Raw File
\title{ Compute cumulative sum of estimates. }
Computes the cumulative sum of parameter functions and the
standard error of it. Used for computing the cumulative rate, or the
survival function based on a \code{glm} with parametric baseline.
ci.cum( obj,
    ctr.mat = NULL,
     subset = NULL,
       intl = NULL,
      alpha = 0.05,
        Exp = TRUE,
     ci.Exp = FALSE,
     sample = FALSE )
ci.surv( obj,
    ctr.mat = NULL,
     subset = NULL,
       intl = NULL,
      alpha = 0.05,
        Exp = TRUE,
     sample = FALSE )

\item{obj}{A model object (of class \code{lm}, \code{glm}. }

\item{ctr.mat}{Matrix or data frame.

If \code{ctr.mat} is a matrix, it should be a contrast matrix to be
multiplied to the parameter vector, i.e. the desired linear function of
the parameters.

If it is a data frame it should have columns corresponding to a
prediction data frame for \code{obj}, see details for

\item{subset}{ Subset of the parameters of the model to which a matrix
   \code{ctr.mat} should be applied. }

\item{intl}{ Interval length for the cumulation. Either a constant or a
    numerical vector of length \code{nrow(ctr.mat)}. If omitted taken as
    the difference between the two first elments if the first column in
    \code{ctr.mat}, assuming that that holds the time scale. A note is
    issued in this case.} 

\item{alpha}{Significance level used when computing confidence limits.}

\item{Exp}{Should the parameter function be exponentiated before it is

\item{ci.Exp}{Should the confidence limits for the cumulative rate be
  computed on the log-scale, thus ensuring that exp(-cum.rate) is always
  in [0,1]?}

\item{sample}{Should a sample of the original parameters be used to
    compute a cumulative rate?}  } \details{
The purpose of \code{ci.cum} is to the compute cumulative rate
(integrated intensity) at a set of points based on a model for the
rates. \code{ctr.mat} is a matrix which, when premultiplied to the
parameters of the model returns the (log)rates at a set of equidistant
time points. If log-rates are returned from the prediction method for
the model, the they should be exponentiated before cumulated, and the
variances computed accordingly. Since the primary use is for log-linear
Poisson models the \code{Exp} parameter defaults to TRUE.

Each row in the object supplied via \code{ctr.mat} is assumed to
represent a midpoint of an interval. \code{ci.cum} will then return the
cumulative rates at the \emph{end} of these intervals. \code{ci.surv}
will return the survival probability at the \emph{start} of each of
these intervals, assuming the the first interval starts at 0 - the first
row of the result is \code{c(1,1,1)}.

The \code{ci.Exp} argument ensures that the confidence intervals for the
cumulative rates are always positive, so that exp(-cum.rate) is always
in [0,1].
  A matrix with 3 columns: Estimate, lower and upper c.i.  If
  \code{sample} is TRUE, a single sampled vector is returned, if
  \code{sample} is numeric a matrix with \code{sample} columns is
  returned, each column a cumulative rate based on a random sample from
  the distribution of the parameter estimates.

  \code{ci.surv} returns a 3 column matrix with estimate, lower and
  upper confidence bounds for the survival function.
  Bendix Carstensen,
\seealso{ See also \code{\link{ci.lin}}, \code{\link{ci.pred}} }
# Packages required for this example
library( splines )
library( survival )
data( lung )
par( mfrow=c(1,2) )

# Plot the Kaplan-meier-estimator
plot( survfit( Surv( time, status==2 ) ~ 1, data=lung ) )

# Declare data as Lexis
lungL <- Lexis(exit = list(tfd=time),
               exit.status = (status == 2) * 1,
               data = lung)

# Split the follow-up every 10 days
sL <- splitLexis(lungL, "tfd", breaks=seq(0,1100,10))

# Fit a Poisson model with a natural spline for the effect of time (left
# end points of intervals are used as covariate)
mp <- glm(cbind(lex.Xst == 1, lex.dur)
          ~ Ns(tfd,knots = c(0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 700)),
          family = poisreg,
            data = sL)

# mp is now a model for the rates along the time scale tfd
# prediction data frame for select time points on this time scale
nd <- data.frame(tfd = seq(5,995,10)) # *midpoints* of intervals
Lambda <- ci.cum ( mp, nd, intl=10 )
surv   <- ci.surv( mp, nd, intl=10 )

# Put the estimated survival function on top of the KM-estimator
# recall the ci.surv return the survival at *start* of intervals
matshade(nd$tfd - 5, surv, col = "Red", alpha = 0.15)

# Extract and plot the fitted intensity function
lambda <- ci.pred(mp, nd) * 365.25 # mortality 
matshade(nd$tfd, lambda, log = "y", ylim = c(0.2, 5), plot = TRUE,
          xlab = "Time since diagnosis",
          ylab = "Mortality per year")

# same thing works with gam from mgcv
mg <- gam(cbind(lex.Xst == 1, lex.dur) ~ s(tfd), family = poisreg, data=sL )
matshade(nd$tfd - 5, ci.surv(mg, nd, intl=10), plot=TRUE,
         xlab = "Days since diagnosis", ylab="P(survival)")
matshade(nd$tfd  , ci.pred(mg, nd) * 365.25, plot=TRUE, log="y",
         xlab = "Days since diagnosis", ylab="Mortality per 1 py")
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