Raw File
Copyright (c) 2020 Robert Y. Lewis. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Robert Y. Lewis, Gabriel Ebner

import tactic.lint
import system.io  -- these are required
import all   -- then import everything, to parse the library for failing linters

# lint_mathlib

Script that runs the linters listed in `mathlib_linters` on all of mathlib.
As a side effect, the file `nolints.txt` is generated in the current
directory. This script needs to be run in the root directory of mathlib.

It assumes that files generated by `mk_all.sh` are present.

This is used by the CI script for mathlib.

Usage: `lean --run scripts/lint_mathlib.lean`

The optional flag `--github` can be placed at the end of the line, this is intended for CI and
when this flag is enabled `lint_mathlib` will output error codes understood by GitHub actions.
These tag linter failures with the position in the source code causing the failure. The purpose of
this is to cause GitHub to annotate the files tab of PRs with the linter failure messages when a
linter fails.

open native tactic

Returns the contents of the `nolints.txt` file.
meta def mk_nolint_file (env : environment) (mathlib_path_len : ℕ)
  (results : list (name × linter × rb_map name string)) : format := do
let failed_decls_by_file := rb_lmap.of_list (do
  (linter_name, _, decls) ← results,
  (decl_name, _) ← decls.to_list,
  let file_name := (env.decl_olean decl_name).get_or_else "",
  pure (file_name.popn mathlib_path_len, decl_name.to_string, linter_name.last)),
format.intercalate format.line $
"import .all" ::
"run_cmd tactic.skip" :: do
(file_name, decls) ← failed_decls_by_file.to_list.reverse,
"" :: ("-- " ++ file_name) :: do
(decl, linters) ← (rb_lmap.of_list decls).to_list.reverse,
pure $ "apply_nolint " ++ decl ++ " " ++ " ".intercalate linters

Parses the list of lines of the `nolints.txt` into an `rb_lmap` from linters to declarations.
meta def parse_nolints (lines : list string) : rb_lmap name name :=
rb_lmap.of_list $ do
line ← lines,
guard $ line.front = 'a',
_ :: decl :: linters ← pure $ line.split (= ' ') | [],
let decl := name.from_string decl,
linter ← linters,
pure (linter, decl)

open io io.fs

Reads the `nolints.txt`, and returns it as an `rb_lmap` from linters to declarations.
meta def read_nolints_file (fn := "scripts/nolints.txt") : io (rb_lmap name name) := do
cont ← io.fs.read_file fn,
pure $ parse_nolints $ cont.to_string.split (= '\n')

meta instance coe_tactic_to_io {α} : has_coe (tactic α) (io α) :=

Writes a file with the given contents.
meta def io.write_file (fn : string) (contents : string) : io unit := do
h ← mk_file_handle fn mode.write,
put_str h contents,
close h

/-- Runs when called with `lean --run` -/
meta def main : io unit := do
env ← get_env,
args ← io.cmdline_args,
mathlib_path ← get_mathlib_dir,
decls ← lint_project_decls mathlib_path,
linters ← get_linters mathlib_linters,
let non_auto_decls := decls.filter (λ d, ¬ d.is_auto_or_internal env),
results₀ ← lint_core decls non_auto_decls linters,
nolint_file ← read_nolints_file,
let results := (do
  (linter_name, linter, decls) ← results₀,
  [(linter_name, linter, (nolint_file.find linter_name).foldl rb_map.erase decls)]),
let emit_workflow_commands : bool := "--github" ∈ args,
io.print $ to_string $ format_linter_results env results decls non_auto_decls
  mathlib_path.length "in mathlib" tt lint_verbosity.medium linters.length emit_workflow_commands,
io.write_file "nolints.txt" $ to_string $ mk_nolint_file env mathlib_path.length results₀,
if results.all (λ r, r.2.2.empty) then pure () else io.fail ""
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