Raw File

# Once https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/12411 is merged and we bump the
# minimum version to a version including that PR, this file should
# become Makefile.coq.local-late, and we should rename
# Makefile.coq.local-early to Makefile.coq.local;
# Makefile.coq.local-early contains code that overrides the relevant
# variables in Makefile.coq, while Makefile.coq.local currently
# contains additional targets that need access to the variables in
# Makefile.coq.  Until then, this file MUST NOT use := to access any
# variables defined after its inclusion in Makefile.coq.  By contrast
# variable definitions with lazy setting (=) and the recipe of rules
# are allowed to make use of variables defined later on in
# Makefile.coq.  Prerequisites of targets which depend on the contents
# of variables which (transitively) make use of variables defined
# after this file's inclusion in Makefile.coq MUST be doubly escaped
# so that they are evaluated late enough.  We use .SECONDEXPANSION: to
# enable double-escaping.  Targets themselves also MUST NOT make
# (transitive) use of variables defined after this file's inclusion in
# Makefile.coq
include Makefile.coq.local-early

# TODO(not yet ported from automake): install these files: theories etc LICENSE.txt CREDITS.txt INSTALL.md README.md

# the alectryon binary
ALECTRYON = python3 etc/alectryon/alectryon.py

# In the old makefile set up we silence noise coming from coqc by
# setting TIMING=1. By doing so here we get the same effect.

CATEGORY_VFILES = $(filter theories/Categories%.v, $(VFILES))
CORE_VFILES = $(filter-out $(CATEGORY_VFILES),$(filter theories/%.v, $(VFILES)))
CONTRIB_VFILES = $(filter contrib/%.v, $(VFILES))

# This setting is already present in Makefile.coq, but it comes after
# Makefile.coq.local is included, and we have targets that depend on
# the value of this variable, so we must duplicate the setting.  Since
# the only use of this variable is to allow users to pass VO=vio on
# the command line to build the non-proofs version, it does not hurt
# to set it again.  Once https://github.com/coq/coq/pull/12411 is
# merged and we bump the minimum version to include this, we can drop
# `VO=vo`
# likewise, the `strip_dotslash` helper function is a duplicate from
# Makefile.coq and will not be needed once coq/coq#12411 is merged
strip_dotslash = $(patsubst ./%,%,$(1))
# The list of files that comprise the HoTT library
CORE_HTMLFILES=$(patsubst theories.%,html/HoTT.%,$(subst /,.,$(CORE_VFILES:.v=.html)))
CORE_TIMING_HTMLFILES=$(patsubst html/%,timing-html/%,$(CORE_HTMLFILES))
CORE_DPDFILES=$(patsubst theories.%,file-dep-graphs/HoTT.%,$(subst /,.,$(CORE_VFILES:.v=.dpd)))

# The list of files from contrib
CONTRIB_HTMLFILES=$(patsubst contrib.%,html/HoTT.Contrib.%,$(subst /,.,$(CONTRIB_VFILES:.v=.html)))
CONTRIB_TIMING_HTMLFILES=$(patsubst html/%,timing-html/%,$(CONTRIB_HTMLFILES))

# I'm not sure why we needs = rather than :=, but we seem to
ALL_HOTT_VFILES = $(call strip_dotslash,$(shell find -name "*.v" -not -path "./coq-HoTT/*" -not -path "./etc/*"))

# TODO(leftover from porting from automake): get rid of redundancy
# between MAIN_* and ALL_*, and maybe remove the ones redundant with
# the Makefile.coq variables entirely.  Note that
# {MAIN,ALL}_{V,VO,GLOB}FILES should be the same as the corresponding
# Makefile.coq variable, but {MAIN,ALL}_HTMLFILES is NOT the same as
# HTMLFILES from Makefile.coq (the latter lives alongside the .v
# files, while the former lives in the html/ directory)
# The list of all files, mainly used for html

ALL_ALECTRYON_HTMLFILES=$(patsubst html/%,alectryon-html/%,$(ALL_HTMLFILES))

HOTT_LIB_FILES=$(subst /,.,$(patsubst theories/%.v,HoTT.%,$(CORE_VFILES)))

# Which extra files should be cleaned
EXTRA_CLEANFILES = html-done.timestamp HoTT.deps HoTTCore.deps file-dep-graphs/hott-all.dot file-dep-graphs/hott-all.dpd file-dep-graphs/hott-all.svg file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.dot file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.dpd file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.svg

.PHONY: hottlib hott-core hott-categories contrib alectryon timing-html svg-file-dep-graphs svg-aggregate-dep-graphs svg-dep-graphs strict strict-test strict-no-axiom

# The HoTT library as a single target
hott-core: $(CORE_VOFILES)

hott-categories: $(CATEGORY_VOFILES)


hottlib: hott-core hott-categories contrib

# a strict rule that will error if there are .v files around which aren't in _CoqProject
	$(HIDE) if [ x"$(UNBUILT_VFILES)" != x ]; then \
	    echo "Error: The files '$(UNBUILT_VFILES)' are present but are not in _CoqProject"; \
	    exit 1; \

# a rule that will error if there are any .v files that require FunextAxiom or UnivalenceAxiom
# coq_makefile-based makefiles don't handle building .vo and .glob in
# parallel, so we never depend on .glob files, we just depend on the
# corresponding .vo files
strict-no-axiom: $(ALL_VOFILES)
	$(HIDE) if [ ! -z "$$(grep 'HoTT\.\(FunextAxiom\|UnivalenceAxiom\) <> <> lib' -l $(GLOBFILES))" ]; then \
	    echo "Error: The files '$$(grep 'HoTT\.\(FunextAxiom\|UnivalenceAxiom\) <> <> lib' -l $(GLOBFILES))' depend on FunextAxiom or UnivalenceAxiom."; \
	    exit 1; \

strict: strict-test strict-no-axiom hottlib hott-core hott-categories contrib

# The deps file, for graphs
HoTT.deps: $(ALL_VFILES)
	$(SHOW)'COQDEP > $@'
	$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(COQLIBS) $(ALL_VFILES) | sed s'#\\#/#g' >$@

HoTTCore.deps: $(CORE_VFILES)
	$(SHOW)'COQDEP > $@'
	$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(COQLIBS) $(CORE_VFILES) | sed s'#\\#/#g' >$@

# The HTML files
# We have a dummy file, to allow us to depend on the html files
# without remaking them every time, and to prevent make -j2 from
# running coqdoc twice.  We also add a real-html target so that we can
# force a rebuild of html while still updating the timestamp file,
# with a single target.
.PHONY: real-html
html-done.timestamp real-html: $(ALL_VOFILES) $(ALL_VFILES)
	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" html
	touch html-done.timestamp

timing-html: $(ALL_TIMING_HTMLFILES) timing-html/coqdoc.css timing-html/toc.html

timing-html/coqdoc.css timing-html/toc.html: timing-html/% : html/%
	@ mkdir -p timing-html
	cp "$<" "$@"

$(ALL_HTMLFILES) html/index.html html/coqdoc.css html/toc.html : html-done.timestamp

$(CORE_TIMING_HTMLFILES) $(CATEGORY_TIMING_HTMLFILES): timing-html/HoTT.%.html : theories/$$(subst .,/,$$*).vo etc/time2html
	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(SHOW)'TIME2HTML HoTT.$* > $@'
	$(HIDE) etc/time2html "$(<:.vo=.v.timing)" "$(<:.vo=.v)" > $@

$(CONTRIB_TIMING_HTMLFILES): timing-html/HoTT.Contrib.%.html : contrib/$$(subst .,/,$$*).vo etc/time2html
	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(SHOW)'TIME2HTML $* > $@'
	$(HIDE) etc/time2html "$(<:.vo=.v.timing)" "$(<:.vo=.v)" > $@

# the alectryon files
alectryon-html/index.html alectryon-html/toc.html alectryon-html/coqdoc.css : alectryon-html/% : html/%
	@ mkdir -p alectryon-html
	cp -f $< $@

alectryon-html-done.timestamp: $(ALL_VOFILES) $(ALL_VFILES)
	@ mkdir -p alectryon-html
	$(TIMER) $(ALECTRYON) --frontend coq+rst --backend webpage --sertop-arg=--no_prelude --sertop-arg=--indices-matter $(COQLIBS_NOML) --output-directory alectryon-html --cache-directory alectryon-cache --long-line-threshold=99999 $(ALECTRYON_EXTRAFLAGS) $(ALL_VFILES)
	touch alectryon-html-done.timestamp

	rm -f alectryon-html-done.timestamp
	$(MAKE) alectryon-html-done.timestamp

$(ALL_ALECTRYON_HTMLFILES) : alectryon-html-done.timestamp

alectryon: $(ALL_ALECTRYON_HTMLFILES) alectryon-html/toc.html alectryon-html/coqdoc.css alectryon-html/index.html

# dpdgraphs

%.svg: %.dot
	$(SHOW)'DOT $< -o $@'
	$(HIDE) if [ -s "$<" ]; then dot -Tsvg "$<" -o "$@"; else (echo "" > "$@"; touch "$@"); fi # don't do anything if zero size

file-dep-graphs/%.dot: file-dep-graphs/%.dpd
	$(SHOW)'DPD2DOT $< -o $@'
	$(HIDE) if [ -s "$<" ]; then dpd2dot $< -graphname $(subst -,_,$(subst .,_,$*)) -o $@ >/dev/null; else (echo "" > "$@"; touch "$@"); fi

$(MAIN_DPDFILES): file-dep-graphs/HoTT.%.dpd : theories/$$(subst .,/,$$*).vo
	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(SHOW)'COQTHMDEP HoTT.$* > $@'
	$(HIDE)rm -f $@.ok
	$(HIDE) ((echo "Require HoTT.$*."; echo 'Require Import dpdgraph.dpdgraph.'; echo 'Set DependGraph File "$@".'; echo 'Print FileDependGraph HoTT.$*.') | $(COQTOP) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) && touch $@.ok) >/dev/null 2>&1 | grep -v '^Coq <' >&2 || true
	$(HIDE)rm $@.ok

file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.dpd: $(CORE_VOFILES)
	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(HIDE) ((echo "Require $(HOTT_LIB_FILES)."; echo 'Require Import dpdgraph.dpdgraph.'; echo 'Set DependGraph File "$@".'; echo 'Print FileDependGraph $(HOTT_LIB_FILES).') | $(COQTOP) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) && touch $@.ok) >/dev/null 2>&1 | grep -v '^Coq <' >&2 || true
	$(HIDE)rm $@.ok

#file-dep-graphs/hott-all.dpd: $(CORE_VOFILES) $(CATEGORY_VOFILES)
#	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
#        HOTT_ALL_FILES=$(subst /,.,$(patsubst $(srcdir)/theories/%.v,HoTT.%,$(CORE_VFILES) $(CATEGORY_VFILES)))
#	$(HIDE) ((echo "Require $(HOTT_ALL_FILES)."; echo 'Require Import dpdgraph.dpdgraph.'; echo 'Set DependGraph File "$@".'; echo 'Print FileDependGraph $(HOTT_ALL_FILES).') | $(COQTOP) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) && touch $@.ok) >/dev/null 2>&1 | grep -v '^Coq <' >&2 || true
#	$(HIDE)rm $@.ok

file-dep-graphs/index.html: Makefile _CoqProject Makefile.coq.local Makefile.coq
	@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	$(SHOW)'MAKE $@'
	$(HIDE) (echo "<html><head><title>Dependency Graphs</title></head><body>"; \
		echo '<ul><!--li><a href="hott-all.svg">Entire HoTT Library</a></li-->'; \
		echo '<li><a href="hott-lib.svg">HoTT Core Library</a></li>'; \
		for i in $(patsubst file-dep-graphs/%.svg,%,$(ALL_SVGFILES)); \
		do echo "<li><a href=\"$$i.svg\">$$i</a></li>"; \
		done; \
		echo "</ul></body></html>") \
		> $@

svg-dep-graphs: svg-file-dep-graphs svg-aggregate-dep-graphs

dot-dep-graphs: dot-file-dep-graphs dot-aggregate-dep-graphs

svg-aggregate-dep-graphs: file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.svg #file-dep-graphs/hott-all.svg

dot-aggregate-dep-graphs: file-dep-graphs/hott-lib.dot #file-dep-graphs/hott-all.dot

svg-file-dep-graphs: $(ALL_SVGFILES) $(ALL_DOTFILES)

dot-file-dep-graphs: $(ALL_DOTFILES)

# The TAGS file
	./etc/emacs/run-etags.sh $^

# We separate things to work around `make: execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long`
	$(SHOW)"RM *.XML"
	$(SHOW)"RM *.SVG"
	$(SHOW)"RM *.DPD"
	$(SHOW)"RM *.DOT"
	find theories contrib test \( -name \*.vo -o -name \*.glob -o -name \*.timing \) -delete
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