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>  library(aster)
>  set.seed(42)
>  m <- 10
>  n <- 5
>  a <- matrix(rnorm(m * n), nrow = m)
>  b <- rnorm(n)
>  out <- .C("aster_mat_vec_mult",
+      nrow = as.integer(m),
+      ncol = as.integer(n),
+      a = as.double(a),
+      b = as.double(b),
+      c = double(m))
>  all.equal(out$c, as.numeric(a %*% b))
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  b <- rnorm(m)
>  out <- .C("aster_vec_mat_mult",
+      nrow = as.integer(m),
+      ncol = as.integer(n),
+      a = as.double(a),
+      b = as.double(b),
+      c = double(n))
>  all.equal(out$c, as.numeric(b %*% a))
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  out <- .C("aster_mat_vec_mat_mult",
+      nrow = as.integer(m),
+      ncol = as.integer(n),
+      a = as.double(a),
+      b = as.double(b),
+      c = matrix(as.double(0), n, n))
>  all.equal(out$c, t(a) %*% diag(b) %*% a)
[1] TRUE
>  ##########
>  b <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), n)
>  out <- .C("aster_diag_mat_mat_mat_mult",
+      nrow = as.integer(m),
+      ncol = as.integer(n),
+      a = as.double(a),
+      b = as.double(b),
+      c = double(m))
>  all.equal(out$c, diag(a %*% b %*% t(a)))
[1] TRUE
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