Release 0.1.2 created by Boris Pavlovic on 23 December 2015, 18:01:07 UTC
Rally v0.1.2
Information ----------- +------------------+-----------------------+ | Commits | **208** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Bug fixes | **37** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Dev cycle | **77 days** | +------------------+-----------------------+ | Release date | **23/December/2015** | +------------------+-----------------------+ Details ------- This release, as well as all previous ones, includes a lot of internal and external changes. Most important of them are listed below. .. warning:: Release 0.1.2 is the last release with Python 2.6 support. Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Class `rally.common.objects.Endpoint` was renamed to `Credentials`. Old class is kept for backward compatibility. Please, stop using the old class in your plugins. .. warning:: dict key was changed too in user context from "endpoint" to "credential" * rally.task.utils: wait_is_ready(), wait_for(), wait_for_delete() deprecated you should use wait_for_status() instead. Rally Verify ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added possibility to run Tempest tests listed in a file(--tests-file argument in ``verify start``) * Added possibility to upload Tempest subunit stream logs into data base * Improvements in generating Tempest config file * Reworked subunit stream parser * Don't install Tempest when `rally verify [gen/show]config` * Rally team tries to simplify usage of each our component. Now Rally verification has some kind of a context like in Tasks. Before launching each verification, Rally checks existence of required resources(networks, images, flavours, etc) in Tempest configuration file and pre-creates them. Do not worry, all these resources will not be forgotten and left, Rally will clean them after verification. Rally Task ~~~~~~~~~~ * Add --html-static argument to ``rally task report`` which allows to generate HTML reports that doesn't require Internet. * Rally supports different API versions now via api_versions context: .. code:: none CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume: - args: size: 1 runner: type: "constant" times: 2 concurrency: 2 context: users: tenants: 2 users_per_tenant: 2 api_versions: cinder: version: 2 service_name: cinderv2 * Move rally.osclients.Clients to plugin base Rally OSclients is plugable now and it is very easy to extend OSClients for your cloud out of Rally tree. * Add 'merge' functionality to SLA All SLA plugins should implement merge() method now. In future this will be used for distributed load generation. Where SLA results from different runners will be merged together. * New optional_action_timer decorator Allows to make the methods that can be both atomic_action or regular method. Method changes behavior based on value in extra key "atomic_action" Rally Certification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix Glance certification arguments * Add Neutron Quotas only if Neutron service is available Specs & Feature Requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Spec consistent-resource-names: Resource name is based on Task id now. It is a huge step to persistence and disaster cleanups. * Add a spec for distributed load generation: * Improvements for scenario output format * Task and Verify results export command Plugins ~~~~~~~ * **Scenarios**: * [new] NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_output * [new] NovaServers.boot_and_show_server * [new] NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_resize * [new] NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_resize * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_groups * [new] NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_update_security_groups * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_healthmonitors * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_healthmonitors * [new] NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_healthmonitors * [new] SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers * [new] SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers * [new] FuelNodes.add_and_remove_node * [new] CeilometerMeters.list_matched_meters * [new] CeilometerResource.list_matched_resources * [new] CeilometerSamples.list_matched_samples * [new] CeilometerStats.get_stats * [new] Authenticate.validate_monasca * [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_delete_zone * [new] DesignateBasic.create_and_list_zones * [new] DesignateBasic.list_recordsets * [new] DesignateBasic.list_zones * [fix] CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume Remove random nested level which produce different amount of atomic actions and bad reports. * Support for Designate V2 api * A lot of improvements in Sahara scenarios * **Context**: * [new] api_versions Context allows us to setup client to communicate to specific service. * [new] swift_objects Context pre creates swift objects for future usage in scenarios * [update] sahara_cluster It supports proxy server which allows to use single floating IP for whole cluster. * [fix] cleanup Fix cleanup of networks remove vip before port. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ **37 bugs were fixed, the most critical are**: * Follow symlinks in plugin discovery * Use sed without -i option for portability ( * Fixed race in * Fixed incorrect iteration number on "Failures" Tab * Fixing issue with create_isolated_networks = False * Fix docker build command Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixed some minor typos and inaccuracies. Thanks ~~~~~~ We would like to thank Andreas Jaeger for ability to provide Python 2.6 support in this release. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAABAgAGBQJWeuHSAAoJEDvpPTuJuon0kiEH/0+lIfZWcE559sVhImqOGElh fSbfwagIObA157/v3FyGcXI6fyqbOvGAQ+2x63aGz3rK3/CxqV0S1aMoajJwb1WP OEFq/5Yef6ePWivCw1oq5o+JNFMM9B6Uu1jk9U0zj106OqRtJWOksri5cJZ7kMyB hURoMcxcLpqFqRFIdwiOC0EKqxfCwmIuz7jMCIDk8FvFGJk5G4Kgt4/toThFvOq+ uzoPz3tEK0vZgIPaqKPTjztZ6WcEdnmOT19dWNzTViSwCVL+DKOBWf2gkD8pyWhT QZlm6+4eQ18sAuCXg+a1YbwUYHJAgnGV/xe9vu+YFNDpbhWqSLK/DTwgvQLA4Yg= =hhI6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Target: 2c34d1896a7a9f2955a2a09531a9c3eb3f88517b
Directory: 4eb489788b2fe471d74b968ec105fb5771c91279
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