Raw File
\title{ Computation of a given neural network for a new covariate vector}
 \code{compute}, a method for objects of class \code{nn}, typically
  produced by \code{neuralnet}. 
Computes the outputs of all neurons for a specific arbitrary covariate vector given a trained neural network. Please make sure that the order of the covariates is the same in the new matrix or dataframe as in the original neural network.
compute(x, covariate, rep = 1)
  \item{x}{ an object of class \code{nn}. }
  \item{covariate}{ a data.frame or matrix containing the variables to calculate the output of the neural network. }
  \item{rep}{ an integer indicating the neural network's repetition which should be used. }

 \code{compute} returns a list containing the following components:

  \item{neurons}{a list of the neuron's output for each layer of the neural network.}
  \item{net.result}{a matrix containing the overall result of the neural network.}

\author{ Stefan Fritsch \email{fritsch@bips.uni-bremen.de} }
Var1 <- runif(50, 0, 100) 
sqrt.data <- data.frame(Var1, Sqrt=sqrt(Var1))
print(net.sqrt <- neuralnet( Sqrt~Var1,  sqrt.data, hidden=10, threshold=0.01))
compute(net.sqrt, (1:10)^2)$net.result
\keyword{ neural }

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