Raw File
Luca Venturini  <Luca.Venturini@earlham.ac.uk>

First author. Responsible for the main coding of Mikado, testing, text and figures.

Shabhonam Caim  <Shabhonam.Caim@earlham.ac.uk>

SC performed most of the tests, created the figures and tables, and contributed to the manuscript.

Daniel Mapleson <Daniel.Mapleson@earlham.ac.uk>

DM created the Daijin pipeline and is the author of PortCullis, the splice junction analysis tool
whose results were used throughout all analyses.

Gemy George Kaithakottil <Gemy.Kaithakottil@earlham.ac.uk>

GGK tested Mikado on PacBio data, helped with the development and polishing of the algorithm, and contributed to the manuscript in terms of writing and creating the figures.

David Swarbreck <David.Swarbreck@earlham.ac.uk>

Last author. DS ideated the original algorithm and the shape of the final pipeline and contributed to the assessment of refinement of the results of the program. He also contributed to all stages of the writing of the manuscript.

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