Release 0.11.2 created by Andrey Kurilin on 29 March 2018, 16:49:14 UTC
Rally v0.11.2
============= +------------------+-----------------------+ | Release date | **03/29/2018** | +------------------+-----------------------+ * OpenStack plugins moved to the separate `repo <>`_ and `package <>`_ . In-tree OpenStack plugins are deprecated now and will be removed soon. All further development should be done in the new repository. * Environment manager and Platform plugins are extended with a new feature - creating a spec based on system environment variables. We had similar feature in Deployment component like below, but it handles only OpenStack platform. .. code-block:: console $ rally deployment create --name "my-deployment" --fromenv The new feature is not limited by one platform and each platform plugin can implement it. The usage of the feature is still pretty simple: .. code-block:: console $ rally env create --name "my-env" --from-sysenv * There is a new argument for `rally env show` command: **--only-spec**. It is a trigger for showing only a specification of the environment * Methods for association and dissociation floating ips were deprecated in novaclient a year ago and latest major release (python-novaclient 10) `doesn't include them <>`_. These actions should be performed via neutronclient now. It is not as simple as it was via Nova-API and you can find more neutron-related atomic actions in results of scenarios. * *os-hosts* CLIs and python API bindings had been deprecated in python-novaclient 9.0.0 and became removed in `10.0.0 release <>`_. This decision affected 2 scenarios `NovaHosts.list_hosts <>`_ and `NovaHosts.list_and_get_hosts <>`_ which become redundant and we cannot leave them (python-novaclient doesn't have proper interfaces any more). * Improvements of elasticsearch task exporter to cover the case when success rate of workload is not in range of 0-100. For example, it can happen when context fails. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQE0BAABCAAeBQJavRlQFxxhbmRyLmt1cmlsaW5AZ21haWwuY29tAAoJEAgT8OTI EahpTvwIAKo/dpu6ZEWrPVCBpSkjLsF2IbTvuYzrl++7Qu54XhOuhs9hzgPURG6k SOP6lvRDXS8ZKIpNGUFHoZZh0ow28L+7rZ6R48q51wsui0trCfindDU1fA5jZSjB 2GEPhB9KlOUIAboIOMi0sldDYMS7qe/yLFF+a8I1Rk90jprLCatS1L9hff35AqxJ WBV7O5L23ITqpzOG3dNRO12UTNLKB+rFFNRFy/V+kdoZCTL2OB3tUXNE7e9BS3VO dwOiawsT8n7wRIhYJ0V4L3klCMQr18p/0xSB8BvTI96bELmCNiFmwtJiOckvB3CN dIFwzW/cgDmbPiiYHB3N/mRQRt1HzO4= =Ltn8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Target: 9fc9876a9ef0fa669cd43cac976c86b2bafba6ce
Directory: bea0161f837baafd1f32f940bb8f4e0bad315c21
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