Release v2.10.0 created by Martin Hořeňovský on 13 October 2019, 21:48:03 UTC
=== Fixes === * `TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE` now properly handles non-copyable and non-movable types (#1729) * Fixed compilation error on Solaris caused by a system header defining macro `TT` (#1722, #1723) * `REGISTER_ENUM` will now fail at compilation time if the registered enum is too large * Removed use of `std::is_same_v` in C++17 mode (#1757) * Fixed parsing of escaped special characters when reading test specs from a file (#1767, #1769) === Improvements === * Trailing and leading whitespace in test/section specs are now ignored. * Writing to Android debug log now uses `__android_log_write` instead of `__android_log_print` * Android logging support can now be turned on/off at compile time (#1743) * The toggle is `CATCH_CONFIG_ANDROID_LOGWRITE` * Added a generator that returns elements of a range * Use via `from_range(from, to)` or `from_range(container)` * Added support for CRTs that do not provide `std::nextafter` (#1739) * They must still provide global `nextafter{f,l,}` * Enabled via `CATCH_CONFIG_GLOBAL_NEXTAFTER` * Special cased `Approx(inf)` not to match non-infinite values * Very strictly speaking this might be a breaking change, but it should match user expectations better * The output of benchmarking through the Console reporter when `--benchmark-no-analysis` is set is now much simpler (#1768) * Added a matcher that can be used for checking an exceptions message (#1649, #1728) * The matcher helper function is called `Message` * The exception must publicly derive from `std::exception` * The matching is done exactly, including case and whitespace * Added a matcher that can be used for checking relative equality of floating point numbers (#1746) * Unlike `Approx`, it considers both sides when determining the allowed margin * Special cases `NaN` and `INFINITY` to match user expectations * The matcher helper function is called `WithinRel` * The ULP matcher now allows for any possible distance between the two numbers * The random number generators now use Catch-global instance of RNG (#1734, #1736) * This means that nested random number generators actually generate different numbers === Miscellaneous === * In-repo PNGs have been optimized to lower overhead of using Catch2 via git clone * Catch2 now uses its own implementation of the URBG concept * In the future we also plan to use our own implementation of the distributions from `<random>` to provide cross-platform repeatability of random results -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQIcBAABCAAGBQJdo5udAAoJEN5IMHuLDTgalk0QAJrVL/eMavtYuJ4nBoaXpKnZ wwqVYrZeQAj/rxQqpJmDi6FngOZv2ylO8YBcYnCbb7TackEG4ik4bF/Z996dZT4R wRdTMoeJEGFH/AQvsYqxXMlRddesfPtNUUz7f5QtBqdqycFx8y9WkoE7W4ZtZOUV eQFm9q2pJNAfcp0Q6ado4nE/BqXC0n0CnH5hCWqIVMAtCiN+N7ec1hrjKoHvJw8W LZncd4vdIIdnM3oSKuf/sQJsv5avXq7NfXnJisazYysUAHHOcHcE1Y0FlEKuWYiZ sh2SXC4EVaI1SNad8lxH11gcaH8lol6LdWr//LHQXh7PiYmSHAJ0t0zSXZzU9IcU EtwORLIMNp6A4K2C0/ke0WnM/TVphUSe1cuc215faO5q1Nmtzi8RnoI07oB7yTe5 HJNBkLdNf+mC9uLqLIDYdR2sl5+Xz7PWXAC5SHgQBcul/LzL7/P3gRCZ34NJElR3 C54x5+ob3/syJwekHD9KlNz5CkXeB7fex+ShR/7r/DsxR818J5ZxBq5E0w+G2u03 tipQhZP6WWjgycJJyONTUNmxd/baebCQXQdFUjppNMNXHnAC4p+aiz/ExEcpD9mc psvO0OpyaCd1DiwVH13q9qT2MlAqPxToST376sQjtu4ojL26UOnpEhlFjs4sP76k v75OdbLxrno8HKAZLJm2 =0J2I -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Target: 7c9f92bc1c6e82ad5b6af8dff9f97af880fae9c6
Directory: d8bc58457176ac973c4a4c8f60c34cdb154af151
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