Raw File
#                                                             #
#   (c) Toni Giorgino <toni.giorgino gmail.com>           #
#       Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics                 #
#       University of Pavia - Italy                           #
#       www.labmedinfo.org                                    #
#                                                             #
#   $Id: Makevars 168 2008-07-11 05:52:05Z tonig $
#                                                             #

# Preserve the R makefile default target
all: $(SHLIB)

# Allow building a stand alone executable with test main method
# Usage: make -f Makevars test_computeCM

# You may want to undefine  DMALLOC below

test_computeCM: computeCM.c computeCM.h

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