Raw File
#    fv.R
#    class "fv" of function value objects
#    $Revision: 1.111 $   $Date: 2014/07/30 10:10:12 $
#    An "fv" object represents one or more related functions
#    of the same argument, such as different estimates of the K function.
#    It is a data.frame with additional attributes
#         argu       column name of the function argument (typically "r")
#         valu       column name of the recommended function
#         ylab       generic label for y axis e.g. K(r)
#         fmla       default plot formula
#         alim       recommended range of function argument
#         labl       recommended xlab/ylab for each column
#         desc       longer description for each column 
#         unitname   name of unit of length for 'r'
#         shade      (optional) column names of upper & lower limits
#                    of shading - typically a confidence interval
#    Objects of this class are returned by Kest(), etc
# creator

fv <- function(x, argu="r", ylab=NULL, valu, fmla=NULL,
               alim=NULL, labl=names(x), desc=NULL, unitname=NULL,
               fname=NULL, yexp=ylab) {
  # check arguments
    stopifnot(is.character(ylab) || is.language(ylab))
  if(!missing(yexp)) {
    if(is.null(yexp)) yexp <- ylab
    else stopifnot(is.language(yexp))
  if(!(argu %in% names(x)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("argu"), "must be the name of a column of x"))

  if(!(valu %in% names(x)))
    stop(paste(sQuote("valu"), "must be the name of a column of x"))

    fmla <- paste(valu, "~", argu)
  else if(inherits(fmla, "formula")) {
    # convert formula to string
    fmla <- flat.deparse(fmla)
  } else if(!is.character(fmla))
    stop(paste(sQuote("fmla"), "should be a formula or a string"))

  if(is.null(alim)) {
    argue <- x[[argu]]
    alim <- range(argue[is.finite(argue)], na.rm=TRUE)
  if(!is.numeric(alim) || length(alim) != 2)
    stop(paste(sQuote("alim"), "should be a vector of length 2"))
    stop(paste(sQuote("labl"), "should be a vector of strings"))
  stopifnot(length(labl) == ncol(x))
    desc <- character(ncol(x))
  else {
    stopifnot(length(desc) == ncol(x))
    nbg <- is.na(desc)
    if(any(nbg)) desc[nbg] <- ""
    stopifnot(is.character(fname) && length(fname) %in% 1:2)
  # pack attributes
  attr(x, "argu") <- argu
  attr(x, "valu") <- valu
  attr(x, "ylab") <- ylab
  attr(x, "yexp") <- yexp
  attr(x, "fmla") <- fmla
  attr(x, "alim") <- alim
  attr(x, "labl") <- labl
  attr(x, "desc") <- desc
  attr(x, "units") <- as.units(unitname)
  attr(x, "fname") <- fname
  attr(x, "dotnames") <- NULL
  attr(x, "shade") <- NULL
  class(x) <- c("fv", class(x))

.Spatstat.FvAttrib <- c(

as.data.frame.fv <- function(x, ...) {
  fva <- .Spatstat.FvAttrib
  attributes(x)[fva] <- NULL
  class(x) <- "data.frame"

is.fv <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "fv")


as.fv <- function(x) { UseMethod("as.fv") }

as.fv.fv <- function(x) x

as.fv.data.frame <- function(x) {
  if(ncol(x) < 2) stop("Need at least 2 columns")
  return(fv(x, names(x)[1], , names(x)[2]))

as.fv.matrix <- function(x)  {
  y <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(any(bad <- is.na(names(y))))
    names(y)[bad] <- paste0("V", which(bad))

# other methods for as.fv are described in the files for the relevant classes.

vanilla.fv <- function(x) {
  # remove everything except basic fv characteristics
  retain <- c("names", "row.names", .Spatstat.FvAttrib)
  attributes(x) <- attributes(x)[retain]
  class(x) <- c("fv", "data.frame")

print.fv <- local({
  maxwords <- function(z, m) { max(0, which(cumsum(nchar(z) + 1) <= m+1)) }
  usewords <- function(z, n) paste(z[1:n], collapse=" ")

  print.fv <- function(x, ..., tight=FALSE) {
    verifyclass(x, "fv")
    terselevel <- spatstat.options("terse")
    showlabels <- waxlyrical('space', terselevel)
    showextras <- waxlyrical('extras', terselevel)
    nama <- names(x)
    a <- attributes(x)
    splat("Function value object",
        paren(paste("class", sQuote("fv"))))
    if(!is.null(ylab <- a$ylab)) {
        ylab <- flat.deparse(ylab)
      xlab <- fvlabels(x)[[a$argu]]
      splat("for the function", xlab, "->", ylab)
    ## Descriptions ..
    desc <- a$desc
    ## .. may require insertion of ylab
      desc <- sprintf(desc, ylab)
    ## Labels ..
    labl <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
    ## Avoid overrunning text margin
    maxlinewidth <- options('width')[[1]]
    key.width <- max(nchar(nama))
    labl.width <- if(showlabels) max(nchar(labl), nchar("Math.label")) else 0
    desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))
    fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    if(fullwidth > maxlinewidth && tight) {
      ## try shortening the descriptions so that it all fits on one line
      spaceleft <- maxlinewidth - (key.width + labl.width + 2)
      desc <- truncline(desc, spaceleft)
      desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))    
      fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    spaceleft <- maxlinewidth - (key.width + 1)
    if(desc.width > spaceleft) {
      ## Descriptions need to be truncated to max line width
      desc <- truncline(desc, spaceleft)
      desc.width <- max(nchar(desc), nchar("Description"))    
      fullwidth <- key.width + labl.width + desc.width + 2
    if(showextras) {
      fullwidth <- pmin(maxlinewidth, fullwidth)
      fullline <- paste0(rep(".", fullwidth), collapse="")
      cat(fullline, fill=TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(Math.label=labl,
    if(!showlabels) df <- df[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    print(df, right=FALSE)
    if(showextras) {
      cat(fullline, fill=TRUE)
      splat("Default plot formula:\t",
        splat("Columns", commasep(sQuote(a$shade)), 
              "will be plotted as shading (by default)")
      alim <- signif(a$alim, 5)
      rang <- signif(range(with(x, .x)), 5)
      splat("Recommended range", "of argument",
            paste0(a$argu, ":"), prange(alim))
      splat("Available range", "of argument",
            paste0(a$argu, ":"), prange(rang))
      ledge <- summary(unitname(x))$legend


# manipulating the names in fv objects

.Spatstat.FvAbbrev <- c(

fvnames <- function(X, a=".") {
  verifyclass(X, "fv")
  if(!is.character(a) || length(a) > 1)
    stop("argument a must be a character string")
           return(attr(X, "valu"))
           return(attr(X, "argu"))
           return(attr(X, "shade"))
         "." = {
           # The specified 'dotnames'
           dn <- attr(X, "dotnames")
             dn <- fvnames(X, "*")
           # all column names other than the function argument
           allvars <- names(X)
           argu <- attr(X, "argu")
           nam <- allvars[allvars != argu]
           nam <- rev(nam) # convention
         stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", dQuote(a)))

"fvnames<-" <- function(X, a=".", value) {
  verifyclass(X, "fv")
  if(!is.character(a) || length(a) > 1)
    stop(paste("argument", sQuote("a"), "must be a character string"))
  if(a == "*") {
    warning(paste("Cannot reset fvnames(x,", dQuote("*"), ")"))
  if(a == "." && length(value) == 0) {
    # clear the dotnames
    attr(X, "dotnames") <- NULL
  # validate the names
           if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 1)
             stop("value should be a single string")
           if(!is.character(value) || length(value) != 2)
             stop("value should be a vector of 2 character strings")
             stop("value should be a character vector")
         stop(paste("Unrecognised abbreviation", dQuote(a)))
  # check the names match existing column names
  tags <- names(X)
  if(any(nbg <- !(value %in% tags))) 
    stop(paste(ngettext(sum(nbg), "The string", "The strings"),
                        "does not match the name of any column of X", 
                        "do not match the names of any columns of X")))
  # reassign names
           attr(X, "argu") <- value
           attr(X, "valu") <- value
           attr(X, "shade") <- value
           attr(X, "dotnames") <- value

fvlabels <- function(x, expand=FALSE) {
  lab <- attr(x, "labl")
  names(lab) <- names(x)
  if(expand && !is.null(fname <- attr(x, "fname"))) {
    ## expand plot labels using function name
    nstrings <- max(substringcount("%s", lab))
    ## pad with blanks
    nextra <- nstrings - length(fname)
    if(nextra > 0) 
      fname <- c(fname, rep("", nextra))
    ## render
    lab <- do.call(sprintf, append(list(lab), as.list(fname)))
  ## remove empty space
  lab <- gsub(" ", "", lab)

"fvlabels<-" <- function(x, value) {
  stopifnot(length(value) == length(fvlabels(x)))
  attr(x, "labl") <- value

flatfname <- function(x) {
  fn <- if(is.character(x)) x else attr(x, "fname")
  if(length(fn) > 1)
    fn <- paste0(fn[1], "[", paste(fn[-1], collapse=" "), "]")

makefvlabel <- function(op=NULL, accent=NULL, fname, sub=NULL, argname="r") {
  ## de facto standardised label
  a <- "%s"
    a <- paste0(accent, paren(a))     ## eg hat(%s)
    a <- paste0("bold", paren(op), "~", a)  ## eg bold(var)~hat(%s)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    if(length(fname) != 1) {
      a <- paste0(a, "[%s]")
      a <- paren(a, "{")
  } else {
    if(length(fname) == 1) {
      a <- paste0(a, paren(sub, "["))
    } else {
      a <- paste0(a, paren("%s", "["), "^", paren(sub, "{"))
      a <- paren(a, "{")
  a <- paste0(a, paren(argname))

fvlabelmap <- local({
  magic <- function(x) {
    subx <- paste("substitute(", x, ", NULL)")
    out <- try(eval(parse(text=subx)), silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(out, "try-error"))
      out <- as.name(make.names(subx))

  fvlabelmap <- function(x, dot=TRUE) {
    labl <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
    # construct mapping from identifiers to labels
    map <- as.list(labl)
    map <- lapply(map, magic)
    names(map) <- colnames(x)
    if(dot) {
      # also map "." to name of target function
      if(!is.null(ye <- attr(x, "yexp")))
        map <- append(map, list("."=ye))
      # map other fvnames to their corresponding labels
      map <- append(map, list(".x"=map[[fvnames(x, ".x")]],
                              ".y"=map[[fvnames(x, ".y")]]))
      if(!is.null(fvnames(x, ".s"))) {
        shex <- unname(map[fvnames(x, ".s")])
        shadexpr <- substitute(c(A,B), list(A=shex[[1]], B=shex[[2]]))
        map <- append(map, list(".s" = shadexpr))


fvlegend <- function(object, elang) {
  # Compute mathematical legend(s) for column(s) in fv object 
  # transformed by language expression 'elang'.
  # The expression must already be in 'expanded' form.
  # The result is an expression, or expression vector.
  # The j-th entry of the vector is an expression for the
  # j-th column of function values.
  ee <- distributecbind(as.expression(elang))
  map <- fvlabelmap(object, dot = TRUE)
  eout <- as.expression(lapply(ee, function(ei, map) {
    eval(substitute(substitute(e, mp), list(e = ei, mp = map)))
  }, map = map))

bind.fv <- function(x, y, labl=NULL, desc=NULL, preferred=NULL) {
  verifyclass(x, "fv")
  ax <- attributes(x)
  if(is.fv(y)) {
    # y is already an fv object
    ay <- attributes(y)
    if(!identical(ax$fname, ay$fname)) {
      # x and y represent different functions
      # expand the labels separately 
      fvlabels(x) <- fvlabels(x, expand=TRUE)
      fvlabels(y) <- fvlabels(y, expand=TRUE)
      ax <- attributes(x)
      ay <- attributes(y)
    # check compatibility of 'r' values
    xr <- ax$argu
    yr <- ay$argu
    rx <- x[[xr]]
    ry <- y[[yr]]
    if((length(rx) != length(rx)) || 
               (max(abs(rx-ry)) > .Machine$double.eps))
      stop("fv objects x and y have incompatible domains")
    # reduce y to data frame and strip off 'r' values
    ystrip <- as.data.frame(y)
    yrpos <- which(colnames(ystrip) == yr)
    ystrip <- ystrip[, -yrpos, drop=FALSE]
    # determine descriptors
    if(is.null(labl)) labl <- attr(y, "labl")[-yrpos]
    if(is.null(desc)) desc <- attr(y, "desc")[-yrpos]
    y <- ystrip
  } else {
    # y is a matrix or data frame
    y <- as.data.frame(y)
  # check for duplicated column names
  allnames <- c(colnames(x), colnames(y))
  if(any(dup <- duplicated(allnames))) {
    nbg <- unique(allnames[dup])
    nn <- length(nbg)
    warning(paste("The column",
                  ngettext(nn, "name", "names"),
                  ngettext(nn, "was", "were"),
                  "duplicated. Unique names were generated"))
    allnames <- make.names(allnames, unique=TRUE, allow_ = FALSE)
    colnames(y) <- allnames[ncol(x) + seq_len(ncol(y))]
    labl <- paste("%s[", colnames(y), "](r)", sep="")
  else if(length(labl) != ncol(y))
    stop(paste("length of", sQuote("labl"),
               "does not match number of columns of y"))
    desc <- character(ncol(y))
  else if(length(desc) != ncol(y))
    stop(paste("length of", sQuote("desc"),
               "does not match number of columns of y"))
    preferred <- ax$valu

  xy <- cbind(as.data.frame(x), y)
  z <- fv(xy, ax$argu, ax$ylab, preferred, ax$fmla, ax$alim,
          c(ax$labl, labl),
          c(ax$desc, desc),

cbind.fv <- function(...) {
  a <- list(...)
  n <- length(a)
  if(n == 0)
  if(n == 1) {
    # single argument - extract it
    a <- a[[1]]
    # could be an fv object 
    n <- length(a)
  z <- a[[1]]
    stop("First argument should be an object of class fv")
  if(n > 1)
    for(i in 2:n) 
      z <- bind.fv(z, a[[i]])

collapse.fv <- function(..., same=NULL, different=NULL) {
  x <- list(...)
  n <- length(x)
  if(n == 0)
  if(n == 1)  {
    # single argument - could be a list - extract it
    x1 <- x[[1]]
      x <- x1
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(x, is.fv))))
    stop("arguments should be objects of class fv")
  if(is.null(same)) same <- character(0)
  if(is.null(different)) different <- character(0)
  if(any(duplicated(c(same, different))))
    stop(paste("The arguments", sQuote("same"), "and", sQuote("different"),
               "should not have entries in common"))
  either <- c(same, different)
  # validate
  nbg <- unlist(lapply(x, function(z, e) { e[!(e %in% names(z))] }, e=either))
  nbg <- unique(nbg)
  if((nbad <- length(nbg)) > 0)
    stop(paste(ngettext(nbad, "The name", "The names"),
               ngettext(nbad, "is", "are"),
               "not present in the function objects"))
  # names for different versions
  versionnames <- names(x)
    versionnames <- paste("x", seq_along(x), sep="")
  shortnames <- abbreviate(versionnames)
  # extract the common values
  y <- x[[1]]
  if(length(same) > 0 && !(fvnames(y, ".y") %in% same))
    fvnames(y, ".y") <- same[1]
  z <- y[, c(fvnames(y, ".x"), same)]
  dotnames <- same
  # now merge the different values
  for(i in seq_along(x)) {
    # extract values for i-th object
    xi <- x[[i]]
    wanted <- (names(xi) %in% different)
    y <- as.data.frame(xi)[, wanted, drop=FALSE]
    desc <- attr(xi, "desc")[wanted]
    labl <- attr(xi, "labl")[wanted]
    # relabel
    prefix <- shortnames[i]
    preamble <- versionnames[i]
    names(y) <- if(ncol(y) == 1) prefix else paste(prefix,names(y),sep="")
    dotnames <- c(dotnames, names(y))
    # glue onto fv object
    z <- bind.fv(z, y,
                 labl=paste(prefix, labl, sep="~"),
                 desc=paste(preamble, desc))
  fvnames(z, ".") <- dotnames

# rename one of the columns of an fv object
tweak.fv.entry <- function(x, current.tag, new.labl=NULL, new.desc=NULL, new.tag=NULL) {
  hit <- (names(x) == current.tag)
  # update descriptions of column
  i <- min(which(hit))
  if(!is.null(new.labl)) attr(x, "labl")[i] <- new.labl
  if(!is.null(new.desc)) attr(x, "desc")[i] <- new.desc
  # adjust column tag
  if(!is.null(new.tag)) {
    names(x)[i] <- new.tag
    # update dotnames
    dn <- fvnames(x, ".")
    if(current.tag %in% dn ) {
      dn[dn == current.tag] <- new.tag
      fvnames(x, ".") <- dn
    # if the tweaked column is the preferred value, adjust accordingly
    if(attr(x, "valu") == current.tag)
      attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag
    # if the tweaked column is the function argument, adjust accordingly
    if(attr(x, "argu") == current.tag)
      attr(x, "valu") <- new.tag

# change some or all of the auxiliary text in an fv object
rebadge.fv <- function(x, new.ylab, new.fname,
                       tags, new.desc, new.labl,
                       new.yexp=new.ylab, new.dotnames,
                       new.preferred, new.formula, new.tags) {
    attr(x, "ylab") <- new.ylab
  if(!missing(new.yexp) || !missing(new.ylab))
    attr(x, "yexp") <- new.yexp
    attr(x, "fname") <- new.fname
  if(!missing(tags) && !(missing(new.desc) && missing(new.labl) && missing(new.tags))) {
    nama <- names(x)
    desc <- attr(x, "desc")
    labl <- attr(x, "labl")
    valu <- attr(x, "valu")
    for(i in seq_along(tags))
    if(!is.na(m <- match(tags[i], nama))) {
      if(!missing(new.desc)) desc[m] <- new.desc[i]
      if(!missing(new.labl)) labl[m] <- new.labl[i]
      if(!missing(new.tags)) {
        names(x)[m] <- new.tags[i]
        if(tags[i] == valu)
          attr(x, "valu") <- new.tags[i]
    attr(x, "desc") <- desc
    attr(x, "labl") <- labl
    fvnames(x, ".") <- new.dotnames
  if(!missing(new.preferred)) {
    stopifnot(new.preferred %in% names(x))
    attr(x, "valu") <- new.preferred
    formula(x) <- new.formula

## common invocations to label a function like Kdot or Kcross
rebadge.as.crossfun <- function(x, main, sub=NULL, i, j) {
  i <- make.parseable(i)
  j <- make.parseable(j)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    ylab <- substitute(main[i, j](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i, j=j))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list", paren(paste(i, j, sep=","))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(i, j)](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i, j=j))
  } else {
    ylab <- substitute(main[sub, i, j](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i, j=j))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list", paren(paste(sub, i, j, sep=","))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(sub, i, j)](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i, j=j))
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, new.ylab=ylab, new.fname=fname, new.yexp=yexp)

rebadge.as.dotfun <- function(x, main, sub=NULL, i) {
  i <- make.parseable(i)
  if(is.null(sub)) {
    ylab <- substitute(main[i ~ dot](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i))
    fname <- c(main, paste0(i, "~symbol(\"\\267\")"))
    yexp <- substitute(main[i ~ symbol("\267")](r),
                       list(main=main, i=i))
  } else {
    ylab <- substitute(main[sub, i ~ dot](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i))
    fname <- c(main, paste0("list",
                            paren(paste0(sub, ",",
                                         i, "~symbol(\"\\267\")"))))
    yexp <- substitute(main[list(sub, i ~ symbol("\267"))](r),
                       list(main=main, sub=sub, i=i))
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, new.ylab=ylab, new.fname=fname, new.yexp=yexp)

# subset extraction operator
"[.fv" <-
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE)
  igiven <- !missing(i)
  jgiven <- !missing(j)
  y <- as.data.frame(x)
  if(igiven && jgiven)
    z <- y[i, j, drop=drop]
  else if(igiven)
    z <- y[i, , drop=drop]
  else if(jgiven)
    z <- y[ , j, drop=drop]
  else z <- y

  # return only the selected values as a data frame or vector.
  if(drop) return(z)

    selected <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  else {
    nameindices <- seq_along(names(x))
    names(nameindices) <- names(x)
    selected <- as.vector(nameindices[j])

  nama <- names(z)
  argu <- attr(x, "argu")
  if(!(argu %in% nama))
    stop(paste("The function argument", sQuote(argu), "must not be removed"))
  valu <- attr(x, "valu")
  if(!(valu %in% nama))
    stop(paste("The default column of function values",
               sQuote(valu), "must not be removed"))

  # If range of argument was implicitly changed, adjust "alim"
  alim <- attr(x, "alim")
  rang <- range(z[[argu]])
  alim <- c(max(alim[1], rang[1]),
            min(alim[2], rang[2]))

  result <- fv(z, argu=attr(x, "argu"),
               ylab=attr(x, "ylab"),
               valu=attr(x, "valu"),
               fmla=attr(x, "fmla"),
               labl=attr(x, "labl")[selected],
               desc=attr(x, "desc")[selected],
               unitname=attr(x, "units"),
               yexp=attr(x, "yexp"))
  # carry over preferred names, if possible
  dotn <- fvnames(x, ".")
  fvnames(result, ".") <- dotn[dotn %in% colnames(result)]
  shad <- fvnames(x, ".s")
  if(!is.null(shad) && all(shad %in% colnames(result)))
    fvnames(result, ".s") <- shad

# method for 'formula'

formula.fv <- function(x, ...) {
  attr(x, "fmla")

# method for 'formula<-'
# (generic is defined in formulae.R)

"formula<-.fv" <- function(x, ..., value) {
    value <- paste(fvnames(x, ".y"), "~", fvnames(x, ".x"))
  else if(inherits(value, "formula")) {
    # convert formula to string
    value <- flat.deparse(value)
  } else if(!is.character(value))
    stop("Assignment value should be a formula or a string")
  attr(x, "fmla") <- value

#   method for with()

with.fv <- function(data, expr, ..., fun=NULL, enclos=NULL) {
  if(any(names(list(...)) == "drop"))
    stop("Outdated argument 'drop' used in with.fv")
  cl <- short.deparse(sys.call())
  verifyclass(data, "fv")
    enclos <- parent.frame()
   # convert syntactic expression to 'expression' object
  e <- as.expression(substitute(expr))
  # convert syntactic expression to call
  elang <- substitute(expr)
  # map "." etc to names of columns of data
  datanames <- names(data)
  xname <- fvnames(data, ".x")
  yname <- fvnames(data, ".y")
  ux <- as.name(xname)
  uy <- as.name(yname)
  dnames <- datanames[datanames %in% fvnames(data, ".")]
  ud <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", dnames), as.name))
  if(!is.null(fvnames(data, ".s"))) {
    snames <- datanames[datanames %in% fvnames(data, ".s")]
    us <- as.call(lapply(c("cbind", snames), as.name))
  } else us <- NULL
  expandelang <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee,
                                      list(.=ud, .x=ux, .y=uy, .s=us)),
  evars <- all.vars(expandelang)
  used.dotnames <- evars[evars %in% dnames]
  # evaluate expression
  datadf <- as.data.frame(data)
  results <- eval(expandelang, as.list(datadf), enclos=enclos)
  # --------------------
  # commanded to return numerical values only?
  if(!is.null(fun) && !fun)

  if(!is.matrix(results) && !is.data.frame(results)) {
    # result is a vector
    if(is.null(fun)) fun <- FALSE
    if(!fun || length(results) != nrow(datadf))
    results <- matrix(results, ncol=1)
  } else {
    # result is a matrix or data frame
    if(is.null(fun)) fun <- TRUE
    if(!fun || nrow(results) != nrow(datadf))
  # result is a matrix or data frame of the right dimensions
  # make a new fv object
  # ensure columns of results have names
    colnames(results) <- paste("col", seq_len(ncol(results)), sep="")
  resultnames <- colnames(results)
  # get values of function argument
  xvalues <- datadf[[xname]]
  # tack onto result matrix
  results <- cbind(xvalues, results)
  colnames(results) <- c(xname, resultnames)
  results <- data.frame(results)
  # check for alteration of column names
  oldnames <- resultnames
  resultnames <- colnames(results)[-1]
  if(any(resultnames != oldnames))
    warning("some column names were illegal and have been changed")
  # determine mapping (if any) from columns of output to columns of input
  namemap <- match(colnames(results), names(datadf))
  okmap <- !is.na(namemap)
  # Build up fv object
  # decide which of the columns should be the preferred value
  newyname <- if(yname %in% resultnames) yname else resultnames[1]
  # construct default plot formula
  fmla <- flat.deparse(as.formula(paste(". ~", xname)))
  dotnames <- resultnames
  # construct description strings
  desc <- character(ncol(results))
  desc[okmap] <- attr(data, "desc")[namemap[okmap]]
  desc[!okmap] <- paste("Computed value", resultnames[!okmap])
  ## function name (fname) and mathematical expression for function (yexp)
  oldyexp <- attr(data, "yexp")
  oldfname <- attr(data, "fname")
  if(is.null(oldyexp)) {
    fname <- cl
    yexp <- substitute(f(xname), list(f=as.name(fname), xname=as.name(xname)))
  } else {
    # map 'cbind(....)' to "." for name of function only
    cb <- paste("cbind(",
                paste(used.dotnames, collapse=", "),
                ")", sep="")
    compresselang <- gsub(cb, ".", flat.deparse(expandelang), fixed=TRUE)
    compresselang <- as.formula(paste(compresselang, "~1"))[[2]]
    # construct mapping using original function name
    labmap <- fvlabelmap(data, dot=TRUE)
    labmap[["."]] <- oldyexp
    yexp <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee, ff), 
                            list(ee=compresselang, ff=labmap)))
    labmap2 <- labmap
    labmap2[["."]] <- as.name(oldfname)
    fname <- eval(substitute(substitute(ee, ff), 
    fname <- paren(flat.deparse(fname))
  # construct mathematical labels
  mathlabl <- as.character(fvlegend(data, expandelang))
  mathlabl <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", mathlabl)
  labl <- colnames(results)
  mathmap <- match(labl, used.dotnames)
  okmath <- !is.na(mathmap)
  labl[okmath] <- mathlabl[mathmap[okmath]]
  # form fv object and return
  out <- fv(results, argu=xname, valu=newyname, labl=labl,
            desc=desc, alim=attr(data, "alim"), fmla=fmla,
            unitname=unitname(data), fname=fname, yexp=yexp, ylab=yexp)
  fvnames(out, ".") <- dotnames

# method for 'range'

range.fv <- local({

  range1fv <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
    xdat <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(x))
    yall <- fvnames(x, ".")
    ydat <- xdat[, yall]
    range(ydat, na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)
  range.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
    aarg <- list(...)
    isfun <- sapply(aarg, is.fv)
      aarg[isfun] <- lapply(aarg[isfun], range1fv, na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)
    do.call("range", append(aarg, list(na.rm=na.rm, finite=finite)))


min.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
  range(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm)[1]

max.fv <- function(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm) {
  range(..., na.rm=TRUE, finite=na.rm)[2]

# stieltjes integration for fv objects

stieltjes <- function(f, M, ...) {
  # stieltjes integral of f(x) dM(x)
    stop("M must be an object of class fv")
    stop("f must be a function")
  # integration variable
  argu <- attr(M, "argu")
  x <- M[[argu]]
  # values of integrand
  fx <- f(x, ...)
  # estimates of measure
  valuenames <- names(M) [names(M) != argu]
  Mother <- as.data.frame(M)[, valuenames]
  Mother <- as.matrix(Mother, nrow=nrow(M))
  # increments of measure
  dM <- apply(Mother, 2, diff)
  dM <- rbind(dM, 0)
  dM[is.na(dM)] <- 0
  # integrate f(x) dM(x)
  results <- apply(fx * dM, 2, sum)
  results <- as.list(results)
  names(results) <- valuenames

prefixfv <- function(x, tagprefix="", descprefix="", lablprefix=tagprefix,
                     whichtags=fvnames(x, "*")) {
  # attach a prefix to fv information 
  att <- attributes(x)
  relevant <- names(x) %in% whichtags
  oldtags <- names(x)[relevant]
  newtags <- paste(tagprefix, oldtags, sep="")
  newlabl <- paste(lablprefix, att$labl[relevant], sep="")
  newdesc <- paste(descprefix, att$desc[relevant])
  y <- rebadge.fv(x, tags=oldtags,

reconcile.fv <- function(...) {
  # reconcile several fv objects by finding the columns they share in common
  z <- list(...)
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(z, is.fv)))) {
    if(length(z) == 1 && is.list(z[[1]]) && all(unlist(lapply(z[[1]], is.fv))))
      z <- z[[1]]
      stop("all arguments should be fv objects")
  n <- length(z)
  if(n <= 1) return(z)
  # find columns that are common to all estimates
  keepcolumns <- names(z[[1]])
  keepvalues <- fvnames(z[[1]], "*")
  for(i in 2:n) {
    keepcolumns <- intersect(keepcolumns, names(z[[i]]))
    keepvalues <- intersect(keepvalues, fvnames(z[[i]], "*"))
  if(length(keepvalues) == 0)
    stop("cannot reconcile fv objects: they have no columns in common")
  # determine name of the 'preferred' column
  prefs <- unlist(lapply(z, fvnames, a=".y"))
  prefskeep <- prefs[prefs %in% keepvalues]
  if(length(prefskeep) > 0) {
    # pick the most popular
    chosen <- unique(prefskeep)[which.max(table(prefskeep))]
  } else {
    # drat - pick a value arbitrarily
    chosen <- keepvalues[1]
  z <- lapply(z, rebadge.fv, new.preferred=chosen)
  z <- lapply(z, "[.fv", j=keepcolumns)
  # also clip to the same r values
  rmax <- min(unlist(lapply(z, function(x) { max(with(x, .x)) })))
  z <- lapply(z, function(x, rmax) { x[ with(x, .x) <= rmax, ] }, rmax=rmax)

as.function.fv <- function(x, ..., value=".y", extrapolate=FALSE) {
  # extract function argument
  xx <- with(x, .x)
  # extract all function values 
  yy <- as.data.frame(x)[, fvnames(x, "*"), drop=FALSE]
  # determine which value(s) to supply
    stop("value should be a character string or vector specifying columns of x")
  if(!all(value %in% colnames(yy))) {
    expandvalue <- try(fvnames(x, value))
    if(!inherits(expandvalue, "try-error")) {
      value <- expandvalue
    } else stop("Unable to determine columns of x")
  yy <- yy[,value]
  argname <- fvnames(x, ".x")
  endrule <- if(extrapolate) 1 else 2
  if(length(value) == 1) {
    # make a single 'approxfun' and return it
    f <- approxfun(xx, yy, rule=endrule)
    # magic
    names(formals(f))[1] <- argname
    body(f)[[4]] <- as.name(argname)
  } else {
    # make a list of 'approxfuns' 
    funs <- lapply(yy,
                   function(z, u, endrule) { approxfun(x=u, y=z, rule=endrule)},
    # return a function which selects the appropriate 'approxfun' and executes
    f <- function(x, what=value) {
      what <- match.arg(what)
    ## recast function definition
    ## ('any sufficiently advanced technology...')
    formals(f)[[2]] <- value
    names(formals(f))[1] <- argname
    body(f)[[3]][[2]] <- as.name(argname)
  class(f) <- c("fvfun", class(f))
  attr(f, "fname") <- attr(x, "fname")
  attr(f, "yexp") <- attr(x, "yexp")

print.fvfun <- function(x, ...) {
  y <- args(x)
  yexp <- as.expression(attr(x, "yexp"))
  body(y) <- as.name(paste("Returns interpolated value of", yexp))
  print(y, ...)

findcbind <- function(root, depth=0, maxdepth=1000) {
  # recursive search through a parse tree to find calls to 'cbind'
  if(depth > maxdepth) stop("Reached maximum depth")
  if(length(root) == 1) return(NULL)
  if(identical(as.name(root[[1]]), as.name("cbind"))) return(list(numeric(0)))
  out <- NULL
  for(i in 2:length(root)) {
    di <- findcbind(root[[i]], depth+1, maxdepth)
      out <- append(out, lapply(di, function(z,i){ c(i,z)}, i=i))

.MathOpNames <- c("+", "-", "*", "/",
                  "^", "%%", "%/%",
                  "&", "|", "!",
                  "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">")

distributecbind <- function(x) {
  # x is an expression involving a call to 'cbind'
  # return a vector of expressions, each obtained by replacing 'cbind(...)'
  # by one of its arguments in turn.
  stopifnot(typeof(x) == "expression")
  xlang <- x[[1]]
  locations <- findcbind(xlang)
  if(length(locations) == 0)
  # cbind might occur more than once
  # check that the number of arguments is the same each time
  narg <-
                         function(loc, y) {
                           if(length(loc) > 0) length(y[[loc]]) else length(y)
                         y=xlang))) - 1
  if(length(narg) > 1) 
  out <- NULL
  if(narg > 0) {
    for(i in 1:narg) {
      # make a version of the expression
      # in which cbind() is replaced by its i'th argument
      fakexlang <- xlang
      for(loc in locations) {
        if(length(loc) > 0) {
          # usual case: 'loc' is integer vector representing nested index
          cbindcall <- xlang[[loc]]
          # extract i-th argument
          argi <- cbindcall[[i+1]]
          # if argument is an expression, enclose it in parentheses
          if(length(argi) > 1 && paste(argi[[1]]) %in% .MathOpNames)
            argi <- substitute((x), list(x=argi))
          # replace cbind call by its i-th argument
          fakexlang[[loc]] <- argi
        } else {
          # special case: 'loc' = integer(0) representing xlang itself
          cbindcall <- xlang
          # extract i-th argument
          argi <- cbindcall[[i+1]]
          # replace cbind call by its i-th argument
          fakexlang <- cbindcall[[i+1]]
      # add to final expression
      out <- c(out, as.expression(fakexlang))

# Form a new 'fv' object as a ratio

ratfv <- function(df, numer, denom, ..., ratio=TRUE) {
  # Determine y
  if(!missing(df)) {
    y <- fv(df, ...)
    num <- NULL
  } else {
    # Compute numer/denom
    # Numerator must be a data frame
    num <- fv(numer, ...)    
    # Denominator may be a data frame or a constant
    y <- eval.fv(num/denom)
    # relabel
    y <- fv(as.data.frame(y), ...)
  if(is.null(num)) {
    # Compute num = y * denom
    # Denominator may be a data frame or a constant
    num <- eval.fv(y * denom)
    # ditch labels
    num <- fv(as.data.frame(num), ...)
  # make denominator an fv object
  if(is.data.frame(denom)) {
    den <- fv(denom, ...)
  } else {
    # scalar
    check.1.real(denom, "Unless it is a data frame,")
    # replicate it in all the data columns
    dendf <- as.data.frame(num)
    valuecols <- (names(num) != fvnames(num, ".x"))
    dendf[, valuecols] <- denom
    den <- fv(dendf, ...)
  # tweak the descriptions
  ok <- (names(y) != fvnames(y, ".x"))
  attr(num, "desc")[ok] <- paste("numerator of",   attr(num, "desc")[ok])
  attr(den, "desc")[ok] <- paste("denominator of", attr(den, "desc")[ok])
  # form ratio object
  y <- rat(y, num, den, check=FALSE)

# Tack new column(s) onto a ratio fv object

bind.ratfv <- function(x, numerator, denominator, 
                       labl = NULL, desc = NULL, preferred = NULL,
                       ratio=TRUE) {
  y <- bind.fv(x, numerator/denominator,
               labl=labl, desc=desc, preferred=preferred)
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "rat"))
  num <- attr(x, "numerator")
  den <- attr(x, "denominator")
  # convert scalar denominator to data frame
  if(!is.data.frame(denominator)) {
    check.1.real(denominator, "Unless it is a data frame,")
    dvalue <- denominator
    denominator <- numerator
    denominator[] <- dvalue
  num <- bind.fv(num, numerator,
                 labl=labl, desc=paste("numerator of", desc),
  den <- bind.fv(den, denominator,
                 labl=labl, desc=paste("denominator of", desc),
  y <- rat(y, num, den, check=FALSE)

conform.ratfv <- function(x) {
  # harmonise display properties in components of a ratio
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "rat"), is.fv(x))
  num <- attr(x, "numerator")
  den <- attr(x, "denominator")
  formula(num) <- formula(den) <- formula(x)
  fvnames(num, ".") <- fvnames(den, ".") <- fvnames(x, ".")
  unitname(num)     <- unitname(den)     <- unitname(x)
  attr(x, "numerator") <- num
  attr(x, "denominator") <- den

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