Release v0.19.16 created by jsmall-nvidia on 27 October 2021, 23:49:02 UTC
Slang v0.19.16
* Update glslang binaries (#1991) * SPIR-V fixes (#1992) * Small improvements around invoking unit-tests (#1978) * Runs all gfx unit tests through a 'test proxy' (#1981) * Expanded gfx::Format to include additional formats (#1982) * SPIR-V optimization diagnostics (#1989) * Enabling slang-llvm for host-callable (#1975) * Feature/update slang binaries (#1988)
Target: 8f6450cefe8aa780c406a80477e13f990d1b7a78
Directory: 9f161fc84c74d20ddd8b76f4ff620efc3de8212a
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