8 peach(9,19)
#      //double[][] peach = new double[9][19];
    peach = [ peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5, peach6, peach7, peach8 ]

#//c     3P, 1D, 1S, 1D, 3D, 3F, 1D, 3P
    freqSi = [ 2.1413750e15, 1.9723165e15, 1.7879689e15,   \
                  1.5152920e15, 5.5723927e14, 5.3295914e14,  \
                   4.7886458e14, 4.7216422e14, 4.6185133e14 ]
    #//double[] flog = new double[11];
    flog = [ 35.45438, 35.30022, 35.21799, 35.11986, 34.95438,  \
                33.95402, 33.90947, 33.80244, 33.78835, 33.76626,  \
                33.70518 ]
    #//double[] tlg = new double[9]; 
    tlg = [ 8.29405, 8.51719, 8.69951, 8.85367, 8.98720, 9.10498, \
               9.21034, 9.30565, 9.39266 ]
    freq1 = 0.0
#//, modcount/0/

#   int thelp, nn;
#   double dd, dd1;
#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
#//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
#//         modcount = modelnum
#         //do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor(temp[0][i]/1000.0)) - 3
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(8, thelp-3), 1 );
        nn = max( min(8, thelp), 1 ) - 1
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i]-tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn+1]-tlg[nn])
#//      endif

#//  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency
#//if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
#//         do n=1,9
#//            if (freq .gt. freqSi(n)) go to 23
#//         enddo
#//         n = 9;
#        // n = 0;
#        // while ( (freq <= freqSi[n]) && (n < 8) ) {
#       //    n++;
#        // }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(9):
        if (freq > freqSi[n]):
    if (freq <= freqSi[8]):
        nn = 9
    dd = (freqlg-flog[nn]) / (flog[nn+1]-flog[nn])
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2) { 
    if (nn > 1): 
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nn = 2*nn - 2; #// - 1 #// n already adjusted by this point?
    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    for it in range(9):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn+1]*dd + peach[it][nn]*dd1

    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = ( 9.0 * math.exp( -(xx[nn]*(1.-dt[i]) + xx[nn+1]*dt[i]) ) ) 
            aSi1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aSi1 " + aSi1[i]);

    return aSi1

      #} //endmethod aSi1()

def opacSi2(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):

//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Si II.

#//System.out.println("opacSi2 called...");

    sigma = 0.0;
    aSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aSi2[i] = 0.0
    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2  
    freqlg = math.log(freq) #//base e?

    #int thelp, nn;
    #double dd, dd1;

#//      include 'Atmos.com'
#//      include 'Kappa.com'
    xx = [0.0 for i in range(6)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]
    #/double peach = new double[6][14]; 
#//c        10000
    peach0 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -54.2389, -50.4108, -52.0936, -51.9548, -54.2407, -52.7355, -53.5387, -53.2417, -53.5097, -54.0561, -53.8469 ]
#//c        12000 
    peach1 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -52.2906, -48.4892, -50.0741, -49.9371, -51.7319, -50.2218, -50.9189, -50.6234, -50.8535, -51.2365, -51.0256 ]
#//c        14000 
    peach2 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -50.8799, -47.1090, -48.5999, -48.4647, -49.9178, -48.4059, -49.0200, -48.7252, -48.9263, -49.1980, -48.9860 ]
#//c        16000 
    peach3 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -49.8033, -46.0672, -47.4676, -47.3340, -48.5395, -47.0267, -47.5750, -47.2810, -47.4586, -47.6497, -47.4368 ]
#//c        18000 
    peach4 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -48.9485, -45.2510, -46.5649, -46.4333, -47.4529, -45.9402, -46.4341, -46.1410, -46.2994, -46.4302, -46.2162 ]
#//c        20000  
    peach5 = [ -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -48.2490, -44.5933, -45.8246, -45.6947, -46.5709, -45.0592, -45.5082, -45.2153, -45.3581, -45.4414, -45.2266 ]
    peach = [ peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5 ]

    #//double[] freqSi = new double[7];
    freqSi = [ 4.9965417e15, 3.9466738e15, 1.5736321e15,  \
                  1.5171539e15, 9.2378947e14, 8.3825004e14,  \
#//c     2P, 2D, 2P, 2D, 2P
#      //double[] flog = new double[9]; 
    flog = [ 36.32984, 36.14752, 35.91165, 34.99216, 34.95561,  \
                34.45951, 34.36234, 34.27572, 34.20161 ]
    #//double[] tlg = new double[6];
    tlg = [ 9.21034, 9.39266, 9.54681, 9.68034, 9.79813, 9.90349 ]
    freq1 = 0.0
# // modcount/0/

#//c  set up some data upon first entrance with a new model atmosphere
#//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
#//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor(temp[0][i]/2000.0)) - 4
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(5, thelp-4), 1 );
        nn = max( min(5, thelp), 1 ) - 1
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i]-tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn+1]-tlg[nn])
#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
#//         do n=1,7
#//            if (freq .gt. freqSi(n)) go to 23
#//         enddo
#//         n = 8
#        //n = 0;
#         //while ( (freq <= freqSi[n]) && (n < 6) ) {
#         //   n++;
#        // }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(7):
        if (freq > freqSi[n]):
    if (freq <= freqSi[6]):
        nn = 7
    dd = (freqlg-flog[nn]) / (flog[nn+1]-flog[nn])
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2){
    if (nn > 1):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 2*n - 2;
        nn = 2*nn - 2 #// - 1; //n already adjusted by this point?
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n == 14){
    if (nn == 13):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 13;
        nn = 12
    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    for it in range(6):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn+1]*dd + peach[it][nn]*dd1
#//      endif

    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 7.6869872e14): 
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = ( 6.0 * math.exp(xx[nn]*(1.0-dt[i]) + xx[nn+1]*dt[i]) )
            aSi2[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aSi2 " + aSi2[i]);

    return aSi2

      #} //end method opacSi2

def opacFe1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Fe I.
#//System.out.println("opacFe1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
#//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aFe1[i] = 0.0

    waveno = 1.0 / lambda2  #//cm^-1?? 
    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2  

#//      include 'Atmos.com'
#//      include 'Kappa.com'
#      //real*8 bolt(48,100), gg(48), ee(48), wno(48), xsect(48)
#// double[] gg = new double[48];
    bolt = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(100) ] for j in range(48) ]
    xsect = [ 0.0 for i in range(48) ]
    gg = [25.0, 35.0, 21.0, 15.0, 9.0,  35.0, 33.0, 21.0, 27.0, 49.0, 9.0,  21.0, 27.0, 9.0,  9.0, \
      25.0, 33.0, 15.0, 35.0, 3.0,   5.0, 11.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 9.0,  21.0, 15.0, 21.0, 25.0, 35.0, \
      9.0,  5.0,  45.0, 27.0, 21.0, 15.0, 21.0, 15.0, 25.0, 21.0, 35.0, 5.0,  15.0, 45.0, 35.0, 55.0, 25.0]
#// double[] ee = new double[48];
    ee = [500.0,   7500.0,  12500.0, 17500.0, 19000.0, 19500.0, 19500.0, 21000.0,
      22000.0, 23000.0, 23000.0, 24000.0, 24000.0, 24500.0, 24500.0, 26000.0, 26500.0,
      26500.0, 27000.0, 27500.0, 28500.0, 29000.0, 29500.0, 29500.0, 29500.0, 30000.0,
      31500.0, 31500.0, 33500.0, 33500.0, 34000.0, 34500.0, 34500.0, 35000.0, 35500.0,
      37000.0, 37000.0, 37000.0, 38500.0, 40000.0, 40000.0, 41000.0, 41000.0, 43000.0,
      43000.0, 43000.0, 43000.0, 44000.0]

#// double[] wno = new double[48];
    wno = [63500.0, 58500.0, 53500.0, 59500.0, 45000.0, 44500.0, 44500.0, 43000.0,
       58000.0, 41000.0, 54000.0, 40000.0, 40000.0, 57500.0, 55500.0, 38000.0, 57500.0,
       57500.0, 37000.0, 54500.0, 53500.0, 55000.0, 34500.0, 34500.0, 34500.0, 34000.0,
       32500.0, 32500.0, 32500.0, 32500.0, 32000.0, 29500.0, 29500.0, 31000.0, 30500.0,
       29000.0, 27000.0, 54000.0, 27500.0, 24000.0, 47000.0, 23000.0, 44000.0, 42000.0,
       42000.0, 21000.0, 42000.0, 42000.0]

    #//data freq1, modcount/0., 0/
    freq1 = 0.0
    #double hkt;

#//c  set up some data upon first entrance with a new model atmosphere
#//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
#//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        hkt = 6.6256e-27 / (1.38054e-16*temp[0][i])
        #//do k=1,48
        for k in range(48):
            bolt[k][i] = gg[k] * math.exp(-ee[k]*Useful.c()*hkt)
#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  the absorption begins at 4762 A.
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq;
    #//waveno = freq/2.99792458d10
    #//if (waveno .ge. 21000.) then
    if (waveno >= 21000.0): 
        #//do k=1,48
        for k in range(48):
            xsect[k] = 0.0
            #//if (wno(k) .lt. waveno){ 
            if (wno[k] < waveno): 
                xsect[k]= 3.0e-18 / ( 1.0 + math.pow( ( (wno[k]+3000.0-waveno)/wno[k]/0.1 ), 4 ) )
#//      endif

#      //do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
#//aFe1 seems to be cumulative.  Moog does not seem to have this reset for each depth, but my aFe is blowing up, so let's try it...
        aFe1[i] = 0.0 #//reset accumulator each depth- ???
        #//if (waveno .ge. 21000.) then
        if (waveno >= 21000.0): 
            #//do k=1,48
            for k in range(48):
                aFe1[i] = 0.0 #//reset accumulator each 'k' - ??? (like removing aFe1 term in expression below...
                sigma = aFe1[i] + xsect[k]*bolt[k][i] 
                aFe1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
                #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aFe1 " + aFe1[i]);
    return aFe1

   #} // end opacFe1 method
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