Raw File

DLAcfToAR                 AR coefficients, partial autocorrelations, predictor variances
DLLoglikelihood           Durbin-Levinson loglikelihood computation
DLResiduals		  Prediction residuals
DHSimulate		  Simulation with the Davies-Harte method
DLSimulate		  Simulation using the Durbin-Levinson recursion
is.toeplitz               Test if symmetric Toeplitz matrix
PredictionVariance	  Variance of the forecasts
SimGLP                    Simulate general linear time series, nonGaussian
ToeplitzInverseUpdate     Update matrix inverse
TrenchForecast		  Minimum mean-square error forecasts and sd
TrenchInverse             Inverse of Toeplitz matrix 
TrenchLoglikelihood       Loglikelihood via Trench algorithm
TrenchMean		  MLE for mean

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